blob: 0d84db999395015822670852c6224f14d47b7ce0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file will evolve, since we plan to do a mix of stenciling and passing
// around dictionaries.
package noder
import (
// For catching problems as we add more features
// TODO(danscales): remove assertions or replace with base.FatalfAt()
func assert(p bool) {
if !p {
panic("assertion failed")
// stencil scans functions for instantiated generic function calls and creates the
// required instantiations for simple generic functions. It also creates
// instantiated methods for all fully-instantiated generic types that have been
// encountered already or new ones that are encountered during the stenciling
// process.
func (g *irgen) stencil() { = make(map[*types.Sym]*ir.Func)
// Instantiate the methods of instantiated generic types that we have seen so far.
// Don't use range( - we also want to process any new instantiated
// functions that are created during this loop, in order to handle generic
// functions calling other generic functions.
for i := 0; i < len(; i++ {
decl :=[i]
// Look for function instantiations in bodies of non-generic
// functions or in global assignments (ignore global type and
// constant declarations).
switch decl.Op() {
case ir.ODCLFUNC:
if decl.Type().HasTParam() {
// Skip any generic functions
case ir.OAS:
case ir.OAS2:
// For all non-generic code, search for any function calls using
// generic function instantiations. Then create the needed
// instantiated function if it hasn't been created yet, and change
// to calling that function directly.
modified := false
foundFuncInst := false
ir.Visit(decl, func(n ir.Node) {
if n.Op() == ir.OFUNCINST {
// We found a function instantiation that is not
// immediately called.
foundFuncInst = true
if n.Op() != ir.OCALL || n.(*ir.CallExpr).X.Op() != ir.OFUNCINST {
// We have found a function call using a generic function
// instantiation.
call := n.(*ir.CallExpr)
inst := call.X.(*ir.InstExpr)
st := g.getInstantiationForNode(inst)
// Replace the OFUNCINST with a direct reference to the
// new stenciled function
call.X = st.Nname
if inst.X.Op() == ir.OCALLPART {
// When we create an instantiation of a method
// call, we make it a function. So, move the
// receiver to be the first arg of the function
// call.
withRecv := make([]ir.Node, len(call.Args)+1)
dot := inst.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
withRecv[0] = dot.X
copy(withRecv[1:], call.Args)
call.Args = withRecv
// Transform the Call now, which changes OCALL
// to OCALLFUNC and does typecheckaste/assignconvfn.
modified = true
// If we found an OFUNCINST without a corresponding call in the
// above decl, then traverse the nodes of decl again (with
// EditChildren rather than Visit), where we actually change the
// OFUNCINST node to an ONAME for the instantiated function.
// EditChildren is more expensive than Visit, so we only do this
// in the infrequent case of an OFUNCINSt without a corresponding
// call.
if foundFuncInst {
var edit func(ir.Node) ir.Node
edit = func(x ir.Node) ir.Node {
if x.Op() == ir.OFUNCINST {
st := g.getInstantiationForNode(x.(*ir.InstExpr))
return st.Nname
ir.EditChildren(x, edit)
return x
if base.Flag.W > 1 && modified {
ir.Dump(fmt.Sprintf("\nmodified %v", decl), decl)
// We may have seen new fully-instantiated generic types while
// instantiating any needed functions/methods in the above
// function. If so, instantiate all the methods of those types
// (which will then lead to more function/methods to scan in the loop).
// instantiateMethods instantiates all the methods of all fully-instantiated
// generic types that have been added to g.instTypeList.
func (g *irgen) instantiateMethods() {
for i := 0; i < len(g.instTypeList); i++ {
typ := g.instTypeList[i]
// Get the base generic type by looking up the symbol of the
// generic (uninstantiated) name.
baseSym := typ.Sym().Pkg.Lookup(genericTypeName(typ.Sym()))
baseType := baseSym.Def.(*ir.Name).Type()
for j, m := range typ.Methods().Slice() {
name := m.Nname.(*ir.Name)
targs := make([]ir.Node, len(typ.RParams()))
for k, targ := range typ.RParams() {
targs[k] = ir.TypeNode(targ)
baseNname := baseType.Methods().Slice()[j].Nname.(*ir.Name)
name.Func = g.getInstantiation(baseNname, targs, true)
g.instTypeList = nil
// genericSym returns the name of the base generic type for the type named by
// sym. It simply returns the name obtained by removing everything after the
// first bracket ("[").
