blob: d432b43460b88fdb2ea6a10a8e6254214679589d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// Rewrite tree to use separate statements to enforce
// order of evaluation. Makes walk easier, because it
// can (after this runs) reorder at will within an expression.
// Rewrite x op= y into x = x op y.
// Introduce temporaries as needed by runtime routines.
// For example, the map runtime routines take the map key
// by reference, so make sure all map keys are addressable
// by copying them to temporaries as needed.
// The same is true for channel operations.
// Arrange that map index expressions only appear in direct
// assignments x = m[k] or m[k] = x, never in larger expressions.
// Arrange that receive expressions only appear in direct assignments
// x = <-c or as standalone statements <-c, never in larger expressions.
// TODO(rsc): The temporary introduction during multiple assignments
// should be moved into this file, so that the temporaries can be cleaned
// and so that conversions implicit in the OAS2FUNC and OAS2RECV
// nodes can be made explicit and then have their temporaries cleaned.
// TODO(rsc): Goto and multilevel break/continue can jump over
// inserted VARKILL annotations. Work out a way to handle these.
// The current implementation is safe, in that it will execute correctly.
// But it won't reuse temporaries as aggressively as it might, and
// it can result in unnecessary zeroing of those variables in the function
// prologue.
// Order holds state during the ordering process.
type Order struct {
out []*Node // list of generated statements
temp []*Node // stack of temporary variables
// Order rewrites fn->nbody to apply the ordering constraints
// described in the comment at the top of the file.
func order(fn *Node) {
if Debug['W'] > 1 {
s := fmt.Sprintf("\nbefore order %v", fn.Func.Nname.Sym)
dumplist(s, fn.Nbody)
// Ordertemp allocates a new temporary with the given type,
// pushes it onto the temp stack, and returns it.
// If clear is true, ordertemp emits code to zero the temporary.
func ordertemp(t *Type, order *Order, clear bool) *Node {
var_ := temp(t)
if clear {
a := Nod(OAS, var_, nil)
a = typecheck(a, Etop)
order.out = append(order.out, a)
order.temp = append(order.temp, var_)
return var_
// Ordercopyexpr behaves like ordertemp but also emits
// code to initialize the temporary to the value n.
// The clear argument is provided for use when the evaluation
// of tmp = n turns into a function call that is passed a pointer
// to the temporary as the output space. If the call blocks before
// tmp has been written, the garbage collector will still treat the
// temporary as live, so we must zero it before entering that call.
// Today, this only happens for channel receive operations.
// (The other candidate would be map access, but map access
// returns a pointer to the result data instead of taking a pointer
// to be filled in.)
func ordercopyexpr(n *Node, t *Type, order *Order, clear int) *Node {
var_ := ordertemp(t, order, clear != 0)
a := Nod(OAS, var_, n)
a = typecheck(a, Etop)
order.out = append(order.out, a)
return var_
// Ordercheapexpr returns a cheap version of n.
// The definition of cheap is that n is a variable or constant.
// If not, ordercheapexpr allocates a new tmp, emits tmp = n,
// and then returns tmp.
func ordercheapexpr(n *Node, order *Order) *Node {
if n == nil {
return nil
switch n.Op {
return n
case OLEN, OCAP:
l := ordercheapexpr(n.Left, order)
if l == n.Left {
return n
a := *n
a.Orig = &a
a.Left = l
return typecheck(&a, Erv)
return ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 0)
// Ordersafeexpr returns a safe version of n.
// The definition of safe is that n can appear multiple times
// without violating the semantics of the original program,
// and that assigning to the safe version has the same effect
// as assigning to the original n.
