blob: 0a0422246c2297ed6e18df0185fcfe12b50872e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
import (
// An Error describes a failure to parse a regular expression
// and gives the offending expression.
type Error struct {
Code ErrorCode
Expr string
func (e *Error) String() string {
return "error parsing regexp: " + e.Code.String() + ": `" + e.Expr + "`"
// An ErrorCode describes a failure to parse a regular expression.
type ErrorCode string
const (
// Unexpected error
ErrInternalError ErrorCode = "regexp/syntax: internal error"
// Parse errors
ErrInvalidCharClass ErrorCode = "invalid character class"
ErrInvalidCharRange ErrorCode = "invalid character class range"
ErrInvalidEscape ErrorCode = "invalid escape sequence"
ErrInvalidNamedCapture ErrorCode = "invalid named capture"
ErrInvalidPerlOp ErrorCode = "invalid or unsupported Perl syntax"
ErrInvalidRepeatOp ErrorCode = "invalid nested repetition operator"
ErrInvalidRepeatSize ErrorCode = "invalid repeat count"
ErrInvalidUTF8 ErrorCode = "invalid UTF-8"
ErrMissingBracket ErrorCode = "missing closing ]"
ErrMissingParen ErrorCode = "missing closing )"
ErrMissingRepeatArgument ErrorCode = "missing argument to repetition operator"
ErrTrailingBackslash ErrorCode = "trailing backslash at end of expression"
func (e ErrorCode) String() string {
return string(e)
// Flags control the behavior of the parser and record information about regexp context.
type Flags uint16
const (
FoldCase Flags = 1 << iota // case-insensitive match
Literal // treat pattern as literal string
ClassNL // allow character classes like [^a-z] and [[:space:]] to match newline
DotNL // allow . to match newline
OneLine // treat ^ and $ as only matching at beginning and end of text
NonGreedy // make repetition operators default to non-greedy
PerlX // allow Perl extensions
UnicodeGroups // allow \p{Han}, \P{Han} for Unicode group and negation
WasDollar // regexp OpEndText was $, not \z
Simple // regexp contains no counted repetition
MatchNL = ClassNL | DotNL
Perl = ClassNL | OneLine | PerlX | UnicodeGroups // as close to Perl as possible
POSIX Flags = 0 // POSIX syntax
// Pseudo-ops for parsing stack.
const (
opLeftParen = opPseudo + iota
type parser struct {
flags Flags // parse mode flags
stack []*Regexp // stack of parsed expressions
numCap int // number of capturing groups seen
wholeRegexp string
// Parse stack manipulation.
// push pushes the regexp re onto the parse stack and returns the regexp.
func (p *parser) push(re *Regexp) *Regexp {
// TODO: automatic concatenation
// TODO: turn character class into literal
// TODO: compute simple
p.stack = append(p.stack, re)
return re
// newLiteral returns a new OpLiteral Regexp with the given flags
func newLiteral(r int, flags Flags) *Regexp {
re := &Regexp{
Op: OpLiteral,
Flags: flags,
re.Rune0[0] = r
re.Rune = re.Rune0[:1]
return re
// literal pushes a literal regexp for the rune r on the stack
// and returns that regexp.
func (p *parser) literal(r int) *Regexp {
return p.push(newLiteral(r, p.flags))
// op pushes a regexp with the given op onto the stack
// and returns that regexp.
func (p *parser) op(op Op) *Regexp {
return p.push(&Regexp{Op: op, Flags: p.flags})
// repeat replaces the top stack element with itself repeated
// according to op.
func (p *parser) repeat(op Op, min, max int, flags Flags, opstr string) os.Error {
n := len(p.stack)
if n == 0 {
return &Error{ErrMissingRepeatArgument, opstr}
sub := p.stack[n-1]
re := &Regexp{
Op: op,
Min: min,
Max: max,
Flags: flags,
re.Sub = re.Sub0[:1]
re.Sub[0] = sub
p.stack[n-1] = re
return nil
// concat replaces the top of the stack (above the topmost '|' or '(') with its concatenation.
func (p *parser) concat() *Regexp {
// TODO: Flatten concats.
