blob: eb440927059e6f3dfa89e9efc208c2fb516ce17e [file] [log] [blame]
// +build amd64
// errorcheck -0 -d=ssa/loopbce/debug=3
package main
func f0a(a []int) int {
x := 0
for i := range a { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
x += a[i] // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
return x
func f0b(a []int) int {
x := 0
for i := range a { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
b := a[i:] // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds$"
x += b[0]
return x
func f0c(a []int) int {
x := 0
for i := range a { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
b := a[:i+1] // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds \(len promoted to cap\)$"
x += b[0]
return x
func f1(a []int) int {
x := 0
for _, i := range a { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
x += i
return x
func f2(a []int) int {
x := 0
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 1 and increment 1$"
x += a[i] // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
return x
func f4(a [10]int) int {
x := 0
for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 2 { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 2$"
x += a[i] // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
return x
func f5(a [10]int) int {
x := 0
for i := -10; i < len(a); i += 2 { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum -10 and increment 2$"
x += a[i]
return x
func f6(a []int) {
for i := range a { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
b := a[0:i] // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds \(len promoted to cap\)$"
func g0a(a string) int {
x := 0
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
x += int(a[i]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
return x
func g0b(a string) int {
x := 0
for i := 0; len(a) > i; i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
x += int(a[i]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
return x
func g1() int {
a := "evenlength"
x := 0
for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 2 { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 2$"
x += int(a[i]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
return x
func g2() int {
a := "evenlength"
x := 0
for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 2 { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 2$"
j := i
if a[i] == 'e' { // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
j = j + 1
x += int(a[j])
return x
func g3a() {
a := "this string has length 25"
for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 5 { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 5$"
useString(a[i:]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds$"
func g3b(a string) {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
useString(a[i+1:]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds$"
func g3c(a string) {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
useString(a[:i+1]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds$"
func h1(a []byte) {
c := a[:128]
for i := range c { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
c[i] = byte(i) // ERROR "Found redundant IsInBounds$"
func h2(a []byte) {
for i := range a[:128] { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
a[i] = byte(i)
func nobce1() {
// tests overflow of max-min
a := int64(9223372036854774057)
b := int64(-1547)
z := int64(1337)
if a%z == b%z {
panic("invalid test: modulos should differ")
for i := b; i < a; i += z {
// No induction variable is possible because i will overflow a first iteration.
func nobce2(a string) {
for i := int64(0); i < int64(len(a)); i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
useString(a[i:]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds$"
for i := int64(0); i < int64(len(a))-31337; i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
useString(a[i:]) // ERROR "Found redundant IsSliceInBounds$"
for i := int64(0); i < int64(len(a))+int64(-1<<63); i++ { // ERROR "Induction variable with minimum 0 and increment 1$"
// tests an overflow of StringLen-MinInt64
func useString(a string) {
func main() {