func genericTypeName(sym *types.Sym) string {
return sym.Name[0:strings.Index(sym.Name, "[")]
// getInstantiationForNode returns the function/method instantiation for a
// InstExpr node inst.
func (g *irgen) getInstantiationForNode(inst *ir.InstExpr) *ir.Func {
if meth, ok := inst.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr); ok {
return g.getInstantiation(meth.Selection.Nname.(*ir.Name), inst.Targs, true)
} else {
return g.getInstantiation(inst.X.(*ir.Name), inst.Targs, false)
// getInstantiation gets the instantiantion of the function or method nameNode
// with the type arguments targs. If the instantiated function is not already
// cached, then it calls genericSubst to create the new instantiation.
func (g *irgen) getInstantiation(nameNode *ir.Name, targs []ir.Node, isMeth bool) *ir.Func {
sym := makeInstName(nameNode.Sym(), targs, isMeth)
st :=[sym]
if st == nil {
// If instantiation doesn't exist yet, create it and add
// to the list of decls.
st = g.genericSubst(sym, nameNode, targs, isMeth)[sym] = st = append(, st)
if base.Flag.W > 1 {
ir.Dump(fmt.Sprintf("\nstenciled %v", st), st)
return st
// makeInstName makes the unique name for a stenciled generic function or method,
// based on the name of the function fy=nsym and the targs. It replaces any
// existing bracket type list in the name. makeInstName asserts that fnsym has
// brackets in its name if and only if hasBrackets is true.
// TODO(danscales): remove the assertions and the hasBrackets argument later.
// Names of declared generic functions have no brackets originally, so hasBrackets
// should be false. Names of generic methods already have brackets, since the new
// type parameter is specified in the generic type of the receiver (e.g. func
// (func (v *value[T]).set(...) { ... } has the original name (*value[T]).set.
// The standard naming is something like: 'genFn[int,bool]' for functions and
// '(*genType[int,bool]).methodName' for methods
func makeInstName(fnsym *types.Sym, targs []ir.Node, hasBrackets bool) *types.Sym {
b := bytes.NewBufferString("")
name := fnsym.Name
i := strings.Index(name, "[")
assert(hasBrackets == (i >= 0))
if i >= 0 {
} else {
for i, targ := range targs {
if i > 0 {
if i >= 0 {
i2 := strings.Index(name[i:], "]")
assert(i2 >= 0)
return typecheck.Lookup(b.String())
// Struct containing info needed for doing the substitution as we create the
// instantiation of a generic function with specified type arguments.
type subster struct {
g *irgen
isMethod bool // If a method is being instantiated
newf *ir.Func // Func node for the new stenciled function
tparams []*types.Field
targs []ir.Node
// The substitution map from name nodes in the generic function to the
// name nodes in the new stenciled function.
vars map[*ir.Name]*ir.Name
// genericSubst returns a new function with name newsym. The function is an
// instantiation of a generic function or method specified by namedNode with type
// args targs. For a method with a generic receiver, it returns an instantiated
// function type where the receiver becomes the first parameter. Otherwise the
// instantiated method would still need to be transformed by later compiler
// phases.
func (g *irgen) genericSubst(newsym *types.Sym, nameNode *ir.Name, targs []ir.Node, isMethod bool) *ir.Func {
var tparams []*types.Field
if isMethod {
// Get the type params from the method receiver (after skipping
// over any pointer)
recvType := nameNode.Type().Recv().Type
recvType = deref(recvType)
tparams = make([]*types.Field, len(recvType.RParams()))
for i, rparam := range recvType.RParams() {
tparams[i] = types.NewField(src.NoXPos, nil, rparam)
} else {
tparams = nameNode.Type().TParams().Fields().Slice()
gf := nameNode.Func
// Pos of the instantiated function is same as the generic function
newf := ir.NewFunc(gf.Pos())
newf.Nname = ir.NewNameAt(gf.Pos(), newsym)
newf.Nname.Func = newf
newf.Nname.Defn = newf
newsym.Def = newf.Nname
ir.CurFunc = newf
assert(len(tparams) == len(targs))
subst := &subster{
g: g,
isMethod: isMethod,
newf: newf,
tparams: tparams,
targs: targs,
vars: make(map[*ir.Name]*ir.Name),
newf.Dcl = make([]*ir.Name, len(gf.Dcl))
for i, n := range gf.Dcl {
newf.Dcl[i] = subst.node(n).(*ir.Name)
// Ugly: we have to insert the Name nodes of the parameters/results into
// the function type. The current function type has no Nname fields set,
// because it came via conversion from the types2 type.
