blob: b32e270bdfca8c5ca6e5ca075e24f37cc2445b51 [file] [log] [blame]
// run
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func main() {}
// Field accesses through type parameters are disabled
// until we have a more thorough understanding of the
// implications on the spec. See issue #51576.
type Sf struct {
f int
func f0[P Sf](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
func f0t[P ~struct{ f int }](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f0[Sf]
var _ = f0t[Sf]
func f1[P interface {
~struct{ f int }
}](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f1[Sfm]
type Sm struct{}
func (Sm) m() {}
type Sfm struct {
f int
func (Sfm) m() {}
func f2[P interface {
}](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f2[Sfm]
// special case: core type is a named pointer type
type PSfm *Sfm
func f3[P interface{ PSfm }](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f3[PSfm]
// special case: core type is an unnamed pointer type
func f4[P interface{ *Sfm }](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f4[*Sfm]
type A int
type B int
type C float64
type Int interface {
*Sf | A
*Sf | B
func f5[P Int](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f5[*Sf]
type Int2 interface {
*Sf | A
*Sf | C
func f6[P Int2](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f6[*Sf]
type Int3 interface {
~struct{ f int }
func f7[P Int3](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f7[Sf]
type Em1 interface {
*Sf | A
type Em2 interface {
*Sf | B
type Int4 interface {
func f8[P Int4](p P) {
_ = p.f
p.f = 0
var _ = f8[*Sf]