blob: ae442db82bd45cc2004d966d5098990ef8365383 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !js && !wasip1
package main
import (
const (
// We download version v0.0.1-<gotoolchain>.<goos>-<goarch>.
// If the 0.0.1 indicates anything at all, its the version of the toolchain packaging:
// if for some reason we needed to change the way toolchains are packaged into
// module zip files in a future version of Go, we could switch to v0.0.2 and then
// older versions expecting the old format could use v0.0.1 and newer versions
// would use v0.0.2. Of course, then we'd also have to publish two of each
// module zip file. It's not likely we'll ever need to change this.
gotoolchainModule = ""
gotoolchainVersion = "v0.0.1"
// gotoolchainSwitchEnv is a special environment variable
// set to 1 during the toolchain switch by the parent process
// and cleared in the child process. When set, that indicates
// to the child not to do its own toolchain switch logic,
// to avoid an infinite recursion if for some reason a toolchain
// did not believe it could handle its own version and then
// reinvoked itself.
// switchGoToolchain invokes a different Go toolchain if directed by
// the GOTOOLCHAIN environment variable or the user's configuration
// or go.mod file.
func switchGoToolchain() {
log.SetPrefix("go: ")
defer log.SetPrefix("")
sw := os.Getenv(gotoolchainSwitchEnv)
if !modload.WillBeEnabled() || sw == "1" {
gotoolchain := cfg.Getenv("GOTOOLCHAIN")
if gotoolchain == "" {
// cfg.Getenv should fall back to $GOROOT/go.env,
// so this should not happen, unless a packager
// has deleted the GOTOOLCHAIN line from go.env.
// It can also happen if GOROOT is missing or broken,
// in which case best to let the go command keep running
// and diagnose the problem.
gover.Startup.GOTOOLCHAIN = gotoolchain
var minToolchain, minVers string
if x, y, ok := strings.Cut(gotoolchain, "+"); ok { // go1.2.3+auto
orig := gotoolchain
minToolchain, gotoolchain = x, y
minVers = gover.FromToolchain(minToolchain)
if minVers == "" {
base.Fatalf("invalid GOTOOLCHAIN %q: invalid minimum toolchain %q", orig, minToolchain)
if gotoolchain != "auto" && gotoolchain != "path" {
base.Fatalf("invalid GOTOOLCHAIN %q: only version suffixes are +auto and +path", orig)
} else {
minVers = gover.Local()
minToolchain = "go" + minVers
pathOnly := gotoolchain == "path"
if gotoolchain == "auto" || gotoolchain == "path" {
gotoolchain = minToolchain
// Locate and read go.mod or
// For go install m@v, it's the installed module's go.mod.
if m, goVers, ok := goInstallVersion(); ok {
if gover.Compare(goVers, minVers) > 0 {
// Always print, because otherwise there's no way for the user to know
// that a non-default toolchain version is being used here.
// (Normally you can run "go version", but go install m@v ignores the
// context that "go version" works in.)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: using go%s for %v\n", goVers, m)
gotoolchain = "go" + goVers
} else {
file, goVers, toolchain := modGoToolchain()
if toolchain == "local" {
// Local means always use the default local toolchain,
// which is already set, so nothing to do here.
// Note that if we have Go 1.21 installed originally,
// GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.30.0+auto or GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.30.0,
// and the go.mod says "toolchain local", we use Go 1.30, not Go 1.21.
// That is, local overrides the "auto" part of the calculation
// but not the minimum that the user has set.
// Of course, if the go.mod also says "go 1.35", using Go 1.30
// will provoke an error about the toolchain being too old.
// That's what people who use toolchain local want:
// only ever use the toolchain configured in the local system
// (including its environment and go env -w file).
} else if toolchain != "" {
// Accept toolchain only if it is >= our min.
toolVers := gover.FromToolchain(toolchain)
if gover.Compare(toolVers, minVers) >= 0 {
gotoolchain = toolchain
} else {
if gover.Compare(goVers, minVers) > 0 {
gotoolchain = "go" + goVers
gover.Startup.AutoFile = file
gover.Startup.AutoGoVersion = goVers
gover.Startup.AutoToolchain = toolchain
if gotoolchain == "local" || gotoolchain == "go"+gover.Local() {
// Let the current binary handle the command.
