blob: 56fe25303887ce19e239532b5b47265516a99a13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// A vcsCmd describes how to use a version control system
// like Mercurial, Git, or Subversion.
type vcsCmd struct {
name string
cmd string // name of binary to invoke command
createCmd string // command to download a fresh copy of a repository
downloadCmd string // command to download updates into an existing repository
tagCmd []tagCmd // commands to list tags
tagLookupCmd []tagCmd // commands to lookup tags before running tagSyncCmd
tagSyncCmd string // command to sync to specific tag
tagSyncDefault string // command to sync to default tag
// A tagCmd describes a command to list available tags
// that can be passed to tagSyncCmd.
type tagCmd struct {
cmd string // command to list tags
pattern string // regexp to extract tags from list
// vcsList lists the known version control systems
var vcsList = []*vcsCmd{
// vcsByCmd returns the version control system for the given
// command name (hg, git, svn, bzr).
func vcsByCmd(cmd string) *vcsCmd {
for _, vcs := range vcsList {
if vcs.cmd == cmd {
return vcs
return nil
// vcsHg describes how to use Mercurial.
var vcsHg = &vcsCmd{
name: "Mercurial",
cmd: "hg",
createCmd: "clone -U {repo} {dir}",
downloadCmd: "pull",
// We allow both tag and branch names as 'tags'
// for selecting a version. This lets people have
// a go.release.r60 branch and a go.1 branch
// and make changes in both, without constantly
// editing .hgtags.
tagCmd: []tagCmd{
{"tags", `^(\S+)`},
{"branches", `^(\S+)`},
tagSyncCmd: "update -r {tag}",
tagSyncDefault: "update default",
// vcsGit describes how to use Git.
var vcsGit = &vcsCmd{
name: "Git",
cmd: "git",
createCmd: "clone {repo} {dir}",
downloadCmd: "fetch",
tagCmd: []tagCmd{
// tags/xxx matches a git tag named xxx
// origin/xxx matches a git branch named xxx on the default remote repository
{"show-ref", `(?:tags|origin)/(\S+)$`},
tagLookupCmd: []tagCmd{
{"show-ref tags/{tag} origin/{tag}", `((?:tags|origin)/\S+)$`},
tagSyncCmd: "checkout {tag}",
tagSyncDefault: "checkout origin/master",
// vcsBzr describes how to use Bazaar.
var vcsBzr = &vcsCmd{
name: "Bazaar",
cmd: "bzr",
createCmd: "branch {repo} {dir}",
// Without --overwrite bzr will not pull tags that changed.
// Replace by --overwrite-tags after goes in.
downloadCmd: "pull --overwrite",
tagCmd: []tagCmd{{"tags", `^(\S+)`}},
tagSyncCmd: "update -r {tag}",
tagSyncDefault: "update -r revno:-1",
// vcsSvn describes how to use Subversion.
var vcsSvn = &vcsCmd{
name: "Subversion",
cmd: "svn",
createCmd: "checkout {repo} {dir}",
downloadCmd: "update",
// There is no tag command in subversion.
// The branch information is all in the path names.
func (v *vcsCmd) String() string {
// run runs the command line cmd in the given directory.
// keyval is a list of key, value pairs. run expands
// instances of {key} in cmd into value, but only after
// splitting cmd into individual arguments.
// If an error occurs, run prints the command line and the
// command's combined stdout+stderr to standard error.
