blob: a4bdf3ee0089551f81c5e9032da88dc1a19db8eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
// mvsReqs implements mvs.Reqs for module semantic versions,
// with any exclusions or replacements applied internally.
type mvsReqs struct {
buildList []module.Version
cache par.Cache
versions sync.Map
// Reqs returns the current module requirement graph.
// Future calls to SetBuildList do not affect the operation
// of the returned Reqs.
func Reqs() mvs.Reqs {
r := &mvsReqs{
buildList: buildList,
return r
func (r *mvsReqs) Required(mod module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {
type cached struct {
list []module.Version
err error
c := r.cache.Do(mod, func() interface{} {
list, err := r.required(mod)
if err != nil {
return cached{nil, err}
for i, mv := range list {
if index != nil {
for index.exclude[mv] {
mv1, err :=
if err != nil {
return cached{nil, err}
if mv1.Version == "none" {
return cached{nil, fmt.Errorf("%s(%s) depends on excluded %s(%s) with no newer version available", mod.Path, mod.Version, mv.Path, mv.Version)}
mv = mv1
list[i] = mv
return cached{list, nil}
return c.list, c.err
func (r *mvsReqs) modFileToList(f *modfile.File) []module.Version {
list := make([]module.Version, 0, len(f.Require))
for _, r := range f.Require {
list = append(list, r.Mod)
return list
// required returns a unique copy of the requirements of mod.
func (r *mvsReqs) required(mod module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {
if mod == Target {
if modFile != nil && modFile.Go != nil {
r.versions.LoadOrStore(mod, modFile.Go.Version)
return append([]module.Version(nil), r.buildList[1:]...), nil
if cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
// For every module other than the target,
// return the full list of modules from modules.txt.
return append([]module.Version(nil), vendorList...), nil
origPath := mod.Path
if repl := Replacement(mod); repl.Path != "" {
if repl.Version == "" {
// TODO: need to slip the new version into the tags list etc.
dir := repl.Path
if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
dir = filepath.Join(ModRoot(), dir)
gomod := filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod")
data, err := lockedfile.Read(gomod)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing %s: %v", base.ShortPath(gomod), err)
f, err := modfile.ParseLax(gomod, data, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing %s: %v", base.ShortPath(gomod), err)
if f.Go != nil {
r.versions.LoadOrStore(mod, f.Go.Version)
return r.modFileToList(f), nil
mod = repl
if mod.Version == "none" {
return nil, nil
if !semver.IsValid(mod.Version) {
// Disallow the broader queries supported by fetch.Lookup.
base.Fatalf("go: internal error: %s@%s: unexpected invalid semantic version", mod.Path, mod.Version)
data, err := modfetch.GoMod(mod.Path, mod.Version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := modfile.ParseLax("go.mod", data, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, module.VersionError(mod, fmt.Errorf("parsing go.mod: %v", err))
if f.Module == nil {
return nil, module.VersionError(mod, errors.New("parsing go.mod: missing module line"))
if mpath := f.Module.Mod.Path; mpath != origPath && mpath != mod.Path {
return nil, module.VersionError(mod, fmt.Errorf(`parsing go.mod:
module declares its path as: %s
but was required as: %s`, mpath, origPath))
if f.Go != nil {
r.versions.LoadOrStore(mod, f.Go.Version)
return r.modFileToList(f), nil
func (*mvsReqs) Max(v1, v2 string) string {
if v1 != "" && semver.Compare(v1, v2) == -1 {
return v2
return v1
// Upgrade is a no-op, here to implement mvs.Reqs.
// The upgrade logic for go get -u is in ../modget/get.go.
func (*mvsReqs) Upgrade(m module.Version) (module.Version, error) {
return m, nil
func versions(path string) ([]string, error) {
// Note: modfetch.Lookup and repo.Versions are cached,
// so there's no need for us to add extra caching here.
var versions []string
err := modfetch.TryProxies(func(proxy string) error {
repo, err := modfetch.Lookup(proxy, path)
if err == nil {
versions, err = repo.Versions("")
return err
return versions, err
// Previous returns the tagged version of m.Path immediately prior to
// m.Version, or version "none" if no prior version is tagged.
func (*mvsReqs) Previous(m module.Version) (module.Version, error) {
list, err := versions(m.Path)
if err != nil {
return module.Version{}, err
i := sort.Search(len(list), func(i int) bool { return semver.Compare(list[i], m.Version) >= 0 })
if i > 0 {
return module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: list[i-1]}, nil
return module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: "none"}, nil
// next returns the next version of m.Path after m.Version.
// It is only used by the exclusion processing in the Required method,
// not called directly by MVS.
func (*mvsReqs) next(m module.Version) (module.Version, error) {
list, err := versions(m.Path)
if err != nil {
return module.Version{}, err
i := sort.Search(len(list), func(i int) bool { return semver.Compare(list[i], m.Version) > 0 })
if i < len(list) {
return module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: list[i]}, nil
return module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: "none"}, nil
// fetch downloads the given module (or its replacement)
// and returns its location.
// The isLocal return value reports whether the replacement,
// if any, is local to the filesystem.
func fetch(mod module.Version) (dir string, isLocal bool, err error) {
if mod == Target {
return ModRoot(), true, nil
if r := Replacement(mod); r.Path != "" {
if r.Version == "" {
dir = r.Path
if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
dir = filepath.Join(ModRoot(), dir)
// Ensure that the replacement directory actually exists:
// dirInModule does not report errors for missing modules,
// so if we don't report the error now, later failures will be
// very mysterious.
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Semantically the module version itself “exists” — we just don't
// have its source code. Remove the equivalence to os.ErrNotExist,
// and make the message more concise while we're at it.
err = fmt.Errorf("replacement directory %s does not exist", r.Path)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("replacement directory %s: %w", r.Path, err)
return dir, true, module.VersionError(mod, err)
return dir, true, nil
mod = r
dir, err = modfetch.Download(mod)
return dir, false, err