// Scan down to find pseudo-operator | or (.
i := len(p.stack)
for i > 0 && p.stack[i-1].Op < opPseudo {
sub := p.stack[i:]
p.stack = p.stack[:i]
var re *Regexp
switch len(sub) {
case 0:
re = &Regexp{Op: OpEmptyMatch}
case 1:
re = sub[0]
re = &Regexp{Op: OpConcat}
re.Sub = append(re.Sub0[:0], sub...)
return p.push(re)
// alternate replaces the top of the stack (above the topmost '(') with its alternation.
func (p *parser) alternate() *Regexp {
// TODO: Flatten alternates.
// Scan down to find pseudo-operator (.
// There are no | above (.
i := len(p.stack)
for i > 0 && p.stack[i-1].Op < opPseudo {
sub := p.stack[i:]
p.stack = p.stack[:i]
var re *Regexp
switch len(sub) {
case 0:
re = &Regexp{Op: OpNoMatch}
case 1:
re = sub[0]
re = &Regexp{Op: OpAlternate}
re.Sub = append(re.Sub0[:0], sub...)
return p.push(re)
func literalRegexp(s string, flags Flags) *Regexp {
re := &Regexp{
Op: OpLiteral,
Flags: flags,
re.Rune = re.Rune0[:0] // use local storage for small strings
for _, c := range s {
if len(re.Rune) >= cap(re.Rune) {
// string is too long to fit in Rune0. let Go handle it
re.Rune = []int(s)
re.Rune = append(re.Rune, c)
return re
// Parsing.
func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, os.Error) {
if flags&Literal != 0 {
// Trivial parser for literal string.
if err := checkUTF8(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return literalRegexp(s, flags), nil
// Otherwise, must do real work.
var (
p parser
err os.Error
c int
op Op
lastRepeat string
min, max int
p.flags = flags
p.wholeRegexp = s
t := s
for t != "" {
repeat := ""
switch t[0] {
if c, t, err = nextRune(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
case '(':
if p.flags&PerlX != 0 && len(t) >= 2 && t[1] == '?' {
// Flag changes and non-capturing groups.
if t, err = p.parsePerlFlags(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
p.op(opLeftParen).Cap = p.numCap
t = t[1:]
case '|':
if err = p.parseVerticalBar(); err != nil {
return nil, err
t = t[1:]
case ')':
if err = p.parseRightParen(); err != nil {
return nil, err
t = t[1:]
case '^':
if p.flags&OneLine != 0 {
} else {
t = t[1:]
case '$':
if p.flags&OneLine != 0 {
p.op(OpEndText).Flags |= WasDollar
} else {
t = t[1:]
case '.':
if p.flags&DotNL != 0 {
} else {
t = t[1:]
case '[':
if t, err = p.parseClass(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
case '*', '+', '?':
switch t[0] {
case '*':
op = OpStar
case '+':
op = OpPlus
case '?':
op = OpQuest
repeat = t
t = t[1:]
goto Repeat
case '{':
op = OpRepeat
n, m, tt, ok := p.parseRepeat(t)
if !ok {
// If the repeat cannot be parsed, { is a literal.
t = t[1:]
repeat, t = t, tt
min, max = n, m
flags := p.flags
if p.flags&PerlX != 0 {
if len(t) > 0 && t[0] == '?' {
t = t[1:]
flags ^= NonGreedy
if lastRepeat != "" {
// In Perl it is not allowed to stack repetition operators:
// a** is a syntax error, not a doubled star, and a++ means
// something else entirely, which we don't support!
