blob: 1ce4c9679a9d50c13eba3258832be14bebd8f374 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Globals
type delayTime struct {
func (dt *delayTime) backoff(max time.Duration) {
v := dt.value.(time.Duration) * 2
if v > max {
v = max
dt.value = v
// don't change dt.timestamp - calling backoff indicates an error condition
var (
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose mode")
// file system roots
// TODO(gri) consider the invariant that goroot always end in '/'
goroot = flag.String("goroot", runtime.GOROOT(), "Go root directory")
testDir = flag.String("testdir", "", "Go root subdirectory - for testing only (faster startups)")
pkgPath = flag.String("path", "", "additional package directories (colon-separated)")
filter = flag.String("filter", "", "filter file containing permitted package directory paths")
filterMin = flag.Int("filter_minutes", 0, "filter file update interval in minutes; disabled if <= 0")
filterDelay delayTime // actual filter update interval in minutes; usually filterDelay == filterMin, but filterDelay may back off exponentially
// layout control
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, "tab width")
showTimestamps = flag.Bool("timestamps", true, "show timestamps with directory listings")
templateDir = flag.String("templates", "", "directory containing alternate template files")
// search index
indexEnabled = flag.Bool("index", false, "enable search index")
indexFiles = flag.String("index_files", "", "glob pattern specifying index files;"+
"if not empty, the index is read from these files in sorted order")
maxResults = flag.Int("maxresults", 10000, "maximum number of full text search results shown")
indexThrottle = flag.Float64("index_throttle", 0.75, "index throttle value; 0.0 = no time allocated, 1.0 = full throttle")
// file system mapping
fs FileSystem // the underlying file system for godoc
fsHttp http.FileSystem // the underlying file system for http
fsMap Mapping // user-defined mapping
fsTree RWValue // *Directory tree of packages, updated with each sync
pathFilter RWValue // filter used when building fsMap directory trees
fsModified RWValue // timestamp of last call to invalidateIndex
// http handlers
fileServer http.Handler // default file server
cmdHandler httpHandler
pkgHandler httpHandler
func initHandlers() {
paths := filepath.SplitList(*pkgPath)
for _, t := range build.Path {
if t.Goroot {
paths = append(paths, t.SrcDir())
fileServer = http.FileServer(fsHttp)
cmdHandler = httpHandler{"/cmd/", filepath.Join(*goroot, "src", "cmd"), false}
pkgHandler = httpHandler{"/pkg/", filepath.Join(*goroot, "src", "pkg"), true}
func registerPublicHandlers(mux *http.ServeMux) {
mux.Handle(cmdHandler.pattern, &cmdHandler)
mux.Handle(pkgHandler.pattern, &pkgHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/doc/codewalk/", codewalk)
mux.HandleFunc("/search", search)
mux.Handle("/robots.txt", fileServer)
mux.HandleFunc("/", serveFile)
func initFSTree() {
fsTree.set(newDirectory(filepath.Join(*goroot, *testDir), nil, -1))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Directory filters
// isParentOf returns true if p is a parent of (or the same as) q
// where p and q are directory paths.
func isParentOf(p, q string) bool {
n := len(p)
return strings.HasPrefix(q, p) && (len(q) <= n || q[n] == '/')
func setPathFilter(list []string) {
if len(list) == 0 {
// len(list) > 0
pathFilter.set(func(path string) bool {
// list is sorted in increasing order and for each path all its children are removed
i := sort.Search(len(list), func(i int) bool { return list[i] > path })
// Now we have list[i-1] <= path < list[i].
// Path may be a child of list[i-1] or a parent of list[i].
return i > 0 && isParentOf(list[i-1], path) || i < len(list) && isParentOf(path, list[i])
func getPathFilter() func(string) bool {
f, _ := pathFilter.get()
if f != nil {
return f.(func(string) bool)
return nil
// readDirList reads a file containing a newline-separated list
// of directory paths and returns the list of paths.
