blob: 2f87b8b967545a9b6e6bb365c3d7c02a89c9f442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
// Keep a cached value to make gotraceback fast,
// since we call it on every call to gentraceback.
// The cached value is a uint32 in which the low bits
// are the "crash" and "all" settings and the remaining
// bits are the traceback value (0 off, 1 on, 2 include system).
const (
tracebackCrash = 1 << iota
tracebackShift = iota
var traceback_cache uint32 = 2 << tracebackShift
var traceback_env uint32
// gotraceback returns the current traceback settings.
// If level is 0, suppress all tracebacks.
// If level is 1, show tracebacks, but exclude runtime frames.
// If level is 2, show tracebacks including runtime frames.
// If all is set, print all goroutine stacks. Otherwise, print just the current goroutine.
// If crash is set, crash (core dump, etc) after tracebacking.
func gotraceback() (level int32, all, crash bool) {
gp := getg()
t := atomic.Load(&traceback_cache)
crash = t&tracebackCrash != 0
all = gp.m.throwing >= throwTypeUser || t&tracebackAll != 0
if gp.m.traceback != 0 {
level = int32(gp.m.traceback)
} else if gp.m.throwing >= throwTypeRuntime {
// Always include runtime frames in runtime throws unless
// otherwise overridden by m.traceback.
level = 2
} else {
level = int32(t >> tracebackShift)
var (
argc int32
argv **byte
// nosplit for use in linux startup sysargs.
func argv_index(argv **byte, i int32) *byte {
return *(**byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(argv), uintptr(i)*goarch.PtrSize))
func args(c int32, v **byte) {
argc = c
argv = v
sysargs(c, v)
func goargs() {
if GOOS == "windows" {
argslice = make([]string, argc)
for i := int32(0); i < argc; i++ {
argslice[i] = gostringnocopy(argv_index(argv, i))
func goenvs_unix() {
// TODO(austin): ppc64 in dynamic linking mode doesn't
// guarantee env[] will immediately follow argv. Might cause
// problems.
n := int32(0)
for argv_index(argv, argc+1+n) != nil {
envs = make([]string, n)
for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
envs[i] = gostring(argv_index(argv, argc+1+i))
func environ() []string {
return envs
// TODO: These should be locals in testAtomic64, but we don't 8-byte
// align stack variables on 386.
var test_z64, test_x64 uint64
func testAtomic64() {
test_z64 = 42
test_x64 = 0
if atomic.Cas64(&test_z64, test_x64, 1) {
throw("cas64 failed")
if test_x64 != 0 {
throw("cas64 failed")
test_x64 = 42
if !atomic.Cas64(&test_z64, test_x64, 1) {
throw("cas64 failed")
if test_x64 != 42 || test_z64 != 1 {
throw("cas64 failed")
if atomic.Load64(&test_z64) != 1 {
throw("load64 failed")
atomic.Store64(&test_z64, (1<<40)+1)
if atomic.Load64(&test_z64) != (1<<40)+1 {
throw("store64 failed")
if atomic.Xadd64(&test_z64, (1<<40)+1) != (2<<40)+2 {
throw("xadd64 failed")
if atomic.Load64(&test_z64) != (2<<40)+2 {
throw("xadd64 failed")
if atomic.Xchg64(&test_z64, (3<<40)+3) != (2<<40)+2 {
throw("xchg64 failed")
if atomic.Load64(&test_z64) != (3<<40)+3 {
throw("xchg64 failed")
func check() {
var (
a int8
b uint8
c int16
d uint16
e int32
f uint32
g int64
h uint64
i, i1 float32
j, j1 float64
k unsafe.Pointer
l *uint16
m [4]byte
type x1t struct {
x uint8
type y1t struct {
x1 x1t
y uint8
var x1 x1t
var y1 y1t
if unsafe.Sizeof(a) != 1 {
throw("bad a")
if unsafe.Sizeof(b) != 1 {
throw("bad b")
if unsafe.Sizeof(c) != 2 {
throw("bad c")
if unsafe.Sizeof(d) != 2 {
throw("bad d")
if unsafe.Sizeof(e) != 4 {
throw("bad e")
if unsafe.Sizeof(f) != 4 {
throw("bad f")
if unsafe.Sizeof(g) != 8 {
throw("bad g")
if unsafe.Sizeof(h) != 8 {