return nil, &Error{ErrInvalidRepeatOp, lastRepeat[:len(lastRepeat)-len(t)]}
if err = p.repeat(op, min, max, flags, repeat[:len(repeat)-len(t)]); err != nil {
return nil, err
case '\\':
if p.flags&PerlX != 0 && len(t) >= 2 {
switch t[1] {
case 'A':
t = t[2:]
break BigSwitch
case 'b':
t = t[2:]
break BigSwitch
case 'B':
t = t[2:]
break BigSwitch
case 'C':
// any byte; not supported
return nil, &Error{ErrInvalidEscape, t[:2]}
case 'Q':
// \Q ... \E: the ... is always literals
var lit string
if i := strings.Index(t, `\E`); i < 0 {
lit = t[2:]
t = ""
} else {
lit = t[2:i]
t = t[i+2:]
p.push(literalRegexp(lit, p.flags))
break BigSwitch
case 'z':
t = t[2:]
break BigSwitch
re := &Regexp{Op: OpCharClass, Flags: p.flags}
// Look for Unicode character group like \p{Han}
if len(t) >= 2 && (t[1] == 'p' || t[1] == 'P') {
r, rest, err := p.parseUnicodeClass(t, re.Rune0[:0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if r != nil {
re.Rune = r
t = rest
// TODO: Handle FoldCase flag.
break BigSwitch
// Perl character class escape.
if r, rest := p.parsePerlClassEscape(t, re.Rune0[:0]); r != nil {
re.Rune = r
t = rest
// TODO: Handle FoldCase flag.
break BigSwitch
// TODO: Give re back to parser's pool.
// Ordinary single-character escape.
if c, t, err = p.parseEscape(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
lastRepeat = repeat
if p.swapVerticalBar() {
// pop vertical bar
p.stack = p.stack[:len(p.stack)-1]
n := len(p.stack)
if n != 1 {
return nil, &Error{ErrMissingParen, s}
return p.stack[0], nil
// parseRepeat parses {min} (max=min) or {min,} (max=-1) or {min,max}.
// If s is not of that form, it returns ok == false.
func (p *parser) parseRepeat(s string) (min, max int, rest string, ok bool) {
if s == "" || s[0] != '{' {
s = s[1:]
if min, s, ok = p.parseInt(s); !ok {
if s == "" {
if s[0] != ',' {
max = min
} else {
s = s[1:]
if s == "" {
if s[0] == '}' {
max = -1
} else if max, s, ok = p.parseInt(s); !ok {
if s == "" || s[0] != '}' {
rest = s[1:]
ok = true
// parsePerlFlags parses a Perl flag setting or non-capturing group or both,
// like (?i) or (?: or (?i:. It removes the prefix from s and updates the parse state.
// The caller must have ensured that s begins with "(?".
func (p *parser) parsePerlFlags(s string) (rest string, err os.Error) {
t := s
// Check for named captures, first introduced in Python's regexp library.
// As usual, there are three slightly different syntaxes:
// (?P<name>expr) the original, introduced by Python
// (?<name>expr) the .NET alteration, adopted by Perl 5.10
// (?'name'expr) another .NET alteration, adopted by Perl 5.10
// Perl 5.10 gave in and implemented the Python version too,
// but they claim that the last two are the preferred forms.
// PCRE and languages based on it (specifically, PHP and Ruby)
// support all three as well. EcmaScript 4 uses only the Python form.
// In both the open source world (via Code Search) and the
// Google source tree, (?P<expr>name) is the dominant form,
// so that's the one we implement. One is enough.
if len(t) > 4 && t[2] == 'P' && t[3] == '<' {
// Pull out name.
end := strings.IndexRune(t, '>')
if end < 0 {
if err = checkUTF8(t); err != nil {
return "", err
return "", &Error{ErrInvalidNamedCapture, s}
capture := t[:end+1] // "(?P<name>"
name := t[4:end] // "name"
if err = checkUTF8(name); err != nil {
return "", err
if !isValidCaptureName(name) {
return "", &Error{ErrInvalidNamedCapture, capture}
// Like ordinary capture, but named.
re := p.op(opLeftParen)
re.Cap = p.numCap
re.Name = name
return t[end+1:], nil
// Non-capturing group. Might also twiddle Perl flags.
var c int
t = t[2:] // skip (?
flags := p.flags
sign := +1
sawFlag := false
for t != "" {
if c, t, err = nextRune(t); err != nil {
return "", err
switch c {
break Loop
// Flags.
case 'i':
flags |= FoldCase
sawFlag = true
case 'm':
flags &^= OneLine
sawFlag = true
case 's':
flags |= DotNL
sawFlag = true
case 'U':
flags |= NonGreedy
sawFlag = true
// Switch to negation.
case '-':
if sign < 0 {
break Loop
sign = -1
// Invert flags so that | above turn into &^ and vice versa.
