blob: d90f0cad33cadccc537ce907074abe77094b5e6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ssa
import (
type branch int
const (
unknown branch = iota
// relation represents the set of possible relations between
// pairs of variables (v, w). Without a priori knowledge the
// mask is lt | eq | gt meaning v can be less than, equal to or
// greater than w. When the execution path branches on the condition
// `v op w` the set of relations is updated to exclude any
// relation not possible due to `v op w` being true (or false).
// E.g.
// r := relation(...)
// if v < w {
// newR := r & lt
// }
// if v >= w {
// newR := r & (eq|gt)
// }
// if v != w {
// newR := r & (lt|gt)
// }
type relation uint
const (
lt relation = 1 << iota
var relationStrings = [...]string{
0: "none", lt: "<", eq: "==", lt | eq: "<=",
gt: ">", gt | lt: "!=", gt | eq: ">=", gt | eq | lt: "any",
func (r relation) String() string {
if r < relation(len(relationStrings)) {
return relationStrings[r]
return fmt.Sprintf("relation(%d)", uint(r))
// domain represents the domain of a variable pair in which a set
// of relations is known. For example, relations learned for unsigned
// pairs cannot be transferred to signed pairs because the same bit
// representation can mean something else.
type domain uint
const (
signed domain = 1 << iota
var domainStrings = [...]string{
"signed", "unsigned", "pointer", "boolean",
func (d domain) String() string {
s := ""
for i, ds := range domainStrings {
if d&(1<<uint(i)) != 0 {
if len(s) != 0 {
s += "|"
s += ds
d &^= 1 << uint(i)
if d != 0 {
if len(s) != 0 {
s += "|"
s += fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", uint(d))
return s
type pair struct {
v, w *Value // a pair of values, ordered by ID.
// v can be nil, to mean the zero value.
// for booleans the zero value (v == nil) is false.
d domain
// fact is a pair plus a relation for that pair.
type fact struct {
p pair
r relation
// a limit records known upper and lower bounds for a value.
type limit struct {
min, max int64 // min <= value <= max, signed
umin, umax uint64 // umin <= value <= umax, unsigned
func (l limit) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("sm,SM,um,UM=%d,%d,%d,%d", l.min, l.max, l.umin, l.umax)
func (l limit) intersect(l2 limit) limit {
if l.min < l2.min {
l.min = l2.min
if l.umin < l2.umin {
l.umin = l2.umin
if l.max > l2.max {
l.max = l2.max
if l.umax > l2.umax {
l.umax = l2.umax
return l
var noLimit = limit{math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64, 0, math.MaxUint64}
// a limitFact is a limit known for a particular value.
type limitFact struct {
vid ID
limit limit
// factsTable keeps track of relations between pairs of values.
// The fact table logic is sound, but incomplete. Outside of a few
// special cases, it performs no deduction or arithmetic. While there
// are known decision procedures for this, the ad hoc approach taken
// by the facts table is effective for real code while remaining very
// efficient.
type factsTable struct {
// unsat is true if facts contains a contradiction.
// Note that the factsTable logic is incomplete, so if unsat
// is false, the assertions in factsTable could be satisfiable
// *or* unsatisfiable.
unsat bool // true if facts contains a contradiction
unsatDepth int // number of unsat checkpoints
facts map[pair]relation // current known set of relation
stack []fact // previous sets of relations
// known lower and upper bounds on individual values.
limits map[ID]limit
limitStack []limitFact // previous entries
// For each slice s, a map from s to a len(s)/cap(s) value (if any)
// TODO: check if there are cases that matter where we have
// more than one len(s) for a slice. We could keep a list if necessary.
lens map[ID]*Value
caps map[ID]*Value
// checkpointFact is an invalid value used for checkpointing
// and restoring factsTable.