throw("bad h")
if unsafe.Sizeof(i) != 4 {
throw("bad i")
if unsafe.Sizeof(j) != 8 {
throw("bad j")
if unsafe.Sizeof(k) != goarch.PtrSize {
throw("bad k")
if unsafe.Sizeof(l) != goarch.PtrSize {
throw("bad l")
if unsafe.Sizeof(x1) != 1 {
throw("bad unsafe.Sizeof x1")
if unsafe.Offsetof(y1.y) != 1 {
throw("bad offsetof y1.y")
if unsafe.Sizeof(y1) != 2 {
throw("bad unsafe.Sizeof y1")
if timediv(12345*1000000000+54321, 1000000000, &e) != 12345 || e != 54321 {
throw("bad timediv")
var z uint32
z = 1
if !atomic.Cas(&z, 1, 2) {
if z != 2 {
z = 4
if atomic.Cas(&z, 5, 6) {
if z != 4 {
z = 0xffffffff
if !atomic.Cas(&z, 0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe) {
if z != 0xfffffffe {
m = [4]byte{1, 1, 1, 1}
atomic.Or8(&m[1], 0xf0)
if m[0] != 1 || m[1] != 0xf1 || m[2] != 1 || m[3] != 1 {
m = [4]byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}
atomic.And8(&m[1], 0x1)
if m[0] != 0xff || m[1] != 0x1 || m[2] != 0xff || m[3] != 0xff {
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&j)) = ^uint64(0)
if j == j {
if !(j != j) {
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&j1)) = ^uint64(1)
if j == j1 {
if !(j != j1) {
*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&i)) = ^uint32(0)
if i == i {
if i == i {
*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&i1)) = ^uint32(1)
if i == i1 {
if i == i1 {
if fixedStack != round2(fixedStack) {
throw("FixedStack is not power-of-2")
if !checkASM() {
throw("assembly checks failed")
type dbgVar struct {
name string
value *int32 // for variables that can only be set at startup
atomic *atomic.Int32 // for variables that can be changed during execution
def int32 // default value (ideally zero)
// Holds variables parsed from GODEBUG env var,
// except for "memprofilerate" since there is an
// existing int var for that value, which may
// already have an initial value.
var debug struct {
cgocheck int32
clobberfree int32
disablethp int32
dontfreezetheworld int32
efence int32
gccheckmark int32
gcpacertrace int32
gcshrinkstackoff int32
gcstoptheworld int32
gctrace int32
invalidptr int32
madvdontneed int32 // for Linux; issue 28466
runtimeContentionStacks atomic.Int32
scavtrace int32
scheddetail int32
schedtrace int32
tracebackancestors int32
asyncpreemptoff int32
harddecommit int32
adaptivestackstart int32
tracefpunwindoff int32
traceadvanceperiod int32
traceCheckStackOwnership int32
profstackdepth int32
// debug.malloc is used as a combined debug check
// in the malloc function and should be set
// if any of the below debug options is != 0.
malloc bool
inittrace int32
sbrk int32
// traceallocfree controls whether execution traces contain
// detailed trace data about memory allocation. This value
// affects debug.malloc only if it is != 0 and the execution
// tracer is enabled, in which case debug.malloc will be
// set to "true" if it isn't already while tracing is enabled.
// It will be set while the world is stopped, so it's safe.
// The value of traceallocfree can be changed any time in response
// to os.Setenv("GODEBUG").
traceallocfree atomic.Int32
panicnil atomic.Int32
// asynctimerchan controls whether timer channels
// behave asynchronously (as in Go 1.22 and earlier)
// instead of their Go 1.23+ synchronous behavior.
// The value can change at any time (in response to os.Setenv("GODEBUG"))
// and affects all extant timer channels immediately.
// Programs wouldn't normally change over an execution,
// but allowing it is convenient for testing and for programs
// that do an os.Setenv in main.init or main.main.
