blob: b8270eae357b79e77d9a838880a083c55e8574f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Lowering arithmetic
(Add(Ptr|64|32|16|8) x y) -> (ADD x y)
(Add64F x y) -> (FADD x y)
(Add32F x y) -> (FADDS x y)
(Sub(Ptr|64|32|16|8) x y) -> (SUB x y)
(Sub32F x y) -> (FSUBS x y)
(Sub64F x y) -> (FSUB x y)
(Mod16 x y) -> (Mod32 (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y))
(Mod16u x y) -> (Mod32u (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y))
(Mod8 x y) -> (Mod32 (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y))
(Mod8u x y) -> (Mod32u (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y))
(Mod64 x y) -> (SUB x (MULLD y (DIVD x y)))
(Mod64u x y) -> (SUB x (MULLD y (DIVDU x y)))
(Mod32 x y) -> (SUB x (MULLW y (DIVW x y)))
(Mod32u x y) -> (SUB x (MULLW y (DIVWU x y)))
// (x + y) / 2 with x>=y -> (x - y) / 2 + y
(Avg64u <t> x y) -> (ADD (SRDconst <t> (SUB <t> x y) [1]) y)
(Mul64 x y) -> (MULLD x y)
(Mul(32|16|8) x y) -> (MULLW x y)
(Div64 x y) -> (DIVD x y)
(Div64u x y) -> (DIVDU x y)
(Div32 x y) -> (DIVW x y)
(Div32u x y) -> (DIVWU x y)
(Div16 x y) -> (DIVW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y))
(Div16u x y) -> (DIVWU (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y))
(Div8 x y) -> (DIVW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y))
(Div8u x y) -> (DIVWU (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y))
(Hmul(64|64u|32|32u) x y) -> (MULH(D|DU|W|WU) x y)
(Mul32F x y) -> (FMULS x y)
(Mul64F x y) -> (FMUL x y)
(Div32F x y) -> (FDIVS x y)
(Div64F x y) -> (FDIV x y)
// Lowering float <-> int
(Cvt32to32F x) -> (FCFIDS (MTVSRD (SignExt32to64 x)))
(Cvt32to64F x) -> (FCFID (MTVSRD (SignExt32to64 x)))
(Cvt64to32F x) -> (FCFIDS (MTVSRD x))
(Cvt64to64F x) -> (FCFID (MTVSRD x))
(Cvt32Fto32 x) -> (MFVSRD (FCTIWZ x))
(Cvt32Fto64 x) -> (MFVSRD (FCTIDZ x))
(Cvt64Fto32 x) -> (MFVSRD (FCTIWZ x))
(Cvt64Fto64 x) -> (MFVSRD (FCTIDZ x))
(Cvt32Fto64F x) -> x // Note x will have the wrong type for patterns dependent on Float32/Float64
(Cvt64Fto32F x) -> (FRSP x)
(Round(32|64)F x) -> (LoweredRound(32|64)F x)
(Sqrt x) -> (FSQRT x)
(Floor x) -> (FFLOOR x)
(Ceil x) -> (FCEIL x)
(Trunc x) -> (FTRUNC x)
(Copysign x y) -> (FCPSGN y x)
(Abs x) -> (FABS x)
// Lowering constants
(Const(64|32|16|8) [val]) -> (MOVDconst [val])
(Const(32|64)F [val]) -> (FMOV(S|D)const [val])
(ConstNil) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(ConstBool [b]) -> (MOVDconst [b])
// Constant folding
(FABS (FMOVDconst [x])) -> (FMOVDconst [f2i(math.Abs(i2f(x)))])
(FSQRT (FMOVDconst [x])) -> (FMOVDconst [f2i(math.Sqrt(i2f(x)))])
(FFLOOR (FMOVDconst [x])) -> (FMOVDconst [f2i(math.Floor(i2f(x)))])
(FCEIL (FMOVDconst [x])) -> (FMOVDconst [f2i(math.Ceil(i2f(x)))])
(FTRUNC (FMOVDconst [x])) -> (FMOVDconst [f2i(math.Trunc(i2f(x)))])
// Rotate generation with const shift
(ADD (SLDconst x [c]) (SRDconst x [d])) && d == 64-c -> (ROTLconst [c] x)
( OR (SLDconst x [c]) (SRDconst x [d])) && d == 64-c -> (ROTLconst [c] x)
(XOR (SLDconst x [c]) (SRDconst x [d])) && d == 64-c -> (ROTLconst [c] x)
(ADD (SLWconst x [c]) (SRWconst x [d])) && d == 32-c -> (ROTLWconst [c] x)
( OR (SLWconst x [c]) (SRWconst x [d])) && d == 32-c -> (ROTLWconst [c] x)
(XOR (SLWconst x [c]) (SRWconst x [d])) && d == 32-c -> (ROTLWconst [c] x)
// Rotate generation with non-const shift
// these match patterns from math/bits/RotateLeft[32|64], but there could be others
(ADD (SLD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y)) (SRD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))) -> (ROTL x y)
( OR (SLD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y)) (SRD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))) -> (ROTL x y)
(XOR (SLD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y)) (SRD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))) -> (ROTL x y)
(ADD (SLW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y)) (SRW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))) -> (ROTLW x y)
( OR (SLW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y)) (SRW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))) -> (ROTLW x y)
(XOR (SLW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y)) (SRW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))) -> (ROTLW x y)
(Lsh64x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 64 -> (SLDconst x [c])
(Rsh64x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 64 -> (SRADconst x [c])
(Rsh64Ux64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 64 -> (SRDconst x [c])
(Lsh32x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 32 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh32x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 32 -> (SRAWconst x [c])
(Rsh32Ux64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 32 -> (SRWconst x [c])
(Lsh16x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 16 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh16x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 16 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt16to32 x) [c])
(Rsh16Ux64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 16 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt16to32 x) [c])
(Lsh8x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 8 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh8x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 8 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt8to32 x) [c])
(Rsh8Ux64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) < 8 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt8to32 x) [c])
(Lsh64x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 64 -> (SLDconst x [c])
(Rsh64x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 64 -> (SRADconst x [c])
(Rsh64Ux32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 64 -> (SRDconst x [c])
(Lsh32x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 32 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh32x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 32 -> (SRAWconst x [c])
(Rsh32Ux32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 32 -> (SRWconst x [c])
(Lsh16x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 16 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh16x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 16 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt16to32 x) [c])
(Rsh16Ux32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 16 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt16to32 x) [c])
(Lsh8x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 8 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh8x32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 8 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt8to32 x) [c])
(Rsh8Ux32 x (Const64 [c])) && uint32(c) < 8 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt8to32 x) [c])
// large constant shifts
(Lsh64x64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 64 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Rsh64Ux64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 64 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Lsh32x64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 32 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Rsh32Ux64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 32 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Lsh16x64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 16 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Rsh16Ux64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 16 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Lsh8x64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 8 -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Rsh8Ux64 _ (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 8 -> (MOVDconst [0])
// large constant signed right shift, we leave the sign bit
(Rsh64x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 64 -> (SRADconst x [63])
(Rsh32x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 32 -> (SRAWconst x [63])
(Rsh16x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 16 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt16to32 x) [63])
(Rsh8x64 x (Const64 [c])) && uint64(c) >= 8 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt8to32 x) [63])
// constant shifts
(Lsh64x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 64 -> (SLDconst x [c])
(Rsh64x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 64 -> (SRADconst x [c])
(Rsh64Ux64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 64 -> (SRDconst x [c])
(Lsh32x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 32 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh32x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 32 -> (SRAWconst x [c])