var checkpointFact = fact{}
var checkpointBound = limitFact{}
func newFactsTable() *factsTable {
ft := &factsTable{}
ft.facts = make(map[pair]relation)
ft.stack = make([]fact, 4)
ft.limits = make(map[ID]limit)
ft.limitStack = make([]limitFact, 4)
return ft
// update updates the set of relations between v and w in domain d
// restricting it to r.
func (ft *factsTable) update(parent *Block, v, w *Value, d domain, r relation) {
if lessByID(w, v) {
v, w = w, v
r = reverseBits[r]
p := pair{v, w, d}
oldR, ok := ft.facts[p]
if !ok {
if v == w {
oldR = eq
} else {
oldR = lt | eq | gt
ft.stack = append(ft.stack, fact{p, oldR})
ft.facts[p] = oldR & r
if oldR&r == 0 {
ft.unsat = true
// Extract bounds when comparing against constants
if v.isGenericIntConst() {
v, w = w, v
r = reverseBits[r]
if v != nil && w.isGenericIntConst() {
c := w.AuxInt
// Note: all the +1/-1 below could overflow/underflow. Either will
// still generate correct results, it will just lead to imprecision.
// In fact if there is overflow/underflow, the corresponding
// code is unreachable because the known range is outside the range
// of the value's type.
old, ok := ft.limits[v.ID]
if !ok {
old = noLimit
lim := noLimit
switch d {
case signed:
switch r {
case lt:
lim.max = c - 1
case lt | eq:
lim.max = c
case gt | eq:
lim.min = c
case gt:
lim.min = c + 1
case lt | gt:
lim = old
if c == lim.min {
if c == lim.max {
case eq:
lim.min = c
lim.max = c
if lim.min >= 0 {
// int(x) >= 0 && int(x) >= N ⇒ uint(x) >= N
lim.umin = uint64(lim.min)
if lim.max != noLimit.max && old.min >= 0 && lim.max >= 0 {
// 0 <= int(x) <= N ⇒ 0 <= uint(x) <= N
// This is for a max update, so the lower bound
// comes from what we already know (old).
lim.umax = uint64(lim.max)
case unsigned:
var uc uint64
switch w.Op {
case OpConst64:
uc = uint64(c)
case OpConst32:
uc = uint64(uint32(c))
case OpConst16:
uc = uint64(uint16(c))
case OpConst8:
uc = uint64(uint8(c))
switch r {
case lt:
lim.umax = uc - 1
case lt | eq:
lim.umax = uc
case gt | eq:
lim.umin = uc
case gt:
lim.umin = uc + 1
case lt | gt:
lim = old
if uc == lim.umin {
if uc == lim.umax {
case eq:
lim.umin = uc
lim.umax = uc
// We could use the contrapositives of the
// signed implications to derive signed facts,
// but it turns out not to matter.
ft.limitStack = append(ft.limitStack, limitFact{v.ID, old})
lim = old.intersect(lim)
ft.limits[v.ID] = lim
if lim.min > lim.max || lim.umin > lim.umax {
ft.unsat = true
if v.Block.Func.pass.debug > 2 {
v.Block.Func.Warnl(parent.Pos, "parent=%s, new limits %s %s %s", parent, v, w, lim.String())
// Process fence-post implications.
// First, make the condition > or >=.
if r == lt || r == lt|eq {
v, w = w, v
r = reverseBits[r]
switch r {
case gt:
if x, delta := isConstDelta(v); x != nil && delta == 1 {
// x+1 > w ⇒ x >= w
// This is useful for eliminating the
// growslice branch of append.
ft.update(parent, x, w, d, gt|eq)
} else if x, delta := isConstDelta(w); x != nil && delta == -1 {
// v > x-1 ⇒ v >= x
ft.update(parent, v, x, d, gt|eq)
case gt | eq:
if x, delta := isConstDelta(v); x != nil && delta == -1 {
// x-1 >= w && x > min ⇒ x > w
// Useful for i > 0; s[i-1].