oldt := nameNode.Type()
// We also transform a generic method type to the corresponding
// instantiated function type where the receiver is the first parameter.
newt := types.NewSignature(oldt.Pkg(), nil, nil,
subst.fields(ir.PPARAM, append(oldt.Recvs().FieldSlice(), oldt.Params().FieldSlice()...), newf.Dcl),
subst.fields(ir.PPARAMOUT, oldt.Results().FieldSlice(), newf.Dcl))
newf.Nname.Ntype = ir.TypeNode(newt)
// Make sure name/type of newf is set before substituting the body.
newf.Body = subst.list(gf.Body)
ir.CurFunc = nil
return newf
// node is like DeepCopy(), but creates distinct ONAME nodes, and also descends
// into closures. It substitutes type arguments for type parameters in all the new
// nodes.
func (subst *subster) node(n ir.Node) ir.Node {
// Use closure to capture all state needed by the ir.EditChildren argument.
var edit func(ir.Node) ir.Node
edit = func(x ir.Node) ir.Node {
switch x.Op() {
case ir.OTYPE:
return ir.TypeNode(subst.typ(x.Type()))
case ir.ONAME:
name := x.(*ir.Name)
if v := subst.vars[name]; v != nil {
return v
m := ir.NewNameAt(name.Pos(), name.Sym())
if name.IsClosureVar() {
t := x.Type()
if t == nil {
assert(name.BuiltinOp != 0)
} else {
newt := subst.typ(t)
m.BuiltinOp = name.BuiltinOp
m.Curfn = subst.newf
m.Class = name.Class
m.Func = name.Func
subst.vars[name] = m
return m
case ir.OLITERAL, ir.ONIL:
if x.Sym() != nil {
return x
m := ir.Copy(x)
if _, isExpr := m.(ir.Expr); isExpr {
t := x.Type()
if t == nil {
// t can be nil only if this is a call that has no
// return values, so allow that and otherwise give
// an error.
_, isCallExpr := m.(*ir.CallExpr)
_, isStructKeyExpr := m.(*ir.StructKeyExpr)
if !isCallExpr && !isStructKeyExpr && x.Op() != ir.OPANIC &&
x.Op() != ir.OCLOSE {
base.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("Nil type for %v", x))
} else if x.Op() != ir.OCLOSURE {
ir.EditChildren(m, edit)
if x.Typecheck() == 3 {
// These are nodes whose transforms were delayed until
// their instantiated type was known.
if typecheck.IsCmp(x.Op()) {
} else {
switch x.Op() {
case ir.OSLICE, ir.OSLICE3:
case ir.OADD:
m = transformAdd(m.(*ir.BinaryExpr))
case ir.OINDEX:
case ir.OAS2:
as2 := m.(*ir.AssignListStmt)
transformAssign(as2, as2.Lhs, as2.Rhs)
case ir.OAS:
as := m.(*ir.AssignStmt)
lhs, rhs := []ir.Node{as.X}, []ir.Node{as.Y}
transformAssign(as, lhs, rhs)
case ir.OASOP:
as := m.(*ir.AssignOpStmt)
transformCheckAssign(as, as.X)
case ir.ORETURN:
case ir.OSEND:
base.Fatalf("Unexpected node with Typecheck() == 3")
switch x.Op() {
case ir.OLITERAL:
t := m.Type()
if t != x.Type() {
// types2 will give us a constant with a type T,
// if an untyped constant is used with another
// operand of type T (in a provably correct way).
// When we substitute in the type args during
// stenciling, we now know the real type of the
// constant. We may then need to change the
// BasicLit.val to be the correct type (e.g.
// convert an int64Val constant to a floatVal
// constant).
m.SetType(types.UntypedInt) // use any untyped type for DefaultLit to work
m = typecheck.DefaultLit(m, t)
case ir.OXDOT:
// A method value/call via a type param will have been
// left as an OXDOT. When we see this during stenciling,
// finish the transformation, now that we have the
// instantiated receiver type. We need to do this now,
// since the access/selection to the method for the real
// type is very different from the selection for the type
// param. m will be transformed to an OCALLPART node. It
// will be transformed to an ODOTMETH or ODOTINTER node if
// we find in the OCALL case below that the method value
// is actually called.