func readDirList(filename string) ([]string, error) {
contents, err := ReadFile(fs, filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create a sorted list of valid directory names
filter := func(path string) bool {
d, e := fs.Lstat(path)
if e != nil && err == nil {
// remember first error and return it from readDirList
// so we have at least some information if things go bad
err = e
return e == nil && isPkgDir(d)
list := canonicalizePaths(strings.Split(string(contents), "\n"), filter)
// for each parent path, remove all its children q
// (requirement for binary search to work when filtering)
i := 0
for _, q := range list {
if i == 0 || !isParentOf(list[i-1], q) {
list[i] = q
return list[0:i], err
// updateMappedDirs computes the directory tree for
// each user-defined file system mapping. If a filter
// is provided, it is used to filter directories.
func updateMappedDirs(filter func(string) bool) {
if !fsMap.IsEmpty() {
fsMap.Iterate(func(path string, value *RWValue) bool {
value.set(newDirectory(path, filter, -1))
return true
func updateFilterFile() {
updateMappedDirs(nil) // no filter for accuracy
// collect directory tree leaf node paths
var buf bytes.Buffer
fsMap.Iterate(func(_ string, value *RWValue) bool {
v, _ := value.get()
if v != nil && v.(*Directory) != nil {
return true
// update filter file
if err := writeFileAtomically(*filter, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
log.Printf("writeFileAtomically(%s): %s", *filter, err)
filterDelay.backoff(24 * time.Hour) // back off exponentially, but try at least once a day
} else {
filterDelay.set(*filterMin) // revert to regular filter update schedule
func initDirTrees() {
// setup initial path filter
if *filter != "" {
list, err := readDirList(*filter)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("readDirList(%s): %s", *filter, err)
if *verbose || len(list) == 0 {
log.Printf("found %d directory paths in file %s", len(list), *filter)
go updateMappedDirs(getPathFilter()) // use filter for speed
// start filter update goroutine, if enabled.
if *filter != "" && *filterMin > 0 {
filterDelay.set(time.Duration(*filterMin) * time.Minute) // initial filter update delay
go func() {
for {
if *verbose {
log.Printf("start update of %s", *filter)
delay, _ := filterDelay.get()
dt := delay.(time.Duration)
if *verbose {
log.Printf("next filter update in %s", dt)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Path mapping
// Absolute paths are file system paths (backslash-separated on Windows),
// but relative paths are always slash-separated.
func absolutePath(relpath, defaultRoot string) string {
abspath := fsMap.ToAbsolute(relpath)
if abspath == "" {
// no user-defined mapping found; use default mapping
abspath = filepath.Join(defaultRoot, filepath.FromSlash(relpath))
return abspath
func relativeURL(abspath string) string {
relpath := fsMap.ToRelative(abspath)
if relpath == "" {
// prefix must end in a path separator
prefix := *goroot
if len(prefix) > 0 && prefix[len(prefix)-1] != filepath.Separator {
prefix += string(filepath.Separator)
if strings.HasPrefix(abspath, prefix) {
// no user-defined mapping found; use default mapping
relpath = filepath.ToSlash(abspath[len(prefix):])
// Only if path is an invalid absolute path is relpath == ""
// at this point. This should never happen since absolute paths
// are only created via godoc for files that do exist. However,
// it is ok to return ""; it will simply provide a link to the
// top of the pkg or src directories.
return relpath
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tab conversion
var spaces = []byte(" ") // 32 spaces seems like a good number
const (
indenting = iota
// A tconv is an io.Writer filter for converting leading tabs into spaces.
type tconv struct {
output io.Writer
state int // indenting or collecting
indent int // valid if state == indenting
func (p *tconv) writeIndent() (err error) {
i := p.indent
for i >= len(spaces) {
i -= len(spaces)
if _, err = p.output.Write(spaces); err != nil {
// i < len(spaces)
if i > 0 {
_, err = p.output.Write(spaces[0:i])
func (p *tconv) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
if len(data) == 0 {
pos := 0 // valid if p.state == collecting
var b byte
for n, b = range data {
switch p.state {
case indenting:
switch b {
case '\t':
p.indent += *tabwidth
case '\n':
p.indent = 0
if _, err = p.output.Write(data[n : n+1]); err != nil {
case ' ':
p.state = collecting
pos = n
if err = p.writeIndent(); err != nil {
case collecting:
if b == '\n' {
p.state = indenting
p.indent = 0
if _, err = p.output.Write(data[pos : n+1]); err != nil {
n = len(data)
if pos < n && p.state == collecting {
_, err = p.output.Write(data[pos:])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Templates
// Write an AST node to w.