(Rsh32Ux64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 32 -> (SRWconst x [c])
(Lsh16x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 16 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh16x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 16 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt16to32 x) [c])
(Rsh16Ux64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 16 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt16to32 x) [c])
(Lsh8x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 8 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh8x64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 8 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt8to32 x) [c])
(Rsh8Ux64 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint64(c) < 8 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt8to32 x) [c])
(Lsh64x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 64 -> (SLDconst x [c])
(Rsh64x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 64 -> (SRADconst x [c])
(Rsh64Ux32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 64 -> (SRDconst x [c])
(Lsh32x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 32 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh32x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 32 -> (SRAWconst x [c])
(Rsh32Ux32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 32 -> (SRWconst x [c])
(Lsh16x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 16 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh16x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 16 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt16to32 x) [c])
(Rsh16Ux32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 16 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt16to32 x) [c])
(Lsh8x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 8 -> (SLWconst x [c])
(Rsh8x32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 8 -> (SRAWconst (SignExt8to32 x) [c])
(Rsh8Ux32 x (MOVDconst [c])) && uint32(c) < 8 -> (SRWconst (ZeroExt8to32 x) [c])
// non-constant rotates
// These are subexpressions found in statements that can become rotates
// In these cases the shift count is known to be < 64 so the more complicated expressions
// with Mask & Carry is not needed
(Lsh64x64 x (AND y (MOVDconst [63]))) -> (SLD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y))
(Lsh64x64 x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y)) -> (SLD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y))
(Rsh64Ux64 x (AND y (MOVDconst [63]))) -> (SRD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y))
(Rsh64Ux64 x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)) -> (SRD x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y))
(Rsh64Ux64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y))) -> (SRD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))
(Rsh64Ux64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (AND <typ.UInt> y (MOVDconst [63])))) -> (SRD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))
(Rsh64x64 x (AND y (MOVDconst [63]))) -> (SRAD x (ANDconst <typ.Int64> [63] y))
(Rsh64x64 x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)) -> (SRAD x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y))
(Rsh64x64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y))) -> (SRAD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))
(Rsh64x64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (AND <typ.UInt> y (MOVDconst [63])))) -> (SRAD x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [64]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [63] y)))
(Rsh64x64 x y) -> (SRAD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] y))))
(Rsh64Ux64 x y) -> (SRD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] y))))
(Lsh64x64 x y) -> (SLD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] y))))
(Lsh32x64 x (AND y (MOVDconst [31]))) -> (SLW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y))
(Lsh32x64 x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y)) -> (SLW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y))
(Rsh32Ux64 x (AND y (MOVDconst [31]))) -> (SRW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y))
(Rsh32Ux64 x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)) -> (SRW x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y))
(Rsh32Ux64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y))) -> (SRW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))
(Rsh32Ux64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (AND <typ.UInt> y (MOVDconst [31])))) -> (SRW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))
(Rsh32x64 x (AND y (MOVDconst [31]))) -> (SRAW x (ANDconst <typ.Int32> [31] y))
(Rsh32x64 x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)) -> (SRAW x (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y))
(Rsh32x64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y))) -> (SRAW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))
(Rsh32x64 x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (AND <typ.UInt> y (MOVDconst [31])))) -> (SRAW x (SUB <typ.UInt> (MOVDconst [32]) (ANDconst <typ.UInt> [31] y)))
(Rsh32x64 x y) -> (SRAW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] y))))
(Rsh32Ux64 x y) -> (SRW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] y))))
(Lsh32x64 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] y))))
(Rsh16x64 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] y))))
(Rsh16Ux64 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] y))))
(Lsh16x64 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] y))))
(Rsh8x64 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] y))))
(Rsh8Ux64 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] y))))
(Lsh8x64 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] y))))
(Rsh64x32 x y) -> (SRAD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh64Ux32 x y) -> (SRD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Lsh64x32 x y) -> (SLD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh32x32 x y) -> (SRAW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh32Ux32 x y) -> (SRW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Lsh32x32 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh16x32 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh16Ux32 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Lsh16x32 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh8x32 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh8Ux32 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Lsh8x32 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt32to64 y)))))
(Rsh64x16 x y) -> (SRAD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh64Ux16 x y) -> (SRD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Lsh64x16 x y) -> (SLD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh32x16 x y) -> (SRAW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh32Ux16 x y) -> (SRW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Lsh32x16 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh16x16 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh16Ux16 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Lsh16x16 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh8x16 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh8Ux16 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Lsh8x16 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt16to64 y)))))
(Rsh64x8 x y) -> (SRAD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh64Ux8 x y) -> (SRD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Lsh64x8 x y) -> (SLD x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-64] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh32x8 x y) -> (SRAW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh32Ux8 x y) -> (SRW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Lsh32x8 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-32] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh16x8 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh16Ux8 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Lsh16x8 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-16] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh8x8 x y) -> (SRAW (SignExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Rsh8Ux8 x y) -> (SRW (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
(Lsh8x8 x y) -> (SLW x (ORN y <typ.Int64> (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [-8] (ZeroExt8to64 y)))))
// Cleaning up shift ops when input is masked
(MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [c] (ANDconst [d] _))) && c < 0 && d > 0 && c + d < 0 -> (MOVDconst [-1])
(ORN x (MOVDconst [-1])) -> x
// Potentially useful optimizing rewrites.
