blob: 4a53d7947bb8497625ac42911dd56dc18666797e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ld
import (
// deadcode marks all reachable symbols.
// The basis of the dead code elimination is a flood fill of symbols,
// following their relocations, beginning at *flagEntrySymbol.
// This flood fill is wrapped in logic for pruning unused methods.
// All methods are mentioned by relocations on their receiver's *rtype.
// These relocations are specially defined as R_METHODOFF by the compiler
// so we can detect and manipulated them here.
// There are three ways a method of a reachable type can be invoked:
// 1. direct call
// 2. through a reachable interface type
// 3. reflect.Value.Call, .Method, or reflect.Method.Func
// The first case is handled by the flood fill, a directly called method
// is marked as reachable.
// The second case is handled by decomposing all reachable interface
// types into method signatures. Each encountered method is compared
// against the interface method signatures, if it matches it is marked
// as reachable. This is extremely conservative, but easy and correct.
// The third case is handled by looking to see if any of:
// - reflect.Value.Call is reachable
// - reflect.Value.Method is reachable
// - reflect.Type.Method or MethodByName is called.
// If any of these happen, all bets are off and all exported methods
// of reachable types are marked reachable.
// Any unreached text symbols are removed from ctxt.Textp.
func deadcode(ctxt *Link) {
func addToTextp(ctxt *Link) {
// Remove dead text but keep file information (z symbols).
textp := []*sym.Symbol{}
for _, s := range ctxt.Textp {
if s.Attr.Reachable() {
textp = append(textp, s)
// Put reachable text symbols into Textp.
// do it in postorder so that packages are laid down in dependency order
// internal first, then everything else
ctxt.Library = postorder(ctxt.Library)
for _, doInternal := range [2]bool{true, false} {
for _, lib := range ctxt.Library {
if isRuntimeDepPkg(lib.Pkg) != doInternal {
libtextp := lib.Textp[:0]
for _, s := range lib.Textp {
if s.Attr.Reachable() {
textp = append(textp, s)
libtextp = append(libtextp, s)
if s.Unit != nil {
s.Unit.Textp = append(s.Unit.Textp, s)
for _, s := range lib.DupTextSyms {
if s.Attr.Reachable() && !s.Attr.OnList() {
textp = append(textp, s)
libtextp = append(libtextp, s)
if s.Unit != nil {
s.Unit.Textp = append(s.Unit.Textp, s)
s.Attr |= sym.AttrOnList
// dupok symbols may be defined in multiple packages. its
// associated package is chosen sort of arbitrarily (the
// first containing package that the linker loads). canonicalize
// it here to the package with which it will be laid down
// in text.
s.File = objabi.PathToPrefix(lib.Pkg)
lib.Textp = libtextp
ctxt.Textp = textp
if len(ctxt.Shlibs) > 0 {
// We might have overwritten some functions above (this tends to happen for the
// autogenerated type equality/hashing functions) and we don't want to generated
// pcln table entries for these any more so remove them from Textp.
textp := make([]*sym.Symbol, 0, len(ctxt.Textp))
for _, s := range ctxt.Textp {
if s.Type != sym.SDYNIMPORT {
textp = append(textp, s)
ctxt.Textp = textp