blob: a13c66646b055879dc48a68e86c9700db8a9cdb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package base
import (
type writeSyncer interface {
Sync() error
type hashAndMask struct {
// a hash h matches if (h^hash)&mask == 0
hash uint64
mask uint64
name string // base name, or base name + "0", "1", etc.
type HashDebug struct {
mu sync.Mutex // for logfile, posTmp, bytesTmp
name string // base name of the flag/variable.
// what file (if any) receives the yes/no logging?
// default is os.Stdout
logfile writeSyncer
posTmp []src.Pos
bytesTmp bytes.Buffer
matches []hashAndMask // A hash matches if one of these matches.
yes, no bool
fileSuffixOnly bool // for Pos hashes, remove the directory prefix.
inlineSuffixOnly bool // for Pos hashes, remove all but the most inline position.
// SetFileSuffixOnly controls whether hashing and reporting use the entire
// file path name, just the basename. This makes hashing more consistent,
// at the expense of being able to certainly locate the file.
func (d *HashDebug) SetFileSuffixOnly(b bool) *HashDebug {
d.fileSuffixOnly = b
return d
// SetInlineSuffixOnly controls whether hashing and reporting use the entire
// inline position, or just the most-inline suffix. Compiler debugging tends
// to want the whole inlining, debugging user problems (loopvarhash, e.g.)
// typically does not need to see the entire inline tree, there is just one
// copy of the source code.
func (d *HashDebug) SetInlineSuffixOnly(b bool) *HashDebug {
d.inlineSuffixOnly = b
return d
// The default compiler-debugging HashDebug, for "-d=gossahash=..."
var hashDebug *HashDebug
var FmaHash *HashDebug // for debugging fused-multiply-add floating point changes
var LoopVarHash *HashDebug // for debugging shared/private loop variable changes
// DebugHashMatch reports whether debug variable Gossahash
// 1. is empty (returns true; this is a special more-quickly implemented case of 4 below)
// 2. is "y" or "Y" (returns true)
// 3. is "n" or "N" (returns false)
// 4. is a suffix of the sha1 hash of pkgAndName (returns true)
// 5. OR
// if the value is in the regular language "[01]+(/[01]+)+"
// test the [01]+ substrings after in order returning true
// for the first one that suffix-matches. The substrings AFTER
// the first slash are numbered 0,1, etc and are named
// fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", varname, number)
// Clause 5 is not really intended for human use and only
// matters for failures that require multiple triggers.
// Otherwise it returns false.
// Unless Flags.Gossahash is empty, when DebugHashMatch returns true the message
// "%s triggered %s\n", varname, pkgAndName
// is printed on the file named in environment variable GSHS_LOGFILE,
// or standard out if that is empty. "Varname" is either the name of
// the variable or the name of the substring, depending on which matched.
// Typical use:
// 1. you make a change to the compiler, say, adding a new phase
// 2. it is broken in some mystifying way, for example, make.bash builds a broken
// compiler that almost works, but crashes compiling a test in run.bash.
// 3. add this guard to the code, which by default leaves it broken, but does not
// run the broken new code if Flags.Gossahash is non-empty and non-matching:
// if !base.DebugHashMatch(ir.PkgFuncName(fn)) {
// return nil // early exit, do nothing
// }
// 4. rebuild w/o the bad code,
// GOCOMPILEDEBUG=gossahash=n ./all.bash
// to verify that you put the guard in the right place with the right sense of the test.
// 5. use to search for the error:
// go install
// gossahash -- <the thing that fails>
// for example: GOMAXPROCS=1 gossahash -- ./all.bash
// 6. gossahash should return a single function whose miscompilation
// causes the problem, and you can focus on that.
func DebugHashMatch(pkgAndName string) bool {
return hashDebug.DebugHashMatch(pkgAndName)
// HasDebugHash returns true if Flags.Gossahash is non-empty, which
// results in hashDebug being not-nil. I.e., if !HasDebugHash(),
// there is no need to create the string for hashing and testing.
func HasDebugHash() bool {
return hashDebug != nil
func toHashAndMask(s, varname string) hashAndMask {
l := len(s)
if l > 64 {
s = s[l-64:]
l = 64
m := ^(^uint64(0) << l)
h, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 2, 64)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("Could not parse %s (=%s) as a binary number", varname, s)
return hashAndMask{name: varname, hash: h, mask: m}
// NewHashDebug returns a new hash-debug tester for the
// environment variable ev. If ev is not set, it returns
// nil, allowing a lightweight check for normal-case behavior.
func NewHashDebug(ev, s string, file writeSyncer) *HashDebug {
if s == "" {
return nil
hd := &HashDebug{name: ev, logfile: file}
switch s[0] {
case 'y', 'Y':
hd.yes = true
return hd
case 'n', 'N': = true
return hd
ss := strings.Split(s, "/")
hd.matches = append(hd.matches, toHashAndMask(ss[0], ev))
// hash searches may use additional EVs with 0, 1, 2, ... suffixes.
