blob: 269f60d6207ebaadcd17afbaaf178692d5d35c1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
pathpkg "path"
// Query looks up a revision of a given module given a version query string.
// The module must be a complete module path.
// The version must take one of the following forms:
// - the literal string "latest", denoting the latest available, allowed
// tagged version, with non-prereleases preferred over prereleases.
// If there are no tagged versions in the repo, latest returns the most
// recent commit.
// - the literal string "upgrade", equivalent to "latest" except that if
// current is a newer version, current will be returned (see below).
// - the literal string "patch", denoting the latest available tagged version
// with the same major and minor number as current (see below).
// - v1, denoting the latest available tagged version v1.x.x.
// - v1.2, denoting the latest available tagged version v1.2.x.
// - v1.2.3, a semantic version string denoting that tagged version.
// - <v1.2.3, <=v1.2.3, >v1.2.3, >=v1.2.3,
// denoting the version closest to the target and satisfying the given operator,
// with non-prereleases preferred over prereleases.
// - a repository commit identifier or tag, denoting that commit.
// current denotes the current version of the module; it may be "" if the
// current version is unknown or should not be considered. If query is
// "upgrade" or "patch", current will be returned if it is a newer
// semantic version or a chronologically later pseudo-version than the
// version that would otherwise be chosen. This prevents accidental downgrades
// from newer pre-release or development versions.
// If the allowed function is non-nil, Query excludes any versions for which
// allowed returns false.
// If path is the path of the main module and the query is "latest",
// Query returns Target.Version as the version.
func Query(path, query, current string, allowed func(module.Version) bool) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {
var info *modfetch.RevInfo
err := modfetch.TryProxies(func(proxy string) (err error) {
info, err = queryProxy(proxy, path, query, current, allowed)
return err
return info, err
func queryProxy(proxy, path, query, current string, allowed func(module.Version) bool) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {
if current != "" && !semver.IsValid(current) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid previous version %q", current)
if allowed == nil {
allowed = func(module.Version) bool { return true }
// Parse query to detect parse errors (and possibly handle query)
// before any network I/O.
badVersion := func(v string) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid semantic version %q in range %q", v, query)
var ok func(module.Version) bool
var prefix string
var preferOlder bool
var mayUseLatest bool
switch {
case query == "latest":
ok = allowed
mayUseLatest = true
case query == "upgrade":
ok = allowed
mayUseLatest = true
case query == "patch":
if current == "" {
ok = allowed
mayUseLatest = true
} else {
prefix = semver.MajorMinor(current)
ok = func(m module.Version) bool {
return matchSemverPrefix(prefix, m.Version) && allowed(m)
case strings.HasPrefix(query, "<="):
v := query[len("<="):]
if !semver.IsValid(v) {
return badVersion(v)
if isSemverPrefix(v) {
// Refuse to say whether <=v1.2 allows v1.2.3 (remember, @v1.2 might mean v1.2.3).
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ambiguous semantic version %q in range %q", v, query)
ok = func(m module.Version) bool {
return semver.Compare(m.Version, v) <= 0 && allowed(m)
case strings.HasPrefix(query, "<"):
v := query[len("<"):]
if !semver.IsValid(v) {
return badVersion(v)
ok = func(m module.Version) bool {
return semver.Compare(m.Version, v) < 0 && allowed(m)
case strings.HasPrefix(query, ">="):
v := query[len(">="):]
if !semver.IsValid(v) {
return badVersion(v)
ok = func(m module.Version) bool {
return semver.Compare(m.Version, v) >= 0 && allowed(m)
preferOlder = true
case strings.HasPrefix(query, ">"):
v := query[len(">"):]
if !semver.IsValid(v) {
return badVersion(v)
if isSemverPrefix(v) {
// Refuse to say whether >v1.2 allows v1.2.3 (remember, @v1.2 might mean v1.2.3).
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ambiguous semantic version %q in range %q", v, query)
ok = func(m module.Version) bool {
return semver.Compare(m.Version, v) > 0 && allowed(m)
preferOlder = true
case semver.IsValid(query) && isSemverPrefix(query):
ok = func(m module.Version) bool {
return matchSemverPrefix(query, m.Version) && allowed(m)
prefix = query + "."
// Direct lookup of semantic version or commit identifier.