func writeNode(w io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, x interface{}) {
// convert trailing tabs into spaces using a tconv filter
// to ensure a good outcome in most browsers (there may still
// be tabs in comments and strings, but converting those into
// the right number of spaces is much harder)
// TODO(gri) rethink printer flags - perhaps tconv can be eliminated
// with an another printer mode (which is more efficiently
// implemented in the printer than here with another layer)
mode := printer.TabIndent | printer.UseSpaces
(&printer.Config{mode, *tabwidth}).Fprint(&tconv{output: w}, fset, x)
func filenameFunc(path string) string {
_, localname := filepath.Split(path)
return localname
func fileInfoNameFunc(fi os.FileInfo) string {
name := fi.Name()
if fi.IsDir() {
name += "/"
return name
func fileInfoTimeFunc(fi os.FileInfo) string {
if t := fi.ModTime(); t.Unix() != 0 {
return t.Local().String()
return "" // don't return epoch if time is obviously not set
// The strings in infoKinds must be properly html-escaped.
var infoKinds = [nKinds]string{
PackageClause: "package&nbsp;clause",
ImportDecl: "import&nbsp;decl",
ConstDecl: "const&nbsp;decl",
TypeDecl: "type&nbsp;decl",
VarDecl: "var&nbsp;decl",
FuncDecl: "func&nbsp;decl",
MethodDecl: "method&nbsp;decl",
Use: "use",
func infoKind_htmlFunc(info SpotInfo) string {
return infoKinds[info.Kind()] // infoKind entries are html-escaped
func infoLineFunc(info SpotInfo) int {
line := info.Lori()
if info.IsIndex() {
index, _ := searchIndex.get()
if index != nil {
line = index.(*Index).Snippet(line).Line
} else {
// no line information available because
// we don't have an index - this should
// never happen; be conservative and don't
// crash
line = 0
return line
func infoSnippet_htmlFunc(info SpotInfo) string {
if info.IsIndex() {
index, _ := searchIndex.get()
// Snippet.Text was HTML-escaped when it was generated
return index.(*Index).Snippet(info.Lori()).Text
return `<span class="alert">no snippet text available</span>`
func nodeFunc(node interface{}, fset *token.FileSet) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
writeNode(&buf, fset, node)
return buf.String()
func node_htmlFunc(node interface{}, fset *token.FileSet) string {
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
writeNode(&buf1, fset, node)
var buf2 bytes.Buffer
FormatText(&buf2, buf1.Bytes(), -1, true, "", nil)
return buf2.String()
func comment_htmlFunc(comment string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
// TODO(gri) Provide list of words (e.g. function parameters)
// to be emphasized by ToHTML.
doc.ToHTML(&buf, []byte(comment), nil) // does html-escaping
return buf.String()
func example_htmlFunc(funcName string, examples []*doc.Example, fset *token.FileSet) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, eg := range examples {
// accept Foo or Foo_.* for funcName == Foo
name := eg.Name
if i := strings.Index(name, "_"); i >= 0 {
name = name[:i]
if name != funcName {
// print code, unindent and remove surrounding braces
code := node_htmlFunc(eg.Body, fset)
code = strings.Replace(code, "\n ", "\n", -1)
code = code[2 : len(code)-2]
err := exampleHTML.Execute(&buf, struct {
Code, Output string
}{code, eg.Output})
if err != nil {
return buf.String()
func pkgLinkFunc(path string) string {
relpath := relativeURL(path)
// because of the irregular mapping under goroot
// we need to correct certain relative paths
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "src/pkg/") {
relpath = relpath[len("src/pkg/"):]
return pkgHandler.pattern[1:] + relpath // remove trailing '/' for relative URL
func posLink_urlFunc(node ast.Node, fset *token.FileSet) string {
var relpath string
var line int
var low, high int // selection
if p := node.Pos(); p.IsValid() {
pos := fset.Position(p)
relpath = relativeURL(pos.Filename)
line = pos.Line
low = pos.Offset
if p := node.End(); p.IsValid() {
high = fset.Position(p).Offset
var buf bytes.Buffer
template.HTMLEscape(&buf, []byte(relpath))
// selection ranges are of form "s=low:high"
if low < high {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "?s=%d:%d", low, high) // no need for URL escaping
// if we have a selection, position the page
// such that the selection is a bit below the top
line -= 10
if line < 1 {
line = 1
// line id's in html-printed source are of the
// form "L%d" where %d stands for the line number
if line > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "#L%d", line) // no need for URL escaping
return buf.String()
// fmap describes the template functions installed with all godoc templates.
