blob: c08bbf34fe51b3028f7266c8250a5147b877be21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
type S[T any] struct{}
func (S[T]) m(T) {}
func f0[T any](chan S[T]) {}
func _() {
var x chan interface{ m(int) }
f0(x /* ERROR "type chan interface{m(int)} of x does not match chan S[T] (cannot infer T)" */)
// variants of the theme
func f1[T any]([]S[T]) {}
func _() {
var x []interface{ m(int) }
f1(x /* ERROR "type []interface{m(int)} of x does not match []S[T] (cannot infer T)" */)
type I[T any] interface {
func f2[T any](func(I[T])) {}
func _() {
var x func(interface{ m(int) })
f2(x /* ERROR "type func(interface{m(int)}) of x does not match func(I[T]) (cannot infer T)" */)
func f3[T any](func(I[T])) {}
func _() {
var x func(I[int])
f3(x) // but this is correct: I[T] and I[int] can be made identical with T == int
func f4[T any]([10]I[T]) {}
func _() {
var x [10]interface{ I[int] }
f4(x /* ERROR "type [10]interface{I[int]} of x does not match [10]I[T] (cannot infer T)" */)
func f5[T any](I[T]) {}
func _() {
var x interface {
f5[int](x) // ok