[dev.link] cmd/link: skip TestDWARFiOS if the iOS tools aren't installed

Change-Id: I5bccb5935cdeb3a0ccf398a57eb4776f0e6aedca
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/234578
Run-TryBot: Jeremy Faller <jeremy@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Cherry Zhang <cherryyz@google.com>
diff --git a/src/cmd/link/dwarf_test.go b/src/cmd/link/dwarf_test.go
index 5926f09..326f493 100644
--- a/src/cmd/link/dwarf_test.go
+++ b/src/cmd/link/dwarf_test.go
@@ -191,6 +191,13 @@
 	if err := exec.Command("xcrun", "--help").Run(); err != nil {
 		t.Skipf("error running xcrun, required for iOS cross build: %v", err)
+	// Check to see if the ios tools are installed. It's possible to have the command line tools
+	// installed without the iOS sdk.
+	if output, err := exec.Command("xcodebuild -showsdks").CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
+		t.Skipf("error running xcodebuild, required for iOS cross build: %v", err)
+	} else if !strings.Contains(string(output), "iOS SDK") {
+		t.Skipf("iOS SDK not detected.")
+	}
 	cc := "CC=" + runtime.GOROOT() + "/misc/ios/clangwrap.sh"
 	// iOS doesn't allow unmapped segments, so iOS executables don't have DWARF.
 	testDWARF(t, "", false, cc, "CGO_ENABLED=1", "GOOS=darwin", "GOARCH=arm64")