blob: a349a7ef10e03f3b6010bfb396f065d74261690a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package noder
import (
// stmts creates nodes for a slice of statements that form a scope.
func (g *irgen) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) []ir.Node {
var nodes []ir.Node
for _, stmt := range stmts {
switch s := g.stmt(stmt).(type) {
case nil: // EmptyStmt
case *ir.BlockStmt:
nodes = append(nodes, s.List...)
nodes = append(nodes, s)
return nodes
func (g *irgen) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) ir.Node {
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
case nil, *syntax.EmptyStmt:
return nil
case *syntax.LabeledStmt:
return g.labeledStmt(stmt)
case *syntax.BlockStmt:
return ir.NewBlockStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.blockStmt(stmt))
case *syntax.ExprStmt:
return wrapname(g.pos(stmt.X), g.expr(stmt.X))
case *syntax.SendStmt:
n := ir.NewSendStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.expr(stmt.Chan), g.expr(stmt.Value))
if !g.delayTransform() {
return n
case *syntax.DeclStmt:
if g.topFuncIsGeneric && len(stmt.DeclList) > 0 {
if _, ok := stmt.DeclList[0].(*syntax.TypeDecl); ok {
// TODO: remove this restriction. See issue 47631.
base.ErrorfAt(g.pos(stmt), "type declarations inside generic functions are not currently supported")
n := ir.NewBlockStmt(g.pos(stmt), nil)
g.decls(&n.List, stmt.DeclList)
return n
case *syntax.AssignStmt:
if stmt.Op != 0 && stmt.Op != syntax.Def {
op := g.op(stmt.Op, binOps[:])
var n *ir.AssignOpStmt
if stmt.Rhs == nil {
n = IncDec(g.pos(stmt), op, g.expr(stmt.Lhs))
} else {
// Eval rhs before lhs, for compatibility with noder1
rhs := g.expr(stmt.Rhs)
lhs := g.expr(stmt.Lhs)
n = ir.NewAssignOpStmt(g.pos(stmt), op, lhs, rhs)
if !g.delayTransform() {
return n
// Eval rhs before lhs, for compatibility with noder1
rhs := g.exprList(stmt.Rhs)
names, lhs := g.assignList(stmt.Lhs, stmt.Op == syntax.Def)
if len(lhs) == 1 && len(rhs) == 1 {
n := ir.NewAssignStmt(g.pos(stmt), lhs[0], rhs[0])
n.Def = initDefn(n, names)
if !g.delayTransform() {
lhs, rhs := []ir.Node{n.X}, []ir.Node{n.Y}
transformAssign(n, lhs, rhs)
n.X, n.Y = lhs[0], rhs[0]
return n
n := ir.NewAssignListStmt(g.pos(stmt), ir.OAS2, lhs, rhs)
n.Def = initDefn(n, names)
if !g.delayTransform() {
transformAssign(n, n.Lhs, n.Rhs)
return n
case *syntax.BranchStmt:
return ir.NewBranchStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.tokOp(int(stmt.Tok), branchOps[:]),
case *syntax.CallStmt:
return ir.NewGoDeferStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.tokOp(int(stmt.Tok), callOps[:]), g.expr(stmt.Call))
case *syntax.ReturnStmt:
n := ir.NewReturnStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.exprList(stmt.Results))
if !g.delayTransform() {
return n
case *syntax.IfStmt:
return g.ifStmt(stmt)
case *syntax.ForStmt:
return g.forStmt(stmt)
case *syntax.SelectStmt:
n := g.selectStmt(stmt)
if !g.delayTransform() {
return n
case *syntax.SwitchStmt:
return g.switchStmt(stmt)
g.unhandled("statement", stmt)
// TODO(mdempsky): Investigate replacing with switch statements or dense arrays.
var branchOps = [...]ir.Op{
syntax.Break: ir.OBREAK,
syntax.Continue: ir.OCONTINUE,
syntax.Fallthrough: ir.OFALL,
syntax.Goto: ir.OGOTO,
var callOps = [...]ir.Op{
syntax.Defer: ir.ODEFER,
syntax.Go: ir.OGO,
func (g *irgen) tokOp(tok int, ops []ir.Op) ir.Op {
// TODO(mdempsky): Validate.
return ops[tok]
func (g *irgen) op(op syntax.Operator, ops []ir.Op) ir.Op {
// TODO(mdempsky): Validate.
return ops[op]
func (g *irgen) assignList(expr syntax.Expr, def bool) ([]*ir.Name, []ir.Node) {
if !def {
return nil, g.exprList(expr)
var exprs []syntax.Expr
if list, ok := expr.(*syntax.ListExpr); ok {
exprs = list.ElemList
} else {
exprs = []syntax.Expr{expr}
var names []*ir.Name
res := make([]ir.Node, len(exprs))
for i, expr := range exprs {
expr := expr.(*syntax.Name)
if expr.Value == "_" {
res[i] = ir.BlankNode
if obj, ok :=[expr]; ok {
res[i] = g.obj(obj)
name, _ := g.def(expr)
names = append(names, name)
res[i] = name
return names, res
// initDefn marks the given names as declared by defn and populates
// its Init field with ODCL nodes. It then reports whether any names
// were so declared, which can be used to initialize defn.Def.