// The intended use is to apply to x when rewriting x += y into x = x + y.
func ordersafeexpr(n *Node, order *Order) *Node {
switch n.Op {
return n
l := ordersafeexpr(n.Left, order)
if l == n.Left {
return n
a := *n
a.Orig = &a
a.Left = l
return typecheck(&a, Erv)
l := ordercheapexpr(n.Left, order)
if l == n.Left {
return n
a := *n
a.Orig = &a
a.Left = l
return typecheck(&a, Erv)
var l *Node
if n.Left.Type.IsArray() {
l = ordersafeexpr(n.Left, order)
} else {
l = ordercheapexpr(n.Left, order)
r := ordercheapexpr(n.Right, order)
if l == n.Left && r == n.Right {
return n
a := *n
a.Orig = &a
a.Left = l
a.Right = r
return typecheck(&a, Erv)
Fatalf("ordersafeexpr %v", n.Op)
return nil // not reached
// Istemp reports whether n is a temporary variable.
func istemp(n *Node) bool {
if n.Op != ONAME {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(n.Sym.Name, "autotmp_")
// Isaddrokay reports whether it is okay to pass n's address to runtime routines.
// Taking the address of a variable makes the liveness and optimization analyses
// lose track of where the variable's lifetime ends. To avoid hurting the analyses
// of ordinary stack variables, those are not 'isaddrokay'. Temporaries are okay,
// because we emit explicit VARKILL instructions marking the end of those
// temporaries' lifetimes.
func isaddrokay(n *Node) bool {
return islvalue(n) && (n.Op != ONAME || n.Class == PEXTERN || istemp(n))
// Orderaddrtemp ensures that *np is okay to pass by address to runtime routines.
// If the original argument *np is not okay, orderaddrtemp creates a tmp, emits
// tmp = *np, and then sets *np to the tmp variable.
func orderaddrtemp(n *Node, order *Order) *Node {
if isaddrokay(n) {
return n
return ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 0)
type ordermarker int
// Marktemp returns the top of the temporary variable stack.
func marktemp(order *Order) ordermarker {
return ordermarker(len(order.temp))
// Poptemp pops temporaries off the stack until reaching the mark,
// which must have been returned by marktemp.
func poptemp(mark ordermarker, order *Order) {
order.temp = order.temp[:mark]
// Cleantempnopop emits to *out VARKILL instructions for each temporary
// above the mark on the temporary stack, but it does not pop them
// from the stack.
func cleantempnopop(mark ordermarker, order *Order, out *[]*Node) {
var kill *Node
for i := len(order.temp) - 1; i >= int(mark); i-- {
n := order.temp[i]
if n.Name.Keepalive {
n.Name.Keepalive = false
n.Addrtaken = true // ensure SSA keeps the n variable
kill = Nod(OVARLIVE, n, nil)
kill = typecheck(kill, Etop)
*out = append(*out, kill)
kill = Nod(OVARKILL, n, nil)
kill = typecheck(kill, Etop)
*out = append(*out, kill)
// Cleantemp emits VARKILL instructions for each temporary above the
// mark on the temporary stack and removes them from the stack.
func cleantemp(top ordermarker, order *Order) {
cleantempnopop(top, order, &order.out)
poptemp(top, order)
// Orderstmtlist orders each of the statements in the list.
func orderstmtlist(l Nodes, order *Order) {
for _, n := range l.Slice() {
orderstmt(n, order)
// Orderblock orders the block of statements l onto a new list,
// and returns the ordered list.
func orderblock(l Nodes) []*Node {
var order Order
mark := marktemp(&order)
orderstmtlist(l, &order)
cleantemp(mark, &order)
return order.out
// OrderblockNodes orders the block of statements in n into a new slice,
// and then replaces the old slice in n with the new slice.
func orderblockNodes(n *Nodes) {
var order Order
mark := marktemp(&order)
orderstmtlist(*n, &order)
cleantemp(mark, &order)
// Orderexprinplace orders the side effects in *np and
// leaves them as the init list of the final *np.