// We'll invert flags again before using it below.
flags = ^flags
sawFlag = false
// End of flags, starting group or not.
case ':', ')':
if sign < 0 {
if !sawFlag {
break Loop
flags = ^flags
if c == ':' {
// Open new group
p.flags = flags
return t, nil
return "", &Error{ErrInvalidPerlOp, s[:len(s)-len(t)]}
// isValidCaptureName reports whether name
// is a valid capture name: [A-Za-z0-9_]+.
// PCRE limits names to 32 bytes.
// Python rejects names starting with digits.
// We don't enforce either of those.
func isValidCaptureName(name string) bool {
if name == "" {
return false
for _, c := range name {
if c != '_' && !isalnum(c) {
return false
return true
// parseInt parses a decimal integer.
func (p *parser) parseInt(s string) (n int, rest string, ok bool) {
if s == "" || s[0] < '0' || '9' < s[0] {
// Disallow leading zeros.
if len(s) >= 2 && s[0] == '0' && '0' <= s[1] && s[1] <= '9' {
for s != "" && '0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9' {
// Avoid overflow.
if n >= 1e8 {
n = n*10 + int(s[0]) - '0'
s = s[1:]
rest = s
ok = true
// parseVerticalBar handles a | in the input.
func (p *parser) parseVerticalBar() os.Error {
// The concatenation we just parsed is on top of the stack.
// If it sits above an opVerticalBar, swap it below
// (things below an opVerticalBar become an alternation).
// Otherwise, push a new vertical bar.
if !p.swapVerticalBar() {
return nil
// If the top of the stack is an element followed by an opVerticalBar
// swapVerticalBar swaps the two and returns true.
// Otherwise it returns false.
func (p *parser) swapVerticalBar() bool {
if n := len(p.stack); n >= 2 {
re1 := p.stack[n-1]
re2 := p.stack[n-2]
if re2.Op == opVerticalBar {
p.stack[n-2] = re1
p.stack[n-1] = re2
return true
return false
// parseRightParen handles a ) in the input.
func (p *parser) parseRightParen() os.Error {
if p.swapVerticalBar() {
// pop vertical bar
p.stack = p.stack[:len(p.stack)-1]
n := len(p.stack)
if n < 2 {
return &Error{ErrInternalError, ""}
re1 := p.stack[n-1]
re2 := p.stack[n-2]
p.stack = p.stack[:n-2]
if re2.Op != opLeftParen {
return &Error{ErrMissingParen, p.wholeRegexp}
if re2.Cap == 0 {
// Just for grouping.
} else {
re2.Op = OpCapture
re2.Sub = re2.Sub0[:1]
re2.Sub[0] = re1
return nil
// parseEscape parses an escape sequence at the beginning of s
// and returns the rune.
func (p *parser) parseEscape(s string) (r int, rest string, err os.Error) {
t := s[1:]
if t == "" {
return 0, "", &Error{ErrTrailingBackslash, ""}
c, t, err := nextRune(t)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
switch c {
if c < utf8.RuneSelf && !isalnum(c) {
// Escaped non-word characters are always themselves.
// PCRE is not quite so rigorous: it accepts things like
// \q, but we don't. We once rejected \_, but too many
// programs and people insist on using it, so allow \_.
return c, t, nil
// Octal escapes.
case '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
// Single non-zero digit is a backreference; not supported
if t == "" || t[0] < '0' || t[0] > '7' {
case '0':
// Consume up to three octal digits; already have one.
r = c - '0'
for i := 1; i < 3; i++ {
if t == "" || t[0] < '0' || t[0] > '7' {
r = r*8 + int(t[0]) - '0'
t = t[1:]
return r, t, nil
// Hexadecimal escapes.
case 'x':
if t == "" {
if c, t, err = nextRune(t); err != nil {
return 0, "", err
if c == '{' {
// Any number of digits in braces.