func initDefn(defn ir.InitNode, names []*ir.Name) bool {
if len(names) == 0 {
return false
init := make([]ir.Node, len(names))
for i, name := range names {
name.Defn = defn
init[i] = ir.NewDecl(name.Pos(), ir.ODCL, name)
return true
func (g *irgen) blockStmt(stmt *syntax.BlockStmt) []ir.Node {
return g.stmts(stmt.List)
func (g *irgen) ifStmt(stmt *syntax.IfStmt) ir.Node {
init := g.stmt(stmt.Init)
n := ir.NewIfStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.expr(stmt.Cond), g.blockStmt(stmt.Then), nil)
if stmt.Else != nil {
e := g.stmt(stmt.Else)
if e.Op() == ir.OBLOCK {
e := e.(*ir.BlockStmt)
n.Else = e.List
} else {
n.Else = []ir.Node{e}
return g.init(init, n)
// unpackTwo returns the first two nodes in list. If list has fewer
// than 2 nodes, then the missing nodes are replaced with nils.
func unpackTwo(list []ir.Node) (fst, snd ir.Node) {
switch len(list) {
case 0:
return nil, nil
case 1:
return list[0], nil
return list[0], list[1]
func (g *irgen) forStmt(stmt *syntax.ForStmt) ir.Node {
if r, ok := stmt.Init.(*syntax.RangeClause); ok {
names, lhs := g.assignList(r.Lhs, r.Def)
key, value := unpackTwo(lhs)
n := ir.NewRangeStmt(g.pos(r), key, value, g.expr(r.X), g.blockStmt(stmt.Body))
n.Def = initDefn(n, names)
if key != nil {
transformCheckAssign(n, key)
if value != nil {
transformCheckAssign(n, value)
return n
return ir.NewForStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.stmt(stmt.Init), g.expr(stmt.Cond), g.stmt(stmt.Post), g.blockStmt(stmt.Body))
func (g *irgen) selectStmt(stmt *syntax.SelectStmt) ir.Node {
body := make([]*ir.CommClause, len(stmt.Body))
for i, clause := range stmt.Body {
body[i] = ir.NewCommStmt(g.pos(clause), g.stmt(clause.Comm), g.stmts(clause.Body))
return ir.NewSelectStmt(g.pos(stmt), body)
func (g *irgen) switchStmt(stmt *syntax.SwitchStmt) ir.Node {
pos := g.pos(stmt)
init := g.stmt(stmt.Init)
var expr ir.Node
switch tag := stmt.Tag.(type) {
case *syntax.TypeSwitchGuard:
var ident *ir.Ident
if tag.Lhs != nil {
ident = ir.NewIdent(g.pos(tag.Lhs),
expr = ir.NewTypeSwitchGuard(pos, ident, g.expr(tag.X))
expr = g.expr(tag)
body := make([]*ir.CaseClause, len(stmt.Body))
for i, clause := range stmt.Body {
// Check for an implicit clause variable before
// visiting body, because it may contain function
// literals that reference it, and then it'll be
// associated to the wrong function.
// Also, override its position to the clause's colon, so that
// dwarfgen can find the right scope for it later.
// TODO(mdempsky): We should probably just store the scope
// directly in the ir.Name.
var cv *ir.Name
if obj, ok :=[clause]; ok {
cv = g.obj(obj)
assert(expr.Op() == ir.OTYPESW)
cv.Defn = expr
body[i] = ir.NewCaseStmt(g.pos(clause), g.exprList(clause.Cases), g.stmts(clause.Body))
body[i].Var = cv
return g.init(init, ir.NewSwitchStmt(pos, expr, body))
func (g *irgen) labeledStmt(label *syntax.LabeledStmt) ir.Node {
sym :=
lhs := ir.NewLabelStmt(g.pos(label), sym)
ls := g.stmt(label.Stmt)
// Attach label directly to control statement too.
switch ls := ls.(type) {
case *ir.ForStmt:
ls.Label = sym
case *ir.RangeStmt:
ls.Label = sym
case *ir.SelectStmt:
ls.Label = sym
case *ir.SwitchStmt:
ls.Label = sym
l := []ir.Node{lhs}
if ls != nil {
if ls.Op() == ir.OBLOCK {
ls := ls.(*ir.BlockStmt)
l = append(l, ls.List...)
} else {
l = append(l, ls)
return ir.NewBlockStmt(src.NoXPos, l)
func (g *irgen) init(init ir.Node, stmt ir.InitNode) ir.InitNode {
if init != nil {
return stmt
func (g *irgen) name(name *syntax.Name) *types.Sym {
if name == nil {
return nil
return typecheck.Lookup(name.Value)