blob: 647cea3bf95302cf87b1c350e531a50c744bbb4a [file] [log] [blame]
# to avoid the need for generators to rely on
# runtime.GOROOT, 'go generate' should run the test with its own GOROOT/bin
# at the beginning of $PATH.
[short] skip
[!plan9] env PATH=
[plan9] env path=
go generate .
[!plan9] env PATH=$WORK${/}bin
[plan9] env path=$WORK${/}bin
go generate .
-- go.mod --
module example
go 1.19
-- main.go --
//go:generate go run .
package main
import (
func main() {
_, err := exec.LookPath("go")
if err != nil {
-- $WORK/bin/README.txt --
This directory contains no executables.