blob: 02f9b3672e21aa1e53ed8320d1ab82de57730a13 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test that #cgo LDFLAGS are properly quoted.
# The #cgo LDFLAGS below should pass a string with spaces to -L,
# as though searching a directory with a space in its name.
# It should not pass --nosuchoption to the external linker.
[!cgo] skip
go build
[!exec:gccgo] skip
# TODO: remove once gccgo on builder is updated
[aix] [ppc64] skip
go build -compiler gccgo
-- go.mod --
module m
-- cgo.go --
package main
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L "./ -Wl,--nosuchoption"
import "C"
func main() {}