| // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| package mime |
| |
| import ( |
| "reflect" |
| "testing" |
| ) |
| |
| func TestConsumeToken(t *testing.T) { |
| tests := [...][3]string{ |
| {"foo bar", "foo", " bar"}, |
| {"bar", "bar", ""}, |
| {"", "", ""}, |
| {" foo", "", " foo"}, |
| } |
| for _, test := range tests { |
| token, rest := consumeToken(test[0]) |
| expectedToken := test[1] |
| expectedRest := test[2] |
| if token != expectedToken { |
| t.Errorf("expected to consume token '%s', not '%s' from '%s'", |
| expectedToken, token, test[0]) |
| } else if rest != expectedRest { |
| t.Errorf("expected to have left '%s', not '%s' after reading token '%s' from '%s'", |
| expectedRest, rest, token, test[0]) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func TestConsumeValue(t *testing.T) { |
| tests := [...][3]string{ |
| {"foo bar", "foo", " bar"}, |
| {"bar", "bar", ""}, |
| {" bar ", "", " bar "}, |
| {`"My value"end`, "My value", "end"}, |
| {`"My value" end`, "My value", " end"}, |
| {`"\\" rest`, "\\", " rest"}, |
| {`"My \" value"end`, "My \" value", "end"}, |
| {`"\" rest`, "", `"\" rest`}, |
| } |
| for _, test := range tests { |
| value, rest := consumeValue(test[0]) |
| expectedValue := test[1] |
| expectedRest := test[2] |
| if value != expectedValue { |
| t.Errorf("expected to consume value [%s], not [%s] from [%s]", |
| expectedValue, value, test[0]) |
| } else if rest != expectedRest { |
| t.Errorf("expected to have left [%s], not [%s] after reading value [%s] from [%s]", |
| expectedRest, rest, value, test[0]) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func TestConsumeMediaParam(t *testing.T) { |
| tests := [...][4]string{ |
| {" ; foo=bar", "foo", "bar", ""}, |
| {"; foo=bar", "foo", "bar", ""}, |
| {";foo=bar", "foo", "bar", ""}, |
| {`;foo="bar"`, "foo", "bar", ""}, |
| {`;foo="bar"; `, "foo", "bar", "; "}, |
| {`;foo="bar"; foo=baz`, "foo", "bar", "; foo=baz"}, |
| {` ; boundary=----CUT;`, "boundary", "----CUT", ";"}, |
| {` ; key=value; blah="value";name="foo" `, "key", "value", `; blah="value";name="foo" `}, |
| {`; blah="value";name="foo" `, "blah", "value", `;name="foo" `}, |
| {`;name="foo" `, "name", "foo", ` `}, |
| } |
| for _, test := range tests { |
| param, value, rest := consumeMediaParam(test[0]) |
| expectedParam := test[1] |
| expectedValue := test[2] |
| expectedRest := test[3] |
| if param != expectedParam { |
| t.Errorf("expected to consume param [%s], not [%s] from [%s]", |
| expectedParam, param, test[0]) |
| } else if value != expectedValue { |
| t.Errorf("expected to consume value [%s], not [%s] from [%s]", |
| expectedValue, value, test[0]) |
| } else if rest != expectedRest { |
| t.Errorf("expected to have left [%s], not [%s] after reading [%s/%s] from [%s]", |
| expectedRest, rest, param, value, test[0]) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| type mediaTypeTest struct { |
| in string |
| t string |
| p map[string]string |
| } |
| |
| func TestParseMediaType(t *testing.T) { |
| // Convenience map initializer |
| m := func(s ...string) map[string]string { |
| sm := make(map[string]string) |
| for i := 0; i < len(s); i += 2 { |
| sm[s[i]] = s[i+1] |
| } |
| return sm |
| } |
| |
| nameFoo := map[string]string{"name": "foo"} |
| tests := []mediaTypeTest{ |
| {`form-data; name="foo"`, "form-data", nameFoo}, |
| {` form-data ; name=foo`, "form-data", nameFoo}, |
| {`FORM-DATA;name="foo"`, "form-data", nameFoo}, |
| {` FORM-DATA ; name="foo"`, "form-data", nameFoo}, |
| {` FORM-DATA ; name="foo"`, "form-data", nameFoo}, |
| |
| {`form-data; key=value; blah="value";name="foo" `, |
| "form-data", |
| m("key", "value", "blah", "value", "name", "foo")}, |
| |
| {`foo; key=val1; key=the-key-appears-again-which-is-bogus`, |
| "", m()}, |
| |
| // From RFC 2231: |
| {`application/x-stuff; title*=us-ascii'en-us'This%20is%20%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A`, |
| "application/x-stuff", |
| m("title", "This is ***fun***")}, |
| |
| {`message/external-body; access-type=URL; ` + |
| `URL*0="ftp://";` + |
| `URL*1="cs.utk.edu/pub/moore/bulk-mailer/bulk-mailer.tar"`, |
| "message/external-body", |
| m("access-type", "URL", |