// If the identifier is not a canonical semver tag — including if it's a
// semver tag with a +metadata suffix — then modfetch.Stat will populate
// info.Version with a suitable pseudo-version.
info, err := modfetch.Stat(proxy, path, query)
if err != nil {
queryErr := err
// The full query doesn't correspond to a tag. If it is a semantic version
// with a +metadata suffix, see if there is a tag without that suffix:
// semantic versioning defines them to be equivalent.
if vers := module.CanonicalVersion(query); vers != "" && vers != query {
info, err = modfetch.Stat(proxy, path, vers)
if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return info, err
if err != nil {
return nil, queryErr
if !allowed(module.Version{Path: path, Version: info.Version}) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s@%s excluded", path, info.Version)
return info, nil
if path == Target.Path {
if query != "latest" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't query specific version (%q) for the main module (%s)", query, path)
if !allowed(Target) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: main module version is not allowed")
return &modfetch.RevInfo{Version: Target.Version}, nil
if str.HasPathPrefix(path, "std") || str.HasPathPrefix(path, "cmd") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("explicit requirement on standard-library module %s not allowed", path)
// Load versions and execute query.
repo, err := modfetch.Lookup(proxy, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
versions, err := repo.Versions(prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lookup := func(v string) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {
rev, err := repo.Stat(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For "upgrade" and "patch", make sure we don't accidentally downgrade
// from a newer prerelease or from a chronologically newer pseudoversion.
if current != "" && (query == "upgrade" || query == "patch") {
currentTime, err := modfetch.PseudoVersionTime(current)
if semver.Compare(rev.Version, current) < 0 || (err == nil && rev.Time.Before(currentTime)) {
return repo.Stat(current)
return rev, nil
if preferOlder {
for _, v := range versions {
if semver.Prerelease(v) == "" && ok(module.Version{Path: path, Version: v}) {
return lookup(v)
for _, v := range versions {
if semver.Prerelease(v) != "" && ok(module.Version{Path: path, Version: v}) {
return lookup(v)
} else {
for i := len(versions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := versions[i]
if semver.Prerelease(v) == "" && ok(module.Version{Path: path, Version: v}) {
return lookup(v)
for i := len(versions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := versions[i]
if semver.Prerelease(v) != "" && ok(module.Version{Path: path, Version: v}) {
return lookup(v)
if mayUseLatest {
// Special case for "latest": if no tags match, use latest commit in repo,
// provided it is not excluded.
latest, err := repo.Latest()
if err == nil {
if allowed(module.Version{Path: path, Version: latest.Version}) {
return lookup(latest.Version)
} else if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, err
return nil, &NoMatchingVersionError{query: query, current: current}
// isSemverPrefix reports whether v is a semantic version prefix: v1 or v1.2 (not v1.2.3).
// The caller is assumed to have checked that semver.IsValid(v) is true.
func isSemverPrefix(v string) bool {
dots := 0
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
switch v[i] {
case '-', '+':
return false
case '.':
if dots >= 2 {
return false
return true
// matchSemverPrefix reports whether the shortened semantic version p
// matches the full-width (non-shortened) semantic version v.
func matchSemverPrefix(p, v string) bool {
return len(v) > len(p) && v[len(p)] == '.' && v[:len(p)] == p && semver.Prerelease(v) == ""
type QueryResult struct {
Mod module.Version
Rev *modfetch.RevInfo
Packages []string
// QueryPackage looks up the module(s) containing path at a revision matching
// query. The results are sorted by module path length in descending order.
// If the package is in the main module, QueryPackage considers only the main
// module and only the version "latest", without checking for other possible
// modules.
func QueryPackage(path, query string, allowed func(module.Version) bool) ([]QueryResult, error) {
if search.IsMetaPackage(path) || strings.Contains(path, "...") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pattern %s is not an importable package", path)
return QueryPattern(path, query, allowed)
// QueryPattern looks up the module(s) containing at least one package matching
// the given pattern at the given version. The results are sorted by module path
// length in descending order.
// QueryPattern queries modules with package paths up to the first "..."
// in the pattern. For the pattern "", QueryPattern would
// consider prefixes of "". If multiple modules have versions
// that match the query and packages that match the pattern, QueryPattern
// picks the one with the longest module path.
// If any matching package is in the main module, QueryPattern considers only
// the main module and only the version "latest", without checking for other
// possible modules.
func QueryPattern(pattern, query string, allowed func(module.Version) bool) ([]QueryResult, error) {
base := pattern
var match func(m module.Version, root string, isLocal bool) (pkgs []string)
if i := strings.Index(pattern, "..."); i >= 0 {
base = pathpkg.Dir(pattern[:i+3])
match = func(m module.Version, root string, isLocal bool) []string {
return matchPackages(pattern, imports.AnyTags(), false, []module.Version{m})
} else {
match = func(m module.Version, root string, isLocal bool) []string {
prefix := m.Path
if m == Target {
prefix = targetPrefix
if _, ok := dirInModule(pattern, prefix, root, isLocal); ok {
return []string{pattern}
} else {
return nil
if HasModRoot() {
pkgs := match(Target, modRoot, true)
if len(pkgs) > 0 {
if query != "latest" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't query specific version for package %s in the main module (%s)", pattern, Target.Path)
if !allowed(Target) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: package %s is in the main module (%s), but version is not allowed", pattern, Target.Path)
return []QueryResult{{
Mod: Target,
Rev: &modfetch.RevInfo{Version: Target.Version},
Packages: pkgs,
}}, nil
var (
results []QueryResult
candidateModules = modulePrefixesExcludingTarget(base)
if len(candidateModules) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("package %s is not in the main module (%s)", pattern, Target.Path)
err := modfetch.TryProxies(func(proxy string) error {
queryModule := func(path string) (r QueryResult, err error) {
r.Mod.Path = path
r.Rev, err = queryProxy(proxy, path, query, "", allowed)
if err != nil {
return r, err
r.Mod.Version = r.Rev.Version
root, isLocal, err := fetch(r.Mod)
if err != nil {
return r, err
r.Packages = match(r.Mod, root, isLocal)
if len(r.Packages) == 0 {
return r, &packageNotInModuleError{
mod: r.Mod,
query: query,
pattern: pattern,
return r, nil
var err error
results, err = queryPrefixModules(candidateModules, queryModule)
return err
return results, err
// modulePrefixesExcludingTarget returns all prefixes of path that may plausibly
// exist as a module, excluding targetPrefix but otherwise including path
// itself, sorted by descending length.