// (ADDconstForCarry [k] c), k < 0 && (c < 0 || k+c >= 0) -> CarrySet
// (ADDconstForCarry [k] c), K < 0 && (c >= 0 && k+c < 0) -> CarryClear
// (MaskIfNotCarry CarrySet) -> 0
// (MaskIfNotCarry CarrySet) -> -1
(Addr {sym} base) -> (MOVDaddr {sym} base)
(OffPtr [off] ptr) -> (ADD (MOVDconst <typ.Int64> [off]) ptr)
(Ctz64 x) -> (POPCNTD (ANDN <typ.Int64> (ADDconst <typ.Int64> [-1] x) x))
(Ctz32 x) -> (POPCNTW (MOVWZreg (ANDN <typ.Int> (ADDconst <typ.Int> [-1] x) x)))
(BitLen64 x) -> (SUB (MOVDconst [64]) (CNTLZD <typ.Int> x))
(BitLen32 x) -> (SUB (MOVDconst [32]) (CNTLZW <typ.Int> x))
(PopCount64 x) -> (POPCNTD x)
(PopCount32 x) -> (POPCNTW (MOVWZreg x))
(PopCount16 x) -> (POPCNTW (MOVHZreg x))
(PopCount8 x) -> (POPCNTB (MOVBreg x))
(And(64|32|16|8) x y) -> (AND x y)
(Or(64|32|16|8) x y) -> (OR x y)
(Xor(64|32|16|8) x y) -> (XOR x y)
(Neg(64|32|16|8) x) -> (NEG x)
(Neg64F x) -> (FNEG x)
(Neg32F x) -> (FNEG x)
(Com(64|32|16|8) x) -> (NOR x x)
// Lowering boolean ops
(AndB x y) -> (AND x y)
(OrB x y) -> (OR x y)
(Not x) -> (XORconst [1] x)
// Use ANDN for AND x NOT y
(AND x (NOR y y)) -> (ANDN x y)
// Lowering comparisons
(EqB x y) -> (ANDconst [1] (EQV x y))
// Sign extension dependence on operand sign sets up for sign/zero-extension elision later
(Eq8 x y) && isSigned(x.Type) && isSigned(y.Type) -> (Equal (CMPW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y)))
(Eq16 x y) && isSigned(x.Type) && isSigned(y.Type) -> (Equal (CMPW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y)))
(Eq8 x y) -> (Equal (CMPW (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y)))
(Eq16 x y) -> (Equal (CMPW (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y)))
(Eq32 x y) -> (Equal (CMPW x y))
(Eq64 x y) -> (Equal (CMP x y))
(Eq32F x y) -> (Equal (FCMPU x y))
(Eq64F x y) -> (Equal (FCMPU x y))
(EqPtr x y) -> (Equal (CMP x y))
(NeqB x y) -> (XOR x y)
// Like Eq8 and Eq16, prefer sign extension likely to enable later elision.
(Neq8 x y) && isSigned(x.Type) && isSigned(y.Type) -> (NotEqual (CMPW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y)))
(Neq16 x y) && isSigned(x.Type) && isSigned(y.Type) -> (NotEqual (CMPW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y)))
(Neq8 x y) -> (NotEqual (CMPW (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y)))
(Neq16 x y) -> (NotEqual (CMPW (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y)))
(Neq32 x y) -> (NotEqual (CMPW x y))
(Neq64 x y) -> (NotEqual (CMP x y))
(Neq32F x y) -> (NotEqual (FCMPU x y))
(Neq64F x y) -> (NotEqual (FCMPU x y))
(NeqPtr x y) -> (NotEqual (CMP x y))
(Less8 x y) -> (LessThan (CMPW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y)))
(Less16 x y) -> (LessThan (CMPW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y)))
(Less32 x y) -> (LessThan (CMPW x y))
(Less64 x y) -> (LessThan (CMP x y))
(Less32F x y) -> (FLessThan (FCMPU x y))
(Less64F x y) -> (FLessThan (FCMPU x y))
(Less8U x y) -> (LessThan (CMPWU (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y)))
(Less16U x y) -> (LessThan (CMPWU (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y)))
(Less32U x y) -> (LessThan (CMPWU x y))
(Less64U x y) -> (LessThan (CMPU x y))
(Leq8 x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y)))
(Leq16 x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y)))
(Leq32 x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPW x y))
(Leq64 x y) -> (LessEqual (CMP x y))
(Leq32F x y) -> (FLessEqual (FCMPU x y))
(Leq64F x y) -> (FLessEqual (FCMPU x y))
(Leq8U x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPWU (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y)))
(Leq16U x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPWU (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y)))
(Leq32U x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPWU x y))
(Leq64U x y) -> (LessEqual (CMPU x y))
(Greater8 x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y)))
(Greater16 x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y)))
(Greater32 x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPW x y))
(Greater64 x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMP x y))
(Greater(32|64)F x y) -> (FGreaterThan (FCMPU x y))
(Greater8U x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPWU (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y)))
(Greater16U x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPWU (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y)))
(Greater32U x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPWU x y))
(Greater64U x y) -> (GreaterThan (CMPU x y))
(Geq8 x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPW (SignExt8to32 x) (SignExt8to32 y)))
(Geq16 x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPW (SignExt16to32 x) (SignExt16to32 y)))
(Geq32 x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPW x y))
(Geq64 x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMP x y))
(Geq(32|64)F x y) -> (FGreaterEqual (FCMPU x y))
(Geq8U x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPWU (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ZeroExt8to32 y)))
(Geq16U x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPWU (ZeroExt16to32 x) (ZeroExt16to32 y)))
(Geq32U x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPWU x y))
(Geq64U x y) -> (GreaterEqual (CMPU x y))
// Absorb pseudo-ops into blocks.