lim, ok := ft.limits[x.ID]
if ok && lim.min > opMin[v.Op] {
ft.update(parent, x, w, d, gt)
} else if x, delta := isConstDelta(w); x != nil && delta == 1 {
// v >= x+1 && x < max ⇒ v > x
lim, ok := ft.limits[x.ID]
if ok && lim.max < opMax[w.Op] {
ft.update(parent, v, x, d, gt)
var opMin = map[Op]int64{
OpAdd64: math.MinInt64, OpSub64: math.MinInt64,
OpAdd32: math.MinInt32, OpSub32: math.MinInt32,
var opMax = map[Op]int64{
OpAdd64: math.MaxInt64, OpSub64: math.MaxInt64,
OpAdd32: math.MaxInt32, OpSub32: math.MaxInt32,
// isNonNegative returns true if v is known to be non-negative.
func (ft *factsTable) isNonNegative(v *Value) bool {
if isNonNegative(v) {
return true
l, has := ft.limits[v.ID]
return has && (l.min >= 0 || l.umax <= math.MaxInt64)
// checkpoint saves the current state of known relations.
// Called when descending on a branch.
func (ft *factsTable) checkpoint() {
if ft.unsat {
ft.stack = append(ft.stack, checkpointFact)
ft.limitStack = append(ft.limitStack, checkpointBound)
// restore restores known relation to the state just
// before the previous checkpoint.
// Called when backing up on a branch.
func (ft *factsTable) restore() {
if ft.unsatDepth > 0 {
} else {
ft.unsat = false
for {
old := ft.stack[len(ft.stack)-1]
ft.stack = ft.stack[:len(ft.stack)-1]
if old == checkpointFact {
if old.r == lt|eq|gt {
delete(ft.facts, old.p)
} else {
ft.facts[old.p] = old.r
for {
old := ft.limitStack[len(ft.limitStack)-1]
ft.limitStack = ft.limitStack[:len(ft.limitStack)-1]
if old.vid == 0 { // checkpointBound
if old.limit == noLimit {
delete(ft.limits, old.vid)
} else {
ft.limits[old.vid] = old.limit
func lessByID(v, w *Value) bool {
if v == nil && w == nil {
// Should not happen, but just in case.
return false
if v == nil {
return true
return w != nil && v.ID < w.ID
var (
reverseBits = [...]relation{0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7}
// maps what we learn when the positive branch is taken.
// For example:
// OpLess8: {signed, lt},
// v1 = (OpLess8 v2 v3).
// If v1 branch is taken than we learn that the rangeMaks
// can be at most lt.
domainRelationTable = map[Op]struct {
d domain
r relation
OpEq8: {signed | unsigned, eq},
OpEq16: {signed | unsigned, eq},
OpEq32: {signed | unsigned, eq},
OpEq64: {signed | unsigned, eq},
OpEqPtr: {pointer, eq},
OpNeq8: {signed | unsigned, lt | gt},
OpNeq16: {signed | unsigned, lt | gt},
OpNeq32: {signed | unsigned, lt | gt},
OpNeq64: {signed | unsigned, lt | gt},
OpNeqPtr: {pointer, lt | gt},
OpLess8: {signed, lt},
OpLess8U: {unsigned, lt},
OpLess16: {signed, lt},
OpLess16U: {unsigned, lt},
OpLess32: {signed, lt},
OpLess32U: {unsigned, lt},
OpLess64: {signed, lt},
OpLess64U: {unsigned, lt},
OpLeq8: {signed, lt | eq},
OpLeq8U: {unsigned, lt | eq},
OpLeq16: {signed, lt | eq},
OpLeq16U: {unsigned, lt | eq},
OpLeq32: {signed, lt | eq},
OpLeq32U: {unsigned, lt | eq},
OpLeq64: {signed, lt | eq},
OpLeq64U: {unsigned, lt | eq},
OpGeq8: {signed, eq | gt},
OpGeq8U: {unsigned, eq | gt},
OpGeq16: {signed, eq | gt},
OpGeq16U: {unsigned, eq | gt},
OpGeq32: {signed, eq | gt},
OpGeq32U: {unsigned, eq | gt},
OpGeq64: {signed, eq | gt},
OpGeq64U: {unsigned, eq | gt},
OpGreater8: {signed, gt},
OpGreater8U: {unsigned, gt},
OpGreater16: {signed, gt},
OpGreater16U: {unsigned, gt},
OpGreater32: {signed, gt},
OpGreater32U: {unsigned, gt},
OpGreater64: {signed, gt},
OpGreater64U: {unsigned, gt},
// TODO: OpIsInBounds actually test 0 <= a < b. This means
// that the positive branch learns signed/LT and unsigned/LT
// but the negative branch only learns unsigned/GE.