for i := 1; i < len(ss); i++ {
evi := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", ev, i-1) // convention is extras begin indexing at zero
hd.matches = append(hd.matches, toHashAndMask(ss[i], evi))
return hd
func hashOf(pkgAndName string, param uint64) uint64 {
return hashOfBytes([]byte(pkgAndName), param)
func hashOfBytes(sbytes []byte, param uint64) uint64 {
hbytes := notsha256.Sum256(sbytes)
hash := uint64(hbytes[7])<<56 + uint64(hbytes[6])<<48 +
uint64(hbytes[5])<<40 + uint64(hbytes[4])<<32 +
uint64(hbytes[3])<<24 + uint64(hbytes[2])<<16 +
uint64(hbytes[1])<<8 + uint64(hbytes[0])
if param != 0 {
// Because param is probably a line number, probably near zero,
// hash it up a little bit, but even so only the lower-order bits
// likely matter because search focuses on those.
p0 := param + uint64(hbytes[9]) + uint64(hbytes[10])<<8 +
uint64(hbytes[11])<<16 + uint64(hbytes[12])<<24
p1 := param + uint64(hbytes[13]) + uint64(hbytes[14])<<8 +
uint64(hbytes[15])<<16 + uint64(hbytes[16])<<24
param += p0 * p1
param ^= param>>17 ^ param<<47
return hash ^ param
// DebugHashMatch returns true if either the variable used to create d is
// unset, or if its value is y, or if it is a suffix of the base-two
// representation of the hash of pkgAndName. If the variable is not nil,
// then a true result is accompanied by stylized output to d.logfile, which
// is used for automated bug search.
func (d *HashDebug) DebugHashMatch(pkgAndName string) bool {
return d.DebugHashMatchParam(pkgAndName, 0)
// DebugHashMatchParam returns true if either the variable used to create d is
// unset, or if its value is y, or if it is a suffix of the base-two
// representation of the hash of pkgAndName and param. If the variable is not
// nil, then a true result is accompanied by stylized output to d.logfile,
// which is used for automated bug search.
func (d *HashDebug) DebugHashMatchParam(pkgAndName string, param uint64) bool {
if d == nil {
return true
if {
return false
if d.yes {
d.logDebugHashMatch(, pkgAndName, "y", param)
return true
hash := hashOf(pkgAndName, param)
for _, m := range d.matches {
if (m.hash^hash)&m.mask == 0 {
hstr := ""
if hash == 0 {
hstr = "0"
} else {
for ; hash != 0; hash = hash >> 1 {
hstr = string('0'+byte(hash&1)) + hstr
d.logDebugHashMatch(, pkgAndName, hstr, param)
return true
return false
// DebugHashMatchPos is similar to DebugHashMatchParam, but for hash computation
// it uses the source position including all inlining information instead of
// package name and path. The output trigger string is prefixed with "POS=" so
// that tools processing the output can reliably tell the difference. The mutex
// locking is also more frequent and more granular.
// Note that the default answer for no environment variable (d == nil)
// is "yes", do the thing.
func (d *HashDebug) DebugHashMatchPos(ctxt *obj.Link, pos src.XPos) bool {
if d == nil {
return true
if {
return false
// Written this way to make inlining likely.
return d.debugHashMatchPos(ctxt, pos)
func (d *HashDebug) debugHashMatchPos(ctxt *obj.Link, pos src.XPos) bool {
b := d.bytesForPos(ctxt, pos)
if d.yes {
d.logDebugHashMatchLocked(, string(b), "y", 0)
return true
hash := hashOfBytes(b, 0)
for _, m := range d.matches {
if (m.hash^hash)&m.mask == 0 {
hstr := ""
if hash == 0 {
hstr = "0"
} else {
for ; hash != 0; hash = hash >> 1 {
hstr = string('0'+byte(hash&1)) + hstr
d.logDebugHashMatchLocked(, "POS="+string(b), hstr, 0)
return true
return false
// bytesForPos renders a position, including inlining, into d.bytesTmp
// and returns the byte array. must be locked.
func (d *HashDebug) bytesForPos(ctxt *obj.Link, pos src.XPos) []byte {
d.posTmp = ctxt.AllPos(pos, d.posTmp)
// Reverse posTmp to put outermost first.
b := &d.bytesTmp
start := len(d.posTmp) - 1
if d.inlineSuffixOnly {
start = 0
for i := start; i >= 0; i-- {
p := &d.posTmp[i]
f := p.Filename()
if d.fileSuffixOnly {
f = filepath.Base(f)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s:%d:%d", f, p.Line(), p.Col())
if i != 0 {
return b.Bytes()
func (d *HashDebug) logDebugHashMatch(varname, name, hstr string, param uint64) {
d.logDebugHashMatchLocked(varname, name, hstr, param)
func (d *HashDebug) logDebugHashMatchLocked(varname, name, hstr string, param uint64) {
file := d.logfile
if file == nil {
if tmpfile := os.Getenv("GSHS_LOGFILE"); tmpfile != "" {
var err error
file, err = os.OpenFile(tmpfile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("could not open hash-testing logfile %s", tmpfile)
if file == nil {
file = os.Stdout
d.logfile = file
if len(hstr) > 24 {
hstr = hstr[len(hstr)-24:]
// External tools depend on this string
if param == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s triggered %s %s\n", varname, name, hstr)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s triggered %s:%d %s\n", varname, name, param, hstr)