transformDot(m.(*ir.SelectorExpr), false)
case ir.OCALL:
call := m.(*ir.CallExpr)
switch call.X.Op() {
case ir.OTYPE:
// Transform the conversion, now that we know the
// type argument.
m = transformConvCall(m.(*ir.CallExpr))
case ir.OCALLPART:
// Redo the transformation of OXDOT, now that we
// know the method value is being called. Then
// transform the call.
transformDot(call.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr), true)
case ir.ODOT, ir.ODOTPTR:
// An OXDOT for a generic receiver was resolved to
// an access to a field which has a function
// value. Transform the call to that function, now
// that the OXDOT was resolved.
case ir.ONAME:
name := call.X.Name()
if name.BuiltinOp != ir.OXXX {
switch name.BuiltinOp {
case ir.OMAKE, ir.OREAL, ir.OIMAG, ir.OLEN, ir.OCAP, ir.OAPPEND:
// Transform these builtins now that we
// know the type of the args.
m = transformBuiltin(call)
base.FatalfAt(call.Pos(), "Unexpected builtin op")
} else {
// This is the case of a function value that was a
// type parameter (implied to be a function via a
// structural constraint) which is now resolved.
case ir.OCLOSURE:
case ir.OFUNCINST:
// A call with an OFUNCINST will get transformed
// in stencil() once we have created & attached the
// instantiation to be called.
base.FatalfAt(call.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected op with CALL during stenciling: %v", call.X.Op()))
case ir.OCLOSURE:
x := x.(*ir.ClosureExpr)
// Need to save/duplicate x.Func.Nname,
// x.Func.Nname.Ntype, x.Func.Dcl, x.Func.ClosureVars, and
// x.Func.Body.
oldfn := x.Func
newfn := ir.NewFunc(oldfn.Pos())
if oldfn.ClosureCalled() {
m.(*ir.ClosureExpr).Func = newfn
// Closure name can already have brackets, if it derives
// from a generic method
newsym := makeInstName(oldfn.Nname.Sym(), subst.targs, subst.isMethod)
newfn.Nname = ir.NewNameAt(oldfn.Nname.Pos(), newsym)
newfn.Nname.Func = newfn
newfn.Nname.Defn = newfn
newfn.OClosure = m.(*ir.ClosureExpr)
saveNewf := subst.newf
ir.CurFunc = newfn
subst.newf = newfn
newfn.Dcl = subst.namelist(oldfn.Dcl)
newfn.ClosureVars = subst.namelist(oldfn.ClosureVars)
// Set Ntype for now to be compatible with later parts of compiler
newfn.Nname.Ntype = subst.node(oldfn.Nname.Ntype).(ir.Ntype)
typed(subst.typ(oldfn.Nname.Type()), newfn.Nname)
typed(newfn.Nname.Type(), m)
// Make sure type of closure function is set before doing body.
newfn.Body = subst.list(oldfn.Body)
subst.newf = saveNewf
ir.CurFunc = saveNewf = append(, newfn)
return m
return edit(n)
func (subst *subster) namelist(l []*ir.Name) []*ir.Name {
s := make([]*ir.Name, len(l))
for i, n := range l {
s[i] = subst.node(n).(*ir.Name)
if n.Defn != nil {
s[i].Defn = subst.node(n.Defn)
if n.Outer != nil {
s[i].Outer = subst.node(n.Outer).(*ir.Name)
return s
func (subst *subster) list(l []ir.Node) []ir.Node {
s := make([]ir.Node, len(l))
for i, n := range l {
s[i] = subst.node(n)
return s
// tstruct substitutes type params in types of the fields of a structure type. For
// each field, if Nname is set, tstruct also translates the Nname using
// subst.vars, if Nname is in subst.vars. To always force the creation of a new
// (top-level) struct, regardless of whether anything changed with the types or
// names of the struct's fields, set force to true.
func (subst *subster) tstruct(t *types.Type, force bool) *types.Type {
if t.NumFields() == 0 {
if t.HasTParam() {
// For an empty struct, we need to return a new type,
// since it may now be fully instantiated (HasTParam
// becomes false).
return types.NewStruct(t.Pkg(), nil)
return t
var newfields []*types.Field
if force {
newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.NumFields())
for i, f := range t.Fields().Slice() {
t2 := subst.typ(f.Type)
if (t2 != f.Type || f.Nname != nil) && newfields == nil {
newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.NumFields())
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
newfields[j] = t.Field(j)
if newfields != nil {
// TODO(danscales): make sure this works for the field
// names of embedded types (which should keep the name of
// the type param, not the instantiated type).