| "URL", "ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/moore/bulk-mailer/bulk-mailer.tar")}, |
| |
| {`application/x-stuff; ` + |
| `title*0*=us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20; ` + |
| `title*1*=%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20; ` + |
| `title*2="isn't it!"`, |
| "application/x-stuff", |
| m("title", "This is even more ***fun*** isn't it!")}, |
| |
| // Tests from http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/ |
| // TODO(bradfitz): add the rest of the tests from that site. |
| {`attachment; filename="f\oo.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename="\"quoting\" tested.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", `"quoting" tested.html`)}, |
| {`attachment; filename="Here's a semicolon;.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "Here's a semicolon;.html")}, |
| {`attachment; foo="\"\\";filename="foo.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("foo", "\"\\", "filename", "foo.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename=foo.html`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename=foo.html ;`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename='foo.html'`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename="foo-%41.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo-%41.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename="foo-%\41.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo-%41.html")}, |
| {`filename=foo.html`, |
| "", m()}, |
| {`x=y; filename=foo.html`, |
| "", m()}, |
| {`"foo; filename=bar;baz"; filename=qux`, |
| "", m()}, |
| {`inline; attachment; filename=foo.html`, |
| "", m()}, |
| {`attachment; filename="foo.html".txt`, |
| "", m()}, |
| {`attachment; filename="bar`, |
| "", m()}, |
| {`attachment; creation-date="Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:29:51 -0500"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("creation-date", "Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:29:51 -0500")}, |
| {`foobar`, "foobar", m()}, |
| {`attachment; filename* =UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo-ä.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*=UTF-8''A-%2541.html`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "A-%41.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*0="foo."; filename*1="html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*0*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4; filename*1=".html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo-ä.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*0="foo"; filename*01="bar"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*0="foo"; filename*2="bar"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*1="foo"; filename*2="bar"`, |
| "attachment", m()}, |
| {`attachment; filename*1="bar"; filename*0="foo"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foobar")}, |
| {`attachment; filename="foo-ae.html"; filename*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo-ä.html")}, |
| {`attachment; filename*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html; filename="foo-ae.html"`, |
| "attachment", |
| m("filename", "foo-ä.html")}, |
| |
| // Browsers also just send UTF-8 directly without RFC 2231, |
| // at least when the source page is served with UTF-8. |
| {`form-data; firstname="Брэд"; lastname="Фицпатрик"`, |
| "form-data", |
| m("firstname", "Брэд", "lastname", "Фицпатрик")}, |
| } |
| for _, test := range tests { |
| mt, params := ParseMediaType(test.in) |
| if g, e := mt, test.t; g != e { |
| t.Errorf("for input %q, expected type %q, got %q", |
| test.in, e, g) |
| continue |
| } |
| if len(params) == 0 && len(test.p) == 0 { |
| continue |
| } |
| if !reflect.DeepEqual(params, test.p) { |
| t.Errorf("for input %q, wrong params.\n"+ |
| "expected: %#v\n"+ |
| " got: %#v", |
| test.in, test.p, params) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func TestParseMediaTypeBogus(t *testing.T) { |
| mt, params := ParseMediaType("bogus ;=========") |
| if mt != "" { |
| t.Error("expected empty type") |
| } |
| if params != nil { |
| t.Error("expected nil params") |
| } |
| } |