blob: c6e455966508ff91a3ace29c3e34846544448b32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fuzz
import (
func isMinimizable(t reflect.Type) bool {
for _, v := range zeroVals {
if t == reflect.TypeOf(v) {
return true
return false
func minimizeBytes(v []byte, try func(interface{}) bool, shouldStop func() bool) {
tmp := make([]byte, len(v))
// If minimization was successful at any point during minimizeBytes,
// then the vals slice in (*workerServer).minimizeInput will point to
// tmp. Since tmp is altered while making new candidates, we need to
// make sure that it is equal to the correct value, v, before exiting
// this function.
defer copy(tmp, v)
// First, try to cut the tail.
for n := 1024; n != 0; n /= 2 {
for len(v) > n {
if shouldStop() {
candidate := v[:len(v)-n]
if !try(candidate) {
// Set v to the new value to continue iterating.
v = candidate
// Then, try to remove each individual byte.
for i := 0; i < len(v)-1; i++ {
if shouldStop() {
candidate := tmp[:len(v)-1]
copy(candidate[:i], v[:i])
copy(candidate[i:], v[i+1:])
if !try(candidate) {
// Update v to delete the value at index i.
copy(v[i:], v[i+1:])
v = v[:len(candidate)]
// v[i] is now different, so decrement i to redo this iteration
// of the loop with the new value.
// Then, try to remove each possible subset of bytes.
for i := 0; i < len(v)-1; i++ {
copy(tmp, v[:i])
for j := len(v); j > i+1; j-- {
if shouldStop() {
candidate := tmp[:len(v)-j+i]
copy(candidate[i:], v[j:])
if !try(candidate) {
// Update v and reset the loop with the new length.
copy(v[i:], v[j:])
v = v[:len(candidate)]
j = len(v)
// Then, try to make it more simplified and human-readable by trying to replace each
// byte with a printable character.
printableChars := []byte("012789ABCXYZabcxyz !\"#$%&'()*+,.")
for i, b := range v {
if shouldStop() {
for _, pc := range printableChars {
v[i] = pc
if try(v) {
// Successful. Move on to the next byte in v.
// Unsuccessful. Revert v[i] back to original value.
v[i] = b
func minimizeInteger(v uint, try func(interface{}) bool, shouldStop func() bool) {
// TODO(rolandshoemaker): another approach could be either unsetting/setting all bits
// (depending on signed-ness), or rotating bits? When operating on cast signed integers
// this would probably be more complex though.
for ; v != 0; v /= 10 {
if shouldStop() {
// We ignore the return value here because there is no point
// advancing the loop, since there is nothing after this check,
// and we don't return early because a smaller value could
// re-trigger the crash.
func minimizeFloat(v float64, try func(interface{}) bool, shouldStop func() bool) {
if math.IsNaN(v) {
minimized := float64(0)
for div := 10.0; minimized < v; div *= 10 {
if shouldStop() {
minimized = float64(int(v*div)) / div
if !try(minimized) {
// Since we are searching from least precision -> highest precision we
// can return early since we've already found the smallest value