// Otherwise run discards the command's output.
func (v *vcsCmd) run(dir string, cmd string, keyval ...string) error {
_, err := v.run1(dir, cmd, keyval)
return err
// runOutput is like run but returns the output of the command.
func (v *vcsCmd) runOutput(dir string, cmd string, keyval ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return v.run1(dir, cmd, keyval)
// run1 is the generalized implementation of run and runOutput.
func (v *vcsCmd) run1(dir string, cmdline string, keyval []string) ([]byte, error) {
m := make(map[string]string)
for i := 0; i < len(keyval); i += 2 {
m[keyval[i]] = keyval[i+1]
args := strings.Fields(cmdline)
for i, arg := range args {
args[i] = expand(m, arg)
cmd := exec.Command(v.cmd, args...)
cmd.Dir = dir
if buildX {
fmt.Printf("cd %s\n", dir)
fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", v.cmd, strings.Join(args, " "))
var buf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &buf
cmd.Stderr = &buf
err := cmd.Run()
out := buf.Bytes()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "# cd %s; %s %s\n", dir, v.cmd, strings.Join(args, " "))
return nil, err
return out, nil
// create creates a new copy of repo in dir.
// The parent of dir must exist; dir must not.
func (v *vcsCmd) create(dir, repo string) error {
return".", v.createCmd, "dir", dir, "repo", repo)
// download downloads any new changes for the repo in dir.
func (v *vcsCmd) download(dir string) error {
return, v.downloadCmd)
// tags returns the list of available tags for the repo in dir.
func (v *vcsCmd) tags(dir string) ([]string, error) {
var tags []string
for _, tc := range v.tagCmd {
out, err := v.runOutput(dir, tc.cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m-s)` + tc.pattern)
for _, m := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(out), -1) {
tags = append(tags, m[1])
return tags, nil
// tagSync syncs the repo in dir to the named tag,
// which either is a tag returned by tags or is v.tagDefault.
func (v *vcsCmd) tagSync(dir, tag string) error {
if v.tagSyncCmd == "" {
return nil
if tag != "" {
for _, tc := range v.tagLookupCmd {
out, err := v.runOutput(dir, tc.cmd, "tag", tag)
if err != nil {
return err
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m-s)` + tc.pattern)
m := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(out))
if len(m) > 1 {
tag = m[1]
if tag == "" && v.tagSyncDefault != "" {
return, v.tagSyncDefault)
return, v.tagSyncCmd, "tag", tag)
// A vcsPath describes how to convert an import path into a
// version control system and repository name.
type vcsPath struct {
prefix string // prefix this description applies to
re string // pattern for import path
repo string // repository to use (expand with match of re)
vcs string // version control system to use (expand with match of re)
check func(match map[string]string) error // additional checks
regexp *regexp.Regexp // cached compiled form of re
// vcsForImportPath analyzes importPath to determine the
// version control system, and code repository to use.
// On return, repo is the repository URL and root is the
// import path corresponding to the root of the repository
// (thus root is a prefix of importPath).
func vcsForImportPath(importPath string) (vcs *vcsCmd, repo, root string, err error) {
for _, srv := range vcsPaths {
if !strings.HasPrefix(importPath, srv.prefix) {
m := srv.regexp.FindStringSubmatch(importPath)
if m == nil {
if srv.prefix != "" {
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid %s import path %q", srv.prefix, importPath)
// Build map of named subexpression matches for expand.
match := map[string]string{
"prefix": srv.prefix,
"import": importPath,
for i, name := range srv.regexp.SubexpNames() {
if name != "" && match[name] == "" {
match[name] = m[i]
if srv.vcs != "" {
match["vcs"] = expand(match, srv.vcs)
if srv.repo != "" {
match["repo"] = expand(match, srv.repo)
if srv.check != nil {
if err := srv.check(match); err != nil {
return nil, "", "", err
vcs := vcsByCmd(match["vcs"])
if vcs == nil {
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("unknown version control system %q", match["vcs"])
return vcs, match["repo"], match["root"], nil
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("unrecognized import path %q", importPath)
// expand rewrites s to replace {k} with match[k] for each key k in match.
func expand(match map[string]string, s string) string {
for k, v := range match {
s = strings.Replace(s, "{"+k+"}", v, -1)
return s
// vcsPaths lists the known vcs paths.