// The result of orderexprinplace MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
// n.Left = orderexprinplace(n.Left, outer)
func orderexprinplace(n *Node, outer *Order) *Node {
var order Order
n = orderexpr(n, &order, nil)
n = addinit(n, order.out)
// insert new temporaries from order
// at head of outer list.
outer.temp = append(outer.temp, order.temp...)
return n
// Orderstmtinplace orders the side effects of the single statement *np
// and replaces it with the resulting statement list.
// The result of orderstmtinplace MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
// n.Left = orderstmtinplace(n.Left)
func orderstmtinplace(n *Node) *Node {
var order Order
mark := marktemp(&order)
orderstmt(n, &order)
cleantemp(mark, &order)
return liststmt(order.out)
// Orderinit moves n's init list to order->out.
func orderinit(n *Node, order *Order) {
orderstmtlist(n.Ninit, order)
// Ismulticall reports whether the list l is f() for a multi-value function.
// Such an f() could appear as the lone argument to a multi-arg function.
func ismulticall(l Nodes) bool {
// one arg only
if l.Len() != 1 {
return false
n := l.First()
// must be call
switch n.Op {
return false
// call must return multiple values
return n.Left.Type.Results().NumFields() > 1
// Copyret emits t1, t2, ... = n, where n is a function call,
// and then returns the list t1, t2, ....
func copyret(n *Node, order *Order) []*Node {
if !n.Type.IsFuncArgStruct() {
Fatalf("copyret %v %d", n.Type, n.Left.Type.Results().NumFields())
var l1 []*Node
var l2 []*Node
for _, t := range n.Type.Fields().Slice() {
tmp := temp(t.Type)
l1 = append(l1, tmp)
l2 = append(l2, tmp)
as := Nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
as = typecheck(as, Etop)
orderstmt(as, order)
return l2
// Ordercallargs orders the list of call arguments *l.
func ordercallargs(l *Nodes, order *Order) {
if ismulticall(*l) {
// return f() where f() is multiple values.
l.Set(copyret(l.First(), order))
} else {
orderexprlist(*l, order)
// Ordercall orders the call expression n.
// n->op is OCALLMETH/OCALLFUNC/OCALLINTER or a builtin like OCOPY.
func ordercall(n *Node, order *Order) {
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil) // ODDDARG temp
ordercallargs(&n.List, order)
if n.Op == OCALLFUNC {
t, it := IterFields(n.Left.Type.Params())
for i := range n.List.Slice() {
// Check for "unsafe-uintptr" tag provided by escape analysis.
// If present and the argument is really a pointer being converted
// to uintptr, arrange for the pointer to be kept alive until the call
// returns, by copying it into a temp and marking that temp
// still alive when we pop the temp stack.
if t == nil {
if t.Note == unsafeUintptrTag {
xp := n.List.Addr(i)
for (*xp).Op == OCONVNOP && !(*xp).Type.IsPtr() {
xp = &(*xp).Left
x := *xp
if x.Type.IsPtr() {
x = ordercopyexpr(x, x.Type, order, 0)
x.Name.Keepalive = true
*xp = x
t = it.Next()
// Ordermapassign appends n to order->out, introducing temporaries
// to make sure that all map assignments have the form m[k] = x,
// where x is addressable.
// (Orderexpr has already been called on n, so we know k is addressable.)
// If n is m[k] = x where x is not addressable, the rewrite is:
// tmp = x
// m[k] = tmp
// If n is the multiple assignment form ..., m[k], ... = ..., the rewrite is
// t1 = m
// t2 = k
// ...., t3, ... = x
// t1[t2] = t3
// The temporaries t1, t2 are needed in case the ... being assigned
// contain m or k. They are usually unnecessary, but in the unnecessary
// cases they are also typically registerizable, so not much harm done.
// And this only applies to the multiple-assignment form.
// We could do a more precise analysis if needed, like in walk.go.
// Ordermapassign also inserts these temporaries if needed for
// calling writebarrierfat with a pointer to n->right.
func ordermapassign(n *Node, order *Order) {
switch n.Op {
Fatalf("ordermapassign %v", n.Op)
case OAS:
order.out = append(order.out, n)
// We call writebarrierfat only for values > 4 pointers long. See walk.go.
