blob: 731f31ba52d3e5062056f172b25487c4b84576aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Binary package import.
// Based loosely on x/tools/go/importer.
package gc
import (
// The overall structure of Import is symmetric to Export: For each
// export method in bexport.go there is a matching and symmetric method
// in bimport.go. Changing the export format requires making symmetric
// changes to bimport.go and bexport.go.
// Import populates importpkg from the serialized package data.
func Import(in *obj.Biobuf) {
p := importer{in: in}
p.buf = p.bufarray[:]
// read low-level encoding format
switch format := p.byte(); format {
case 'c':
// compact format - nothing to do
case 'd':
p.debugFormat = true
Fatalf("invalid encoding format in export data: got %q; want 'c' or 'd'", format)
// --- generic export data ---
if v := p.string(); v != exportVersion {
Fatalf("unknown export data version: %s", v)
// populate typList with predeclared "known" types
p.typList = append(p.typList, predeclared()...)
// read package data
if p.pkgList[0] != importpkg {
Fatalf("imported package not found in pkgList[0]")
// read compiler-specific flags
importpkg.Safe = p.string() == "safe"
// defer some type-checking until all types are read in completely
// (go.y:import_there)
tcok := typecheckok
typecheckok = true
// read consts
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
sym := p.localname()
typ := p.typ()
val := p.value(typ)
if isideal(typ) {
// canonicalize ideal types
typ = Types[TIDEAL]
importconst(sym, typ, nodlit(val))
// read vars
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
sym := p.localname()
typ := p.typ()
importvar(sym, typ)
// read funcs
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
// go.y:hidden_fndcl
sym := p.localname()
typ := p.typ()
// TODO(gri) fix this // read and discard index of inlined function body for now
importsym(sym, ONAME)
if sym.Def != nil && sym.Def.Op == ONAME && !Eqtype(typ, sym.Def.Type) {
Fatalf("inconsistent definition for func %v during import\n\t%v\n\t%v", sym, sym.Def.Type, typ)
n := newfuncname(sym)
n.Type = typ
declare(n, PFUNC)
// go.y:hidden_import
n.Func.Inl = nil
importlist = append(importlist, n) // TODO(gri) do this only if body is inlineable?
// read types
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
// name is parsed as part of named type
// --- compiler-specific export data ---
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
// --- end of export data ---
typecheckok = tcok
testdclstack() // debugging only
type importer struct {
in *obj.Biobuf
buf []byte // for reading strings
bufarray [64]byte // initial underlying array for buf, large enough to avoid allocation when compiling std lib
pkgList []*Pkg
typList []*Type
debugFormat bool
read int // bytes read
func (p *importer) pkg() *Pkg {
// if the package was seen before, i is its index (>= 0)
i := p.tagOrIndex()
if i >= 0 {
return p.pkgList[i]
// otherwise, i is the package tag (< 0)
if i != packageTag {
Fatalf("expected package tag, found tag = %d", i)
// read package data
name := p.string()
path := p.string()
// we should never see an empty package name
if name == "" {
Fatalf("empty package name in import")
// we should never see a bad import path
if isbadimport(path) {
Fatalf("bad path in import: %q", path)
// an empty path denotes the package we are currently importing
pkg := importpkg
if path != "" {
pkg = mkpkg(path)
if pkg.Name == "" {
pkg.Name = name
} else if pkg.Name != name {
Fatalf("inconsistent package names: got %s; want %s (path = %s)", pkg.Name, name, path)
p.pkgList = append(p.pkgList, pkg)
return pkg
func (p *importer) localname() *Sym {
// go.y:hidden_importsym
name := p.string()
if name == "" {
Fatalf("unexpected anonymous name")
structpkg = importpkg // go.y:hidden_pkg_importsym
return importpkg.Lookup(name)
func (p *importer) newtyp(etype EType) *Type {
t := typ(etype)
p.typList = append(p.typList, t)
return t
func (p *importer) typ() *Type {
// if the type was seen before, i is its index (>= 0)
i := p.tagOrIndex()
if i >= 0 {
return p.typList[i]
// otherwise, i is the type tag (< 0)
var t *Type
switch i {
case namedTag:
// go.y:hidden_importsym
tsym := p.qualifiedName()
// go.y:hidden_pkgtype
t = pkgtype(tsym)
importsym(tsym, OTYPE)
p.typList = append(p.typList, t)
// read underlying type
// go.y:hidden_type
t0 := p.typ()
importtype(t, t0) // go.y:hidden_import
// interfaces don't have associated methods
if t0.Etype == TINTER {
// read associated methods
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
// go.y:hidden_fndcl
name := p.string()
recv := p.paramList() // TODO(gri) do we need a full param list for the receiver?
