blob: 69c421ca5af02863b2617936d3f16e28355211f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package devirtualize
import (
// CallStat summarizes a single call site.
// This is used only for debug logging.
type CallStat struct {
Pkg string // base.Ctxt.Pkgpath
Pos string // file:line:col of call.
Caller string // Linker symbol name of calling function.
// Direct or indirect call.
Direct bool
// For indirect calls, interface call or other indirect function call.
Interface bool
// Total edge weight from this call site.
Weight int64
// Hottest callee from this call site, regardless of type
// compatibility.
Hottest string
HottestWeight int64
// Devirtualized callee if != "".
// Note that this may be different than Hottest because we apply
// type-check restrictions, which helps distinguish multiple calls on
// the same line.
Devirtualized string
DevirtualizedWeight int64
// ProfileGuided performs call devirtualization of indirect calls based on
// profile information.
// Specifically, it performs conditional devirtualization of interface calls
// for the hottest callee. That is, it performs a transformation like:
// type Iface interface {
// Foo()
// }
// type Concrete struct{}
// func (Concrete) Foo() {}
// func foo(i Iface) {
// i.Foo()
// }
// to:
// func foo(i Iface) {
// if c, ok := i.(Concrete); ok {
// c.Foo()
// } else {
// i.Foo()
// }
// }
// The primary benefit of this transformation is enabling inlining of the
// direct call.
func ProfileGuided(fn *ir.Func, p *pgo.Profile) {
ir.CurFunc = fn
name := ir.LinkFuncName(fn)
// Can't devirtualize go/defer calls. See comment in Static.
goDeferCall := make(map[*ir.CallExpr]bool)
var jsonW *json.Encoder
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 3 {
jsonW = json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
var edit func(n ir.Node) ir.Node
edit = func(n ir.Node) ir.Node {
if n == nil {
return n
if gds, ok := n.(*ir.GoDeferStmt); ok {
if call, ok := gds.Call.(*ir.CallExpr); ok {
goDeferCall[call] = true
ir.EditChildren(n, edit)
call, ok := n.(*ir.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return n
var stat *CallStat
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 3 {
// Statistics about every single call. Handy for external data analysis.
// TODO(prattmic): Log via logopt?
stat = constructCallStat(p, fn, name, call)
if stat != nil {
defer func() {
if call.Op() != ir.OCALLINTER {
return n
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: PGO devirtualize considering call %v\n", ir.Line(call), call)
if goDeferCall[call] {
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: can't PGO devirtualize go/defer call %v\n", ir.Line(call), call)
return n
// Bail if we do not have a hot callee.
callee, weight := findHotConcreteCallee(p, fn, call)
if callee == nil {
return n
// Bail if we do not have a Type node for the hot callee.
ctyp := methodRecvType(callee)
if ctyp == nil {
return n
// Bail if we know for sure it won't inline.
if !shouldPGODevirt(callee) {
return n
if stat != nil {
stat.Devirtualized = ir.LinkFuncName(callee)
stat.DevirtualizedWeight = weight
return rewriteCondCall(call, fn, callee, ctyp)
ir.EditChildren(fn, edit)
// shouldPGODevirt checks if we should perform PGO devirtualization to the
// target function.
// PGO devirtualization is most valuable when the callee is inlined, so if it
// won't inline we can skip devirtualizing.
func shouldPGODevirt(fn *ir.Func) bool {
var reason string
if base.Flag.LowerM > 1 || logopt.Enabled() {
defer func() {
if reason != "" {
if base.Flag.LowerM > 1 {
fmt.Printf("%v: should not PGO devirtualize %v: %s\n", ir.Line(fn), ir.FuncName(fn), reason)
if logopt.Enabled() {
logopt.LogOpt(fn.Pos(), ": should not PGO devirtualize function", "pgo-devirtualize", ir.FuncName(fn), reason)
reason = inline.InlineImpossible(fn)
if reason != "" {
return false
// TODO(prattmic): checking only InlineImpossible is very conservative,
// primarily excluding only functions with pragmas. We probably want to
// move in either direction. Either:
// 1. Don't even bother to check InlineImpossible, as it affects so few
// functions.
// 2. Or consider the function body (notably cost) to better determine
// if the function will actually inline.
return true
// constructCallStat builds an initial CallStat describing this call, for
// logging. If the call is devirtualized, the devirtualization fields should be
// updated.
func constructCallStat(p *pgo.Profile, fn *ir.Func, name string, call *ir.CallExpr) *CallStat {
switch call.Op() {
// We don't care about logging builtin functions.
return nil
stat := CallStat{
Pkg: base.Ctxt.Pkgpath,
Pos: ir.Line(call),
Caller: name,
offset := pgo.NodeLineOffset(call, fn)
// Sum of all edges from this callsite, regardless of callee.