// Perl accepts any text at all; it ignores all text
// after the first non-hex digit. We require only hex digits,
// and at least one.
nhex := 0
r = 0
for {
if t == "" {
break Switch
if c, t, err = nextRune(t); err != nil {
return 0, "", err
if c == '}' {
v := unhex(c)
if v < 0 {
break Switch
r = r*16 + v
if r > unicode.MaxRune {
break Switch
if nhex == 0 {
break Switch
return r, t, nil
// Easy case: two hex digits.
x := unhex(c)
if c, t, err = nextRune(t); err != nil {
return 0, "", err
y := unhex(c)
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return x*16 + y, t, nil
// C escapes. There is no case 'b', to avoid misparsing
// the Perl word-boundary \b as the C backspace \b
// when in POSIX mode. In Perl, /\b/ means word-boundary
// but /[\b]/ means backspace. We don't support that.
// If you want a backspace, embed a literal backspace
// character or use \x08.
case 'a':
return '\a', t, err
case 'f':
return '\f', t, err
case 'n':
return '\n', t, err
case 'r':
return '\r', t, err
case 't':
return '\t', t, err
case 'v':
return '\v', t, err
return 0, "", &Error{ErrInvalidEscape, s[:len(s)-len(t)]}
// parseClassChar parses a character class character at the beginning of s
// and returns it.
func (p *parser) parseClassChar(s, wholeClass string) (r int, rest string, err os.Error) {
if s == "" {
return 0, "", &Error{Code: ErrMissingBracket, Expr: wholeClass}
// Allow regular escape sequences even though
// many need not be escaped in this context.
if s[0] == '\\' {
return p.parseEscape(s)
return nextRune(s)
type charGroup struct {
sign int
class []int
// parsePerlClassEscape parses a leading Perl character class escape like \d
// from the beginning of s. If one is present, it appends the characters to r
// and returns the new slice r and the remainder of the string.
func (p *parser) parsePerlClassEscape(s string, r []int) (out []int, rest string) {
if p.flags&PerlX == 0 || len(s) < 2 || s[0] != '\\' {
g := perlGroup[s[0:2]]
if g.sign == 0 {
if g.sign < 0 {
r = appendNegatedClass(r, g.class)
} else {
r = appendClass(r, g.class)
return r, s[2:]
// parseNamedClass parses a leading POSIX named character class like [:alnum:]
// from the beginning of s. If one is present, it appends the characters to r
// and returns the new slice r and the remainder of the string.
func (p *parser) parseNamedClass(s string, r []int) (out []int, rest string, err os.Error) {
if len(s) < 2 || s[0] != '[' || s[1] != ':' {
i := strings.Index(s[2:], ":]")
if i < 0 {
i += 2
name, s := s[0:i+2], s[i+2:]
g := posixGroup[name]
if g.sign == 0 {
return nil, "", &Error{ErrInvalidCharRange, name}
if g.sign < 0 {
r = appendNegatedClass(r, g.class)
} else {
r = appendClass(r, g.class)
return r, s, nil
// unicodeTable returns the unicode.RangeTable identified by name.
func unicodeTable(name string) *unicode.RangeTable {
if t := unicode.Categories[name]; t != nil {
return t
if t := unicode.Scripts[name]; t != nil {
return t
return nil
// parseUnicodeClass parses a leading Unicode character class like \p{Han}
// from the beginning of s. If one is present, it appends the characters to r
// and returns the new slice r and the remainder of the string.
func (p *parser) parseUnicodeClass(s string, r []int) (out []int, rest string, err os.Error) {
if p.flags&UnicodeGroups == 0 || len(s) < 2 || s[0] != '\\' || s[1] != 'p' && s[1] != 'P' {
// Committed to parse or return error.
sign := +1
if s[1] == 'P' {
sign = -1
t := s[2:]
c, t, err := nextRune(t)
if err != nil {
var seq, name string
if c != '{' {
// Single-letter name.
seq = s[:len(s)-len(t)]
name = seq[2:]
} else {
// Name is in braces.
