blob: f8ba22dddb0c71664b92ae7c71955abe7bd56c24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// This file contains code generation tests.
// Each test is defined in a variable of type asmTest. Tests are
// architecture-specific, and they are grouped in arrays of tests, one
// for each architecture.
// Each asmTest consists of a function to compile, an array of
// positive regexps that must match the generated assembly and
// an array of negative regexps that must not match generated assembly.
// For example, the following amd64 test
// {
// fn: `
// func f0(x int) int {
// return x * 64
// }
// `,
// pos: []string{"\tSHLQ\t[$]6,"},
// neg: []string{"MULQ"}
// }
// verifies that the code the compiler generates for a multiplication
// by 64 contains a 'SHLQ' instruction and does not contain a MULQ.
// Since all the tests for a given architecture are dumped in the same
// file, the function names must be unique. As a workaround for this
// restriction, the test harness supports the use of a '$' placeholder
// for function names. The func f0 above can be also written as
// {
// fn: `
// func $(x int) int {
// return x * 64
// }
// `,
// pos: []string{"\tSHLQ\t[$]6,"},
// neg: []string{"MULQ"}
// }
// Each '$'-function will be given a unique name of form f<N>_<arch>,
// where <N> is the test index in the test array, and <arch> is the
// test's architecture.
// It is allowed to mix named and unnamed functions in the same test
// array; the named functions will retain their original names.
// TestAssembly checks to make sure the assembly generated for
// functions contains certain expected instructions.
func TestAssembly(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// TODO: remove if we can get "go tool compile -S" to work on windows.
t.Skipf("skipping test: recursive windows compile not working")
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestAssembly")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not create directory: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
nameRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("func \\w+")
t.Run("platform", func(t *testing.T) {
for _, ats := range allAsmTests {
ats := ats
t.Run(ats.os+"/"+ats.arch, func(tt *testing.T) {
asm := ats.compileToAsm(tt, dir)
for i, at := range ats.tests {
var funcName string
if strings.Contains(at.fn, "func $") {
funcName = fmt.Sprintf("f%d_%s", i, ats.arch)
} else {
funcName = nameRegexp.FindString(at.fn)[len("func "):]
fa := funcAsm(tt, asm, funcName)
if fa != "" {
at.verifyAsm(tt, fa)
var nextTextRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\n\S`)
// funcAsm returns the assembly listing for the given function name.
func funcAsm(t *testing.T, asm string, funcName string) string {
if i := strings.Index(asm, fmt.Sprintf("TEXT\t\"\".%s(SB)", funcName)); i >= 0 {
asm = asm[i:]
} else {
t.Errorf("could not find assembly for function %v", funcName)
return ""
// Find the next line that doesn't begin with whitespace.
loc := nextTextRegexp.FindStringIndex(asm)
if loc != nil {
asm = asm[:loc[0]]
return asm
type asmTest struct {
// function to compile
fn string
// regular expressions that must match the generated assembly
pos []string
// regular expressions that must not match the generated assembly
neg []string
func (at asmTest) verifyAsm(t *testing.T, fa string) {
for _, r := range at.pos {
if b, err := regexp.MatchString(r, fa); !b || err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected:%s\ngo:%s\nasm:%s\n", r, at.fn, fa)
for _, r := range at.neg {
if b, err := regexp.MatchString(r, fa); b || err != nil {
t.Errorf("not expected:%s\ngo:%s\nasm:%s\n", r, at.fn, fa)
type asmTests struct {
arch string
os string
imports []string
tests []*asmTest
func (ats *asmTests) generateCode() []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "package main")
for _, s := range ats.imports {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "import %q\n", s)
for i, t := range ats.tests {
function := strings.Replace(t.fn, "func $", fmt.Sprintf("func f%d_%s", i, ats.arch), 1)
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, function)
return buf.Bytes()
// compile compiles the package pkg for architecture arch and
// returns the generated assembly. dir is a scratch directory.
func (ats *asmTests) compileToAsm(t *testing.T, dir string) string {
// create test directory
testDir := filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", ats.arch, ats.os))
err := os.Mkdir(testDir, 0700)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not create directory: %v", err)
// Create source.
src := filepath.Join(testDir, "test.go")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(src, ats.generateCode(), 0600)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error writing code: %v", err)
// First, install any dependencies we need. This builds the required export data
// for any packages that are imported.
for _, i := range ats.imports {
out := filepath.Join(testDir, i+".a")
if s := ats.runGo(t, "build", "-o", out, "-gcflags=-dolinkobj=false", i); s != "" {
t.Fatalf("Stdout = %s\nWant empty", s)
// Now, compile the individual file for which we want to see the generated assembly.
asm := ats.runGo(t, "tool", "compile", "-I", testDir, "-S", "-o", filepath.Join(testDir, "out.o"), src)
return asm
// runGo runs go command with the given args and returns stdout string.