asynctimerchan atomic.Int32
var dbgvars = []*dbgVar{
{name: "adaptivestackstart", value: &debug.adaptivestackstart},
{name: "asyncpreemptoff", value: &debug.asyncpreemptoff},
{name: "asynctimerchan", atomic: &debug.asynctimerchan},
{name: "cgocheck", value: &debug.cgocheck},
{name: "clobberfree", value: &debug.clobberfree},
{name: "disablethp", value: &debug.disablethp},
{name: "dontfreezetheworld", value: &debug.dontfreezetheworld},
{name: "efence", value: &debug.efence},
{name: "gccheckmark", value: &debug.gccheckmark},
{name: "gcpacertrace", value: &debug.gcpacertrace},
{name: "gcshrinkstackoff", value: &debug.gcshrinkstackoff},
{name: "gcstoptheworld", value: &debug.gcstoptheworld},
{name: "gctrace", value: &debug.gctrace},
{name: "harddecommit", value: &debug.harddecommit},
{name: "inittrace", value: &debug.inittrace},
{name: "invalidptr", value: &debug.invalidptr},
{name: "madvdontneed", value: &debug.madvdontneed},
{name: "panicnil", atomic: &debug.panicnil},
{name: "profstackdepth", value: &debug.profstackdepth, def: 128},
{name: "runtimecontentionstacks", atomic: &debug.runtimeContentionStacks},
{name: "sbrk", value: &debug.sbrk},
{name: "scavtrace", value: &debug.scavtrace},
{name: "scheddetail", value: &debug.scheddetail},
{name: "schedtrace", value: &debug.schedtrace},
{name: "traceadvanceperiod", value: &debug.traceadvanceperiod},
{name: "traceallocfree", atomic: &debug.traceallocfree},
{name: "tracecheckstackownership", value: &debug.traceCheckStackOwnership},
{name: "tracebackancestors", value: &debug.tracebackancestors},
{name: "tracefpunwindoff", value: &debug.tracefpunwindoff},
func parsedebugvars() {
// defaults
debug.cgocheck = 1
debug.invalidptr = 1
debug.adaptivestackstart = 1 // set this to 0 to turn larger initial goroutine stacks off
if GOOS == "linux" {
// On Linux, MADV_FREE is faster than MADV_DONTNEED,
// but doesn't affect many of the statistics that
// MADV_DONTNEED does until the memory is actually
// reclaimed. This generally leads to poor user
// experience, like confusing stats in top and other
// monitoring tools; and bad integration with
// management systems that respond to memory usage.
// Hence, default to MADV_DONTNEED.
debug.madvdontneed = 1
debug.traceadvanceperiod = defaultTraceAdvancePeriod
godebug := gogetenv("GODEBUG")
p := new(string)
*p = godebug
// apply runtime defaults, if any
for _, v := range dbgvars {
if v.def != 0 {
// Every var should have either v.value or v.atomic set.
if v.value != nil {
*v.value = v.def
} else if v.atomic != nil {
// apply compile-time GODEBUG settings
parsegodebug(godebugDefault, nil)
// apply environment settings
parsegodebug(godebug, nil)
debug.malloc = (debug.inittrace | debug.sbrk) != 0
debug.profstackdepth = min(debug.profstackdepth, maxProfStackDepth)
traceback_env = traceback_cache
// reparsedebugvars reparses the runtime's debug variables
// because the environment variable has been changed to env.
func reparsedebugvars(env string) {
seen := make(map[string]bool)
// apply environment settings
parsegodebug(env, seen)
// apply compile-time GODEBUG settings for as-yet-unseen variables
parsegodebug(godebugDefault, seen)
// apply defaults for as-yet-unseen variables
for _, v := range dbgvars {
if v.atomic != nil && !seen[] {
// parsegodebug parses the godebug string, updating variables listed in dbgvars.
// If seen == nil, this is startup time and we process the string left to right
// overwriting older settings with newer ones.
// If seen != nil, $GODEBUG has changed and we are doing an
// incremental update. To avoid flapping in the case where a value is
// set multiple times (perhaps in the default and the environment,
// or perhaps twice in the environment), we process the string right-to-left
// and only change values not already seen. After doing this for both
// the environment and the default settings, the caller must also call
// cleargodebug(seen) to reset any now-unset values back to their defaults.
func parsegodebug(godebug string, seen map[string]bool) {
for p := godebug; p != ""; {
var field string
if seen == nil {
// startup: process left to right, overwriting older settings with newer
i := bytealg.IndexByteString(p, ',')
if i < 0 {
field, p = p, ""
} else {
field, p = p[:i], p[i+1:]
} else {
// incremental update: process right to left, updating and skipping seen
i := len(p) - 1
for i >= 0 && p[i] != ',' {
if i < 0 {
p, field = "", p
} else {
p, field = p[:i], p[i+1:]
i := bytealg.IndexByteString(field, '=')
if i < 0 {
key, value := field[:i], field[i+1:]
if seen[key] {
if seen != nil {
seen[key] = true
// Update MemProfileRate directly here since it
// is int, not int32, and should only be updated
// if specified in GODEBUG.
if seen == nil && key == "memprofilerate" {
if n, ok := atoi(value); ok {
MemProfileRate = n
} else {
for _, v := range dbgvars {
if == key {
if n, ok := atoi32(value); ok {
if seen == nil && v.value != nil {
*v.value = n
} else if v.atomic != nil {
if debug.cgocheck > 1 {
throw("cgocheck > 1 mode is no longer supported at runtime. Use GOEXPERIMENT=cgocheck2 at build time instead.")