// Convention: template function names ending in "_html" or "_url" produce
// HTML- or URL-escaped strings; all other function results may
// require explicit escaping in the template.
var fmap = template.FuncMap{
// various helpers
"filename": filenameFunc,
"repeat": strings.Repeat,
// accss to FileInfos (directory listings)
"fileInfoName": fileInfoNameFunc,
"fileInfoTime": fileInfoTimeFunc,
// access to search result information
"infoKind_html": infoKind_htmlFunc,
"infoLine": infoLineFunc,
"infoSnippet_html": infoSnippet_htmlFunc,
// formatting of AST nodes
"node": nodeFunc,
"node_html": node_htmlFunc,
"comment_html": comment_htmlFunc,
// support for URL attributes
"pkgLink": pkgLinkFunc,
"srcLink": relativeURL,
"posLink_url": posLink_urlFunc,
// formatting of Examples
"example_html": example_htmlFunc,
func readTemplate(name string) *template.Template {
path := filepath.Join(*goroot, "lib", "godoc", name)
if *templateDir != "" {
defaultpath := path
path = filepath.Join(*templateDir, name)
if _, err := fs.Stat(path); err != nil {
log.Print("readTemplate:", err)
path = defaultpath
// use underlying file system fs to read the template file
// (cannot use template ParseFile functions directly)
data, err := ReadFile(fs, path)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("readTemplate: ", err)
// be explicit with errors (for app engine use)
t, err := template.New(name).Funcs(fmap).Parse(string(data))
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("readTemplate: ", err)
return t
var (
searchText *template.Template
func readTemplates() {
// have to delay until after flags processing since paths depend on goroot
codewalkHTML = readTemplate("codewalk.html")
codewalkdirHTML = readTemplate("codewalkdir.html")
dirlistHTML = readTemplate("dirlist.html")
errorHTML = readTemplate("error.html")
exampleHTML = readTemplate("example.html")
godocHTML = readTemplate("godoc.html")
packageHTML = readTemplate("package.html")
packageText = readTemplate("package.txt")
searchHTML = readTemplate("search.html")
searchText = readTemplate("search.txt")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic HTML wrapper
func servePage(w http.ResponseWriter, title, subtitle, query string, content []byte) {
d := struct {
Title string
Subtitle string
PkgRoots []string
SearchBox bool
Query string
Version string
Menu []byte
Content []byte
if err := godocHTML.Execute(w, &d); err != nil {
log.Printf("godocHTML.Execute: %s", err)
func serveText(w http.ResponseWriter, text []byte) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Files
var (
titleRx = regexp.MustCompile(`<!-- title ([^\-]*)-->`)
subtitleRx = regexp.MustCompile(`<!-- subtitle ([^\-]*)-->`)
firstCommentRx = regexp.MustCompile(`<!--([^\-]*)-->`)
func extractString(src []byte, rx *regexp.Regexp) (s string) {
m := rx.FindSubmatch(src)
if m != nil {
s = strings.TrimSpace(string(m[1]))
func serveHTMLDoc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, abspath, relpath string) {
// get HTML body contents
src, err := ReadFile(fs, abspath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ReadFile: %s", err)
serveError(w, r, relpath, err)
// if it begins with "<!DOCTYPE " assume it is standalone
// html that doesn't need the template wrapping.
