blob: 13f62a3ab2731309e8ffffb64c9be66be0330acc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package types
import (
var basicTypes = [...]struct {
name string
etype Kind
{"int8", TINT8},
{"int16", TINT16},
{"int32", TINT32},
{"int64", TINT64},
{"uint8", TUINT8},
{"uint16", TUINT16},
{"uint32", TUINT32},
{"uint64", TUINT64},
{"float32", TFLOAT32},
{"float64", TFLOAT64},
{"complex64", TCOMPLEX64},
{"complex128", TCOMPLEX128},
{"bool", TBOOL},
{"string", TSTRING},
var typedefs = [...]struct {
name string
etype Kind
sameas32 Kind
sameas64 Kind
{"int", TINT, TINT32, TINT64},
{"uint", TUINT, TUINT32, TUINT64},
{"uintptr", TUINTPTR, TUINT32, TUINT64},
func InitTypes(defTypeName func(sym *Sym, typ *Type) Object) {
if PtrSize == 0 {
base.Fatalf("typeinit before betypeinit")
SlicePtrOffset = 0
SliceLenOffset = Rnd(SlicePtrOffset+int64(PtrSize), int64(PtrSize))
SliceCapOffset = Rnd(SliceLenOffset+int64(PtrSize), int64(PtrSize))
SliceSize = Rnd(SliceCapOffset+int64(PtrSize), int64(PtrSize))
// string is same as slice wo the cap
StringSize = Rnd(SliceLenOffset+int64(PtrSize), int64(PtrSize))
for et := Kind(0); et < NTYPE; et++ {
SimType[et] = et
Types[TANY] = newType(TANY)
Types[TINTER] = NewInterface(LocalPkg, nil, false)
defBasic := func(kind Kind, pkg *Pkg, name string) *Type {
typ := newType(kind)
obj := defTypeName(pkg.Lookup(name), typ)
typ.sym = obj.Sym()
typ.nod = obj
if kind != TANY {
return typ
for _, s := range &basicTypes {
Types[s.etype] = defBasic(s.etype, BuiltinPkg,
for _, s := range &typedefs {
sameas := s.sameas32
if PtrSize == 8 {
sameas = s.sameas64
SimType[s.etype] = sameas
Types[s.etype] = defBasic(s.etype, BuiltinPkg,
// We create separate byte and rune types for better error messages
// rather than just creating type alias *Sym's for the uint8 and
// int32 Hence, (bytetype|runtype).Sym.isAlias() is false.
// TODO(gri) Should we get rid of this special case (at the cost
// of less informative error messages involving bytes and runes)?
// (Alternatively, we could introduce an OTALIAS node representing
// type aliases, albeit at the cost of having to deal with it everywhere).
ByteType = defBasic(TUINT8, BuiltinPkg, "byte")
RuneType = defBasic(TINT32, BuiltinPkg, "rune")
// error type
ErrorType = defBasic(TFORW, BuiltinPkg, "error")
// comparable type (interface)
ComparableType = defBasic(TFORW, BuiltinPkg, "comparable")
// any type (interface)
if base.Flag.G > 0 {
AnyType = defBasic(TFORW, BuiltinPkg, "any")
AnyType.SetUnderlying(NewInterface(NoPkg, []*Field{}, false))
Types[TUNSAFEPTR] = defBasic(TUNSAFEPTR, UnsafePkg, "Pointer")
Types[TBLANK] = newType(TBLANK)
Types[TNIL] = newType(TNIL)
// simple aliases
SimType[TMAP] = TPTR
for et := TINT8; et <= TUINT64; et++ {
IsInt[et] = true
IsInt[TINT] = true
IsInt[TUINT] = true
IsInt[TUINTPTR] = true
IsFloat[TFLOAT32] = true
IsFloat[TFLOAT64] = true
IsComplex[TCOMPLEX64] = true
IsComplex[TCOMPLEX128] = true
func makeErrorInterface() *Type {
sig := NewSignature(NoPkg, FakeRecv(), nil, nil, []*Field{
NewField(src.NoXPos, nil, Types[TSTRING]),
method := NewField(src.NoXPos, LocalPkg.Lookup("Error"), sig)
return NewInterface(NoPkg, []*Field{method}, false)
// makeComparableInterface makes the the predefined "comparable" interface in the
// built-in package. It has a unique name, but no methods.
func makeComparableInterface() *Type {
return NewInterface(NoPkg, nil, false)