runtime: move checkmarks to a separate bitmap

Currently, the GC stores the object marks for checkmarks mode in the
heap bitmap using a rather complex encoding: for one word objects, the
checkmark is stored in the pointer/scalar bit since one word objects
must be pointers; for larger objects, the checkmark is stored in what
would be the scan/dead bit for the second word of the object. This
encoding made more sense when the runtime used the first scan/dead bit
as the regular mark bit, but we moved away from that long ago.

This encoding and overloading of the heap bitmap bits causes a great
deal of complexity in many parts of the allocator and garbage
collector and leads to some subtle bugs like #15903.

This CL moves the checkmarks mark bits into their own per-arena bitmap
and reclaims the second scan/dead bit as a regular scan/dead bit.

I tested this by enabling doubleCheck mode in heapBitsSetType and
running in both regular and GODEBUG=gccheckmark=1 mode.

Fixes #15903.

No performance degradation. (Very slight improvement on a few
benchmarks, but it's probably just noise.)

name                                old time/op            new time/op            delta
BiogoIgor                                      16.6s ± 1%             16.4s ± 1%  -0.94%  (p=0.000 n=25+24)
BiogoKrishna                                   19.2s ± 3%             19.2s ± 3%    ~     (p=0.638 n=23+25)
BleveIndexBatch100                             6.12s ± 5%             6.17s ± 4%    ~     (p=0.170 n=25+25)
CompileTemplate                                206ms ± 1%             205ms ± 1%  -0.43%  (p=0.005 n=24+24)
CompileUnicode                                82.2ms ± 2%            81.5ms ± 2%  -0.95%  (p=0.001 n=22+22)
CompileGoTypes                                 755ms ± 3%             754ms ± 4%    ~     (p=0.715 n=25+25)
CompileCompiler                                3.73s ± 1%             3.73s ± 1%    ~     (p=0.445 n=25+24)
CompileSSA                                     8.67s ± 1%             8.66s ± 1%    ~     (p=0.836 n=24+22)
CompileFlate                                   134ms ± 2%             133ms ± 1%  -0.66%  (p=0.001 n=24+23)
CompileGoParser                                164ms ± 1%             163ms ± 1%  -0.85%  (p=0.000 n=24+24)
CompileReflect                                 466ms ± 5%             466ms ± 3%    ~     (p=0.863 n=25+25)
CompileTar                                     182ms ± 1%             182ms ± 1%  -0.31%  (p=0.048 n=24+24)
CompileXML                                     249ms ± 1%             248ms ± 1%  -0.32%  (p=0.031 n=21+25)
CompileStdCmd                                  10.3s ± 1%             10.3s ± 1%    ~     (p=0.459 n=23+23)
FoglemanFauxGLRenderRotateBoat                 8.66s ± 1%             8.62s ± 1%  -0.47%  (p=0.000 n=23+24)
FoglemanPathTraceRenderGopherIter1             20.3s ± 3%             20.2s ± 2%    ~     (p=0.893 n=25+25)
GopherLuaKNucleotide                           29.7s ± 1%             29.8s ± 2%    ~     (p=0.421 n=24+25)
MarkdownRenderXHTML                            246ms ± 1%             247ms ± 1%    ~     (p=0.558 n=25+24)
Tile38WithinCircle100kmRequest                 779µs ± 4%             779µs ± 3%    ~     (p=0.954 n=25+25)
Tile38IntersectsCircle100kmRequest            1.02ms ± 3%            1.01ms ± 4%    ~     (p=0.658 n=25+25)
Tile38KNearestLimit100Request                  984µs ± 4%             986µs ± 4%    ~     (p=0.627 n=24+25)
[Geo mean]                                     552ms                  551ms       -0.19%

Change-Id: Ic703f26a83fb034941dc6f4788fc997d56890dec
Run-TryBot: Austin Clements <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Knyszek <>
Reviewed-by: Martin Möhrmann <>
9 files changed
tree: d32c526689d1c4b78436da045063b8810f18c283
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  13. favicon.ico
  17. robots.txt

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