OpIsInBounds: {unsigned, lt}, // 0 <= arg0 < arg1
OpIsSliceInBounds: {unsigned, lt | eq}, // 0 <= arg0 <= arg1
// prove removes redundant BlockIf branches that can be inferred
// from previous dominating comparisons.
// By far, the most common redundant pair are generated by bounds checking.
// For example for the code:
// a[i] = 4
// foo(a[i])
// The compiler will generate the following code:
// if i >= len(a) {
// panic("not in bounds")
// }
// a[i] = 4
// if i >= len(a) {
// panic("not in bounds")
// }
// foo(a[i])
// The second comparison i >= len(a) is clearly redundant because if the
// else branch of the first comparison is executed, we already know that i < len(a).
// The code for the second panic can be removed.
// prove works by finding contradictions and trimming branches whose
// conditions are unsatisfiable given the branches leading up to them.
// It tracks a "fact table" of branch conditions. For each branching
// block, it asserts the branch conditions that uniquely dominate that
// block, and then separately asserts the block's branch condition and
// its negation. If either leads to a contradiction, it can trim that
// successor.
func prove(f *Func) {
ft := newFactsTable()
// Find length and capacity ops.
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.Uses == 0 {
// We don't care about dead values.
// (There can be some that are CSEd but not removed yet.)
switch v.Op {
case OpSliceLen:
if ft.lens == nil {
ft.lens = map[ID]*Value{}
ft.lens[v.Args[0].ID] = v
case OpSliceCap:
if ft.caps == nil {
ft.caps = map[ID]*Value{}
ft.caps[v.Args[0].ID] = v
// current node state
type walkState int
const (
descend walkState = iota
// work maintains the DFS stack.
type bp struct {
block *Block // current handled block
state walkState // what's to do
work := make([]bp, 0, 256)
work = append(work, bp{
block: f.Entry,
state: descend,
idom := f.Idom()
sdom := f.sdom()
// DFS on the dominator tree.
// For efficiency, we consider only the dominator tree rather
// than the entire flow graph. On the way down, we consider
// incoming branches and accumulate conditions that uniquely
// dominate the current block. If we discover a contradiction,
// we can eliminate the entire block and all of its children.
// On the way back up, we consider outgoing branches that
// haven't already been considered. This way we consider each
// branch condition only once.
for len(work) > 0 {
node := work[len(work)-1]
work = work[:len(work)-1]
parent := idom[node.block.ID]
branch := getBranch(sdom, parent, node.block)
switch node.state {
case descend:
if branch != unknown {
if !tryPushBranch(ft, parent, branch) {
// node.block is unreachable.