func modulePrefixesExcludingTarget(path string) []string {
prefixes := make([]string, 0, strings.Count(path, "/")+1)
for {
if path != targetPrefix {
if _, _, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(path); ok {
prefixes = append(prefixes, path)
j := strings.LastIndexByte(path, '/')
if j < 0 {
path = path[:j]
return prefixes
type prefixResult struct {
err error
func queryPrefixModules(candidateModules []string, queryModule func(path string) (QueryResult, error)) (found []QueryResult, err error) {
// If the path we're attempting is not in the module cache and we don't have a
// fetch result cached either, we'll end up making a (potentially slow)
// request to the proxy or (often even slower) the origin server.
// To minimize latency, execute all of those requests in parallel.
type result struct {
err error
results := make([]result, len(candidateModules))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, p := range candidateModules {
go func(p string, r *result) {
r.QueryResult, r.err = queryModule(p)
}(p, &results[i])
// Classify the results. In case of failure, identify the error that the user
// is most likely to find helpful.
var (
noVersion *NoMatchingVersionError
noPackage *packageNotInModuleError
notExistErr error
for _, r := range results {
switch rErr := r.err.(type) {
case nil:
found = append(found, r.QueryResult)
case *NoMatchingVersionError:
if noVersion == nil {
noVersion = rErr
case *packageNotInModuleError:
if noPackage == nil {
noPackage = rErr
if errors.Is(rErr, os.ErrNotExist) {
if notExistErr == nil {
notExistErr = rErr
} else {
err = r.err
// TODO(#26232): If len(found) == 0 and some of the errors are 4xx HTTP
// codes, have the auth package recheck the failed paths.
// If we obtain new credentials for any of them, re-run the above loop.
if len(found) == 0 && err == nil {
switch {
case noPackage != nil:
err = noPackage
case noVersion != nil:
err = noVersion
case notExistErr != nil:
err = notExistErr
panic("queryPrefixModules: no modules found, but no error detected")
return found, err
// A NoMatchingVersionError indicates that Query found a module at the requested
// path, but not at any versions satisfying the query string and allow-function.
// NOTE: NoMatchingVersionError MUST NOT implement Is(os.ErrNotExist).
// If the module came from a proxy, that proxy had to return a successful status
// code for the versions it knows about, and thus did not have the opportunity
// to return a non-400 status code to suppress fallback.
type NoMatchingVersionError struct {
query, current string
func (e *NoMatchingVersionError) Error() string {
currentSuffix := ""
if (e.query == "latest" || e.query == "patch") && e.current != "" {
currentSuffix = fmt.Sprintf(" (current version is %s)", e.current)
return fmt.Sprintf("no matching versions for query %q", e.query) + currentSuffix
// A packageNotInModuleError indicates that QueryPattern found a candidate
// module at the requested version, but that module did not contain any packages
// matching the requested pattern.
// NOTE: packageNotInModuleError MUST NOT implement Is(os.ErrNotExist).
// If the module came from a proxy, that proxy had to return a successful status
// code for the versions it knows about, and thus did not have the opportunity
// to return a non-400 status code to suppress fallback.
type packageNotInModuleError struct {
mod module.Version
query string
pattern string
func (e *packageNotInModuleError) Error() string {
found := ""
if e.query != e.mod.Version {
found = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", e.mod.Version)
if strings.Contains(e.pattern, "...") {
return fmt.Sprintf("module %s@%s%s found, but does not contain packages matching %s", e.mod.Path, e.query, found, e.pattern)
return fmt.Sprintf("module %s@%s%s found, but does not contain package %s", e.mod.Path, e.query, found, e.pattern)
// ModuleHasRootPackage returns whether module m contains a package m.Path.
func ModuleHasRootPackage(m module.Version) (bool, error) {
root, isLocal, err := fetch(m)
if err != nil {
return false, err
_, ok := dirInModule(m.Path, m.Path, root, isLocal)
return ok, nil