//go:linkname setTraceback runtime/debug.SetTraceback
func setTraceback(level string) {
var t uint32
switch level {
case "none":
t = 0
case "single", "":
t = 1 << tracebackShift
case "all":
t = 1<<tracebackShift | tracebackAll
case "system":
t = 2<<tracebackShift | tracebackAll
case "crash":
t = 2<<tracebackShift | tracebackAll | tracebackCrash
case "wer":
if GOOS == "windows" {
t = 2<<tracebackShift | tracebackAll | tracebackCrash
t = tracebackAll
if n, ok := atoi(level); ok && n == int(uint32(n)) {
t |= uint32(n) << tracebackShift
// when C owns the process, simply exit'ing the process on fatal errors
// and panics is surprising. Be louder and abort instead.
if islibrary || isarchive {
t |= tracebackCrash
t |= traceback_env
atomic.Store(&traceback_cache, t)
// Poor mans 64-bit division.
// This is a very special function, do not use it if you are not sure what you are doing.
// int64 division is lowered into _divv() call on 386, which does not fit into nosplit functions.
// Handles overflow in a time-specific manner.
// This keeps us within no-split stack limits on 32-bit processors.
func timediv(v int64, div int32, rem *int32) int32 {
res := int32(0)
for bit := 30; bit >= 0; bit-- {
if v >= int64(div)<<uint(bit) {
v = v - (int64(div) << uint(bit))
// Before this for loop, res was 0, thus all these
// power of 2 increments are now just bitsets.
res |= 1 << uint(bit)
if v >= int64(div) {
if rem != nil {
*rem = 0
return 0x7fffffff
if rem != nil {
*rem = int32(v)
return res
// Helpers for Go. Must be NOSPLIT, must only call NOSPLIT functions, and must not block.
func acquirem() *m {
gp := getg()
return gp.m
func releasem(mp *m) {
gp := getg()
if mp.locks == 0 && gp.preempt {
// restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
gp.stackguard0 = stackPreempt
// reflect_typelinks is meant for package reflect,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
// -
// -
// -
// -
// -
// -
// -
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See
//go:linkname reflect_typelinks reflect.typelinks
func reflect_typelinks() ([]unsafe.Pointer, [][]int32) {
modules := activeModules()
sections := []unsafe.Pointer{unsafe.Pointer(modules[0].types)}
ret := [][]int32{modules[0].typelinks}
for _, md := range modules[1:] {
sections = append(sections, unsafe.Pointer(md.types))
ret = append(ret, md.typelinks)
return sections, ret
// reflect_resolveNameOff resolves a name offset from a base pointer.
// reflect_resolveNameOff is for package reflect,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
// -
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See
//go:linkname reflect_resolveNameOff reflect.resolveNameOff
func reflect_resolveNameOff(ptrInModule unsafe.Pointer, off int32) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(resolveNameOff(ptrInModule, nameOff(off)).Bytes)
// reflect_resolveTypeOff resolves an *rtype offset from a base type.
// reflect_resolveTypeOff is meant for package reflect,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
// -
// -
// -
// -
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See
//go:linkname reflect_resolveTypeOff reflect.resolveTypeOff
func reflect_resolveTypeOff(rtype unsafe.Pointer, off int32) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(toRType((*_type)(rtype)).typeOff(typeOff(off)))
// reflect_resolveTextOff resolves a function pointer offset from a base type.
// reflect_resolveTextOff is for package reflect,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
// -
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See
//go:linkname reflect_resolveTextOff reflect.resolveTextOff
func reflect_resolveTextOff(rtype unsafe.Pointer, off int32) unsafe.Pointer {
return toRType((*_type)(rtype)).textOff(textOff(off))
// reflectlite_resolveNameOff resolves a name offset from a base pointer.
//go:linkname reflectlite_resolveNameOff internal/reflectlite.resolveNameOff
func reflectlite_resolveNameOff(ptrInModule unsafe.Pointer, off int32) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(resolveNameOff(ptrInModule, nameOff(off)).Bytes)
// reflectlite_resolveTypeOff resolves an *rtype offset from a base type.
//go:linkname reflectlite_resolveTypeOff internal/reflectlite.resolveTypeOff
func reflectlite_resolveTypeOff(rtype unsafe.Pointer, off int32) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(toRType((*_type)(rtype)).typeOff(typeOff(off)))
// reflect_addReflectOff adds a pointer to the reflection offset lookup map.
//go:linkname reflect_addReflectOff reflect.addReflectOff
func reflect_addReflectOff(ptr unsafe.Pointer) int32 {
if reflectOffs.m == nil {
reflectOffs.m = make(map[int32]unsafe.Pointer)
reflectOffs.minv = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]int32) = -1
id, found := reflectOffs.minv[ptr]
if !found {
id = // use negative offsets as IDs to aid debugging
reflectOffs.m[id] = ptr
reflectOffs.minv[ptr] = id
return id