(If (Equal cc) yes no) -> (EQ cc yes no)
(If (NotEqual cc) yes no) -> (NE cc yes no)
(If (LessThan cc) yes no) -> (LT cc yes no)
(If (LessEqual cc) yes no) -> (LE cc yes no)
(If (GreaterThan cc) yes no) -> (GT cc yes no)
(If (GreaterEqual cc) yes no) -> (GE cc yes no)
(If (FLessThan cc) yes no) -> (FLT cc yes no)
(If (FLessEqual cc) yes no) -> (FLE cc yes no)
(If (FGreaterThan cc) yes no) -> (FGT cc yes no)
(If (FGreaterEqual cc) yes no) -> (FGE cc yes no)
(If cond yes no) -> (NE (CMPWconst [0] cond) yes no)
// Absorb boolean tests into block
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (Equal cc)) yes no) -> (EQ cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (NotEqual cc)) yes no) -> (NE cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (LessThan cc)) yes no) -> (LT cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (LessEqual cc)) yes no) -> (LE cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (GreaterThan cc)) yes no) -> (GT cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (GreaterEqual cc)) yes no) -> (GE cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (FLessThan cc)) yes no) -> (FLT cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (FLessEqual cc)) yes no) -> (FLE cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (FGreaterThan cc)) yes no) -> (FGT cc yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (FGreaterEqual cc)) yes no) -> (FGE cc yes no)
// Elide compares of bit tests // TODO need to make both CC and result of ANDCC available.
(EQ (CMPconst [0] (ANDconst [c] x)) yes no) -> (EQ (ANDCCconst [c] x) yes no)
(NE (CMPconst [0] (ANDconst [c] x)) yes no) -> (NE (ANDCCconst [c] x) yes no)
(EQ (CMPWconst [0] (ANDconst [c] x)) yes no) -> (EQ (ANDCCconst [c] x) yes no)
(NE (CMPWconst [0] (ANDconst [c] x)) yes no) -> (NE (ANDCCconst [c] x) yes no)
// absorb flag constants into branches
(EQ (FlagEQ) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(EQ (FlagLT) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(EQ (FlagGT) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(NE (FlagEQ) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(NE (FlagLT) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(NE (FlagGT) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(LT (FlagEQ) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(LT (FlagLT) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(LT (FlagGT) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(LE (FlagEQ) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(LE (FlagLT) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(LE (FlagGT) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(GT (FlagEQ) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(GT (FlagLT) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(GT (FlagGT) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(GE (FlagEQ) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(GE (FlagLT) yes no) -> (First nil no yes)
(GE (FlagGT) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
// absorb InvertFlags into branches
(LT (InvertFlags cmp) yes no) -> (GT cmp yes no)
(GT (InvertFlags cmp) yes no) -> (LT cmp yes no)
(LE (InvertFlags cmp) yes no) -> (GE cmp yes no)
(GE (InvertFlags cmp) yes no) -> (LE cmp yes no)
(EQ (InvertFlags cmp) yes no) -> (EQ cmp yes no)
(NE (InvertFlags cmp) yes no) -> (NE cmp yes no)
// constant comparisons
(CMPWconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && int32(x)==int32(y) -> (FlagEQ)
(CMPWconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && int32(x)<int32(y) -> (FlagLT)
(CMPWconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && int32(x)>int32(y) -> (FlagGT)
(CMPconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && x==y -> (FlagEQ)
(CMPconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && x<y -> (FlagLT)
(CMPconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && x>y -> (FlagGT)
(CMPWUconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && int32(x)==int32(y) -> (FlagEQ)
(CMPWUconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && uint32(x)<uint32(y) -> (FlagLT)
(CMPWUconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && uint32(x)>uint32(y) -> (FlagGT)
(CMPUconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && x==y -> (FlagEQ)
(CMPUconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && uint64(x)<uint64(y) -> (FlagLT)
(CMPUconst (MOVDconst [x]) [y]) && uint64(x)>uint64(y) -> (FlagGT)
// other known comparisons
//(CMPconst (MOVBUreg _) [c]) && 0xff < c -> (FlagLT)
//(CMPconst (MOVHUreg _) [c]) && 0xffff < c -> (FlagLT)
//(CMPconst (ANDconst _ [m]) [n]) && 0 <= int32(m) && int32(m) < int32(n) -> (FlagLT)
//(CMPconst (SRLconst _ [c]) [n]) && 0 <= n && 0 < c && c <= 32 && (1<<uint32(32-c)) <= uint32(n) -> (FlagLT)
// absorb flag constants into boolean values
(Equal (FlagEQ)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(Equal (FlagLT)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(Equal (FlagGT)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(NotEqual (FlagEQ)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(NotEqual (FlagLT)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(NotEqual (FlagGT)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(LessThan (FlagEQ)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(LessThan (FlagLT)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(LessThan (FlagGT)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(LessEqual (FlagEQ)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(LessEqual (FlagLT)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(LessEqual (FlagGT)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(GreaterThan (FlagEQ)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(GreaterThan (FlagLT)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(GreaterThan (FlagGT)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(GreaterEqual (FlagEQ)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
(GreaterEqual (FlagLT)) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(GreaterEqual (FlagGT)) -> (MOVDconst [1])
// absorb InvertFlags into boolean values
(Equal (InvertFlags x)) -> (Equal x)
(NotEqual (InvertFlags x)) -> (NotEqual x)
(LessThan (InvertFlags x)) -> (GreaterThan x)
(GreaterThan (InvertFlags x)) -> (LessThan x)
(LessEqual (InvertFlags x)) -> (GreaterEqual x)
(GreaterEqual (InvertFlags x)) -> (LessEqual x)
// Lowering loads
(Load <t> ptr mem) && (is64BitInt(t) || isPtr(t)) -> (MOVDload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is32BitInt(t) && isSigned(t) -> (MOVWload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is32BitInt(t) && !isSigned(t) -> (MOVWZload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is16BitInt(t) && isSigned(t) -> (MOVHload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is16BitInt(t) && !isSigned(t) -> (MOVHZload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && t.IsBoolean() -> (MOVBZload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is8BitInt(t) && isSigned(t) -> (MOVBreg (MOVBZload ptr mem)) // PPC has no signed-byte load.