// go is run with GOARCH and GOOS set as ats.arch and ats.os respectively
func (ats *asmTests) runGo(t *testing.T, args ...string) string {
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command(testenv.GoToolPath(t), args...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOARCH="+ats.arch, "GOOS="+ats.os)
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error running cmd: %v\nstdout:\n%sstderr:\n%s\n", err, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
if s := stderr.String(); s != "" {
t.Fatalf("Stderr = %s\nWant empty", s)
return stdout.String()
var allAsmTests = []*asmTests{
arch: "amd64",
os: "linux",
imports: []string{"runtime"},
tests: linuxAMD64Tests,
arch: "386",
os: "linux",
tests: linux386Tests,
arch: "s390x",
os: "linux",
tests: linuxS390XTests,
arch: "arm",
os: "linux",
imports: []string{"runtime"},
tests: linuxARMTests,
arch: "arm64",
os: "linux",
tests: linuxARM64Tests,
arch: "mips",
os: "linux",
tests: linuxMIPSTests,
arch: "mips64",
os: "linux",
tests: linuxMIPS64Tests,
arch: "ppc64le",
os: "linux",
tests: linuxPPC64LETests,
arch: "amd64",
os: "plan9",
tests: plan9AMD64Tests,
var linuxAMD64Tests = []*asmTest{
fn: `
func $(x int) int {
return x * 96
pos: []string{"\tSHLQ\t\\$5,", "\tLEAQ\t\\(.*\\)\\(.*\\*2\\),"},
// Bit test ops on amd64, issue 18943.
fn: `
func f37(a, b uint64) int {
if a&(1<<(b&63)) != 0 {
return 1
return -1
pos: []string{"\tBTQ\t"},
fn: `
func f38(a, b uint64) bool {
return a&(1<<(b&63)) != 0
pos: []string{"\tBTQ\t"},
fn: `
func f39(a uint64) int {
if a&(1<<60) != 0 {
return 1
return -1
pos: []string{"\tBTQ\t\\$60"},
fn: `
func f40(a uint64) bool {
return a&(1<<60) != 0
pos: []string{"\tBTQ\t\\$60"},
// see issue 19595.
// We want to merge load+op in f58, but not in f59.
fn: `
func f58(p, q *int) {
x := *p
*q += x
pos: []string{"\tADDQ\t\\("},
fn: `
func f59(p, q *int) {
x := *p
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
*q += x
pos: []string{"\tADDQ\t[A-Z]"},
// make sure assembly output has matching offset and base register.
fn: `
func f72(a, b int) int {
runtime.GC() // use some frame
return b
pos: []string{"b\\+24\\(SP\\)"},
// check load combining
fn: `
func f73(a, b byte) (byte,byte) {
return f73(f73(a,b))
pos: []string{"\tMOVW\t"},
fn: `
func f74(a, b uint16) (uint16,uint16) {
return f74(f74(a,b))
pos: []string{"\tMOVL\t"},
fn: `
func f75(a, b uint32) (uint32,uint32) {
return f75(f75(a,b))
pos: []string{"\tMOVQ\t"},
// Make sure we don't put pointers in SSE registers across safe points.