// TODO(mdempsky): writebarrierfat doesn't exist anymore, but removing that
// logic causes net/http's tests to become flaky; see CL 21242.
if (n.Left.Op == OINDEXMAP || (needwritebarrier(n.Left, n.Right) && n.Left.Type.Width > int64(4*Widthptr))) && !isaddrokay(n.Right) {
m := n.Left
n.Left = ordertemp(m.Type, order, false)
a := Nod(OAS, m, n.Left)
a = typecheck(a, Etop)
order.out = append(order.out, a)
var post []*Node
var m *Node
var a *Node
for i1, n1 := range n.List.Slice() {
if n1.Op == OINDEXMAP {
m = n1
if !istemp(m.Left) {
m.Left = ordercopyexpr(m.Left, m.Left.Type, order, 0)
if !istemp(m.Right) {
m.Right = ordercopyexpr(m.Right, m.Right.Type, order, 0)
n.List.SetIndex(i1, ordertemp(m.Type, order, false))
a = Nod(OAS, m, n.List.Index(i1))
a = typecheck(a, Etop)
post = append(post, a)
} else if instrumenting && n.Op == OAS2FUNC && !isblank(n.List.Index(i1)) {
m = n.List.Index(i1)
t := ordertemp(m.Type, order, false)
n.List.SetIndex(i1, t)
a = Nod(OAS, m, t)
a = typecheck(a, Etop)
post = append(post, a)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
order.out = append(order.out, post...)
// Orderstmt orders the statement n, appending to order->out.
// Temporaries created during the statement are cleaned
// up using VARKILL instructions as possible.
func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
if n == nil {
lno := setlineno(n)
orderinit(n, order)
switch n.Op {
Fatalf("orderstmt %v", n.Op)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
case OAS:
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, n.Left)
ordermapassign(n, order)
cleantemp(t, order)
case OAS2,
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
orderexprlist(n.Rlist, order)
switch n.Op {
ordermapassign(n, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
case OASOP:
// Special: rewrite l op= r into l = l op r.
// This simplifies quite a few operations;
// most important is that it lets us separate
// out map read from map write when l is
// a map index expression.
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Left = ordersafeexpr(n.Left, order)
tmp1 := treecopy(n.Left, 0)
if tmp1.Op == OINDEXMAP {
tmp1.Etype = 0 // now an rvalue not an lvalue
tmp1 = ordercopyexpr(tmp1, n.Left.Type, order, 0)
// TODO(marvin): Fix Node.EType type union.
n.Right = Nod(Op(n.Etype), tmp1, n.Right)
n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, Erv)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
n.Etype = 0
n.Op = OAS
ordermapassign(n, order)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Special: make sure key is addressable,
// and make sure OINDEXMAP is not copied out.
case OAS2MAPR:
t := marktemp(order)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
r := n.Rlist.First()
r.Left = orderexpr(r.Left, order, nil)
r.Right = orderexpr(r.Right, order, nil)
// See case OINDEXMAP below.
if r.Right.Op == OARRAYBYTESTR {
r.Right = orderaddrtemp(r.Right, order)
ordermapassign(n, order)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Special: avoid copy of func call n->rlist->n.
case OAS2FUNC:
t := marktemp(order)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
ordercall(n.Rlist.First(), order)
ordermapassign(n, order)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Special: use temporary variables to hold result,
// so that assertI2Tetc can take address of temporary.