// For direct calls, this should be the same as the single edge
// weight (except for multiple calls on one line, which we
// can't distinguish).
callerNode := p.WeightedCG.IRNodes[name]
for _, edge := range callerNode.OutEdges {
if edge.CallSiteOffset != offset {
stat.Weight += edge.Weight
if edge.Weight > stat.HottestWeight {
stat.HottestWeight = edge.Weight
stat.Hottest = edge.Dst.Name()
switch call.Op() {
case ir.OCALLFUNC:
stat.Interface = false
callee := pgo.DirectCallee(call.X)
if callee != nil {
stat.Direct = true
if stat.Hottest == "" {
stat.Hottest = ir.LinkFuncName(callee)
} else {
stat.Direct = false
stat.Direct = false
stat.Interface = true
case ir.OCALLMETH:
base.FatalfAt(call.Pos(), "OCALLMETH missed by typecheck")
return &stat
// rewriteCondCall devirtualizes the given call using a direct method call to
// concretetyp.
func rewriteCondCall(call *ir.CallExpr, curfn, callee *ir.Func, concretetyp *types.Type) ir.Node {
if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v: PGO devirtualizing call to %v\n", ir.Line(call), callee)
// We generate an OINCALL of:
// var recv Iface
// var arg1 A1
// var argN AN
// var ret1 R1
// var retN RN
// recv, arg1, argN = recv expr, arg1 expr, argN expr
// t, ok := recv.(Concrete)
// if ok {
// ret1, retN = t.Method(arg1, ... argN)
// } else {
// ret1, retN = recv.Method(arg1, ... argN)
// }
// OINCALL retvars: ret1, ... retN
// This isn't really an inlined call of course, but InlinedCallExpr
// makes handling reassignment of return values easier.
// TODO(prattmic): This increases the size of the AST in the caller,
// making it less like to inline. We may want to compensate for this
// somehow.
var retvars []ir.Node
sig := call.X.Type()
for _, ret := range sig.Results().FieldSlice() {
retvars = append(retvars, typecheck.Temp(ret.Type))
sel := call.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
method := sel.Sel
pos := call.Pos()
init := ir.TakeInit(call)
// Evaluate receiver and argument expressions. The receiver is used
// twice but we don't want to cause side effects twice. The arguments
// are used in two different calls and we can't trivially copy them.
// recv must be first in the assignment list as its side effects must
// be ordered before argument side effects.
var lhs, rhs []ir.Node
recv := typecheck.Temp(sel.X.Type())
lhs = append(lhs, recv)
rhs = append(rhs, sel.X)
// Move arguments to assignments prior to the if statement. We cannot
// simply copy the args' IR, as some IR constructs cannot be copied,
// such as labels (possible in InlinedCall nodes).
args := call.Args.Take()
for _, arg := range args {
argvar := typecheck.Temp(arg.Type())
lhs = append(lhs, argvar)
rhs = append(rhs, arg)
asList := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, lhs, rhs)
// Copy slice so edits in one location don't affect another.
argvars := append([]ir.Node(nil), lhs[1:]...)
call.Args = argvars
tmpnode := typecheck.Temp(concretetyp)
tmpok := typecheck.Temp(types.Types[types.TBOOL])
assert := ir.NewTypeAssertExpr(pos, recv, concretetyp)
assertAsList := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, []ir.Node{tmpnode, tmpok}, []ir.Node{typecheck.Expr(assert)})
concreteCallee := typecheck.Callee(ir.NewSelectorExpr(pos, ir.OXDOT, tmpnode, method))
// Copy slice so edits in one location don't affect another.
argvars = append([]ir.Node(nil), argvars...)
concreteCall := typecheck.Call(pos, concreteCallee, argvars, call.IsDDD)
var thenBlock, elseBlock ir.Nodes
if len(retvars) == 0 {
} else {
// Copy slice so edits in one location don't affect another.
thenRet := append([]ir.Node(nil), retvars...)
thenAsList := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, thenRet, []ir.Node{concreteCall})
elseRet := append([]ir.Node(nil), retvars...)