end := strings.IndexRune(s, '}')
if end < 0 {
if err = checkUTF8(s); err != nil {
return nil, "", &Error{ErrInvalidCharRange, s}
seq, t = s[:end+1], s[end+1:]
name = s[3:end]
if err = checkUTF8(name); err != nil {
// Group can have leading negation too. \p{^Han} == \P{Han}, \P{^Han} == \p{Han}.
if name != "" && name[0] == '^' {
sign = -sign
name = name[1:]
tab := unicodeTable(name)
if tab == nil {
return nil, "", &Error{ErrInvalidCharRange, seq}
if sign > 0 {
r = appendTable(r, tab)
} else {
r = appendNegatedTable(r, tab)
return r, t, nil
// parseClass parses a character class at the beginning of s
// and pushes it onto the parse stack.
func (p *parser) parseClass(s string) (rest string, err os.Error) {
t := s[1:] // chop [
re := &Regexp{Op: OpCharClass, Flags: p.flags}
re.Rune = re.Rune0[:0]
sign := +1
if t != "" && t[0] == '^' {
sign = -1
t = t[1:]
// If character class does not match \n, add it here,
// so that negation later will do the right thing.
if p.flags&ClassNL == 0 {
re.Rune = append(re.Rune, '\n', '\n')
class := re.Rune
first := true // ] and - are okay as first char in class
for t == "" || t[0] != ']' || first {
// POSIX: - is only okay unescaped as first or last in class.
// Perl: - is okay anywhere.
if t != "" && t[0] == '-' && p.flags&PerlX == 0 && !first && (len(t) == 1 || t[1] != ']') {
_, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(t[1:])
return "", &Error{Code: ErrInvalidCharRange, Expr: t[:1+size]}
first = false
// Look for POSIX [:alnum:] etc.
if len(t) > 2 && t[0] == '[' && t[1] == ':' {
nclass, nt, err := p.parseNamedClass(t, class)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if nclass != nil {
class, t = nclass, nt
// Look for Unicode character group like \p{Han}.
nclass, nt, err := p.parseUnicodeClass(t, class)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if nclass != nil {
class, t = nclass, nt
// Look for Perl character class symbols (extension).
if nclass, nt := p.parsePerlClassEscape(t, class); nclass != nil {
class, t = nclass, nt
// Single character or simple range.
rng := t
var lo, hi int
if lo, t, err = p.parseClassChar(t, s); err != nil {
return "", err
hi = lo
// [a-] means (a|-) so check for final ].
if len(t) >= 2 && t[0] == '-' && t[1] != ']' {
t = t[1:]
if hi, t, err = p.parseClassChar(t, s); err != nil {
return "", err
if hi < lo {
rng = rng[:len(rng)-len(t)]
return "", &Error{Code: ErrInvalidCharRange, Expr: rng}
class = appendRange(class, lo, hi)
t = t[1:] // chop ]
// TODO: Handle FoldCase flag.
// Use &re.Rune instead of &class to avoid allocation.
re.Rune = class
class = cleanClass(&re.Rune)
if sign < 0 {
class = negateClass(class)
re.Rune = class
return t, nil
// cleanClass sorts the ranges (pairs of elements of r),
// merges them, and eliminates duplicates.
func cleanClass(rp *[]int) []int {
// Sort by lo increasing, hi decreasing to break ties.
r := *rp
// Merge abutting, overlapping.
w := 2 // write index
for i := 2; i < len(r); i += 2 {
lo, hi := r[i], r[i+1]
if lo <= r[w-1]+1 {
// merge with previous range
if hi > r[w-1] {
r[w-1] = hi
// new disjoint range
r[w] = lo
r[w+1] = hi
w += 2
return r[:w]
// appendRange returns the result of appending the range lo-hi to the class r.
func appendRange(r []int, lo, hi int) []int {
// Expand last range if overlaps or abuts.
if n := len(r); n > 0 {
rlo, rhi := r[n-2], r[n-1]
if lo <= rhi+1 && rlo <= hi+1 {
if lo < rlo {
r[n-2] = lo
if hi > rhi {
r[n-1] = hi
return r
return append(r, lo, hi)
// appendClass returns the result of appending the class x to the class r.