// No temporary for blank assignment.
t := marktemp(order)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
n.Rlist.First().Left = orderexpr(n.Rlist.First().Left, order, nil) // i in i.(T)
results := n.List.Slice()
var assigns [2]*Node
for r, res := range results {
if !isblank(res) {
results[r] = ordertemp(res.Type, order, haspointers(res.Type))
assigns[r] = Nod(OAS, res, results[r])
order.out = append(order.out, n)
for _, assign := range assigns {
if assign != nil {
assign = typecheck(assign, Etop)
ordermapassign(assign, order)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Special: use temporary variables to hold result,
// so that chanrecv can take address of temporary.
case OAS2RECV:
t := marktemp(order)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
n.Rlist.First().Left = orderexpr(n.Rlist.First().Left, order, nil) // arg to recv
ch := n.Rlist.First().Left.Type
tmp1 := ordertemp(ch.Elem(), order, haspointers(ch.Elem()))
var tmp2 *Node
if !isblank(n.List.Second()) {
tmp2 = ordertemp(n.List.Second().Type, order, false)
} else {
tmp2 = ordertemp(Types[TBOOL], order, false)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
r := Nod(OAS, n.List.First(), tmp1)
r = typecheck(r, Etop)
ordermapassign(r, order)
r = Nod(OAS, n.List.Second(), tmp2)
r = typecheck(r, Etop)
ordermapassign(r, order)
n.List.Set([]*Node{tmp1, tmp2})
cleantemp(t, order)
// Special: does not save n onto out.
orderstmtlist(n.List, order)
// Special: n->left is not an expression; save as is.
case OBREAK,
order.out = append(order.out, n)
// Special: handle call arguments.
t := marktemp(order)
ordercall(n, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Special: order arguments to inner call but not call itself.
t := marktemp(order)
switch n.Left.Op {
// Delete will take the address of the key.
// Copy key into new temp and do not clean it
// (it persists beyond the statement).
orderexprlist(n.Left.List, order)
t1 := marktemp(order)
np := n.Left.List.Addr(1) // map key
*np = ordercopyexpr(*np, (*np).Type, order, 0)
poptemp(t1, order)
ordercall(n.Left, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
t := marktemp(order)
n.List.SetIndex(0, orderexpr(n.List.Index(0), order, nil))
n.List.SetIndex(1, orderexpr(n.List.Index(1), order, nil))
n.List.SetIndex(1, orderaddrtemp(n.List.Index(1), order)) // map key
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Clean temporaries from condition evaluation at
// beginning of loop body and after for statement.
case OFOR:
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexprinplace(n.Left, order)
var l []*Node
cleantempnopop(t, order, &l)
n.Nbody.Set(append(l, n.Nbody.Slice()...))
n.Right = orderstmtinplace(n.Right)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
// Clean temporaries from condition at
// beginning of both branches.
case OIF:
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexprinplace(n.Left, order)
var l []*Node
cleantempnopop(t, order, &l)
n.Nbody.Set(append(l, n.Nbody.Slice()...))
l = nil
cleantempnopop(t, order, &l)
n.Rlist.Set(append(l, n.Rlist.Slice()...))
poptemp(t, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
// Special: argument will be converted to interface using convT2E
// so make sure it is an addressable temporary.
case OPANIC:
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
if !n.Left.Type.IsInterface() {
n.Left = orderaddrtemp(n.Left, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
case ORANGE:
// n.Right is the expression being ranged over.
// order it, and then make a copy if we need one.
// We almost always do, to ensure that we don't
// see any value changes made during the loop.
// Usually the copy is cheap (e.g., array pointer,
// chan, slice, string are all tiny).
// The exception is ranging over an array value
// (not a slice, not a pointer to array),
// which must make a copy to avoid seeing updates made during
// the range body. Ranging over an array value is uncommon though.
// Mark []byte(str) range expression to reuse string backing storage.
// It is safe because the storage cannot be mutated.
if n.Right.Op == OSTRARRAYBYTE {
t := marktemp(order)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
switch n.Type.Etype {
Fatalf("orderstmt range %v", n.Type)
if n.List.Len() < 2 || isblank(n.List.Second()) {
// for i := range x will only use x once, to compute len(x).
// No need to copy it.
// chan, string, slice, array ranges use value multiple times.