// Remove it and don't visit
// its children.
removeBranch(parent, branch)
// Otherwise, we can now commit to
// taking this branch. We'll restore
// ft when we unwind.
work = append(work, bp{
block: node.block,
state: simplify,
for s := sdom.Child(node.block); s != nil; s = sdom.Sibling(s) {
work = append(work, bp{
block: s,
state: descend,
case simplify:
simplifyBlock(sdom, ft, node.block)
if branch != unknown {
// getBranch returns the range restrictions added by p
// when reaching b. p is the immediate dominator of b.
func getBranch(sdom SparseTree, p *Block, b *Block) branch {
if p == nil || p.Kind != BlockIf {
return unknown
// If p and p.Succs[0] are dominators it means that every path
// from entry to b passes through p and p.Succs[0]. We care that
// no path from entry to b passes through p.Succs[1]. If p.Succs[0]
// has one predecessor then (apart from the degenerate case),
// there is no path from entry that can reach b through p.Succs[1].
// TODO: how about p->yes->b->yes, i.e. a loop in yes.
if sdom.isAncestorEq(p.Succs[0].b, b) && len(p.Succs[0].b.Preds) == 1 {
return positive
if sdom.isAncestorEq(p.Succs[1].b, b) && len(p.Succs[1].b.Preds) == 1 {
return negative
return unknown
// tryPushBranch tests whether it is possible to branch from Block b
// in direction br and, if so, pushes the branch conditions in the
// factsTable and returns true. A successful tryPushBranch must be
// paired with a popBranch.
func tryPushBranch(ft *factsTable, b *Block, br branch) bool {
c := b.Control
updateRestrictions(b, ft, boolean, nil, c, lt|gt, br)
if tr, has := domainRelationTable[b.Control.Op]; has {
// When we branched from parent we learned a new set of
// restrictions. Update the factsTable accordingly.
updateRestrictions(b, ft, tr.d, c.Args[0], c.Args[1], tr.r, br)
if ft.unsat {
// This branch's conditions contradict some known
// fact, so it cannot be taken. Unwind the facts.
// (Since we never checkpoint an unsat factsTable, we
// don't really need factsTable.unsatDepth, but
// there's no cost to keeping checkpoint/restore more
// general.)
return false
return true
// popBranch undoes the effects of a successful tryPushBranch.
func popBranch(ft *factsTable) {
// updateRestrictions updates restrictions from the immediate
// dominating block (p) using r. r is adjusted according to the branch taken.
func updateRestrictions(parent *Block, ft *factsTable, t domain, v, w *Value, r relation, branch branch) {
if t == 0 || branch == unknown {
// Trivial case: nothing to do, or branch unknown.
// Shoult not happen, but just in case.
if branch == negative {
// Negative branch taken, complement the relations.
r = (lt | eq | gt) ^ r
for i := domain(1); i <= t; i <<= 1 {
if t&i == 0 {
ft.update(parent, v, w, i, r)
if i == boolean && v == nil && w != nil && (w.Op == OpIsInBounds || w.Op == OpIsSliceInBounds) {
// 0 <= a0 < a1 (or 0 <= a0 <= a1)
// domainRelationTable handles the a0 / a1
// relation, but not the 0 / a0 relation.
// On the positive branch we learn 0 <= a0,
// but this turns out never to be useful.
// On the negative branch we learn (0 > a0 ||
// a0 >= a1) (or (0 > a0 || a0 > a1)). We
// can't express an || condition, but we learn
// something if we can disprove the LHS.
if r == eq && ft.isNonNegative(w.Args[0]) {
// false == w, so we're on the
// negative branch. a0 >= 0, so the
// LHS is false. Thus, the RHS holds.
opr := eq | gt
if w.Op == OpIsSliceInBounds {
opr = gt
ft.update(parent, w.Args[0], w.Args[1], signed, opr)
// Additional facts we know given the relationship between len and cap.
if i != signed && i != unsigned {
if v.Op == OpSliceLen && r&lt == 0 && ft.caps[v.Args[0].ID] != nil {
// len(s) > w implies cap(s) > w
// len(s) >= w implies cap(s) >= w
// len(s) == w implies cap(s) >= w
ft.update(parent, ft.caps[v.Args[0].ID], w, i, r|gt)
if w.Op == OpSliceLen && r&gt == 0 && ft.caps[w.Args[0].ID] != nil {
// same, length on the RHS.
