blob: 8b360176e86a4c23b238c3c5133daf35727b9517 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
import "fmt"
// checkBranches checks correct use of labels and branch
// statements (break, continue, fallthrough, goto) in a function body.
// It catches:
// - misplaced breaks, continues, and fallthroughs
// - bad labeled breaks and continues
// - invalid, unused, duplicate, and missing labels
// - gotos jumping over variable declarations and into blocks
func checkBranches(body *BlockStmt, errh ErrorHandler) {
if body == nil {
// scope of all labels in this body
ls := &labelScope{errh: errh}
fwdGotos := ls.blockBranches(nil, targets{}, nil, body.Pos(), body.List)
// If there are any forward gotos left, no matching label was
// found for them. Either those labels were never defined, or
// they are inside blocks and not reachable from the gotos.
for _, fwd := range fwdGotos {
name := fwd.Label.Value
if l := ls.labels[name]; l != nil {
l.used = true // avoid "defined and not used" error
ls.errf(fwd.Label.Pos(), "goto %s jumps into block starting at %s", name, l.parent.start)
} else {
ls.errf(fwd.Label.Pos(), "label %s not defined", name)
// spec: "It is illegal to define a label that is never used."
for _, l := range ls.labels {
if !l.used {
l := l.lstmt.Label
ls.errf(l.Pos(), "label %s defined and not used", l.Value)
type labelScope struct {
errh ErrorHandler
labels map[string]*label // all label declarations inside the function; allocated lazily
type label struct {
parent *block // block containing this label declaration
lstmt *LabeledStmt // statement declaring the label
used bool // whether the label is used or not
type block struct {
parent *block // immediately enclosing block, or nil
start Pos // start of block
lstmt *LabeledStmt // labeled statement associated with this block, or nil
func (ls *labelScope) errf(pos Pos, format string, args ...interface{}) {
ls.errh(Error{pos, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)})
// declare declares the label introduced by s in block b and returns
// the new label. If the label was already declared, declare reports
// and error and the existing label is returned instead.
func (ls *labelScope) declare(b *block, s *LabeledStmt) *label {
name := s.Label.Value
labels := ls.labels
if labels == nil {
labels = make(map[string]*label)
ls.labels = labels
} else if alt := labels[name]; alt != nil {
ls.errf(s.Label.Pos(), "label %s already defined at %s", name, alt.lstmt.Label.Pos().String())
return alt
l := &label{b, s, false}
labels[name] = l
return l
// gotoTarget returns the labeled statement matching the given name and
// declared in block b or any of its enclosing blocks. The result is nil
// if the label is not defined, or doesn't match a valid labeled statement.
func (ls *labelScope) gotoTarget(b *block, name string) *LabeledStmt {
if l := ls.labels[name]; l != nil {
l.used = true // even if it's not a valid target
for ; b != nil; b = b.parent {
if l.parent == b {
return l.lstmt
return nil
var invalid = new(LabeledStmt) // singleton to signal invalid enclosing target
// enclosingTarget returns the innermost enclosing labeled statement matching
// the given name. The result is nil if the label is not defined, and invalid
// if the label is defined but doesn't label a valid labeled statement.
func (ls *labelScope) enclosingTarget(b *block, name string) *LabeledStmt {
if l := ls.labels[name]; l != nil {
l.used = true // even if it's not a valid target (see e.g., test/fixedbugs/bug136.go)
for ; b != nil; b = b.parent {
if l.lstmt == b.lstmt {
return l.lstmt
return invalid
return nil
// targets describes the target statements within which break
// or continue statements are valid.
type targets struct {
breaks Stmt // *ForStmt, *SwitchStmt, *SelectStmt, or nil
continues *ForStmt // or nil
caseIndex int // case index of immediately enclosing switch statement, or < 0
// blockBranches processes a block's body starting at start and returns the
// list of unresolved (forward) gotos. parent is the immediately enclosing
// block (or nil), ctxt provides information about the enclosing statements,
// and lstmt is the labeled statement associated with this block, or nil.
func (ls *labelScope) blockBranches(parent *block, ctxt targets, lstmt *LabeledStmt, start Pos, body []Stmt) []*BranchStmt {
b := &block{parent: parent, start: start, lstmt: lstmt}
var varPos Pos
var varName Expr
var fwdGotos, badGotos []*BranchStmt
recordVarDecl := func(pos Pos, name Expr) {
varPos = pos
varName = name
// Any existing forward goto jumping over the variable
// declaration is invalid. The goto may still jump out
// of the block and be ok, but we don't know that yet.
// Remember all forward gotos as potential bad gotos.
badGotos = append(badGotos[:0], fwdGotos...)
jumpsOverVarDecl := func(fwd *BranchStmt) bool {
if varPos.IsKnown() {
for _, bad := range badGotos {
if fwd == bad {
return true
return false
innerBlock := func(ctxt targets, start Pos, body []Stmt) {
// Unresolved forward gotos from the inner block
// become forward gotos for the current block.
fwdGotos = append(fwdGotos, ls.blockBranches(b, ctxt, lstmt, start, body)...)