// It assume x is clean.
func appendClass(r []int, x []int) []int {
for i := 0; i < len(x); i += 2 {
r = appendRange(r, x[i], x[i+1])
return r
// appendNegatedClass returns the result of appending the negation of the class x to the class r.
// It assumes x is clean.
func appendNegatedClass(r []int, x []int) []int {
nextLo := 0
for i := 0; i < len(x); i += 2 {
lo, hi := x[i], x[i+1]
if nextLo <= lo-1 {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, lo-1)
nextLo = hi + 1
if nextLo <= unicode.MaxRune {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, unicode.MaxRune)
return r
// appendTable returns the result of appending x to the class r.
func appendTable(r []int, x *unicode.RangeTable) []int {
for _, xr := range x.R16 {
lo, hi, stride := int(xr.Lo), int(xr.Hi), int(xr.Stride)
if stride == 1 {
r = appendRange(r, lo, hi)
for c := lo; c <= hi; c += stride {
r = appendRange(r, c, c)
for _, xr := range x.R32 {
lo, hi, stride := int(xr.Lo), int(xr.Hi), int(xr.Stride)
if stride == 1 {
r = appendRange(r, lo, hi)
for c := lo; c <= hi; c += stride {
r = appendRange(r, c, c)
return r
// appendNegatedTable returns the result of appending the negation of x to the class r.
func appendNegatedTable(r []int, x *unicode.RangeTable) []int {
nextLo := 0 // lo end of next class to add
for _, xr := range x.R16 {
lo, hi, stride := int(xr.Lo), int(xr.Hi), int(xr.Stride)
if stride == 1 {
if nextLo <= lo-1 {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, lo-1)
nextLo = hi + 1
for c := lo; c <= hi; c += stride {
if nextLo <= c-1 {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, c-1)
nextLo = c + 1
for _, xr := range x.R32 {
lo, hi, stride := int(xr.Lo), int(xr.Hi), int(xr.Stride)
if stride == 1 {
if nextLo <= lo-1 {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, lo-1)
nextLo = hi + 1
for c := lo; c <= hi; c += stride {
if nextLo <= c-1 {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, c-1)
nextLo = c + 1
if nextLo <= unicode.MaxRune {
r = appendRange(r, nextLo, unicode.MaxRune)
return r
// negateClass overwrites r and returns r's negation.
// It assumes the class r is already clean.
func negateClass(r []int) []int {
nextLo := 0 // lo end of next class to add
w := 0 // write index
for i := 0; i < len(r); i += 2 {
lo, hi := r[i], r[i+1]
if nextLo <= lo-1 {
r[w] = nextLo
r[w+1] = lo - 1
w += 2
nextLo = hi + 1
if nextLo <= unicode.MaxRune {
// It's possible for the negation to have one more
// range - this one - than the original class, so use append.
r = append(r[:w], nextLo, unicode.MaxRune)
return r
// ranges implements sort.Interface on a []rune.
// The choice of receiver type definition is strange
// but avoids an allocation since we already have
// a *[]int.
type ranges struct {
p *[]int
func (ra ranges) Less(i, j int) bool {
p := *ra.p
i *= 2
j *= 2
return p[i] < p[j] || p[i] == p[j] && p[i+1] > p[j+1]
func (ra ranges) Len() int {
return len(*ra.p) / 2
func (ra ranges) Swap(i, j int) {
p := *ra.p
i *= 2
j *= 2
p[i], p[i+1], p[j], p[j+1] = p[j], p[j+1], p[i], p[i+1]
func checkUTF8(s string) os.Error {
for s != "" {
rune, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
if rune == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
return &Error{Code: ErrInvalidUTF8, Expr: s}
s = s[size:]
return nil
func nextRune(s string) (c int, t string, err os.Error) {
c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
return 0, "", &Error{Code: ErrInvalidUTF8, Expr: s}
return c, s[size:], nil
func isalnum(c int) bool {
return '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
func unhex(c int) int {
if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
return c - '0'
if 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' {
return c - 'a' + 10
if 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
return c - 'A' + 10
return -1