// Minimal sanity check of GOTOOLCHAIN setting before search.
// We want to allow things like go1.20.3 but also gccgo-go1.20.3.
// We want to disallow mistakes / bad ideas like GOTOOLCHAIN=bash,
// since we will find that in the path lookup.
// gover.FromToolchain has already done this check (except for the 1)
// but doing it again makes sure we don't miss it on unexpected code paths.
if !strings.HasPrefix(gotoolchain, "go1") && !strings.Contains(gotoolchain, "-go1") {
base.Fatalf("invalid GOTOOLCHAIN %q", gotoolchain)
// Look in PATH for the toolchain before we download one.
// This allows custom toolchains as well as reuse of toolchains
// already installed using go install
if exe, err := exec.LookPath(gotoolchain); err == nil {
execGoToolchain(gotoolchain, "", exe)
// GOTOOLCHAIN=auto looks in PATH and then falls back to download.
// GOTOOLCHAIN=path only looks in PATH.
if pathOnly {
base.Fatalf("cannot find %q in PATH", gotoolchain)
// Set up modules without an explicit go.mod, to download distribution.
modload.ForceUseModules = true
modload.RootMode = modload.NoRoot
// Download and unpack toolchain module into module cache.
// Note that multiple go commands might be doing this at the same time,
// and that's OK: the module cache handles that case correctly.
m := &modcmd.ModuleJSON{
Path: gotoolchainModule,
Version: gotoolchainVersion + "-" + gotoolchain + "." + runtime.GOOS + "-" + runtime.GOARCH,
modcmd.DownloadModule(context.Background(), m)
if m.Error != "" {
if strings.Contains(m.Error, ".info: 404") {
base.Fatalf("download %s for %s/%s: toolchain not available", gotoolchain, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
base.Fatalf("download %s: %v", gotoolchain, m.Error)
// On first use after download, set the execute bits on the commands
// so that we can run them. Note that multiple go commands might be
// doing this at the same time, but if so no harm done.
dir := m.Dir
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, "bin/go"))
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("download %s: %v", gotoolchain, err)
if info.Mode()&0111 == 0 {
// allowExec sets the exec permission bits on all files found in dir.
allowExec := func(dir string) {
err := filepath.WalkDir(dir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !d.IsDir() {
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chmod(path, info.Mode()&0777|0111); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("download %s: %v", gotoolchain, err)
// Set the bits in pkg/tool before bin/go.
// If we are racing with another go command and do bin/go first,
// then the check of bin/go above might succeed, the other go command
// would skip its own mode-setting, and then the go command might
// try to run a tool before we get to setting the bits on pkg/tool.
// Setting pkg/tool before bin/go avoids that ordering problem.
// The only other tool the go command invokes is gofmt,
// so we set that one explicitly before handling bin (which will include bin/go).
allowExec(filepath.Join(dir, "pkg/tool"))
allowExec(filepath.Join(dir, "bin/gofmt"))
allowExec(filepath.Join(dir, "bin"))
// Reinvoke the go command.
execGoToolchain(gotoolchain, dir, filepath.Join(dir, "bin/go"))
// execGoToolchain execs the Go toolchain with the given name (gotoolchain),
// GOROOT directory, and go command executable.
// The GOROOT directory is empty if we are invoking a command named
// gotoolchain found in $PATH.
func execGoToolchain(gotoolchain, dir, exe string) {
os.Setenv(gotoolchainSwitchEnv, "1")
if dir == "" {
} else {
os.Setenv("GOROOT", dir)
// On Windows, there is no syscall.Exec, so the best we can do
// is run a subprocess and exit with the same status.
// Doing the same on Unix would be a problem because it wouldn't
// propagate signals and such, but there are no signals on Windows.
