blob: a1ea3fcdac71acfe35b107872a709fda0b3cfd87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements the encoding of source positions.
package src
import "strconv"
// A Pos encodes a source position consisting of a (line, column) number pair
// and a position base. A zero Pos is a ready to use "unknown" position (nil
// position base and zero line number).
// The (line, column) values refer to a position in a file independent of any
// position base ("absolute" file position).
// The position base is used to determine the "relative" position, that is the
// filename and line number relative to the position base. If the base refers
// to the current file, there is no difference between absolute and relative
// positions. If it refers to a //line pragma, a relative position is relative
// to that pragma. A position base in turn contains the position at which it
// was introduced in the current file.
type Pos struct {
base *PosBase
// NoPos is a valid unknown position.
var NoPos Pos
// MakePos creates a new Pos value with the given base, and (file-absolute)
// line and column.
func MakePos(base *PosBase, line, col uint) Pos {
return Pos{base, makeLico(line, col)}
// IsKnown reports whether the position p is known.
// A position is known if it either has a non-nil
// position base, or a non-zero line number.
func (p Pos) IsKnown() bool {
return p.base != nil || p.Line() != 0
// Before reports whether the position p comes before q in the source.
// For positions in different files, ordering is by filename.
func (p Pos) Before(q Pos) bool {
n, m := p.Filename(), q.Filename()
return n < m || n == m && p.lico < q.lico
// After reports whether the position p comes after q in the source.
// For positions in different files, ordering is by filename.
func (p Pos) After(q Pos) bool {
n, m := p.Filename(), q.Filename()
return n > m || n == m && p.lico > q.lico
// Filename returns the name of the actual file containing this position.
func (p Pos) Filename() string { return p.base.Pos().RelFilename() }
// Base returns the position base.
func (p Pos) Base() *PosBase { return p.base }
// SetBase sets the position base.
func (p *Pos) SetBase(base *PosBase) { p.base = base }
// RelFilename returns the filename recorded with the position's base.
func (p Pos) RelFilename() string { return p.base.Filename() }
// RelLine returns the line number relative to the positions's base.
func (p Pos) RelLine() uint { b := p.base; return b.Line() + p.Line() - b.Pos().Line() }
// AbsFilename() returns the absolute filename recorded with the position's base.
func (p Pos) AbsFilename() string { return p.base.AbsFilename() }
// SymFilename() returns the absolute filename recorded with the position's base,
// prefixed by FileSymPrefix to make it appropriate for use as a linker symbol.
func (p Pos) SymFilename() string { return p.base.SymFilename() }
func (p Pos) String() string {
return p.Format(true)
// Format formats a position as "filename:line" or "filename:line:column",
// controlled by the showCol flag.
// If the position is relative to a line directive, the original position
// is appended in square brackets without column (since the column doesn't
// change).
func (p Pos) Format(showCol bool) string {
if !p.IsKnown() {
return "<unknown line number>"
if b := p.base; b == b.Pos().base {
// base is file base (incl. nil)
return format(p.Filename(), p.Line(), p.Col(), showCol)
// base is relative
// Print the column only for the original position since the
// relative position's column information may be bogus (it's
// typically generated code and we can't say much about the
// original source at that point but for the file:line info
// that's provided via a line directive).
// TODO(gri) This may not be true if we have an inlining base.
// We may want to differentiate at some point.
return format(p.RelFilename(), p.RelLine(), 0, false) +
"[" + format(p.Filename(), p.Line(), p.Col(), showCol) + "]"
// format formats a (filename, line, col) tuple as "filename:line" (showCol
// is false) or "filename:line:column" (showCol is true).
func format(filename string, line, col uint, showCol bool) string {
s := filename + ":" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(line), 10)
// col == colMax is interpreted as unknown column value
if showCol && col < colMax {
s += ":" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(col), 10)
return s
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PosBase
// A PosBase encodes a filename and base line number.
// Typically, each file and line pragma introduce a PosBase.
// A nil *PosBase is a ready to use file PosBase for an unnamed
// file with line numbers starting at 1.
type PosBase struct {
pos Pos
filename string // file name used to open source file, for error messages
absFilename string // absolute file name, for PC-Line tables
symFilename string // cached symbol file name, to avoid repeated string concatenation
line uint // relative line number at pos
inl int // inlining index (see cmd/internal/obj/inl.go)
// NewFileBase returns a new *PosBase for a file with the given (relative and
// absolute) filenames.
func NewFileBase(filename, absFilename string) *PosBase {
if filename != "" {
base := &PosBase{
filename: filename,
absFilename: absFilename,
symFilename: FileSymPrefix + absFilename,
inl: -1,
base.pos = MakePos(base, 0, 0)
return base
return nil
// NewLinePragmaBase returns a new *PosBase for a line pragma of the form
// //line filename:line
// at position pos.
func NewLinePragmaBase(pos Pos, filename string, line uint) *PosBase {
return &PosBase{pos, filename, filename, FileSymPrefix + filename, line - 1, -1}
// NewInliningBase returns a copy of the old PosBase with the given inlining
// index. If old == nil, the resulting PosBase has no filename.
func NewInliningBase(old *PosBase, inlTreeIndex int) *PosBase {
if old == nil {
base := &PosBase{inl: inlTreeIndex}
base.pos = MakePos(base, 0, 0)
return base
copy := *old
base := &copy
base.inl = inlTreeIndex
if old == old.pos.base {
base.pos.base = base
return base
var noPos Pos
// Pos returns the position at which base is located.
// If b == nil, the result is the zero position.
func (b *PosBase) Pos() *Pos {
if b != nil {
return &b.pos
return &noPos
// Filename returns the filename recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is the empty string.
func (b *PosBase) Filename() string {
if b != nil {
return b.filename
return ""
// AbsFilename returns the absolute filename recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is the empty string.
func (b *PosBase) AbsFilename() string {
if b != nil {
return b.absFilename
return ""
const FileSymPrefix = "gofile.."
// SymFilename returns the absolute filename recorded with the base,
// prefixed by FileSymPrefix to make it appropriate for use as a linker symbol.
// If b is nil, SymFilename returns FileSymPrefix + "??".
func (b *PosBase) SymFilename() string {
if b != nil {
return b.symFilename
return FileSymPrefix + "??"
// Line returns the line number recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is 0.
func (b *PosBase) Line() uint {
if b != nil {
return b.line
return 0
// InliningIndex returns the index into the global inlining
// tree recorded with the base. If b == nil or the base has
// not been inlined, the result is < 0.
func (b *PosBase) InliningIndex() int {
if b != nil {
return b.inl
return -1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// lico
// A lico is a compact encoding of a LIne and COlumn number.
type lico uint32
// Layout constants: 24 bits for line, 8 bits for column.
// (If this is too tight, we can either make lico 64b wide,
// or we can introduce a tiered encoding where we remove column
// information as line numbers grow bigger; similar to what gcc
// does.)
const (
lineBits, lineMax = 24, 1<<lineBits - 1
colBits, colMax = 32 - lineBits, 1<<colBits - 1
func makeLico(line, col uint) lico {
if line > lineMax {
// cannot represent line, use max. line so we have some information
line = lineMax
if col > colMax {
// cannot represent column, use max. column so we have some information
col = colMax
return lico(line<<colBits | col)
func (x lico) Line() uint { return uint(x) >> colBits }
func (x lico) Col() uint { return uint(x) & colMax }