params := p.paramList()
result := p.paramList()
// TODO(gri) fix this // read and discard index of inlined function body for now
pkg := localpkg
if !exportname(name) {
pkg = tsym.Pkg
sym := pkg.Lookup(name)
n := methodname1(newname(sym), recv.N.Right)
n.Type = functype(recv.N, params, result)
// addmethod uses the global variable structpkg to verify consistency
saved := structpkg
structpkg = tsym.Pkg
addmethod(sym, n.Type, false, nointerface)
structpkg = saved
nointerface = false
// (comment from go.y)
// inl.C's inlnode in on a dotmeth node expects to find the inlineable body as
// (dotmeth's type).Nname.Inl, and dotmeth's type has been pulled
// out by typecheck's lookdot as this $$.ttype. So by providing
// this back link here we avoid special casing there.
n.Type.Nname = n
// go.y:hidden_import
n.Func.Inl = nil
importlist = append(importlist, n) // TODO(gri) do this only if body is inlineable?
case arrayTag, sliceTag:
t = p.newtyp(TARRAY)
t.Bound = -1
if i == arrayTag {
t.Bound = p.int64()
t.Type = p.typ()
case dddTag:
t = p.newtyp(T_old_DARRAY)
t.Bound = -1
t.Type = p.typ()
case structTag:
t = p.newtyp(TSTRUCT)
tostruct0(t, p.fieldList())
case pointerTag:
t = p.newtyp(Tptr)
t.Type = p.typ()
case signatureTag:
t = p.newtyp(TFUNC)
params := p.paramList()
result := p.paramList()
functype0(t, nil, params, result)
case interfaceTag:
t = p.newtyp(TINTER)
if != 0 {
Fatalf("unexpected embedded interface")
tointerface0(t, p.methodList())
case mapTag:
t = p.newtyp(TMAP)
t.Down = p.typ() // key
t.Type = p.typ() // val
case chanTag:
t = p.newtyp(TCHAN)
t.Chan = uint8(
t.Type = p.typ()
Fatalf("unexpected type (tag = %d)", i)
if t == nil {
Fatalf("nil type (type tag = %d)", i)
return t
func (p *importer) qualifiedName() *Sym {
name := p.string()
pkg := p.pkg()
return pkg.Lookup(name)
// go.y:hidden_structdcl_list
func (p *importer) fieldList() *NodeList {
i :=
if i == 0 {
return nil
n := list1(p.field())
for i--; i > 0; i-- {
n = list(n, p.field())
return n
// go.y:hidden_structdcl
func (p *importer) field() *Node {
sym := p.fieldName()
typ := p.typ()
note := p.note()
var n *Node
if sym.Name != "" {
n = Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(sym), typenod(typ))
} else {
// anonymous field - typ must be T or *T and T must be a type name
s := typ.Sym
if s == nil && Isptr[typ.Etype] {
s = typ.Type.Sym // deref
pkg := importpkg
if sym != nil {
pkg = sym.Pkg
n = embedded(s, pkg)
n.Right = typenod(typ)
return n
func (p *importer) note() (v Val) {
if s := p.string(); s != "" {
v.U = s
// go.y:hidden_interfacedcl_list
func (p *importer) methodList() *NodeList {
i :=
if i == 0 {
return nil
n := list1(p.method())
for i--; i > 0; i-- {
n = list(n, p.method())
return n
// go.y:hidden_interfacedcl
func (p *importer) method() *Node {
sym := p.fieldName()
params := p.paramList()
result := p.paramList()
return Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(sym), typenod(functype(fakethis(), params, result)))
// go.y:sym,hidden_importsym
func (p *importer) fieldName() *Sym {
name := p.string()
pkg := localpkg
if name == "_" {
// During imports, unqualified non-exported identifiers are from builtinpkg
// (see go.y:sym). The binary exporter only exports blank as a non-exported
// identifier without qualification.
