blob: 5fa235743355adaa8b8c08688d194a18032a2d44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package html
import (
// Error describes a problem encountered during template Escaping.
type Error struct {
// ErrorCode describes the kind of error.
ErrorCode ErrorCode
// Name is the name of the template in which the error was encountered.
Name string
// Line is the line number of the error in the template source or 0.
Line int
// Description is a human-readable description of the problem.
Description string
// ErrorCode is a code for a kind of error.
type ErrorCode int
// We define codes for each error that manifests while escaping templates, but
// escaped templates may also fail at runtime.
// Output: "ZgotmplZ"
// Example:
// <img src="{{.X}}">
// where {{.X}} evaluates to `javascript:...`
// Discussion:
// "ZgotmplZ" is a special value that indicates that unsafe content reached a
// CSS or URL context at runtime. The output of the example will be
// <img src="#ZgotmplZ">
// If the data comes from a trusted source, use content types to exempt it
// from filtering: URL(`javascript:...`).
const (
// OK indicates the lack of an error.
OK ErrorCode = iota
// ErrorAmbigContext: "... appears in an ambiguous URL context"
// Example:
// <a href="
// {{if .C}}
// /path/
// {{else}}
// /search?q=
// {{end}}
// {{.X}}
// ">
// Discussion:
// {{.X}} is in an ambiguous URL context since, depending on {{.C}},
// it may be either a URL suffix or a query parameter.
// Moving {{.X}} into the condition removes the ambiguity:
// <a href="{{if .C}}/path/{{.X}}{{else}}/search?q={{.X}}">
// TODO: document
// ErrBranchEnd: "{{if}} branches end in different contexts"
// Example:
// {{if .C}}<a href="{{end}}{{.X}}
// Discussion:
// EscapeSet statically examines each possible path when it encounters
// a {{if}}, {{range}}, or {{with}} to escape any following pipelines.
// The example is ambiguous since {{.X}} might be an HTML text node,
// or a URL prefix in an HTML attribute. EscapeSet needs to understand
// the context of {{.X}} to escape it, but that depends on the
// run-time value of {{.C}}.
// The problem is usually something like missing quotes or angle
// brackets, or can be avoided by refactoring to put the two contexts
// into different branches of an if, range or with. If the problem
// is in a {{range}} over a collection that should never be empty,
// adding a dummy {{else}} can help.
// ErrEndContext: "... ends in a non-text context: ..."
// Examples:
// <div
// <div title="no close quote>
// <script>f()
// Discussion:
// EscapeSet assumes the ouput is a DocumentFragment of HTML.
// Templates that end without closing tags will trigger this error.
// Templates that produce incomplete Fragments should not be named
// in the call to EscapeSet.
// If you have a helper template in your set that is not meant to
// produce a document fragment, then do not pass its name to
// EscapeSet(set, ...names).
// {{define "main"}} <script>{{template "helper"}}</script> {{end}}
// {{define "helper"}} document.write(' <div title=" ') {{end}}
// "helper" does not produce a valid document fragment, though it does
// produce a valid JavaScript Program.
// ErrInsideComment: "... appears inside a comment"
// Example:
// <!-- {{.X}} -->
// <script>/* {{.X}} */</script>
// <style>/* {{.X}} */</style>
// Discussion:
// {{.X}} appears inside a comment. There is no escaping convention for
// comments. To use IE conditional comments, inject the whole comment
// as an HTML, JS, or CSS value (see content.go).
// To comment out code, break the {{...}}.
// ErrNoNames: "must specify names of top level templates"
// EscapeSet does not assume that all templates in a set produce HTML.
// Some may be helpers that produce snippets of other languages.
// Passing in no template names is most likely an error,
// so EscapeSet(set) will panic.
// If you call EscapeSet with a slice of names, guard it with len:
// if len(names) != 0 {
// set, err := EscapeSet(set, ...names)
// }
// ErrNoSuchTemplate: "no such template ..."
// Examples:
// {{define "main"}}<div {{template "attrs"}}>{{end}}
// {{define "attrs"}}href="{{.URL}}"{{end}}
// Discussion:
// EscapeSet looks through template calls to compute the context.
// Here the {{.URL}} in "attrs" must be treated as a URL when called
// from "main", but if "attrs" is not in set when
// EscapeSet(&set, "main") is called, this error will arise.
// TODO: document
// ErrPartialCharset: "unfinished JS regexp charset in ..."
// Example:
// <script>var pattern = /foo[{{.Chars}}]/</script>
// Discussion:
// EscapeSet does not support interpolation into regular expression
// literal character sets.
// ErrPartialEscape: "unfinished escape sequence in ..."
// Example:
// <script>alert("\{{.X}}")</script>
// Discussion:
// EscapeSet does not support actions following a backslash.
// This is usually an error and there are better solutions; for
// our example
// <script>alert("{{.X}}")</script>
// should work, and if {{.X}} is a partial escape sequence such as
// "xA0", mark the whole sequence as safe content: JSStr(`\xA0`)
// ErrRangeLoopReentry: "on range loop re-entry: ..."
// Example:
// {{range .}}<p class={{.}}{{end}}
// Discussion:
// If an iteration through a range would cause it to end in a
// different context than an earlier pass, there is no single context.
// In the example, the <p> tag is missing a '>'.
// EscapeSet cannot tell whether {{.}} is meant to be an HTML class or
// the content of a broken <p> element and complains because the
// second iteration would produce something like
// <p class=foo<p class=bar
// TODO: document
func (e *Error) String() string {
if e.Line != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("exp/template/html:%s:%d: %s", e.Name, e.Line, e.Description)
} else if e.Name != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("exp/template/html:%s: %s", e.Name, e.Description)
return "exp/template/html: " + e.Description
// errorf creates an error given a format string f and args.
// The template Name still needs to be supplied.
func errorf(k ErrorCode, line int, f string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return &Error{k, "", line, fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)}