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is8BitInt(t) && !isSigned(t) -> (MOVBZload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is32BitFloat(t) -> (FMOVSload ptr mem)
(Load <t> ptr mem) && is64BitFloat(t) -> (FMOVDload ptr mem)
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 8 && is64BitFloat(val.Type) -> (FMOVDstore ptr val mem)
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 8 && is32BitFloat(val.Type) -> (FMOVDstore ptr val mem) // glitch from (Cvt32Fto64F x) -> x -- type is wrong
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 4 && is32BitFloat(val.Type) -> (FMOVSstore ptr val mem)
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 8 && (is64BitInt(val.Type) || isPtr(val.Type)) -> (MOVDstore ptr val mem)
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 4 && is32BitInt(val.Type) -> (MOVWstore ptr val mem)
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 2 -> (MOVHstore ptr val mem)
(Store {t} ptr val mem) && t.(*types.Type).Size() == 1 -> (MOVBstore ptr val mem)
// Using Zero instead of LoweredZero allows the
// target address to be folded where possible.
(Zero [0] _ mem) -> mem
(Zero [1] destptr mem) -> (MOVBstorezero destptr mem)
(Zero [2] destptr mem) ->
(MOVHstorezero destptr mem)
(Zero [3] destptr mem) ->
(MOVBstorezero [2] destptr
(MOVHstorezero destptr mem))
(Zero [4] destptr mem) ->
(MOVWstorezero destptr mem)
(Zero [5] destptr mem) ->
(MOVBstorezero [4] destptr
(MOVWstorezero destptr mem))
(Zero [6] destptr mem) ->
(MOVHstorezero [4] destptr
(MOVWstorezero destptr mem))
(Zero [7] destptr mem) ->
(MOVBstorezero [6] destptr
(MOVHstorezero [4] destptr
(MOVWstorezero destptr mem)))
// MOVD for store with DS must have offsets that are multiple of 4
(Zero [8] {t} destptr mem) && t.(*types.Type).Alignment()%4 == 0 ->
(MOVDstorezero destptr mem)
(Zero [8] destptr mem) ->
(MOVWstorezero [4] destptr
(MOVWstorezero [0] destptr mem))
// Handle these cases only if aligned properly, otherwise use general case below
(Zero [12] {t} destptr mem) && t.(*types.Type).Alignment()%4 == 0 ->
(MOVWstorezero [8] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [0] destptr mem))
(Zero [16] {t} destptr mem) && t.(*types.Type).Alignment()%4 == 0 ->
(MOVDstorezero [8] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [0] destptr mem))
(Zero [24] {t} destptr mem) && t.(*types.Type).Alignment()%4 == 0 ->
(MOVDstorezero [16] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [8] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [0] destptr mem)))
(Zero [32] {t} destptr mem) && t.(*types.Type).Alignment()%4 == 0 ->
(MOVDstorezero [24] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [16] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [8] destptr
(MOVDstorezero [0] destptr mem))))
// Handle cases not handled above
(Zero [s] ptr mem) -> (LoweredZero [s] ptr mem)
// moves
// Only the MOVD and MOVW instructions require 4 byte
// alignment in the offset field. The other MOVx instructions
// allow any alignment.
(Move [0] _ _ mem) -> mem
(Move [1] dst src mem) -> (MOVBstore dst (MOVBZload src mem) mem)
(Move [2] dst src mem) ->
(MOVHstore dst (MOVHZload src mem) mem)
(Move [4] dst src mem) ->
(MOVWstore dst (MOVWZload src mem) mem)
// MOVD for load and store must have offsets that are multiple of 4
(Move [8] {t} dst src mem) && t.(*types.Type).Alignment()%4 == 0 ->
(MOVDstore dst (MOVDload src mem) mem)
(Move [8] dst src mem) ->
(MOVWstore [4] dst (MOVWZload [4] src mem)
(MOVWstore dst (MOVWZload src mem) mem))
(Move [3] dst src mem) ->
(MOVBstore [2] dst (MOVBZload [2] src mem)
(MOVHstore dst (MOVHload src mem) mem))
(Move [5] dst src mem) ->
(MOVBstore [4] dst (MOVBZload [4] src mem)
(MOVWstore dst (MOVWZload src mem) mem))
(Move [6] dst src mem) ->
(MOVHstore [4] dst (MOVHZload [4] src mem)
(MOVWstore dst (MOVWZload src mem) mem))
(Move [7] dst src mem) ->
(MOVBstore [6] dst (MOVBZload [6] src mem)
(MOVHstore [4] dst (MOVHZload [4] src mem)
(MOVWstore dst (MOVWZload src mem) mem)))
// Large move uses a loop. Since the address is computed and the
// offset is zero, any alignment can be used.
(Move [s] dst src mem) && s > 8 ->
(LoweredMove [s] dst src mem)
// Calls
// Lowering calls
(StaticCall [argwid] {target} mem) -> (CALLstatic [argwid] {target} mem)
(ClosureCall [argwid] entry closure mem) -> (CALLclosure [argwid] entry closure mem)
(InterCall [argwid] entry mem) -> (CALLinter [argwid] entry mem)
// Miscellaneous
(Convert <t> x mem) -> (MOVDconvert <t> x mem)
(GetClosurePtr) -> (LoweredGetClosurePtr)
(GetCallerSP) -> (LoweredGetCallerSP)
(IsNonNil ptr) -> (NotEqual (CMPconst [0] ptr))
(IsInBounds idx len) -> (LessThan (CMPU idx len))
(IsSliceInBounds idx len) -> (LessEqual (CMPU idx len))
(NilCheck ptr mem) -> (LoweredNilCheck ptr mem)
// Write barrier.
(WB {fn} destptr srcptr mem) -> (LoweredWB {fn} destptr srcptr mem)
// Optimizations
// Note that PPC "logical" immediates come in 0:15 and 16:31 unsigned immediate forms,
// so ORconst, XORconst easily expand into a pair.
// Include very-large constants in the const-const case.
