blob: cf0c1905163537dc6a56416c926d6c91a7db637d [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by "go test -run=Generate -write=all"; DO NOT EDIT.
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package types
import (
// maketl makes a term list from a string of the term list.
func maketl(s string) termlist {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, " ", "")
names := strings.Split(s, "|")
r := make(termlist, len(names))
for i, n := range names {
r[i] = testTerm(n)
return r
func TestTermlistAll(t *testing.T) {
if !allTermlist.isAll() {
t.Errorf("allTermlist is not the set of all types")
func TestTermlistString(t *testing.T) {
for _, want := range []string{
"∅ | ∅",
"𝓤 | 𝓤",
"∅ | 𝓤 | int",
"∅ | 𝓤 | int | myInt",
} {
if got := maketl(want).String(); got != want {
t.Errorf("(%v).String() == %v", want, got)
func TestTermlistIsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
for test, want := range map[string]bool{
"∅": true,
"∅ | ∅": true,
"∅ | ∅ | 𝓤": false,
"∅ | ∅ | myInt": false,
"𝓤": false,
"𝓤 | int": false,
"𝓤 | myInt | ∅": false,
} {
xl := maketl(test)
got := xl.isEmpty()
if got != want {
t.Errorf("(%v).isEmpty() == %v; want %v", test, got, want)
func TestTermlistIsAll(t *testing.T) {
for test, want := range map[string]bool{
"∅": false,
"∅ | ∅": false,
"int | ~string": false,
"~int | myInt": false,
"∅ | ∅ | 𝓤": true,
"𝓤": true,
"𝓤 | int": true,
"myInt | 𝓤": true,
} {
xl := maketl(test)
got := xl.isAll()
if got != want {
t.Errorf("(%v).isAll() == %v; want %v", test, got, want)
func TestTermlistNorm(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, want string
{"∅", "∅"},
{"∅ | ∅", "∅"},
{"∅ | int", "int"},
{"∅ | myInt", "myInt"},
{"𝓤 | int", "𝓤"},
{"𝓤 | myInt", "𝓤"},
{"int | myInt", "int | myInt"},
{"~int | int", "~int"},
{"~int | myInt", "~int"},
{"int | ~string | int", "int | ~string"},
{"~int | string | 𝓤 | ~string | int", "𝓤"},
{"~int | string | myInt | ~string | int", "~int | ~string"},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
got := maketl(test.xl).norm()
if got.String() != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).norm() = %v; want %v", xl, got, test.want)
func TestTermlistUnion(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, yl, want string
{"∅", "∅", "∅"},
{"∅", "𝓤", "𝓤"},
{"∅", "int", "int"},
{"𝓤", "~int", "𝓤"},
{"int", "~int", "~int"},
{"int", "string", "int | string"},
{"int", "myInt", "int | myInt"},
{"~int", "myInt", "~int"},
{"int | string", "~string", "int | ~string"},
{"~int | string", "~string | int", "~int | ~string"},
{"~int | string | ∅", "~string | int", "~int | ~string"},
{"~int | myInt | ∅", "~string | int", "~int | ~string"},
{"~int | string | 𝓤", "~string | int", "𝓤"},
{"~int | string | myInt", "~string | int", "~int | ~string"},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
yl := maketl(test.yl)
got := xl.union(yl).String()
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).union(%v) = %v; want %v", test.xl, test.yl, got, test.want)
func TestTermlistIntersect(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, yl, want string
{"∅", "∅", "∅"},
{"∅", "𝓤", "∅"},
{"∅", "int", "∅"},
{"∅", "myInt", "∅"},
{"𝓤", "~int", "~int"},
{"𝓤", "myInt", "myInt"},
{"int", "~int", "int"},
{"int", "string", "∅"},
{"int", "myInt", "∅"},
{"~int", "myInt", "myInt"},
{"int | string", "~string", "string"},
{"~int | string", "~string | int", "int | string"},
{"~int | string | ∅", "~string | int", "int | string"},
{"~int | myInt | ∅", "~string | int", "int"},
{"~int | string | 𝓤", "~string | int", "int | ~string"},
{"~int | string | myInt", "~string | int", "int | string"},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
yl := maketl(test.yl)
got := xl.intersect(yl).String()
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).intersect(%v) = %v; want %v", test.xl, test.yl, got, test.want)
func TestTermlistEqual(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, yl string
want bool
{"∅", "∅", true},
{"∅", "𝓤", false},
{"𝓤", "𝓤", true},
{"𝓤 | int", "𝓤", true},
{"𝓤 | int", "string | 𝓤", true},
{"𝓤 | myInt", "string | 𝓤", true},
{"int | ~string", "string | int", false},
{"~int | string", "string | myInt", false},
{"int | ~string | ∅", "string | int | ~string", true},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
yl := maketl(test.yl)
got := xl.equal(yl)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).equal(%v) = %v; want %v", test.xl, test.yl, got, test.want)
func TestTermlistIncludes(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, typ string
want bool
{"∅", "int", false},
{"𝓤", "int", true},
{"~int", "int", true},
{"int", "string", false},
{"~int", "string", false},
{"~int", "myInt", true},
{"int | string", "string", true},
{"~int | string", "int", true},
{"~int | string", "myInt", true},
{"~int | myInt | ∅", "myInt", true},
{"myInt | ∅ | 𝓤", "int", true},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
yl := testTerm(test.typ).typ
got := xl.includes(yl)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).includes(%v) = %v; want %v", test.xl, yl, got, test.want)
func TestTermlistSupersetOf(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, typ string
want bool
{"∅", "∅", true},
{"∅", "𝓤", false},
{"∅", "int", false},
{"𝓤", "∅", true},
{"𝓤", "𝓤", true},
{"𝓤", "int", true},
{"𝓤", "~int", true},
{"𝓤", "myInt", true},
{"~int", "int", true},
{"~int", "~int", true},
{"~int", "myInt", true},
{"int", "~int", false},
{"myInt", "~int", false},
{"int", "string", false},
{"~int", "string", false},
{"int | string", "string", true},
{"int | string", "~string", false},
{"~int | string", "int", true},
{"~int | string", "myInt", true},
{"~int | string | ∅", "string", true},
{"~string | ∅ | 𝓤", "myInt", true},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
y := testTerm(test.typ)
got := xl.supersetOf(y)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).supersetOf(%v) = %v; want %v", test.xl, y, got, test.want)
func TestTermlistSubsetOf(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
xl, yl string
want bool
{"∅", "∅", true},
{"∅", "𝓤", true},
{"𝓤", "∅", false},
{"𝓤", "𝓤", true},
{"int", "int | string", true},
{"~int", "int | string", false},
{"~int", "myInt | string", false},
{"myInt", "~int | string", true},
{"~int", "string | string | int | ~int", true},
{"myInt", "string | string | ~int", true},
{"int | string", "string", false},
{"int | string", "string | int", true},
{"int | ~string", "string | int", false},
{"myInt | ~string", "string | int | 𝓤", true},
{"int | ~string", "string | int | ∅ | string", false},
{"int | myInt", "string | ~int | ∅ | string", true},
} {
xl := maketl(test.xl)
yl := maketl(test.yl)
got := xl.subsetOf(yl)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("(%v).subsetOf(%v) = %v; want %v", test.xl, test.yl, got, test.want)