newfields[i] = types.NewField(f.Pos, f.Sym, t2)
if f.Nname != nil {
// f.Nname may not be in subst.vars[] if this is
// a function name or a function instantiation type
// that we are translating
v := subst.vars[f.Nname.(*ir.Name)]
// Be careful not to put a nil var into Nname,
// since Nname is an interface, so it would be a
// non-nil interface.
if v != nil {
newfields[i].Nname = v
if newfields != nil {
return types.NewStruct(t.Pkg(), newfields)
return t
// tinter substitutes type params in types of the methods of an interface type.
func (subst *subster) tinter(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
if t.Methods().Len() == 0 {
return t
var newfields []*types.Field
for i, f := range t.Methods().Slice() {
t2 := subst.typ(f.Type)
if (t2 != f.Type || f.Nname != nil) && newfields == nil {
newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.Methods().Len())
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
newfields[j] = t.Methods().Index(j)
if newfields != nil {
newfields[i] = types.NewField(f.Pos, f.Sym, t2)
if newfields != nil {
return types.NewInterface(t.Pkg(), newfields)
return t
// instTypeName creates a name for an instantiated type, based on the name of the
// generic type and the type args
func instTypeName(name string, targs []*types.Type) string {
b := bytes.NewBufferString(name)
for i, targ := range targs {
if i > 0 {
return b.String()
// typ computes the type obtained by substituting any type parameter in t with the
// corresponding type argument in subst. If t contains no type parameters, the
// result is t; otherwise the result is a new type. It deals with recursive types
// by using TFORW types and finding partially or fully created types via sym.Def.
func (subst *subster) typ(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
if !t.HasTParam() {
return t
if t.Kind() == types.TTYPEPARAM {
for i, tp := range subst.tparams {
if tp.Type == t {
return subst.targs[i].Type()
// If t is a simple typeparam T, then t has the name/symbol 'T'
// and t.Underlying() == t.
// However, consider the type definition: 'type P[T any] T'. We
// might use this definition so we can have a variant of type T
// that we can add new methods to. Suppose t is a reference to
// P[T]. t has the name 'P[T]', but its kind is TTYPEPARAM,
// because P[T] is defined as T. If we look at t.Underlying(), it
// is different, because the name of t.Underlying() is 'T' rather
// than 'P[T]'. But the kind of t.Underlying() is also TTYPEPARAM.
// In this case, we do the needed recursive substitution in the
// case statement below.
if t.Underlying() == t {
// t is a simple typeparam that didn't match anything in tparam
return t
// t is a more complex typeparam (e.g. P[T], as above, whose
// definition is just T).
assert(t.Sym() != nil)
var newsym *types.Sym
var neededTargs []*types.Type
var forw *types.Type
if t.Sym() != nil {
// Translate the type params for this type according to
// the tparam/targs mapping from subst.
neededTargs = make([]*types.Type, len(t.RParams()))
for i, rparam := range t.RParams() {
neededTargs[i] = subst.typ(rparam)
// For a named (defined) type, we have to change the name of the
// type as well. We do this first, so we can look up if we've
// already seen this type during this substitution or other
// definitions/substitutions.
genName := genericTypeName(t.Sym())
newsym = t.Sym().Pkg.Lookup(instTypeName(genName, neededTargs))
if newsym.Def != nil {
// We've already created this instantiated defined type.
return newsym.Def.Type()
// In order to deal with recursive generic types, create a TFORW
// type initially and set the Def field of its sym, so it can be
// found if this type appears recursively within the type.
forw = newIncompleteNamedType(t.Pos(), newsym)
//println("Creating new type by sub", newsym.Name, forw.HasTParam())
var newt *types.Type
switch t.Kind() {
case types.TTYPEPARAM:
if t.Sym() == newsym {
// The substitution did not change the type.
return t
// Substitute the underlying typeparam (e.g. T in P[T], see
// the example describing type P[T] above).