(AND (MOVDconst [c]) (MOVDconst [d])) -> (MOVDconst [c&d])
(OR (MOVDconst [c]) (MOVDconst [d])) -> (MOVDconst [c|d])
(XOR (MOVDconst [c]) (MOVDconst [d])) -> (MOVDconst [c^d])
// Discover consts
(AND x (MOVDconst [c])) && isU16Bit(c) -> (ANDconst [c] x)
(XOR x (MOVDconst [c])) && isU32Bit(c) -> (XORconst [c] x)
(OR x (MOVDconst [c])) && isU32Bit(c) -> (ORconst [c] x)
// Simplify consts
(ANDconst [c] (ANDconst [d] x)) -> (ANDconst [c&d] x)
(ORconst [c] (ORconst [d] x)) -> (ORconst [c|d] x)
(XORconst [c] (XORconst [d] x)) -> (XORconst [c^d] x)
(ANDconst [-1] x) -> x
(ANDconst [0] _) -> (MOVDconst [0])
(XORconst [0] x) -> x
(ORconst [-1] _) -> (MOVDconst [-1])
(ORconst [0] x) -> x
// zero-extend of small and -> small and
(MOVBZreg y:(ANDconst [c] _)) && uint64(c) <= 0xFF -> y
(MOVHZreg y:(ANDconst [c] _)) && uint64(c) <= 0xFFFF -> y
(MOVWZreg y:(ANDconst [c] _)) && uint64(c) <= 0xFFFFFFFF -> y
(MOVWZreg y:(AND (MOVDconst [c]) _)) && uint64(c) <= 0xFFFFFFFF -> y
// sign extend of small-positive and -> small-positive-and
(MOVBreg y:(ANDconst [c] _)) && uint64(c) <= 0x7F -> y
(MOVHreg y:(ANDconst [c] _)) && uint64(c) <= 0x7FFF -> y
(MOVWreg y:(ANDconst [c] _)) && uint64(c) <= 0xFFFF -> y // 0xFFFF is largest immediate constant, when regarded as 32-bit is > 0
(MOVWreg y:(AND (MOVDconst [c]) _)) && uint64(c) <= 0x7FFFFFFF -> y
// small and of zero-extend -> either zero-extend or small and
// degenerate-and
(ANDconst [c] y:(MOVBZreg _)) && c&0xFF == 0xFF -> y
(ANDconst [c] y:(MOVHZreg _)) && c&0xFFFF == 0xFFFF -> y
(ANDconst [c] y:(MOVWZreg _)) && c&0xFFFFFFFF == 0xFFFFFFFF -> y
// normal case
(ANDconst [c] (MOVBZreg x)) -> (ANDconst [c&0xFF] x)
(ANDconst [c] (MOVHZreg x)) -> (ANDconst [c&0xFFFF] x)
(ANDconst [c] (MOVWZreg x)) -> (ANDconst [c&0xFFFFFFFF] x)
// Various redundant zero/sign extension combinations.
(MOVBZreg y:(MOVBZreg _)) -> y // repeat
(MOVBreg y:(MOVBreg _)) -> y // repeat
(MOVBreg (MOVBZreg x)) -> (MOVBreg x)
(MOVBZreg (MOVBreg x)) -> (MOVBZreg x)
// H - there are more combinations than these
(MOVHZreg y:(MOVHZreg _)) -> y // repeat
(MOVHZreg y:(MOVBZreg _)) -> y // wide of narrow
(MOVHreg y:(MOVHreg _)) -> y // repeat
(MOVHreg y:(MOVBreg _)) -> y // wide of narrow
(MOVHreg y:(MOVHZreg x)) -> (MOVHreg x)
(MOVHZreg y:(MOVHreg x)) -> (MOVHZreg x)
// W - there are more combinations than these
(MOVWZreg y:(MOVWZreg _)) -> y // repeat
(MOVWZreg y:(MOVHZreg _)) -> y // wide of narrow
(MOVWZreg y:(MOVBZreg _)) -> y // wide of narrow
(MOVWreg y:(MOVWreg _)) -> y // repeat
(MOVWreg y:(MOVHreg _)) -> y // wide of narrow
(MOVWreg y:(MOVBreg _)) -> y // wide of narrow
(MOVWreg y:(MOVWZreg x)) -> (MOVWreg x)
(MOVWZreg y:(MOVWreg x)) -> (MOVWZreg x)
// Arithmetic constant ops
(ADD x (MOVDconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (ADDconst [c] x)
(ADDconst [c] (ADDconst [d] x)) && is32Bit(c+d) -> (ADDconst [c+d] x)
(ADDconst [0] x) -> x
(SUB x (MOVDconst [c])) && is32Bit(-c) -> (ADDconst [-c] x)
// TODO deal with subtract-from-const
(ADDconst [c] (MOVDaddr [d] {sym} x)) -> (MOVDaddr [c+d] {sym} x)
// Use register moves instead of stores and loads to move int<->float values
// Common with math Float64bits, Float64frombits
(MOVDload [off] {sym} ptr (FMOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr x _)) -> (MFVSRD x)
(FMOVDload [off] {sym} ptr (MOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr x _)) -> (MTVSRD x)
(FMOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr (MTVSRD x) mem) -> (MOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr x mem)
(MOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr (MFVSRD x) mem) -> (FMOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr x mem)
(MTVSRD (MOVDconst [c])) -> (FMOVDconst [c])
(MFVSRD (FMOVDconst [c])) -> (MOVDconst [c])
(MTVSRD x:(MOVDload [off] {sym} ptr mem)) && x.Uses == 1 && clobber(x) -> @x.Block (FMOVDload [off] {sym} ptr mem)
(MFVSRD x:(FMOVDload [off] {sym} ptr mem)) && x.Uses == 1 && clobber(x) -> @x.Block (MOVDload [off] {sym} ptr mem)
// Fold offsets for stores.
(MOVDstore [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) val mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVDstore [off1+off2] {sym} x val mem)
(MOVWstore [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) val mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVWstore [off1+off2] {sym} x val mem)
(MOVHstore [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) val mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVHstore [off1+off2] {sym} x val mem)
(MOVBstore [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) val mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVBstore [off1+off2] {sym} x val mem)
(FMOVSstore [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] ptr) val mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (FMOVSstore [off1+off2] {sym} ptr val mem)
(FMOVDstore [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] ptr) val mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (FMOVDstore [off1+off2] {sym} ptr val mem)
// Fold address into load/store.
// The assembler needs to generate several instructions and use
// temp register for accessing global, and each time it will reload
// the temp register. So don't fold address of global, unless there
// is only one use.
(MOVBstore [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVBstore [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr val mem)
(MOVHstore [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVHstore [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr val mem)
(MOVWstore [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVWstore [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr val mem)
(MOVDstore [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVDstore [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr val mem)
(FMOVSstore [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(FMOVSstore [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr val mem)
(FMOVDstore [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(FMOVDstore [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr val mem)
(MOVBZload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVBZload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVHload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVHload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVHZload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVHZload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVWload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVWload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVWZload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVWZload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVDload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVDload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(FMOVSload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(FMOVSload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
(FMOVDload [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (ptr.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(FMOVDload [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} ptr mem)
// Fold offsets for loads.