// make copy.
r := n.Right
if r.Type.IsString() && r.Type != Types[TSTRING] {
r = Nod(OCONV, r, nil)
r.Type = Types[TSTRING]
r = typecheck(r, Erv)
n.Right = ordercopyexpr(r, r.Type, order, 0)
case TMAP:
// copy the map value in case it is a map literal.
// TODO(rsc): Make tmp = literal expressions reuse tmp.
// For maps tmp is just one word so it hardly matters.
r := n.Right
n.Right = ordercopyexpr(r, r.Type, order, 0)
// n->alloc is the temp for the iterator.
prealloc[n] = ordertemp(Types[TUINT8], order, true)
for i := range n.List.Slice() {
n.List.SetIndex(i, orderexprinplace(n.List.Index(i), order))
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
ordercallargs(&n.List, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
// Special: clean case temporaries in each block entry.
// Select must enter one of its blocks, so there is no
// need for a cleaning at the end.
// Doubly special: evaluation order for select is stricter
// than ordinary expressions. Even something like p.c
// has to be hoisted into a temporary, so that it cannot be
// reordered after the channel evaluation for a different
// case (if p were nil, then the timing of the fault would
// give this away).
t := marktemp(order)
var tmp1 *Node
var tmp2 *Node
var r *Node
for _, n2 := range n.List.Slice() {
if n2.Op != OXCASE {
Fatalf("order select case %v", n2.Op)
r = n2.Left
// Append any new body prologue to ninit.
// The next loop will insert ninit into nbody.
if n2.Ninit.Len() != 0 {
Fatalf("order select ninit")
if r != nil {
switch r.Op {
Yyerror("unknown op in select %v", r.Op)
Dump("select case", r)
// If this is case x := <-ch or case x, y := <-ch, the case has
// the ODCL nodes to declare x and y. We want to delay that
// declaration (and possible allocation) until inside the case body.
// Delete the ODCL nodes here and recreate them inside the body below.
if r.Colas {
i := 0
if r.Ninit.Len() != 0 && r.Ninit.First().Op == ODCL && r.Ninit.First().Left == r.Left {
if i < r.Ninit.Len() && r.Ninit.Index(i).Op == ODCL && r.List.Len() != 0 && r.Ninit.Index(i).Left == r.List.First() {
if i >= r.Ninit.Len() {
if r.Ninit.Len() != 0 {
Yyerror("ninit on select recv")
dumplist("ninit", r.Ninit)
// case x = <-c
// case x, ok = <-c
// r->left is x, r->ntest is ok, r->right is ORECV, r->right->left is c.
// r->left == N means 'case <-c'.
// c is always evaluated; x and ok are only evaluated when assigned.
r.Right.Left = orderexpr(r.Right.Left, order, nil)
if r.Right.Left.Op != ONAME {
r.Right.Left = ordercopyexpr(r.Right.Left, r.Right.Left.Type, order, 0)
// Introduce temporary for receive and move actual copy into case body.
// avoids problems with target being addressed, as usual.
// NOTE: If we wanted to be clever, we could arrange for just one
// temporary per distinct type, sharing the temp among all receives
// with that temp. Similarly one ok bool could be shared among all
// the x,ok receives. Not worth doing until there's a clear need.
if r.Left != nil && isblank(r.Left) {
r.Left = nil
if r.Left != nil {
// use channel element type for temporary to avoid conversions,
// such as in case interfacevalue = <-intchan.
