blob: da28c063281a8e31c6b0242c51ecefa09e331b46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package pods_test
import (
func TestPodCollection(t *testing.T) {
mkdir := func(d string, perm os.FileMode) string {
dp := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), d)
if err := os.Mkdir(dp, perm); err != nil {
return dp
mkfile := func(d string, fn string) string {
fp := filepath.Join(d, fn)
if err := os.WriteFile(fp, []byte("foo"), 0666); err != nil {
return fp
mkmeta := func(dir string, tag string) string {
hash := md5.Sum([]byte(tag))
fn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%x", coverage.MetaFilePref, hash)
return mkfile(dir, fn)
mkcounter := func(dir string, tag string, nt int) string {
hash := md5.Sum([]byte(tag))
dummyPid := int(42)
fn := fmt.Sprintf(coverage.CounterFileTempl, coverage.CounterFilePref, hash, dummyPid, nt)
return mkfile(dir, fn)
trim := func(path string) string {
b := filepath.Base(path)
d := filepath.Dir(path)
db := filepath.Base(d)
return db + "/" + b
podToString := func(p pods.Pod) string {
rv := trim(p.MetaFile) + " [\n"
for k, df := range p.CounterDataFiles {
rv += trim(df)
if p.Origins != nil {
rv += fmt.Sprintf(" o:%d", p.Origins[k])
rv += "\n"
return rv + "]"
// Create a couple of directories.
o1 := mkdir("o1", 0777)
o2 := mkdir("o2", 0777)
// Add some random files (not coverage related)
mkfile(o1, "blah.txt")
mkfile(o1, "something.exe")
// Add a meta-data file with two counter files to first dir.
mkmeta(o1, "m1")
mkcounter(o1, "m1", 1)
mkcounter(o1, "m1", 2)
mkcounter(o1, "m1", 2)
// Add a counter file with no associated meta file.
mkcounter(o1, "orphan", 9)
// Add a meta-data file with three counter files to second dir.
mkmeta(o2, "m2")
mkcounter(o2, "m2", 1)
mkcounter(o2, "m2", 2)
mkcounter(o2, "m2", 3)
// Add a duplicate of the first meta-file and a corresponding
// counter file to the second dir. This is intended to capture
// the scenario where we have two different runs of the same
// coverage-instrumented binary, but with the output files
// sent to separate directories.
mkmeta(o2, "m1")
mkcounter(o2, "m1", 11)
// Collect pods.
podlist, err := pods.CollectPods([]string{o1, o2}, true)
if err != nil {
// Verify pods
if len(podlist) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("expected 2 pods got %d pods", len(podlist))
for k, p := range podlist {
t.Logf("%d: mf=%s\n", k, p.MetaFile)
expected := []string{
`o1/covmeta.ae7be26cdaa742ca148068d5ac90eaca [
o1/covcounters.ae7be26cdaa742ca148068d5ac90eaca.42.1 o:0
o1/covcounters.ae7be26cdaa742ca148068d5ac90eaca.42.2 o:0
o2/covcounters.ae7be26cdaa742ca148068d5ac90eaca.42.11 o:1
`o2/covmeta.aaf2f89992379705dac844c0a2a1d45f [
o2/covcounters.aaf2f89992379705dac844c0a2a1d45f.42.1 o:1
o2/covcounters.aaf2f89992379705dac844c0a2a1d45f.42.2 o:1
o2/covcounters.aaf2f89992379705dac844c0a2a1d45f.42.3 o:1
for k, exp := range expected {
got := podToString(podlist[k])
if exp != got {
t.Errorf("pod %d: expected:\n%s\ngot:\n%s", k, exp, got)
// Check handling of bad/unreadable dir.
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
dbad := "/dev/null"
_, err = pods.CollectPods([]string{dbad}, true)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("executed error due to unreadable dir")