if bytes.HasPrefix(src, []byte("<!DOCTYPE ")) {
// if it's the language spec, add tags to EBNF productions
if strings.HasSuffix(abspath, "go_spec.html") {
var buf bytes.Buffer
Linkify(&buf, src)
src = buf.Bytes()
// get title and subtitle, if any
title := extractString(src, titleRx)
if title == "" {
// no title found; try first comment for backward-compatibility
title = extractString(src, firstCommentRx)
subtitle := extractString(src, subtitleRx)
servePage(w, title, subtitle, "", src)
func applyTemplate(t *template.Template, name string, data interface{}) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := t.Execute(&buf, data); err != nil {
log.Printf("%s.Execute: %s", name, err)
return buf.Bytes()
func redirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (redirected bool) {
if canonical := path.Clean(r.URL.Path) + "/"; r.URL.Path != canonical {
http.Redirect(w, r, canonical, http.StatusMovedPermanently)
redirected = true
func serveTextFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, abspath, relpath, title string) {
src, err := ReadFile(fs, abspath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ReadFile: %s", err)
serveError(w, r, relpath, err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
FormatText(&buf, src, 1, filepath.Ext(abspath) == ".go", r.FormValue("h"), rangeSelection(r.FormValue("s")))
servePage(w, title+" "+relpath, "", "", buf.Bytes())
func serveDirectory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, abspath, relpath string) {
if redirect(w, r) {
list, err := fs.ReadDir(abspath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ReadDir: %s", err)
serveError(w, r, relpath, err)
contents := applyTemplate(dirlistHTML, "dirlistHTML", list)
servePage(w, "Directory "+relpath, "", "", contents)
func serveFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
relpath := r.URL.Path[1:] // serveFile URL paths start with '/'
abspath := absolutePath(relpath, *goroot)
// pick off special cases and hand the rest to the standard file server
switch r.URL.Path {
case "/":
serveHTMLDoc(w, r, filepath.Join(*goroot, "doc", "root.html"), "doc/root.html")
case "/doc/root.html":
// hide landing page from its real name
http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusMovedPermanently)
switch path.Ext(relpath) {
case ".html":
if strings.HasSuffix(relpath, "/index.html") {
// We'll show index.html for the directory.
// Use the dir/ version as canonical instead of dir/index.html.
http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.Path[0:len(r.URL.Path)-len("index.html")], http.StatusMovedPermanently)
serveHTMLDoc(w, r, abspath, relpath)
case ".go":
serveTextFile(w, r, abspath, relpath, "Source file")
dir, err := fs.Lstat(abspath)
if err != nil {
serveError(w, r, relpath, err)
if dir != nil && dir.IsDir() {
if redirect(w, r) {
if index := filepath.Join(abspath, "index.html"); isTextFile(index) {
serveHTMLDoc(w, r, index, relativeURL(index))
serveDirectory(w, r, abspath, relpath)
if isTextFile(abspath) {
serveTextFile(w, r, abspath, relpath, "Text file")
fileServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Packages
// Fake package file and name for commands. Contains the command documentation.
const fakePkgFile = "doc.go"
const fakePkgName = "documentation"
// Fake relative package path for built-ins. Documentation for all globals
// (not just exported ones) will be shown for packages in this directory.
const builtinPkgPath = "builtin"
type PageInfoMode uint
const (
noFiltering PageInfoMode = 1 << iota // do not filter exports
showSource // show source code, do not extract documentation
noHtml // show result in textual form, do not generate HTML
flatDir // show directory in a flat (non-indented) manner
// modeNames defines names for each PageInfoMode flag.
var modeNames = map[string]PageInfoMode{
"all": noFiltering,
"src": showSource,
"text": noHtml,
"flat": flatDir,
// getPageInfoMode computes the PageInfoMode flags by analyzing the request
// URL form value "m". It is value is a comma-separated list of mode names
// as defined by modeNames (e.g.: m=src,text).
func getPageInfoMode(r *http.Request) PageInfoMode {
var mode PageInfoMode
for _, k := range strings.Split(r.FormValue("m"), ",") {
if m, found := modeNames[strings.TrimSpace(k)]; found {
mode |= m
return adjustPageInfoMode(r, mode)
// Specialized versions of godoc may adjust the PageInfoMode by overriding
// this variable.
var adjustPageInfoMode = func(_ *http.Request, mode PageInfoMode) PageInfoMode {
return mode
// remoteSearchURL returns the search URL for a given query as needed by
// remoteSearch. If html is set, an html result is requested; otherwise
// the result is in textual form.