// the conversion happens in the OAS instead.
tmp1 = r.Left
if r.Colas {
tmp2 = Nod(ODCL, tmp1, nil)
tmp2 = typecheck(tmp2, Etop)
r.Left = ordertemp(r.Right.Left.Type.Elem(), order, haspointers(r.Right.Left.Type.Elem()))
tmp2 = Nod(OAS, tmp1, r.Left)
tmp2 = typecheck(tmp2, Etop)
if r.List.Len() != 0 && isblank(r.List.First()) {
if r.List.Len() != 0 {
tmp1 = r.List.First()
if r.Colas {
tmp2 = Nod(ODCL, tmp1, nil)
tmp2 = typecheck(tmp2, Etop)
r.List.Set1(ordertemp(tmp1.Type, order, false))
tmp2 = Nod(OAS, tmp1, r.List.First())
tmp2 = typecheck(tmp2, Etop)
case OSEND:
if r.Ninit.Len() != 0 {
Yyerror("ninit on select send")
dumplist("ninit", r.Ninit)
// case c <- x
// r->left is c, r->right is x, both are always evaluated.
r.Left = orderexpr(r.Left, order, nil)
if !istemp(r.Left) {
r.Left = ordercopyexpr(r.Left, r.Left.Type, order, 0)
r.Right = orderexpr(r.Right, order, nil)
if !istemp(r.Right) {
r.Right = ordercopyexpr(r.Right, r.Right.Type, order, 0)
// Now that we have accumulated all the temporaries, clean them.
// Also insert any ninit queued during the previous loop.
// (The temporary cleaning must follow that ninit work.)
for _, n3 := range n.List.Slice() {
s := n3.Ninit.Slice()
cleantempnopop(t, order, &s)
n3.Nbody.Set(append(s, n3.Nbody.Slice()...))
order.out = append(order.out, n)
poptemp(t, order)
// Special: value being sent is passed as a pointer; make it addressable.
case OSEND:
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
n.Right = orderaddrtemp(n.Right, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
// TODO(rsc): Clean temporaries more aggressively.
// Note that because walkswitch will rewrite some of the
// switch into a binary search, this is not as easy as it looks.
// (If we ran that code here we could invoke orderstmt on
// the if-else chain instead.)
// For now just clean all the temporaries at the end.
// In practice that's fine.
t := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
for _, n4 := range n.List.Slice() {
if n4.Op != OXCASE {
Fatalf("order switch case %v", n4.Op)
orderexprlistinplace(n4.List, order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
lineno = lno
// Orderexprlist orders the expression list l into order.
func orderexprlist(l Nodes, order *Order) {
s := l.Slice()
for i := range s {
s[i] = orderexpr(s[i], order, nil)
// Orderexprlist orders the expression list l but saves
// the side effects on the individual expression ninit lists.
func orderexprlistinplace(l Nodes, order *Order) {
s := l.Slice()
for i := range s {
s[i] = orderexprinplace(s[i], order)
// prealloc[x] records the allocation to use for x.
var prealloc = map[*Node]*Node{}
// Orderexpr orders a single expression, appending side
// effects to order->out as needed.
// If this is part of an assignment lhs = *np, lhs is given.
// Otherwise lhs == nil. (When lhs != nil it may be possible
// to avoid copying the result of the expression to a temporary.)
// The result of orderexpr MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
// n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, lhs)
func orderexpr(n *Node, order *Order, lhs *Node) *Node {
if n == nil {
return n
lno := setlineno(n)
orderinit(n, order)
switch n.Op {
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
orderexprlist(n.Rlist, order)
// Addition of strings turns into a function call.
// Allocate a temporary to hold the strings.
// Fewer than 5 strings use direct runtime helpers.
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
if n.List.Len() > 5 {
t := typArray(Types[TSTRING], int64(n.List.Len()))
prealloc[n] = ordertemp(t, order, false)
// Mark string(byteSlice) arguments to reuse byteSlice backing
// buffer during conversion. String concatenation does not
// memorize the strings for later use, so it is safe.
// However, we can do it only if there is at least one non-empty string literal.