ft.update(parent, v, ft.caps[w.Args[0].ID], i, r|lt)
if v.Op == OpSliceCap && r&gt == 0 && ft.lens[v.Args[0].ID] != nil {
// cap(s) < w implies len(s) < w
// cap(s) <= w implies len(s) <= w
// cap(s) == w implies len(s) <= w
ft.update(parent, ft.lens[v.Args[0].ID], w, i, r|lt)
if w.Op == OpSliceCap && r&lt == 0 && ft.lens[w.Args[0].ID] != nil {
// same, capacity on the RHS.
ft.update(parent, v, ft.lens[w.Args[0].ID], i, r|gt)
// simplifyBlock simplifies some constant values in b and evaluates
// branches to non-uniquely dominated successors of b.
func simplifyBlock(sdom SparseTree, ft *factsTable, b *Block) {
// Replace OpSlicemask operations in b with constants where possible.
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.Op != OpSlicemask {
x, delta := isConstDelta(v.Args[0])
if x == nil {
// slicemask(x + y)
// if x is larger than -y (y is negative), then slicemask is -1.
lim, ok := ft.limits[x.ID]
if !ok {
if lim.umin > uint64(-delta) {
if v.Args[0].Op == OpAdd64 {
} else {
if b.Func.pass.debug > 0 {
b.Func.Warnl(v.Pos, "Proved slicemask not needed")
v.AuxInt = -1
if b.Kind != BlockIf {
// Consider outgoing edges from this block.
parent := b
for i, branch := range [...]branch{positive, negative} {
child := parent.Succs[i].b
if getBranch(sdom, parent, child) != unknown {
// For edges to uniquely dominated blocks, we
// already did this when we visited the child.
// For edges to other blocks, this can trim a branch
// even if we couldn't get rid of the child itself.
if !tryPushBranch(ft, parent, branch) {
// This branch is impossible, so remove it
// from the block.
removeBranch(parent, branch)
// No point in considering the other branch.
// (It *is* possible for both to be
// unsatisfiable since the fact table is
// incomplete. We could turn this into a
// BlockExit, but it doesn't seem worth it.)
func removeBranch(b *Block, branch branch) {
if b.Func.pass.debug > 0 {
verb := "Proved"
if branch == positive {
verb = "Disproved"
c := b.Control
if b.Func.pass.debug > 1 {
b.Func.Warnl(b.Pos, "%s %s (%s)", verb, c.Op, c)
} else {
b.Func.Warnl(b.Pos, "%s %s", verb, c.Op)
b.Kind = BlockFirst
if branch == positive {
// isNonNegative returns true is v is known to be greater or equal to zero.
func isNonNegative(v *Value) bool {
switch v.Op {
case OpConst64:
return v.AuxInt >= 0
case OpConst32:
return int32(v.AuxInt) >= 0
case OpStringLen, OpSliceLen, OpSliceCap,
OpZeroExt8to64, OpZeroExt16to64, OpZeroExt32to64:
return true
case OpRsh64x64:
return isNonNegative(v.Args[0])
return false
// isConstDelta returns non-nil if v is equivalent to w+delta (signed).
func isConstDelta(v *Value) (w *Value, delta int64) {
cop := OpConst64
switch v.Op {
case OpAdd32, OpSub32:
cop = OpConst32
switch v.Op {
case OpAdd64, OpAdd32:
if v.Args[0].Op == cop {
return v.Args[1], v.Args[0].AuxInt
if v.Args[1].Op == cop {
return v.Args[0], v.Args[1].AuxInt
case OpSub64, OpSub32:
if v.Args[1].Op == cop {
aux := v.Args[1].AuxInt
if aux != -aux { // Overflow; too bad
return v.Args[0], -aux
return nil, 0