// Adjust this function as necessary if modeNames or FormValue parameters
// change.
func remoteSearchURL(query string, html bool) string {
s := "/search?m=text&q="
if html {
s = "/search?q="
return s + url.QueryEscape(query)
type PageInfo struct {
Dirname string // directory containing the package
PList []string // list of package names found
FSet *token.FileSet // corresponding file set
PAst *ast.File // nil if no single AST with package exports
PDoc *doc.PackageDoc // nil if no single package documentation
Examples []*doc.Example // nil if no example code
Dirs *DirList // nil if no directory information
DirTime time.Time // directory time stamp
DirFlat bool // if set, show directory in a flat (non-indented) manner
IsPkg bool // false if this is not documenting a real package
Err error // I/O error or nil
func (info *PageInfo) IsEmpty() bool {
return info.Err != nil || info.PAst == nil && info.PDoc == nil && info.Dirs == nil
type httpHandler struct {
pattern string // url pattern; e.g. "/pkg/"
fsRoot string // file system root to which the pattern is mapped
isPkg bool // true if this handler serves real package documentation (as opposed to command documentation)
// fsReadDir implements ReadDir for the go/build package.
func fsReadDir(dir string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
return fs.ReadDir(dir)
// fsReadFile implements ReadFile for the go/build package.
func fsReadFile(dir, name string) (path string, data []byte, err error) {
path = filepath.Join(dir, name)
data, err = ReadFile(fs, path)
func inList(name string, list []string) bool {
for _, l := range list {
if name == l {
return true
return false
func stripFunctionBodies(pkg *ast.Package) {
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if f, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
f.Body = nil
// getPageInfo returns the PageInfo for a package directory abspath. If the
// parameter genAST is set, an AST containing only the package exports is
// computed (PageInfo.PAst), otherwise package documentation (PageInfo.Doc)
// is extracted from the AST. If there is no corresponding package in the
// directory, PageInfo.PAst and PageInfo.PDoc are nil. If there are no sub-
// directories, PageInfo.Dirs is nil. If a directory read error occurred,
// PageInfo.Err is set to the respective error but the error is not logged.
func (h *httpHandler) getPageInfo(abspath, relpath, pkgname string, mode PageInfoMode) PageInfo {
var pkgFiles []string
// If we're showing the default package, restrict to the ones
// that would be used when building the package on this
// system. This makes sure that if there are separate
// implementations for, say, Windows vs Unix, we don't
// jumble them all together.
if pkgname == "" {
// Note: Uses current binary's GOOS/GOARCH.
// To use different pair, such as if we allowed the user
// to choose, set ctxt.GOOS and ctxt.GOARCH before
// calling ctxt.ScanDir.
ctxt := build.DefaultContext
ctxt.ReadDir = fsReadDir
ctxt.ReadFile = fsReadFile
dir, err := ctxt.ScanDir(abspath)
if err == nil {
pkgFiles = append(dir.GoFiles, dir.CgoFiles...)
// filter function to select the desired .go files
filter := func(d os.FileInfo) bool {
// Only Go files.
if !isPkgFile(d) {
return false
// If we are looking at cmd documentation, only accept
// the special fakePkgFile containing the documentation.
if !h.isPkg {
return d.Name() == fakePkgFile
// Also restrict file list to pkgFiles.
return pkgFiles == nil || inList(d.Name(), pkgFiles)
// get package ASTs
fset := token.NewFileSet()
pkgs, err := parseDir(fset, abspath, filter)
if err != nil && pkgs == nil {
// only report directory read errors, ignore parse errors
// (may be able to extract partial package information)
return PageInfo{Dirname: abspath, Err: err}
// select package
var pkg *ast.Package // selected package
var plist []string // list of other package (names), if any
if len(pkgs) == 1 {
// Exactly one package - select it.
for _, p := range pkgs {
pkg = p
} else if len(pkgs) > 1 {
// Multiple packages - select the best matching package: The
// 1st choice is the package with pkgname, the 2nd choice is
// the package with dirname, and the 3rd choice is a package
// that is not called "main" if there is exactly one such
// package. Otherwise, don't select a package.
dirpath, dirname := filepath.Split(abspath)
// If the dirname is "go" we might be in a sub-directory for
// .go files - use the outer directory name instead for better
// results.
if dirname == "go" {
_, dirname = filepath.Split(filepath.Clean(dirpath))
var choice3 *ast.Package
for _, p := range pkgs {
switch {
case p.Name == pkgname:
pkg = p
break loop // 1st choice; we are done
case p.Name == dirname:
pkg = p // 2nd choice
case p.Name != "main":
choice3 = p
if pkg == nil && len(pkgs) == 2 {
pkg = choice3
// Compute the list of other packages
// (excluding the selected package, if any).