newt = subst.typ(t.Underlying())
assert(newt != t)
case types.TARRAY:
elem := t.Elem()
newelem := subst.typ(elem)
if newelem != elem {
newt = types.NewArray(newelem, t.NumElem())
case types.TPTR:
elem := t.Elem()
newelem := subst.typ(elem)
if newelem != elem {
newt = types.NewPtr(newelem)
case types.TSLICE:
elem := t.Elem()
newelem := subst.typ(elem)
if newelem != elem {
newt = types.NewSlice(newelem)
case types.TSTRUCT:
newt = subst.tstruct(t, false)
if newt == t {
newt = nil
case types.TFUNC:
newrecvs := subst.tstruct(t.Recvs(), false)
newparams := subst.tstruct(t.Params(), false)
newresults := subst.tstruct(t.Results(), false)
if newrecvs != t.Recvs() || newparams != t.Params() || newresults != t.Results() {
// If any types have changed, then the all the fields of
// of recv, params, and results must be copied, because they have
// offset fields that are dependent, and so must have an
// independent copy for each new signature.
var newrecv *types.Field
if newrecvs.NumFields() > 0 {
if newrecvs == t.Recvs() {
newrecvs = subst.tstruct(t.Recvs(), true)
newrecv = newrecvs.Field(0)
if newparams == t.Params() {
newparams = subst.tstruct(t.Params(), true)
if newresults == t.Results() {
newresults = subst.tstruct(t.Results(), true)
newt = types.NewSignature(t.Pkg(), newrecv, t.TParams().FieldSlice(), newparams.FieldSlice(), newresults.FieldSlice())
case types.TINTER:
newt = subst.tinter(t)
if newt == t {
newt = nil
case types.TMAP:
newkey := subst.typ(t.Key())
newval := subst.typ(t.Elem())
if newkey != t.Key() || newval != t.Elem() {
newt = types.NewMap(newkey, newval)
case types.TCHAN:
elem := t.Elem()
newelem := subst.typ(elem)
if newelem != elem {
newt = types.NewChan(newelem, t.ChanDir())
if !newt.HasTParam() {
// TODO(danscales): not sure why I have to do this
// only for channels.....
if newt == nil {
// Even though there were typeparams in the type, there may be no
// change if this is a function type for a function call (which will
// have its own tparams/targs in the function instantiation).
return t
if t.Sym() == nil {
// Not a named type, so there was no forwarding type and there are
// no methods to substitute.
assert(t.Methods().Len() == 0)
return newt
newt = forw
if t.Kind() != types.TINTER && t.Methods().Len() > 0 {
// Fill in the method info for the new type.
var newfields []*types.Field
newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.Methods().Len())
for i, f := range t.Methods().Slice() {
t2 := subst.typ(f.Type)
oldsym := f.Nname.Sym()
newsym := makeInstName(oldsym, subst.targs, true)
var nname *ir.Name
if newsym.Def != nil {
nname = newsym.Def.(*ir.Name)
} else {
nname = ir.NewNameAt(f.Pos, newsym)
newsym.Def = nname
newfields[i] = types.NewField(f.Pos, f.Sym, t2)
newfields[i].Nname = nname
if !newt.HasTParam() {
// Generate all the methods for a new fully-instantiated type.
subst.g.instTypeList = append(subst.g.instTypeList, newt)
return newt
// fields sets the Nname field for the Field nodes inside a type signature, based
// on the corresponding in/out parameters in dcl. It depends on the in and out
// parameters being in order in dcl.
func (subst *subster) fields(class ir.Class, oldfields []*types.Field, dcl []*ir.Name) []*types.Field {
// Find the starting index in dcl of declarations of the class (either
var i int
for i = range dcl {
if dcl[i].Class == class {
// Create newfields nodes that are copies of the oldfields nodes, but
// with substitution for any type params, and with Nname set to be the node in
// Dcl for the corresponding PPARAM or PPARAMOUT.
newfields := make([]*types.Field, len(oldfields))
for j := range oldfields {
newfields[j] = oldfields[j].Copy()
newfields[j].Type = subst.typ(oldfields[j].Type)
// A param field will be missing from dcl if its name is
// unspecified or specified as "_". So, we compare the dcl sym
// with the field sym. If they don't match, this dcl (if there is
// one left) must apply to a later field.
if i < len(dcl) && dcl[i].Sym() == oldfields[j].Sym {
newfields[j].Nname = dcl[i]
return newfields
// defer does a single defer of type t, if it is a pointer type.
func deref(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
if t.IsPtr() {
return t.Elem()
return t
// newIncompleteNamedType returns a TFORW type t with name specified by sym, such
// that t.nod and sym.Def are set correctly.
func newIncompleteNamedType(pos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym) *types.Type {
name := ir.NewDeclNameAt(pos, ir.OTYPE, sym)
forw := types.NewNamed(name)
sym.Def = name
return forw