blob: d3290dddd0acaceaea376ec371a180ccc9df8954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package big
import (
func TestFloatSetFloat64String(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
s string
x float64
{"0", 0},
{"-0", -0},
{"+0", 0},
{"1", 1},
{"-1", -1},
{"+1", 1},
{"1.234", 1.234},
{"-1.234", -1.234},
{"+1.234", 1.234},
{".1", 0.1},
{"1.", 1},
{"+1.", 1},
{"0e100", 0},
{"-0e+100", 0},
{"+0e-100", 0},
{"0E100", 0},
{"-0E+100", 0},
{"+0E-100", 0},
{"0p100", 0},
{"-0p+100", 0},
{"+0p-100", 0},
{"1.e10", 1e10},
{"1e+10", 1e10},
{"+1e-10", 1e-10},
{"1E10", 1e10},
{"1.E+10", 1e10},
{"+1E-10", 1e-10},
{"1p10", 1 << 10},
{"1p+10", 1 << 10},
{"+1.p-10", 1.0 / (1 << 10)},
{"-687436.79457e-245", -687436.79457e-245},
{"-687436.79457E245", -687436.79457e245},
{"1024.p-12", 0.25},
{"-1.p10", -1024},
{"0.25p2", 1},
{".0000000000000000000000000000000000000001", 1e-40},
{"+10000000000000000000000000000000000000000e-0", 1e40},
} {
var x Float
x.prec = 53 // TODO(gri) find better solution
_, ok := x.SetString(test.s)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: parse error", test.s)
f, _ := x.Float64()
want := new(Float).SetFloat64(test.x)
if x.Cmp(want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: got %s (%v); want %v", test.s, &x, f, test.x)
const (
below1e23 = 99999999999999974834176
above1e23 = 100000000000000008388608
func TestFloat64Format(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
x float64
format byte
prec int
want string
{0, 'f', 0, "0"},
{math.Copysign(0, -1), 'f', 0, "-0"},
{1, 'f', 0, "1"},
{-1, 'f', 0, "-1"},
{1.459, 'e', 0, "1e+00"},
{2.459, 'e', 1, "2.5e+00"},
{3.459, 'e', 2, "3.46e+00"},
{4.459, 'e', 3, "4.459e+00"},
{5.459, 'e', 4, "5.4590e+00"},
{1.459, 'f', 0, "1"},
{2.459, 'f', 1, "2.5"},
{3.459, 'f', 2, "3.46"},
{4.459, 'f', 3, "4.459"},
{5.459, 'f', 4, "5.4590"},
{0, 'b', 0, "0"},
{math.Copysign(0, -1), 'b', 0, "-0"},
{1.0, 'b', 0, "4503599627370496p-52"},
{-1.0, 'b', 0, "-4503599627370496p-52"},
{4503599627370496, 'b', 0, "4503599627370496p+0"},
{0, 'p', 0, "0"},
{math.Copysign(0, -1), 'p', 0, "-0"},
{1024.0, 'p', 0, "0x.8p11"},
{-1024.0, 'p', 0, "-0x.8p11"},
// all test cases below from strconv/ftoa_test.go
{1, 'e', 5, "1.00000e+00"},
{1, 'f', 5, "1.00000"},
{1, 'g', 5, "1"},
// {1, 'g', -1, "1"},
// {20, 'g', -1, "20"},
// {1234567.8, 'g', -1, "1.2345678e+06"},
// {200000, 'g', -1, "200000"},
// {2000000, 'g', -1, "2e+06"},
// g conversion and zero suppression
{400, 'g', 2, "4e+02"},
{40, 'g', 2, "40"},
{4, 'g', 2, "4"},
{.4, 'g', 2, "0.4"},
{.04, 'g', 2, "0.04"},
{.004, 'g', 2, "0.004"},
{.0004, 'g', 2, "0.0004"},
{.00004, 'g', 2, "4e-05"},
{.000004, 'g', 2, "4e-06"},
{0, 'e', 5, "0.00000e+00"},
{0, 'f', 5, "0.00000"},
{0, 'g', 5, "0"},
// {0, 'g', -1, "0"},
{-1, 'e', 5, "-1.00000e+00"},
{-1, 'f', 5, "-1.00000"},
{-1, 'g', 5, "-1"},
// {-1, 'g', -1, "-1"},
{12, 'e', 5, "1.20000e+01"},
{12, 'f', 5, "12.00000"},
{12, 'g', 5, "12"},
// {12, 'g', -1, "12"},
{123456700, 'e', 5, "1.23457e+08"},
{123456700, 'f', 5, "123456700.00000"},
{123456700, 'g', 5, "1.2346e+08"},
// {123456700, 'g', -1, "1.234567e+08"},
{1.2345e6, 'e', 5, "1.23450e+06"},
{1.2345e6, 'f', 5, "1234500.00000"},
{1.2345e6, 'g', 5, "1.2345e+06"},
{1e23, 'e', 17, "9.99999999999999916e+22"},
{1e23, 'f', 17, "99999999999999991611392.00000000000000000"},
{1e23, 'g', 17, "9.9999999999999992e+22"},
// {1e23, 'e', -1, "1e+23"},
// {1e23, 'f', -1, "100000000000000000000000"},
// {1e23, 'g', -1, "1e+23"},
{below1e23, 'e', 17, "9.99999999999999748e+22"},
{below1e23, 'f', 17, "99999999999999974834176.00000000000000000"},
{below1e23, 'g', 17, "9.9999999999999975e+22"},
// {below1e23, 'e', -1, "9.999999999999997e+22"},
// {below1e23, 'f', -1, "99999999999999970000000"},
// {below1e23, 'g', -1, "9.999999999999997e+22"},
{above1e23, 'e', 17, "1.00000000000000008e+23"},
{above1e23, 'f', 17, "100000000000000008388608.00000000000000000"},
