blob: f8e1c19886ac6b221ece8dc894ebce0ce3ba641c [file] [log] [blame]
To try Native Client by running 4s (tetris) or 5s or Spacewar:
1. Build the Go distribution for your native system.
2. Download the Native Client SDK and install it.
* You only need to do steps 1 and 2.
3. Copy "./native_client*/toolchain/*/bin/sel_ldr"
from the Native Client distribution somewhere in your path as "nacl".
This will let you run binaries using "nacl -M 8.out".
The -M flag enables multithreaded access to the video library.
4. Build the Go distribution again, this time for Native Client:
cd $GOROOT/src
* If you didn't do step 3, the tests at the end will fail, but that's okay.
* If you are on a Mac, your dock will flicker as the "nacl" binary
starts and stops while the tests run. You can stop the tests at any time.
5. Run the programs by using
nacl -M $GOROOT/src/pkg/exp/4s/8.out
nacl -M $GOROOT/src/pkg/exp/4s/8.5s
nacl -M $GOROOT/src/pkg/exp/spacewar/8.out
6. If you have an old copy of the Native Client plugin, you may be
able to run the programs in your browser, by running
"godoc --http=:5103" and then visiting
* http://localhost:5103/src/pkg/exp/4s/4s.html
* http://localhost:5103/src/pkg/exp/4s/5s.html [sic]
* http://localhost:5103/src/pkg/exp/spacewar/spacewar.html
This usage is deprecated in favor of newere APIs in recent
releases of Native Client. More work will be necessary to support
interactive graphics when using those releases.