blob: e50ea19837f8bb989889494030367e29c43a5583 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import "cmd/internal/obj"
* look for
* unsafe.Sizeof
* unsafe.Offsetof
* unsafe.Alignof
* rewrite with a constant
func unsafenmagic(nn *Node) *Node {
var r *Node
var n *Node
var base *Node
var r1 *Node
var s *Sym
var t *Type
var tr *Type
var v int64
var val Val
var fn *Node
var args *NodeList
fn = nn.Left
args = nn.List
if safemode != 0 || fn == nil || fn.Op != ONAME {
goto no
s = fn.Sym
if s == nil {
goto no
if s.Pkg != unsafepkg {
goto no
if args == nil {
Yyerror("missing argument for %v", Sconv(s, 0))
goto no
r = args.N
if s.Name == "Sizeof" {
typecheck(&r, Erv)
defaultlit(&r, nil)
tr = r.Type
if tr == nil {
goto bad
v = tr.Width
goto yes
if s.Name == "Offsetof" {
// must be a selector.
if r.Op != OXDOT {
goto bad
// Remember base of selector to find it back after dot insertion.
// Since r->left may be mutated by typechecking, check it explicitly
// first to track it correctly.
typecheck(&r.Left, Erv)
base = r.Left
typecheck(&r, Erv)
switch r.Op {
case ODOT,
Yyerror("invalid expression %v: argument is a method value", Nconv(nn, 0))
v = 0
goto ret
goto bad
v = 0
// add offsets for inserted dots.
for r1 = r; r1.Left != base; r1 = r1.Left {
switch r1.Op {
case ODOT:
v += r1.Xoffset
Yyerror("invalid expression %v: selector implies indirection of embedded %v", Nconv(nn, 0), Nconv(r1.Left, 0))
goto ret
Dump("unsafenmagic", r)
Fatal("impossible %v node after dot insertion", Oconv(int(r1.Op), obj.FmtSharp))
goto bad
v += r1.Xoffset
goto yes
if s.Name == "Alignof" {
typecheck(&r, Erv)
defaultlit(&r, nil)
tr = r.Type
if tr == nil {
goto bad
// make struct { byte; T; }
t = typ(TSTRUCT)
t.Type = typ(TFIELD)
t.Type.Type = Types[TUINT8]
t.Type.Down = typ(TFIELD)
t.Type.Down.Type = tr
// compute struct widths
// the offset of T is its required alignment
v = t.Type.Down.Width
goto yes
return nil
Yyerror("invalid expression %v", Nconv(nn, 0))
v = 0
goto ret
if args.Next != nil {
Yyerror("extra arguments for %v", Sconv(s, 0))
// any side effects disappear; ignore init
val.Ctype = CTINT
val.U.Xval = new(Mpint)
Mpmovecfix(val.U.Xval, v)
n = Nod(OLITERAL, nil, nil)
n.Orig = nn
n.Val = val
n.Type = Types[TUINTPTR]
nn.Type = Types[TUINTPTR]
return n
func isunsafebuiltin(n *Node) int {
if n == nil || n.Op != ONAME || n.Sym == nil || n.Sym.Pkg != unsafepkg {
return 0
if n.Sym.Name == "Sizeof" {
return 1
if n.Sym.Name == "Offsetof" {
return 1
if n.Sym.Name == "Alignof" {
return 1
return 0