pkg = builtinpkg
} else if name == "?" || name != "" && !exportname(name) {
if name == "?" {
name = ""
pkg = p.pkg()
return pkg.Lookup(name)
// go.y:ohidden_funarg_list
func (p *importer) paramList() *NodeList {
i :=
if i == 0 {
return nil
// negative length indicates unnamed parameters
named := true
if i < 0 {
i = -i
named = false
// i > 0
n := list1(p.param(named))
for ; i > 0; i-- {
n = list(n, p.param(named))
return n
// go.y:hidden_funarg
func (p *importer) param(named bool) *Node {
typ := p.typ()
isddd := false
if typ.Etype == T_old_DARRAY {
// T_old_DARRAY indicates ... type
typ.Etype = TARRAY
isddd = true
n := Nod(ODCLFIELD, nil, typenod(typ))
n.Isddd = isddd
if named {
name := p.string()
if name == "" {
Fatalf("expected named parameter")
// The parameter package doesn't matter; it's never consulted.
// We use the builtinpkg per go.y:sym (line 1181).
n.Left = newname(builtinpkg.Lookup(name))
// TODO(gri) This is compiler-specific (escape info).
// Move into compiler-specific section eventually?
return n
func (p *importer) value(typ *Type) (x Val) {
switch tag := p.tagOrIndex(); tag {
case falseTag:
x.U = false
case trueTag:
x.U = true
case int64Tag:
u := new(Mpint)
Mpmovecfix(u, p.int64())
u.Rune = typ == idealrune
x.U = u
case floatTag:
f := newMpflt()
if typ == idealint || Isint[typ.Etype] {
// uncommon case: large int encoded as float
u := new(Mpint)
mpmovefltfix(u, f)
x.U = u
x.U = f
case complexTag:
u := new(Mpcplx)
x.U = u
case stringTag:
x.U = p.string()
Fatalf("unexpected value tag %d", tag)
// verify ideal type
if isideal(typ) && untype(x.Ctype()) != typ {
Fatalf("value %v and type %v don't match", x, typ)
func (p *importer) float(x *Mpflt) {
sign :=
if sign == 0 {
Mpmovecflt(x, 0)
exp :=
mant := new(big.Int).SetBytes([]byte(p.string()))
m := x.Val.SetInt(mant)
m.SetMantExp(m, exp-mant.BitLen())
if sign < 0 {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inlined function bodies
func (p *importer) body() {
func (p *importer) block() {
for i :=; i > 0; i-- {
func (p *importer) stmt() {
// TODO(gri) do something sensible here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Low-level decoders
func (p *importer) tagOrIndex() int {
if p.debugFormat {
return int(p.rawInt64())
func (p *importer) int() int {
x := p.int64()
if int64(int(x)) != x {
Fatalf("exported integer too large")
return int(x)
func (p *importer) int64() int64 {
if p.debugFormat {
return p.rawInt64()
func (p *importer) string() string {
if p.debugFormat {
if n := int(p.rawInt64()); n > 0 {
if cap(p.buf) < n {
p.buf = make([]byte, n)
} else {
p.buf = p.buf[:n]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
p.buf[i] = p.byte()
return string(p.buf)
return ""
func (p *importer) marker(want byte) {
if got := p.byte(); got != want {
Fatalf("incorrect marker: got %c; want %c (pos = %d)", got, want,
pos :=
if n := int(p.rawInt64()); n != pos {
Fatalf("incorrect position: got %d; want %d", n, pos)
// rawInt64 should only be used by low-level decoders
func (p *importer) rawInt64() int64 {
i, err := binary.ReadVarint(p)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("read error: %v", err)
return i
// needed for binary.ReadVarint in rawInt64
func (p *importer) ReadByte() (byte, error) {
return p.byte(), nil
// byte is the bottleneck interface for reading from
// It unescapes '|' 'S' to '$' and '|' '|' to '|'.
func (p *importer) byte() byte {
c := obj.Bgetc(
if c < 0 {
Fatalf("read error")
if c == '|' {
c = obj.Bgetc(
if c < 0 {
Fatalf("read error")
switch c {
case 'S':
c = '$'
case '|':
// nothing to do
Fatalf("unexpected escape sequence in export data")
return byte(c)