// {above1e23, 'g', 17, "1.0000000000000001e+23"},
// {above1e23, 'e', -1, "1.0000000000000001e+23"},
// {above1e23, 'f', -1, "100000000000000010000000"},
// {above1e23, 'g', -1, "1.0000000000000001e+23"},
// {fdiv(5e-304, 1e20), 'g', -1, "5e-324"},
// {fdiv(-5e-304, 1e20), 'g', -1, "-5e-324"},
// {32, 'g', -1, "32"},
// {32, 'g', 0, "3e+01"},
// {100, 'x', -1, "%x"},
// {math.NaN(), 'g', -1, "NaN"},
// {-math.NaN(), 'g', -1, "NaN"},
// {math.Inf(0), 'g', -1, "+Inf"},
// {math.Inf(-1), 'g', -1, "-Inf"},
// {-math.Inf(0), 'g', -1, "-Inf"},
{-1, 'b', -1, "-4503599627370496p-52"},
// fixed bugs
{0.9, 'f', 1, "0.9"},
{0.09, 'f', 1, "0.1"},
{0.0999, 'f', 1, "0.1"},
{0.05, 'f', 1, "0.1"},
{0.05, 'f', 0, "0"},
{0.5, 'f', 1, "0.5"},
{0.5, 'f', 0, "0"},
{1.5, 'f', 0, "2"},
// {2.2250738585072012e-308, 'g', -1, "2.2250738585072014e-308"},
// {2.2250738585072011e-308, 'g', -1, "2.225073858507201e-308"},
// Issue 2625.
{383260575764816448, 'f', 0, "383260575764816448"},
// {383260575764816448, 'g', -1, "3.8326057576481645e+17"},
} {
f := new(Float).SetFloat64(test.x)
got := f.Format(test.format, test.prec)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("%v: got %s; want %s", test, got, test.want)
if test.format == 'b' && test.x == 0 {
continue // 'b' format in strconv.Float requires knowledge of bias for 0.0
if test.format == 'p' {
continue // 'p' format not supported in strconv.Format
// verify that Float format matches strconv format
want := strconv.FormatFloat(test.x, test.format, test.prec, 64)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%v: got %s; want %s (strconv)", test, got, want)
func TestFloatFormat(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
x string
format byte
prec int
want string
{"0", 'f', 0, "0"},
{"-0", 'f', 0, "-0"},
{"1", 'f', 0, "1"},
{"-1", 'f', 0, "-1"},
{"1.459", 'e', 0, "1e+00"},
{"2.459", 'e', 1, "2.5e+00"},
{"3.459", 'e', 2, "3.46e+00"},
{"4.459", 'e', 3, "4.459e+00"},
{"5.459", 'e', 4, "5.4590e+00"},
{"1.459", 'E', 0, "1E+00"},
{"2.459", 'E', 1, "2.5E+00"},
{"3.459", 'E', 2, "3.46E+00"},
{"4.459", 'E', 3, "4.459E+00"},
{"5.459", 'E', 4, "5.4590E+00"},
{"1.459", 'f', 0, "1"},
{"2.459", 'f', 1, "2.5"},
{"3.459", 'f', 2, "3.46"},
{"4.459", 'f', 3, "4.459"},
{"5.459", 'f', 4, "5.4590"},
{"1.459", 'g', 0, "1"},
{"2.459", 'g', 1, "2"},
{"3.459", 'g', 2, "3.5"},
{"4.459", 'g', 3, "4.46"},
{"5.459", 'g', 4, "5.459"},
{"1459", 'g', 0, "1e+03"},
{"2459", 'g', 1, "2e+03"},
{"3459", 'g', 2, "3.5e+03"},
{"4459", 'g', 3, "4.46e+03"},
{"5459", 'g', 4, "5459"},
{"1459", 'G', 0, "1E+03"},
{"2459", 'G', 1, "2E+03"},
{"3459", 'G', 2, "3.5E+03"},
{"4459", 'G', 3, "4.46E+03"},
{"5459", 'G', 4, "5459"},
{"3", 'e', 40, "3.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000e+00"},
{"3", 'f', 40, "3.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},
{"3", 'g', 40, "3"},
{"3e40", 'e', 40, "3.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000e+40"},
{"3e40", 'f', 4, "30000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000"},
{"3e40", 'g', 40, "3e+40"},
// TODO(gri) need tests for actual large Floats
// These depend on the selected mantissa length to match strconv.FormatFloat.
// Disabled for now.
// {"0", 'b', 0, "0"},
// {"-0", 'b', 0, "-0"},
// {"1.0", 'b', 0, "4503599627370496p-52"},
// {"-1.0", 'b', 0, "-4503599627370496p-52"},
// {"4503599627370496", 'b', 0, "4503599627370496p+0"},
{"0", 'p', 0, "0"},
{"-0", 'p', 0, "-0"},
{"1024.0", 'p', 0, "0x.8p11"},
{"-1024.0", 'p', 0, "-0x.8p11"},
// unsupported format
{"3.14", 'x', 0, "%x"},
} {
f, _, err := ParseFloat(test.x, 0, 1000, ToNearestEven)
// TODO(gri) should we return io.EOF at the end?
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
t.Errorf("%v: %s", test, err)
got := f.Format(test.format, test.prec)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("%v: got %s; want %s", test, got, test.want)