(FMOVSload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] ptr) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (FMOVSload [off1+off2] {sym} ptr mem)
(FMOVDload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] ptr) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (FMOVDload [off1+off2] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVDload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVDload [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVWload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVWload [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVWZload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVWZload [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVHload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVHload [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVHZload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVHZload [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVBZload [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) -> (MOVBZload [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
// Store of zero -> storezero
(MOVDstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVDconst [c]) mem) && c == 0 -> (MOVDstorezero [off] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVWstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVDconst [c]) mem) && c == 0 -> (MOVWstorezero [off] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVHstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVDconst [c]) mem) && c == 0 -> (MOVHstorezero [off] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVDconst [c]) mem) && c == 0 -> (MOVBstorezero [off] {sym} ptr mem)
// Fold offsets for storezero
(MOVDstorezero [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) ->
(MOVDstorezero [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVWstorezero [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) ->
(MOVWstorezero [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVHstorezero [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) ->
(MOVHstorezero [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
(MOVBstorezero [off1] {sym} (ADDconst [off2] x) mem) && is16Bit(off1+off2) ->
(MOVBstorezero [off1+off2] {sym} x mem)
// Fold symbols into storezero
(MOVDstorezero [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} x) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (x.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVDstorezero [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} x mem)
(MOVWstorezero [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} x) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (x.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVWstorezero [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} x mem)
(MOVHstorezero [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} x) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (x.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVHstorezero [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} x mem)
(MOVBstorezero [off1] {sym1} p:(MOVDaddr [off2] {sym2} x) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1,sym2)
&& (x.Op != OpSB || p.Uses == 1) ->
(MOVBstorezero [off1+off2] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} x mem)
// atomic intrinsics
(AtomicLoad(32|64|Ptr) ptr mem) -> (LoweredAtomicLoad(32|64|Ptr) ptr mem)
(AtomicStore(32|64) ptr val mem) -> (LoweredAtomicStore(32|64) ptr val mem)
//(AtomicStorePtrNoWB ptr val mem) -> (STLR ptr val mem)
(AtomicExchange(32|64) ptr val mem) -> (LoweredAtomicExchange(32|64) ptr val mem)
(AtomicAdd(32|64) ptr val mem) -> (LoweredAtomicAdd(32|64) ptr val mem)
(AtomicCompareAndSwap(32|64) ptr old new_ mem) -> (LoweredAtomicCas(32|64) ptr old new_ mem)
(AtomicAnd8 ptr val mem) -> (LoweredAtomicAnd8 ptr val mem)
(AtomicOr8 ptr val mem) -> (LoweredAtomicOr8 ptr val mem)
// Lowering extension
// Note: we always extend to 64 bits even though some ops don't need that many result bits.
(SignExt8to(16|32|64) x) -> (MOVBreg x)
(SignExt16to(32|64) x) -> (MOVHreg x)
(SignExt32to64 x) -> (MOVWreg x)
(ZeroExt8to(16|32|64) x) -> (MOVBZreg x)
(ZeroExt16to(32|64) x) -> (MOVHZreg x)
(ZeroExt32to64 x) -> (MOVWZreg x)
(Trunc(16|32|64)to8 x) -> (MOVBreg x)
(Trunc(32|64)to16 x) -> (MOVHreg x)
(Trunc64to32 x) -> (MOVWreg x)
(Slicemask <t> x) -> (SRADconst (NEG <t> x) [63])
// Note that MOV??reg returns a 64-bit int, x is not necessarily that wide
// This may interact with other patterns in the future. (Compare with arm64)
(MOVBZreg x:(MOVBZload _ _)) -> x
(MOVHZreg x:(MOVHZload _ _)) -> x
(MOVHreg x:(MOVHload _ _)) -> x
(MOVBZreg (MOVDconst [c])) -> (MOVDconst [int64(uint8(c))])
(MOVBreg (MOVDconst [c])) -> (MOVDconst [int64(int8(c))])
(MOVHZreg (MOVDconst [c])) -> (MOVDconst [int64(uint16(c))])
(MOVHreg (MOVDconst [c])) -> (MOVDconst [int64(int16(c))])
// Lose widening ops fed to to stores
(MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOV(B|BZ|H|HZ|W|WZ)reg x) mem) -> (MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr x mem)
(MOVHstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOV(H|HZ|W|WZ)reg x) mem) -> (MOVHstore [off] {sym} ptr x mem)
(MOVWstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOV(W|WZ)reg x) mem) -> (MOVWstore [off] {sym} ptr x mem)
(MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (SRWconst (MOV(H|HZ)reg x) [c]) mem) && c <= 8 -> (MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (SRWconst <typ.UInt32> x [c]) mem)
(MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (SRWconst (MOV(W|WZ)reg x) [c]) mem) && c <= 24 -> (MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (SRWconst <typ.UInt32> x [c]) mem)
// Lose W-widening ops fed to compare-W
(CMPW x (MOVWreg y)) -> (CMPW x y)
(CMPW (MOVWreg x) y) -> (CMPW x y)
(CMPWU x (MOVWZreg y)) -> (CMPWU x y)
(CMPWU (MOVWZreg x) y) -> (CMPWU x y)
(CMP x (MOVDconst [c])) && is16Bit(c) -> (CMPconst x [c])
(CMP (MOVDconst [c]) y) && is16Bit(c) -> (InvertFlags (CMPconst y [c]))
(CMPW x (MOVDconst [c])) && is16Bit(c) -> (CMPWconst x [c])
(CMPW (MOVDconst [c]) y) && is16Bit(c) -> (InvertFlags (CMPWconst y [c]))
(CMPU x (MOVDconst [c])) && isU16Bit(c) -> (CMPUconst x [c])
(CMPU (MOVDconst [c]) y) && isU16Bit(c) -> (InvertFlags (CMPUconst y [c]))
(CMPWU x (MOVDconst [c])) && isU16Bit(c) -> (CMPWUconst x [c])
(CMPWU (MOVDconst [c]) y) && isU16Bit(c) -> (InvertFlags (CMPWUconst y [c]))
// A particular pattern seen in cgo code:
(AND (MOVDconst [c]) x:(MOVBZload _ _)) -> (ANDconst [c&0xFF] x)
(AND x:(MOVBZload _ _) (MOVDconst [c])) -> (ANDconst [c&0xFF] x)
// floating point negative abs
(FNEG (FABS x)) -> (FNABS x)
(FNEG (FNABS x)) -> (FABS x)
// floating-point fused multiply-add/sub
(FADD (FMUL x y) z) -> (FMADD x y z)
(FSUB (FMUL x y) z) -> (FMSUB x y z)
(FADDS (FMULS x y) z) -> (FMADDS x y z)
(FSUBS (FMULS x y) z) -> (FMSUBS x y z)
// The following rules are intended to match statements as are found in encoding/binary
// functions UintXX (load) and PutUintXX (store), combining multi-byte loads and stores
// into wider loads and stores.