var vcsPaths = []*vcsPath{
// Google Code - new syntax
prefix: "",
re: `^(?P<root>code\.google\.com/p/(?P<project>[a-z0-9\-]+)(\.(?P<subrepo>[a-z0-9\-]+))?)(/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)*$`,
repo: "https://{root}",
check: googleCodeVCS,
// Google Code - old syntax
re: `^(?P<project>[a-z0-9_\-.]+)\.googlecode\.com/(git|hg|svn)(?P<path>/.*)?$`,
check: oldGoogleCode,
// Github
prefix: "",
re: `^(?P<root>github\.com/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)(/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)*$`,
vcs: "git",
repo: "https://{root}",
check: noVCSSuffix,
// Bitbucket
prefix: "",
re: `^(?P<root>bitbucket\.org/(?P<bitname>[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+))(/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)*$`,
repo: "https://{root}",
check: bitbucketVCS,
// Launchpad
prefix: "",
re: `^(?P<root>launchpad\.net/((?P<project>[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)(?P<series>/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)?|~[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+/(\+junk|[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+))(/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)*$`,
vcs: "bzr",
repo: "https://{root}",
check: launchpadVCS,
// General syntax for any server.
re: `^(?P<root>(?P<repo>([a-z0-9.\-]+\.)+[a-z0-9.\-]+(:[0-9]+)?/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]*?)\.(?P<vcs>bzr|git|hg|svn))(/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)*$`,
func init() {
// fill in cached regexps.
// Doing this eagerly discovers invalid regexp syntax
// without having to run a command that needs that regexp.
for _, srv := range vcsPaths {
srv.regexp = regexp.MustCompile(
// noVCSSuffix checks that the repository name does not
// end in .foo for any version control system foo.
// The usual culprit is ".git".
func noVCSSuffix(match map[string]string) error {
repo := match["repo"]
for _, vcs := range vcsList {
if strings.HasSuffix(repo, "."+vcs.cmd) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid version control suffix in %s path", match["prefix"])
return nil
var googleCheckout = regexp.MustCompile(`id="checkoutcmd">(hg|git|svn)`)
// googleCodeVCS determines the version control system for
// a repository, by scraping the project's
// /source/checkout page.
func googleCodeVCS(match map[string]string) error {
if err := noVCSSuffix(match); err != nil {
return err
data, err := httpGET(expand(match, "{project}/source/checkout?repo={subrepo}"))
if err != nil {
return err
if m := googleCheckout.FindSubmatch(data); m != nil {
if vcs := vcsByCmd(string(m[1])); vcs != nil {
// Subversion requires the old URLs.
// TODO: Test.
if vcs == vcsSvn {
if match["subrepo"] != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("sub-repositories not supported in Google Code Subversion projects")
match["repo"] = expand(match, "https://{project}")
match["vcs"] = vcs.cmd
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unable to detect version control system for path")
// oldGoogleCode is invoked for old-style paths.
// It prints an error giving the equivalent new path.
func oldGoogleCode(match map[string]string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Google Code import path: use %s instead",
expand(match, "{project}{path}"))
// bitbucketVCS determines the version control system for a
// BitBucket repository, by using the BitBucket API.
func bitbucketVCS(match map[string]string) error {
if err := noVCSSuffix(match); err != nil {
return err
var resp struct {
SCM string `json:"scm"`
url := expand(match, "{bitname}")
data, err := httpGET(url)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &resp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decoding %s: %v", url, err)
if vcsByCmd(resp.SCM) != nil {
match["vcs"] = resp.SCM
if resp.SCM == "git" {
match["repo"] += ".git"
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unable to detect version control system for path")
// launchpadVCS solves the ambiguity for "". In this case,
// "foo" could be a series name registered in Launchpad with its own branch,
// and it could also be the name of a directory within the main project
// branch one level up.
func launchpadVCS(match map[string]string) error {
if match["project"] == "" || match["series"] == "" {
return nil
_, err := httpGET(expand(match, "{project}{series}/.bzr/branch-format"))
if err != nil {
match["root"] = expand(match, "{project}")
match["repo"] = expand(match, "https://{root}")
return nil