| :: Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| :: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| :: license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| :: Keep environment variables within this script |
| :: unless invoked with --no-local. |
| if x%1==x--no-local goto nolocal |
| if x%2==x--no-local goto nolocal |
| rem TODO avoid rebuild if possible |
| if x%1==x--no-rebuild goto norebuild |
| echo # Building packages and commands. |
| if errorlevel 1 goto fail |
| go test std -short -timeout=120s |
| if errorlevel 1 goto fail |
| echo # runtime -cpu=1,2,4 |
| go test runtime -short -timeout=120s -cpu=1,2,4 |
| if errorlevel 1 goto fail |
| go test sync -short -timeout=120s -cpu=10 |
| if errorlevel 1 goto fail |
| :: TODO: The other tests in run.bash, especially $GOROOT/test/run. |