// A fallthrough statement counts as last statement in a statement
// list even if there are trailing empty statements; remove them.
stmtList := trimTrailingEmptyStmts(body)
for stmtIndex, stmt := range stmtList {
lstmt = nil
switch s := stmt.(type) {
case *DeclStmt:
for _, d := range s.DeclList {
if v, ok := d.(*VarDecl); ok {
recordVarDecl(v.Pos(), v.NameList[0])
break // the first VarDecl will do
case *LabeledStmt:
// declare non-blank label
if name := s.Label.Value; name != "_" {
l := ls.declare(b, s)
// resolve matching forward gotos
i := 0
for _, fwd := range fwdGotos {
if fwd.Label.Value == name {
fwd.Target = s
l.used = true
if jumpsOverVarDecl(fwd) {
"goto %s jumps over declaration of %s at %s",
name, String(varName), varPos,
} else {
// no match - keep forward goto
fwdGotos[i] = fwd
fwdGotos = fwdGotos[:i]
lstmt = s
// process labeled statement
stmt = s.Stmt
goto L
case *BranchStmt:
// unlabeled branch statement
if s.Label == nil {
switch s.Tok {
case _Break:
if t := ctxt.breaks; t != nil {
s.Target = t
} else {
ls.errf(s.Pos(), "break is not in a loop, switch, or select")
case _Continue:
if t := ctxt.continues; t != nil {
s.Target = t
} else {
ls.errf(s.Pos(), "continue is not in a loop")
case _Fallthrough:
msg := "fallthrough statement out of place"
if t, _ := ctxt.breaks.(*SwitchStmt); t != nil {
if _, ok := t.Tag.(*TypeSwitchGuard); ok {
msg = "cannot fallthrough in type switch"
} else if ctxt.caseIndex < 0 || stmtIndex+1 < len(stmtList) {
// fallthrough nested in a block or not the last statement
// use msg as is
} else if ctxt.caseIndex+1 == len(t.Body) {
msg = "cannot fallthrough final case in switch"
} else {
break // fallthrough ok
ls.errf(s.Pos(), "%s", msg)
case _Goto:
fallthrough // should always have a label
panic("invalid BranchStmt")
// labeled branch statement
name := s.Label.Value
switch s.Tok {
case _Break:
// spec: "If there is a label, it must be that of an enclosing
// "for", "switch", or "select" statement, and that is the one
// whose execution terminates."
if t := ls.enclosingTarget(b, name); t != nil {
switch t := t.Stmt.(type) {
case *SwitchStmt, *SelectStmt, *ForStmt:
s.Target = t
ls.errf(s.Label.Pos(), "invalid break label %s", name)
} else {
ls.errf(s.Label.Pos(), "break label not defined: %s", name)
case _Continue:
// spec: "If there is a label, it must be that of an enclosing
// "for" statement, and that is the one whose execution advances."
if t := ls.enclosingTarget(b, name); t != nil {
if t, ok := t.Stmt.(*ForStmt); ok {
s.Target = t
} else {
ls.errf(s.Label.Pos(), "invalid continue label %s", name)
} else {
ls.errf(s.Label.Pos(), "continue label not defined: %s", name)
case _Goto:
if t := ls.gotoTarget(b, name); t != nil {
s.Target = t
} else {
// label may be declared later - add goto to forward gotos
fwdGotos = append(fwdGotos, s)
case _Fallthrough:
fallthrough // should never have a label
panic("invalid BranchStmt")
case *AssignStmt:
if s.Op == Def {
recordVarDecl(s.Pos(), s.Lhs)
case *BlockStmt:
inner := targets{ctxt.breaks, ctxt.continues, -1}
innerBlock(inner, s.Pos(), s.List)
case *IfStmt:
inner := targets{ctxt.breaks, ctxt.continues, -1}
innerBlock(inner, s.Then.Pos(), s.Then.List)
if s.Else != nil {
innerBlock(inner, s.Else.Pos(), []Stmt{s.Else})
case *ForStmt:
inner := targets{s, s, -1}
innerBlock(inner, s.Body.Pos(), s.Body.List)
case *SwitchStmt:
inner := targets{s, ctxt.continues, -1}
for i, cc := range s.Body {
inner.caseIndex = i
innerBlock(inner, cc.Pos(), cc.Body)
case *SelectStmt:
inner := targets{s, ctxt.continues, -1}
for _, cc := range s.Body {
innerBlock(inner, cc.Pos(), cc.Body)
return fwdGotos
func trimTrailingEmptyStmts(list []Stmt) []Stmt {
for i := len(list); i > 0; i-- {
if _, ok := list[i-1].(*EmptyStmt); !ok {
return list[:i]
return nil