plist = make([]string, len(pkgs))
i := 0
for name := range pkgs {
if pkg == nil || name != pkg.Name {
plist[i] = name
plist = plist[0:i]
// get examples from *_test.go files
var examples []*doc.Example
filter = func(d os.FileInfo) bool {
return isGoFile(d) && strings.HasSuffix(d.Name(), "_test.go")
if testpkgs, err := parseDir(fset, abspath, filter); err != nil {
log.Println("parsing test files:", err)
} else {
for _, testpkg := range testpkgs {
examples = append(examples, doc.Examples(testpkg)...)
// compute package documentation
var past *ast.File
var pdoc *doc.PackageDoc
if pkg != nil {
if mode&noFiltering == 0 {
if mode&showSource == 0 {
pdoc = doc.NewPackageDoc(pkg, path.Clean(relpath)) // no trailing '/' in importpath
} else {
past = ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg, ast.FilterUnassociatedComments)
// get directory information
var dir *Directory
var timestamp time.Time
if tree, ts := fsTree.get(); tree != nil && tree.(*Directory) != nil {
// directory tree is present; lookup respective directory
// (may still fail if the file system was updated and the
// new directory tree has not yet been computed)
dir = tree.(*Directory).lookup(abspath)
timestamp = ts
if dir == nil {
// the path may refer to a user-specified file system mapped
// via fsMap; lookup that mapping and corresponding RWValue
// if any
var v *RWValue
fsMap.Iterate(func(path string, value *RWValue) bool {
if isParentOf(path, abspath) {
// mapping found
v = value
return false
return true
if v != nil {
// found a RWValue associated with a user-specified file
// system; a non-nil RWValue stores a (possibly out-of-date)
// directory tree for that file system
if tree, ts := v.get(); tree != nil && tree.(*Directory) != nil {
dir = tree.(*Directory).lookup(abspath)
timestamp = ts
if dir == nil {
// no directory tree present (too early after startup or
// command-line mode); compute one level for this page
// note: cannot use path filter here because in general
// it doesn't contain the fsTree path
dir = newDirectory(abspath, nil, 1)
timestamp = time.Now()
return PageInfo{
Dirname: abspath,
PList: plist,
FSet: fset,
PAst: past,
PDoc: pdoc,
Examples: examples,
Dirs: dir.listing(true),
DirTime: timestamp,
DirFlat: mode&flatDir != 0,
IsPkg: h.isPkg,
Err: nil,
func (h *httpHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if redirect(w, r) {
relpath := path.Clean(r.URL.Path[len(h.pattern):])
abspath := absolutePath(relpath, h.fsRoot)
mode := getPageInfoMode(r)
if relpath == builtinPkgPath {
mode = noFiltering
info := h.getPageInfo(abspath, relpath, r.FormValue("p"), mode)
if info.Err != nil {
serveError(w, r, relpath, info.Err)
if mode&noHtml != 0 {
contents := applyTemplate(packageText, "packageText", info)
serveText(w, contents)
var title, subtitle string
switch {
case info.PAst != nil:
title = "Package " + info.PAst.Name.Name
case info.PDoc != nil:
switch {
case info.IsPkg:
title = "Package " + info.PDoc.PackageName
case info.PDoc.PackageName == fakePkgName:
// assume that the directory name is the command name
_, pkgname := path.Split(relpath)
title = "Command " + pkgname
title = "Command " + info.PDoc.PackageName
title = "Directory " + relativeURL(info.Dirname)
if *showTimestamps {
subtitle = "Last update: " + info.DirTime.String()
contents := applyTemplate(packageHTML, "packageHTML", info)
servePage(w, title, subtitle, "", contents)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search
var searchIndex RWValue
type SearchResult struct {
Query string
Alert string // error or warning message
// identifier matches
Pak HitList // packages matching Query
Hit *LookupResult // identifier matches of Query
Alt *AltWords // alternative identifiers to look for
// textual matches
Found int // number of textual occurrences found
Textual []FileLines // textual matches of Query
Complete bool // true if all textual occurrences of Query are reported
func lookup(query string) (result SearchResult) {
result.Query = query
index, timestamp := searchIndex.get()
if index != nil {
index := index.(*Index)
// identifier search
var err error
result.Pak, result.Hit, result.Alt, err = index.Lookup(query)
if err != nil && *maxResults <= 0 {
// ignore the error if full text search is enabled
// since the query may be a valid regular expression
result.Alert = "Error in query string: " + err.Error()
// full text search
if *maxResults > 0 && query != "" {
rx, err := regexp.Compile(query)
if err != nil {
result.Alert = "Error in query regular expression: " + err.Error()
// If we get maxResults+1 results we know that there are more than
// maxResults results and thus the result may be incomplete (to be
// precise, we should remove one result from the result set, but
// nobody is going to count the results on the result page).