// Otherwise if all other arguments are empty strings,
// concatstrings will return the reference to the temp string
// to the caller.
hasbyte := false
haslit := false
for _, n1 := range n.List.Slice() {
hasbyte = hasbyte || n1.Op == OARRAYBYTESTR
haslit = haslit || n1.Op == OLITERAL && len(n1.Val().U.(string)) != 0
if haslit && hasbyte {
for _, n2 := range n.List.Slice() {
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
// Mark string(byteSlice) arguments to reuse byteSlice backing
// buffer during conversion. String comparison does not
// memorize the strings for later use, so it is safe.
if n.Left.Op == OARRAYBYTESTR {
if n.Right.Op == OARRAYBYTESTR {
// key must be addressable
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
// For x = m[string(k)] where k is []byte, the allocation of
// backing bytes for the string can be avoided by reusing
// the []byte backing array. This is a special case that it
// would be nice to handle more generally, but because
// there are no []byte-keyed maps, this specific case comes
// up in important cases in practice. See issue 3512.
// Nothing can change the []byte we are not copying before
// the map index, because the map access is going to
// be forced to happen immediately following this
// conversion (by the ordercopyexpr a few lines below).
if n.Etype == 0 && n.Right.Op == OARRAYBYTESTR {
n.Right = orderaddrtemp(n.Right, order)
if n.Etype == 0 {
// use of value (not being assigned);
// make copy in temporary.
n = ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 0)
// concrete type (not interface) argument must be addressable
// temporary to pass to runtime.
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
if !n.Left.Type.IsInterface() {
n.Left = orderaddrtemp(n.Left, order)
mark := marktemp(order)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
// Clean temporaries from first branch at beginning of second.
// Leave them on the stack so that they can be killed in the outer
// context in case the short circuit is taken.
var s []*Node
cleantempnopop(mark, order, &s)
n.Right.Ninit.Set(append(s, n.Right.Ninit.Slice()...))
n.Right = orderexprinplace(n.Right, order)
ordercall(n, order)
if lhs == nil || lhs.Op != ONAME || instrumenting {
n = ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 0)
ordercallargs(&n.List, order)
if lhs == nil || lhs.Op != ONAME && !samesafeexpr(lhs, n.List.First()) {
n = ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 0)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
low, high, max := n.SliceBounds()
low = orderexpr(low, order, nil)
low = ordercheapexpr(low, order)
high = orderexpr(high, order, nil)
high = ordercheapexpr(high, order)
max = orderexpr(max, order, nil)
max = ordercheapexpr(max, order)
n.SetSliceBounds(low, high, max)
if lhs == nil || lhs.Op != ONAME && !samesafeexpr(lhs, n.Left) {
n = ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 0)
if n.Noescape && n.Func.Cvars.Len() > 0 {
prealloc[n] = ordertemp(Types[TUINT8], order, false) // walk will fill in correct type
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
orderexprlist(n.List, order)
orderexprlist(n.Rlist, order)
if n.Noescape {
prealloc[n] = ordertemp(Types[TUINT8], order, false) // walk will fill in correct type
if n.Noescape {
// The ddd argument does not live beyond the call it is created for.
// Allocate a temporary that will be cleaned up when this statement
// completes. We could be more aggressive and try to arrange for it
// to be cleaned up when the call completes.
prealloc[n] = ordertemp(n.Type.Elem(), order, false)
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
// TODO(rsc): The Isfat is for consistency with componentgen and walkexpr.
// It needs to be removed in all three places.
// That would allow inlining x.(struct{*int}) the same as x.(*int).
if !isdirectiface(n.Type) || Isfat(n.Type) || instrumenting {
n = ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 1)
case ORECV:
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n = ordercopyexpr(n, n.Type, order, 1)
case OEQ, ONE:
n.Left = orderexpr(n.Left, order, nil)
n.Right = orderexpr(n.Right, order, nil)
t := n.Left.Type
if t.IsStruct() || t.IsArray() {
// for complex comparisons, we need both args to be
// addressable so we can pass them to the runtime.
n.Left = orderaddrtemp(n.Left, order)
n.Right = orderaddrtemp(n.Right, order)
lineno = lno
return n