// Initial implementation handles only little endian loads and stores on little endian
// targets.
// TODO implement big endian loads and stores for little endian machines (using byte reverse
// loads and stores).
// b[0] | b[1]<<8 -> load 16-bit Little endian
(OR <t> x0:(MOVBZload [i0] {s} p mem)
o1:(SL(W|D)const x1:(MOVBZload [i1] {s} p mem) [8]))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& i1 == i0+1
&& x0.Uses ==1 && x1.Uses == 1
&& o1.Uses == 1
&& mergePoint(b, x0, x1) != nil
&& clobber(x0) && clobber(x1) && clobber(o1)
-> @mergePoint(b,x0,x1) (MOVHZload <t> {s} [i0] p mem)
// b[0] | b[1]<<8 | b[2]<<16 | b[3]<<24 -> load 32-bit Little endian
(OR <t> s1:(SL(W|D)const x2:(MOVBZload [i3] {s} p mem) [24])
o0:(OR <t> s0:(SL(W|D)const x1:(MOVBZload [i2] {s} p mem) [16]) x0:(MOVHZload [i0] {s} p mem)))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& i2 == i0+2
&& i3 == i0+3
&& x0.Uses ==1 && x1.Uses == 1 && x2.Uses == 1
&& o0.Uses == 1
&& s0.Uses == 1 && s1.Uses == 1
&& mergePoint(b, x0, x1, x2) != nil
&& clobber(x0) && clobber(x1) && clobber(x2)
&& clobber(s0) && clobber(s1)
&& clobber(o0)
-> @mergePoint(b,x0,x1,x2) (MOVWZload <t> {s} [i0] p mem)
// b[0] | b[1]<<8 | b[2]<<16 | b[3]<<24 | b[4] <<32 | b[5]<<40 | b[6]<<48 | b[7]<<56 -> load 64-bit Little endian
// Note: long rules with commutative ops will result in very large functions in rewritePPC64,
// so shorter rules which make use of previously defined rules are preferred.
// Offset must be multiple of 4 for MOVD
(OR <t> s6:(SLDconst x7:(MOVBZload [i7] {s} p mem) [56])
o5:(OR <t> s5:(SLDconst x6:(MOVBZload [i6] {s} p mem) [48])
o4:(OR <t> s4:(SLDconst x5:(MOVBZload [i5] {s} p mem) [40])
o3:(OR <t> s3:(SLDconst x4:(MOVBZload [i4] {s} p mem) [32])
x0:(MOVWZload {s} [i0] p mem)))))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& i0%4 == 0
&& i4 == i0+4
&& i5 == i0+5
&& i6 == i0+6
&& i7 == i0+7
&& x0.Uses == 1 && x4.Uses == 1 && x5.Uses == 1 && x6.Uses ==1 && x7.Uses == 1
&& o3.Uses == 1 && o4.Uses == 1 && o5.Uses == 1
&& s3.Uses == 1 && s4.Uses == 1 && s5.Uses == 1 && s6.Uses == 1
&& mergePoint(b, x0, x4, x5, x6, x7) != nil
&& clobber(x0) && clobber(x4) && clobber(x5) && clobber(x6) && clobber(x7)
&& clobber(s3) && clobber(s4) && clobber(s5) && clobber (s6)
&& clobber(o3) && clobber(o4) && clobber(o5)
-> @mergePoint(b,x0,x4,x5,x6,x7) (MOVDload <t> {s} [i0] p mem)
// 2 byte store Little endian as in:
// b[0] = byte(v >> 16)
// b[1] = byte(v >> 24)
// Added mainly to use when matching longer rules below
(MOVBstore [i1] {s} p (SR(W|D)const w [24])
x0:(MOVBstore [i0] {s} p (SR(W|D)const w [16]) mem))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& x0.Uses == 1
&& i1 == i0+1
&& clobber(x0)
-> (MOVHstore [i0] {s} p (SRWconst <typ.UInt16> w [16]) mem)
// 2 byte store Little endian as in:
// b[0] = byte(v)
// b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
(MOVBstore [i1] {s} p (SR(W|D)const w [8])
x0:(MOVBstore [i0] {s} p w mem))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& x0.Uses == 1
&& i1 == i0+1
&& clobber(x0)
-> (MOVHstore [i0] {s} p w mem)
// 4 byte store Little endian as in:
// b[0:1] = uint16(v)
// b[2:3] = uint16(v >> 16)
(MOVHstore [i1] {s} p (SR(W|D)const w [16])
x0:(MOVHstore [i0] {s} p w mem))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& x0.Uses == 1
&& i1 == i0+2
&& clobber(x0)
-> (MOVWstore [i0] {s} p w mem)
// 8 byte store Little endian as in:
// b[0] = byte(v)
// b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
// b[2] = byte(v >> 16)
// b[3] = byte(v >> 24)
// b[4] = byte(v >> 32)
// b[5] = byte(v >> 40)
// b[6] = byte(v >> 48)
// b[7] = byte(v >> 56)
// Built on previously defined rules
// Offset must be multiple of 4 for MOVDstore
(MOVBstore [i7] {s} p (SRDconst w [56])
x0:(MOVBstore [i6] {s} p (SRDconst w [48])
x1:(MOVBstore [i5] {s} p (SRDconst w [40])
x2:(MOVBstore [i4] {s} p (SRDconst w [32])
x3:(MOVWstore [i0] {s} p w mem)))))
&& !config.BigEndian
&& i0%4 == 0
&& x0.Uses == 1 && x1.Uses == 1 && x2.Uses == 1 && x3.Uses == 1
&& i4 == i0+4 && i5 == i0+5 && i6 == i0+6 && i7 == i0+7
&& clobber(x0) && clobber(x1) && clobber(x2) && clobber(x3)
-> (MOVDstore [i0] {s} p w mem)