result.Found, result.Textual = index.LookupRegexp(rx, *maxResults+1)
result.Complete = result.Found <= *maxResults
if !result.Complete {
result.Found-- // since we looked for maxResults+1
// is the result accurate?
if *indexEnabled {
if _, ts := fsModified.get(); timestamp.Before(ts) {
// The index is older than the latest file system change under godoc's observation.
result.Alert = "Indexing in progress: result may be inaccurate"
} else {
result.Alert = "Search index disabled: no results available"
func search(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
query := strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("q"))
result := lookup(query)
if getPageInfoMode(r)&noHtml != 0 {
contents := applyTemplate(searchText, "searchText", result)
serveText(w, contents)
var title string
if result.Hit != nil || len(result.Textual) > 0 {
title = fmt.Sprintf(`Results for query %q`, query)
} else {
title = fmt.Sprintf(`No results found for query %q`, query)
contents := applyTemplate(searchHTML, "searchHTML", result)
servePage(w, title, "", query, contents)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Indexer
// invalidateIndex should be called whenever any of the file systems
// under godoc's observation change so that the indexer is kicked on.
func invalidateIndex() {
// indexUpToDate() returns true if the search index is not older
// than any of the file systems under godoc's observation.
func indexUpToDate() bool {
_, fsTime := fsModified.get()
_, siTime := searchIndex.get()
return !fsTime.After(siTime)
// feedDirnames feeds the directory names of all directories
// under the file system given by root to channel c.
func feedDirnames(root *RWValue, c chan<- string) {
if dir, _ := root.get(); dir != nil {
for d := range dir.(*Directory).iter(false) {
c <- d.Path
// fsDirnames() returns a channel sending all directory names
// of all the file systems under godoc's observation.
func fsDirnames() <-chan string {
c := make(chan string, 256) // asynchronous for fewer context switches
go func() {
feedDirnames(&fsTree, c)
fsMap.Iterate(func(_ string, root *RWValue) bool {
feedDirnames(root, c)
return true
return c
func readIndex(filenames string) error {
matches, err := filepath.Glob(filenames)
if err != nil {
return err
sort.Strings(matches) // make sure files are in the right order
files := make([]io.Reader, 0, len(matches))
for _, filename := range matches {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
files = append(files, f)
x := new(Index)
if err := x.Read(io.MultiReader(files...)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func updateIndex() {
if *verbose {
log.Printf("updating index...")
start := time.Now()
index := NewIndex(fsDirnames(), *maxResults > 0, *indexThrottle)
stop := time.Now()
if *verbose {
secs := stop.Sub(start).Seconds()
stats := index.Stats()
log.Printf("index updated (%gs, %d bytes of source, %d files, %d lines, %d unique words, %d spots)",
secs, stats.Bytes, stats.Files, stats.Lines, stats.Words, stats.Spots)
log.Printf("before GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d", runtime.MemStats.HeapAlloc, runtime.MemStats.Sys)
log.Printf("after GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d", runtime.MemStats.HeapAlloc, runtime.MemStats.Sys)
func indexer() {
// initialize the index from disk if possible
if *indexFiles != "" {
if err := readIndex(*indexFiles); err != nil {
log.Printf("error reading index: %s", err)
// repeatedly update the index when it goes out of date
for {
if !indexUpToDate() {
// index possibly out of date - make a new one
delay := 60 * time.Second // by default, try every 60s
if *testDir != "" {
// in test mode, try once a second for fast startup
delay = 1 * time.Second