// We also use the exec case when GODEBUG=gotoolchainexec=0,
// to allow testing this code even when not on Windows.
if godebug.New("#gotoolchainexec").Value() == "0" || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
cmd := exec.Command(exe, os.Args[1:]...)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, cmd.Args)
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && e.ProcessState != nil {
if e.ProcessState.Exited() {
base.Fatalf("exec %s: %s", gotoolchain, e.ProcessState)
base.Fatalf("exec %s: %s", exe, err)
err := syscall.Exec(exe, os.Args, os.Environ())
base.Fatalf("exec %s: %v", gotoolchain, err)
// modGoToolchain finds the enclosing or go.mod file
// and returns the go version and toolchain lines from the file.
// The toolchain line overrides the version line
func modGoToolchain() (file, goVers, toolchain string) {
wd := base.UncachedCwd()
file = modload.FindGoWork(wd)
// $GOWORK can be set to a file that does not yet exist, if we are running 'go work init'.
// Do not try to load the file in that case
if _, err := os.Stat(file); err != nil {
file = ""
if file == "" {
file = modload.FindGoMod(wd)
if file == "" {
return "", "", ""
data, err := os.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("%v", err)
return file, gover.GoModLookup(data, "go"), gover.GoModLookup(data, "toolchain")
// goInstallVersion looks at the command line to see if it is go install m@v or go run m@v.
// If so, it returns the m@v and the go version from that module's go.mod.
func goInstallVersion() (m module.Version, goVers string, ok bool) {
// Note: We assume there are no flags between 'go' and 'install' or 'run'.
// During testing there are some debugging flags that are accepted
// in that position, but in production go binaries there are not.
if len(os.Args) < 3 || (os.Args[1] != "install" && os.Args[1] != "run") {
return module.Version{}, "", false
var arg string
switch os.Args[1] {
case "install":
// Cannot parse 'go install' command line precisely, because there
// may be new flags we don't know about. Instead, assume the final
// argument is a pkg@version we can use.
arg = os.Args[len(os.Args)-1]
case "run":
// For run, the pkg@version can be anywhere on the command line.
// We don't know the flags, so we can't strictly speaking do this correctly.
// We do the best we can by interrogating the CmdRun flags and assume
// that any unknown flag does not take an argument.
args := os.Args[2:]
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
a := args[i]
if !strings.HasPrefix(a, "-") {
arg = a
if a == "-" {
if a == "--" {
if i+1 < len(args) {
arg = args[i+1]
a = strings.TrimPrefix(a, "-")
a = strings.TrimPrefix(a, "-")
if strings.HasPrefix(a, "-") {
// non-flag but also non-m@v
if strings.Contains(a, "=") {
// already has value
f := run.CmdRun.Flag.Lookup(a)
if f == nil {
// Unknown flag. Assume it doesn't take a value: best we can do.
if bf, ok := f.Value.(interface{ IsBoolFlag() bool }); ok && bf.IsBoolFlag() {
// Does not take value.
i++ // Does take a value; skip it.
if !strings.Contains(arg, "@") || build.IsLocalImport(arg) || filepath.IsAbs(arg) {
return module.Version{}, "", false
m.Path, m.Version, _ = strings.Cut(arg, "@")
if m.Path == "" || m.Version == "" || gover.IsToolchain(m.Path) {
return module.Version{}, "", false
// Set up modules without an explicit go.mod, to download go.mod.
modload.ForceUseModules = true
modload.RootMode = modload.NoRoot
defer modload.Reset()
// See internal/load.PackagesAndErrorsOutsideModule
ctx := context.Background()
allowed := modload.CheckAllowed
if modload.IsRevisionQuery(m.Path, m.Version) {
// Don't check for retractions if a specific revision is requested.
allowed = nil
noneSelected := func(path string) (version string) { return "none" }
_, err := modload.QueryPackages(ctx, m.Path, m.Version, noneSelected, allowed)
tooNew, ok := err.(*gover.TooNewError)
if !ok {
return module.Version{}, "", false
m.Path, m.Version, _ = strings.Cut(tooNew.What, "@")
return m, tooNew.GoVersion, true