blob: 839c2c2c75271569dbae7b4e548531b996915956 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
var (
Debug_export int // if set, print debugging information about export data
func exportf(bout *bio.Writer, format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(bout, format, args...)
if Debug_export != 0 {
fmt.Printf(format, args...)
var asmlist []*Node
// exportsym marks n for export (or reexport).
func exportsym(n *Node) {
if n.Sym.OnExportList() {
if Debug['E'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("export symbol %v\n", n.Sym)
exportlist = append(exportlist, n)
func initname(s string) bool {
return s == "init"
func autoexport(n *Node, ctxt Class) {
if n.Sym.Pkg != localpkg {
if (ctxt != PEXTERN && ctxt != PFUNC) || dclcontext != PEXTERN {
if n.Type != nil && n.Type.IsKind(TFUNC) && n.IsMethod() {
if types.IsExported(n.Sym.Name) || initname(n.Sym.Name) {
if asmhdr != "" && !n.Sym.Asm() {
asmlist = append(asmlist, n)
func dumpexport(bout *bio.Writer) {
// The linker also looks for the $$ marker - use char after $$ to distinguish format.
exportf(bout, "\n$$B\n") // indicate binary export format
off := bout.Offset()
size := bout.Offset() - off
exportf(bout, "\n$$\n")
if Debug_export != 0 {
fmt.Printf("BenchmarkExportSize:%s 1 %d bytes\n", myimportpath, size)
func importsym(ipkg *types.Pkg, s *types.Sym, op Op) *Node {
n := asNode(s.PkgDef())
if n == nil {
// iimport should have created a stub ONONAME
// declaration for all imported symbols. The exception
// is declarations for Runtimepkg, which are populated
// by loadsys instead.
if s.Pkg != Runtimepkg {
Fatalf("missing ONONAME for %v\n", s)
n = dclname(s)
s.Importdef = ipkg
if n.Op != ONONAME && n.Op != op {
redeclare(lineno, s, fmt.Sprintf("during import %q", ipkg.Path))
return n
// importtype returns the named type declared by symbol s.
// If no such type has been declared yet, a forward declaration is returned.
// ipkg is the package being imported
func importtype(ipkg *types.Pkg, pos src.XPos, s *types.Sym) *types.Type {
n := importsym(ipkg, s, OTYPE)
if n.Op != OTYPE {
t := types.New(TFORW)
t.Sym = s
t.Nod = asTypesNode(n)
n.Op = OTYPE
n.Pos = pos
n.Type = t
t := n.Type
if t == nil {
Fatalf("importtype %v", s)
return t
// importobj declares symbol s as an imported object representable by op.
// ipkg is the package being imported
func importobj(ipkg *types.Pkg, pos src.XPos, s *types.Sym, op Op, ctxt Class, t *types.Type) *Node {
n := importsym(ipkg, s, op)
if n.Op != ONONAME {
if n.Op == op && (n.Class() != ctxt || !types.Identical(n.Type, t)) {
redeclare(lineno, s, fmt.Sprintf("during import %q", ipkg.Path))
return nil
n.Op = op
n.Pos = pos
if ctxt == PFUNC {
n.Type = t
return n
// importconst declares symbol s as an imported constant with type t and value val.
// ipkg is the package being imported
func importconst(ipkg *types.Pkg, pos src.XPos, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, val Val) {
n := importobj(ipkg, pos, s, OLITERAL, PEXTERN, t)
if n == nil { // TODO: Check that value matches.
if Debug['E'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("import const %v %L = %v\n", s, t, val)
// importfunc declares symbol s as an imported function with type t.
// ipkg is the package being imported
func importfunc(ipkg *types.Pkg, pos src.XPos, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type) {
n := importobj(ipkg, pos, s, ONAME, PFUNC, t)
if n == nil {
n.Func = new(Func)
if Debug['E'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("import func %v%S\n", s, t)
// importvar declares symbol s as an imported variable with type t.
// ipkg is the package being imported
func importvar(ipkg *types.Pkg, pos src.XPos, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type) {
n := importobj(ipkg, pos, s, ONAME, PEXTERN, t)
if n == nil {
if Debug['E'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("import var %v %L\n", s, t)
// importalias declares symbol s as an imported type alias with type t.
// ipkg is the package being imported
func importalias(ipkg *types.Pkg, pos src.XPos, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type) {
n := importobj(ipkg, pos, s, OTYPE, PEXTERN, t)
if n == nil {
if Debug['E'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("import type %v = %L\n", s, t)
func dumpasmhdr() {
b, err := bio.Create(asmhdr)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("%v", err)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "// generated by compile -asmhdr from package %s\n\n", localpkg.Name)
for _, n := range asmlist {
if n.Sym.IsBlank() {
switch n.Op {
t := n.Val().Ctype()
if t == CTFLT || t == CTCPLX {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "#define const_%s %#v\n", n.Sym.Name, n.Val())
case OTYPE:
t := n.Type
if !t.IsStruct() || t.StructType().Map != nil || t.IsFuncArgStruct() {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "#define %s__size %d\n", n.Sym.Name, int(t.Width))
for _, f := range t.Fields().Slice() {
if !f.Sym.IsBlank() {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "#define %s_%s %d\n", n.Sym.Name, f.Sym.Name, int(f.Offset))