elseAsList := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, elseRet, []ir.Node{call})
cond := ir.NewIfStmt(pos, nil, nil, nil)
cond.Cond = tmpok
cond.Body = thenBlock
cond.Else = elseBlock
cond.Likely = true
body := []ir.Node{typecheck.Stmt(cond)}
res := ir.NewInlinedCallExpr(pos, body, retvars)
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 3 {
fmt.Printf("PGO devirtualizing call to %+v. After: %+v\n", concretetyp, res)
return res
// methodRecvType returns the type containing method fn. Returns nil if fn
// is not a method.
func methodRecvType(fn *ir.Func) *types.Type {
recv := fn.Nname.Type().Recv()
if recv == nil {
return nil
return recv.Type
// interfaceCallRecvType returns the type of the interface used in an interface
// call.
func interfaceCallRecvType(call *ir.CallExpr) *types.Type {
if call.Op() != ir.OCALLINTER {
base.Fatalf("Call isn't OCALLINTER: %+v", call)
sel, ok := call.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
base.Fatalf("OCALLINTER doesn't contain SelectorExpr: %+v", call)
return sel.X.Type()
// findHotConcreteCallee returns the *ir.Func of the hottest callee of an
// indirect call, if available, and its edge weight.
func findHotConcreteCallee(p *pgo.Profile, caller *ir.Func, call *ir.CallExpr) (*ir.Func, int64) {
callerName := ir.LinkFuncName(caller)
callerNode := p.WeightedCG.IRNodes[callerName]
callOffset := pgo.NodeLineOffset(call, caller)
inter := interfaceCallRecvType(call)
var hottest *pgo.IREdge
// Returns true if e is hotter than hottest.
// Naively this is just e.Weight > hottest.Weight, but because OutEdges
// has arbitrary iteration order, we need to apply additional sort
// criteria when e.Weight == hottest.Weight to ensure we have stable
// selection.
hotter := func(e *pgo.IREdge) bool {
if hottest == nil {
return true
if e.Weight != hottest.Weight {
return e.Weight > hottest.Weight
// Now e.Weight == hottest.Weight, we must select on other
// criteria.
if hottest.Dst.AST == nil && e.Dst.AST != nil {
// Prefer the edge with IR available.
return true
// Arbitrary, but the callee names will always differ. Select
// the lexicographically first callee.
return e.Dst.Name() < hottest.Dst.Name()
for _, e := range callerNode.OutEdges {
if e.CallSiteOffset != callOffset {
if !hotter(e) {
// TODO(prattmic): consider total caller weight? i.e.,
// if the hottest callee is only 10% of the weight,
// maybe don't devirtualize? Similarly, if this is call
// is globally very cold, there is not much value in
// devirtualizing.
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: edge %s:%d -> %s (weight %d): too cold (hottest %d)\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset, e.Dst.Name(), e.Weight, hottest.Weight)
if e.Dst.AST == nil {
// Destination isn't visible from this package
// compilation.
// We must assume it implements the interface.
// We still record this as the hottest callee so far
// because we only want to return the #1 hottest
// callee. If we skip this then we'd return the #2
// hottest callee.
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: edge %s:%d -> %s (weight %d) (missing IR): hottest so far\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset, e.Dst.Name(), e.Weight)
hottest = e
ctyp := methodRecvType(e.Dst.AST)
if ctyp == nil {
// Not a method.
// TODO(prattmic): Support non-interface indirect calls.
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: edge %s:%d -> %s (weight %d): callee not a method\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset, e.Dst.Name(), e.Weight)
// If ctyp doesn't implement inter it is most likely from a
// different call on the same line
if !typecheck.Implements(ctyp, inter) {
// TODO(prattmic): this is overly strict. Consider if
// ctyp is a partial implementation of an interface
// that gets embedded in types that complete the
// interface. It would still be OK to devirtualize a
// call to this method.
// What we'd need to do is check that the function
// pointer in the itab matches the method we want,
// rather than doing a full type assertion.
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
why := typecheck.ImplementsExplain(ctyp, inter)
fmt.Printf("%v: edge %s:%d -> %s (weight %d): %v doesn't implement %v (%s)\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset, e.Dst.Name(), e.Weight, ctyp, inter, why)
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: edge %s:%d -> %s (weight %d): hottest so far\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset, e.Dst.Name(), e.Weight)
hottest = e
if hottest == nil {
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v: call %s:%d: no hot callee\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset)
return nil, 0
if base.Debug.PGODebug >= 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v call %s:%d: hottest callee %s (weight %d)\n", ir.Line(call), callerName, callOffset, hottest.Dst.Name(), hottest.Weight)
return hottest.Dst.AST, hottest.Weight