blob: e1739598d43e19bbf51b9e9e121fc786c85c252b [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by running "go run gen.go -core" in DO NOT EDIT.
// +build ignore
package bidi_test
import (
func foo() {
var sa StringAttributes
var p Paragraph
n, _ := p.SetString(s)
for i, o := 0, p.Ordering(); i < o.NumRuns(); i++ {
b := o.Run(i).Bytes()
start, end := o.Run(i).Pos()
for p := start; p < end; {
style, n := sa.StyleAt(start)
p += n
type style int
const (
styleNormal = 0
styleSelected = 1 << (iota - 1)
type styleRun struct {
end int
style style
func getTextWidth(text string, styleRuns []styleRun) int {
// simplistic way to compute the width
return len([]rune(text))
// set limit and StyleRun limit for a line
// from text[start] and from styleRuns[styleRunStart]
// using Bidi.getLogicalRun(...)
// returns line width
func getLineBreak(p *bidi.Paragraph, start int, styles []styleRun) (n int) {
// dummy return
return 0
// render runs on a line sequentially, always from left to right
// prepare rendering a new line
func startLine(d bidi.Direction, lineWidth int) {
// render a run of text and advance to the right by the run width
// the text[start..limit-1] is always in logical order
func renderRun(text string, d bidi.Direction, styl style) {
// We could compute a cross-product
// from the style runs with the directional runs
// and then reorder it.
// Instead, here we iterate over each run type
// and render the intersections -
// with shortcuts in simple (and common) cases.
// renderParagraph() is the main function.
// render a directional run with
// (possibly) multiple style runs intersecting with it
func renderDirectionalRun(text string, offset int, d bidi.Direction, styles []styleRun) {
start, end := offset, len(text)+offset
// iterate over style runs
if run.Direction() == bidi.LeftToRight {
styleEnd := 0
for _, sr := range styles {
styleEnd = styleRuns[i].end
if start < styleEnd {
if styleEnd > end {
styleEnd = end
renderRun(text[start-offset:styleEnd-offset], run.Direction(), styles[i].style)
if styleEnd == end {
start = styleEnd
} else {
styleStart := 0
for i := len(styles) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i > 0 {
styleStart = styles[i-1].end
} else {
styleStart = 0
if end >= styleStart {
if styleStart < start {
styleStart = start
renderRun(text[styleStart-offset:end-offset], run.Direction(), styles[i].style)
if styleStart == start {
end = styleStart
// the line object represents text[start..limit-1]
func renderLine(line *bidi.Runs, text string, offset int, styles []styleRun) {
if dir := line.Direction(); dir != bidi.Mixed {
if len(styles) == 1 {
renderRun(text, dir, styles[0].style)
} else {
for i := 0; i < line.NumRuns(); i++ {
renderDirectionalRun(text, offset, dir, styles)
} else {
// iterate over both directional and style runs
for i := 0; i < line.Len(); i++ {
run := line.Run(i)
start, _ := run.Pos()
renderDirectionalRun(text[start-offset:], start, run.Direction(), styles)
func renderParagraph(text string, d bidi.Direction, styles []styleRun, int lineWidth) {
var p bidi.Paragraph
if err := p.SetString(text, bidi.DefaultDirection(d)); err != nil {
if len(styles) == 0 {
styles = append(styles, []styleRun{len(text), styleNormal})
if width := getTextWidth(text, styles); width <= lineWidth {
// everything fits onto one line
runs, err := p.Runs()
if err != nil {
// prepare rendering a new line from either left or right
startLine(p.Direction(), width)
renderLine(&runs, text, styles)
} else {
// we need to render several lines
for start, end := 0, 0; start < len(text); start = end {
for start >= styles[0].end {
styles = styles[1:]
end = getLineBreak(p, start, styles[startStyles:])
runs, err := p.Line(start, end)
if err != nil {
startLine(p.Direction(), end-start)
renderLine(&runs, text[start:end], styles[startStyles:])
func main() {
renderParagraph("Some Latin text...", bidi.LeftToRight, nil, 80)
renderParagraph("Some Hebrew text...", bidi.RightToLeft, nil, 60)