blob: 4aa283fe33aa2c806c056e6f78565e963e29d16e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
/// implements float arihmetic
func newMpflt() *Mpflt {
var a Mpflt
return &a
func Mpmovefixflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpint) {
if b.Ovf {
// sign doesn't really matter but copy anyway
a.Val.SetInf(b.Val.Sign() < 0)
func mpmovefltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
func mpaddfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf("\n%v + %v", a, b)
a.Val.Add(&a.Val, &b.Val)
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", a)
func mpaddcflt(a *Mpflt, c float64) {
var b Mpflt
Mpmovecflt(&b, c)
mpaddfltflt(a, &b)
func mpsubfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf("\n%v - %v", a, b)
a.Val.Sub(&a.Val, &b.Val)
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", a)
func mpmulfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf("%v\n * %v\n", a, b)
a.Val.Mul(&a.Val, &b.Val)
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", a)
func mpmulcflt(a *Mpflt, c float64) {
var b Mpflt
Mpmovecflt(&b, c)
mpmulfltflt(a, &b)
func mpdivfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) {
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf("%v\n / %v\n", a, b)
a.Val.Quo(&a.Val, &b.Val)
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n\n", a)
func mpcmpfltflt(a *Mpflt, b *Mpflt) int {
return a.Val.Cmp(&b.Val)
func mpcmpfltc(b *Mpflt, c float64) int {
var a Mpflt
Mpmovecflt(&a, c)
return mpcmpfltflt(b, &a)
func mpgetflt(a *Mpflt) float64 {
x, _ := a.Val.Float64()
// check for overflow
if math.IsInf(x, 0) && nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {
Yyerror("mpgetflt ovf")
return x + 0 // avoid -0 (should not be needed, but be conservative)
func mpgetflt32(a *Mpflt) float64 {
x32, _ := a.Val.Float32()
x := float64(x32)
// check for overflow
if math.IsInf(x, 0) && nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {
Yyerror("mpgetflt32 ovf")
return x + 0 // avoid -0 (should not be needed, but be conservative)
func Mpmovecflt(a *Mpflt, c float64) {
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf("\nconst %g", c)
// convert -0 to 0
if c == 0 {
c = 0
if Mpdebug {
fmt.Printf(" = %v\n", a)
func mpnegflt(a *Mpflt) {
// avoid -0
if a.Val.Sign() != 0 {
// floating point input
// required syntax is [+-]d*[.]d*[e[+-]d*] or [+-]0xH*[e[+-]d*]
func mpatoflt(a *Mpflt, as string) {
for len(as) > 0 && (as[0] == ' ' || as[0] == '\t') {
as = as[1:]
f, ok := a.Val.SetString(as)
if !ok {
// At the moment we lose precise error cause;
// the old code additionally distinguished between:
// - malformed hex constant
// - decimal point in hex constant
// - constant exponent out of range
// - decimal point and binary point in constant
// TODO(gri) use different conversion function or check separately
Yyerror("malformed constant: %s", as)
if f.IsInf() {
Yyerror("constant too large: %s", as)
// -0 becomes 0
if f.Sign() == 0 && f.Signbit() {
func (f *Mpflt) String() string {
return Fconv(f, 0)
func Fconv(fvp *Mpflt, flag int) string {
if flag&obj.FmtSharp == 0 {
return fvp.Val.Text('b', 0)
// use decimal format for error messages
// determine sign
f := &fvp.Val
var sign string
if f.Sign() < 0 {
sign = "-"
f = new(big.Float).Abs(f)
} else if flag&obj.FmtSign != 0 {
sign = "+"
// Use fmt formatting if in float64 range (common case).
if x, _ := f.Float64(); !math.IsInf(x, 0) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%.6g", sign, x)
// Out of float64 range. Do approximate manual to decimal
// conversion to avoid precise but possibly slow Float
// formatting. The exponent is > 0 since a negative out-
// of-range exponent would have underflowed and led to 0.
// f = mant * 2**exp
var mant big.Float
exp := float64(f.MantExp(&mant)) // 0.5 <= mant < 1.0, exp > 0
// approximate float64 mantissa m and decimal exponent d
// f ~ m * 10**d
m, _ := mant.Float64() // 0.5 <= m < 1.0
d := exp * (math.Ln2 / math.Ln10) // log_10(2)
// adjust m for truncated (integer) decimal exponent e
e := int64(d)
m *= math.Pow(10, d-float64(e))
for m >= 10 {
m /= 10
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%.5fe+%d", sign, m, e)