fn: `
func $(p, q *[2]*int) {
a, b := p[0], p[1]
q[0], q[1] = a, b
neg: []string{"MOVUPS"},
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-8"},
// int <-> fp moves
fn: `
func $(x uint32) bool {
return x > 4
pos: []string{"\tSETHI\t.*\\(SP\\)"},
fn: `
func $(p int, q *int) bool {
return p < *q
pos: []string{"CMPQ\t\\(.*\\), [A-Z]"},
fn: `
func $(p *int, q int) bool {
return *p < q
pos: []string{"CMPQ\t\\(.*\\), [A-Z]"},
fn: `
func $(p *int) bool {
return *p < 7
pos: []string{"CMPQ\t\\(.*\\), [$]7"},
fn: `
func $(p *int) bool {
return 7 < *p
pos: []string{"CMPQ\t\\(.*\\), [$]7"},
fn: `
func $(p **int) {
*p = nil
pos: []string{"CMPL\truntime.writeBarrier\\(SB\\), [$]0"},
var linux386Tests = []*asmTest{
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-4"},
var linuxS390XTests = []*asmTest{
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-8"},
var linuxARMTests = []*asmTest{
// make sure assembly output has matching offset and base register.
fn: `
func f13(a, b int) int {
runtime.GC() // use some frame
return b
pos: []string{"b\\+4\\(FP\\)"},
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]-4-4"},
var linuxARM64Tests = []*asmTest{
fn: `
func $(x, y uint32) uint32 {
return x &^ y
pos: []string{"\tBIC\t"},
neg: []string{"\tAND\t"},
fn: `
func $(x, y uint32) uint32 {
return x ^ ^y
pos: []string{"\tEON\t"},
neg: []string{"\tXOR\t"},
fn: `
func $(x, y uint32) uint32 {
return x | ^y
pos: []string{"\tORN\t"},
neg: []string{"\tORR\t"},
fn: `
func f34(a uint64) uint64 {
return a & ((1<<63)-1)
pos: []string{"\tAND\t"},
fn: `
func f35(a uint64) uint64 {
return a & (1<<63)
pos: []string{"\tAND\t"},
// make sure offsets are folded into load and store.
fn: `
func f36(_, a [20]byte) (b [20]byte) {
b = a
pos: []string{"\tMOVD\t\"\"\\.a\\+[0-9]+\\(FP\\), R[0-9]+", "\tMOVD\tR[0-9]+, \"\"\\.b\\+[0-9]+\\(FP\\)"},
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]-8-8"},
// check that we don't emit comparisons for constant shift
fn: `
func $(x int) int {
return x << 17
pos: []string{"LSL\t\\$17"},
neg: []string{"CMP"},
fn: `
func $(a int32, ptr *int) {
if a >= 0 {
*ptr = 0
pos: []string{"TBNZ"},
fn: `
func $(a int64, ptr *int) {
if a >= 0 {
*ptr = 0
pos: []string{"TBNZ"},
fn: `
func $(a int32, ptr *int) {
if a < 0 {
*ptr = 0
pos: []string{"TBZ"},
fn: `
func $(a int64, ptr *int) {
if a < 0 {
*ptr = 0
pos: []string{"TBZ"},
// Load-combining tests.
fn: `
func $(s []byte) uint16 {
return uint16(s[0]) | uint16(s[1]) << 8
pos: []string{"\tMOVHU\t\\(R[0-9]+\\)"},
neg: []string{"ORR\tR[0-9]+<<8\t"},
// make sure that CSEL is emitted for conditional moves
fn: `
func f37(c int) int {
x := c + 4
if c < 0 {
x = 182
return x
pos: []string{"\tCSEL\t"},
// Check that zero stores are combine into larger stores
fn: `
func $(b []byte) {
_ = b[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
b[0] = 0
b[1] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVH\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB"},
fn: `
func $(b []byte) {
_ = b[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
b[1] = 0
b[0] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVH\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB"},
fn: `
func $(b []byte) {
_ = b[3] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
b[0] = 0
b[1] = 0
b[2] = 0
b[3] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVW\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(b []byte) {
_ = b[3] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
b[2] = 0
b[3] = 0
b[1] = 0
b[0] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVW\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(h []uint16) {
_ = h[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
h[0] = 0
h[1] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVW\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(h []uint16) {
_ = h[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
h[1] = 0
h[0] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVW\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(b []byte) {
_ = b[7] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
b[0] = 0
b[1] = 0
b[2] = 0
b[3] = 0
b[4] = 0
b[5] = 0
b[6] = 0
b[7] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVD\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(h []uint16) {
_ = h[3] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
h[0] = 0
h[1] = 0
h[2] = 0
h[3] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVD\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(h []uint16) {
_ = h[3] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
h[2] = 0
h[3] = 0
h[1] = 0
h[0] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVD\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(w []uint32) {
_ = w[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
w[0] = 0
w[1] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVD\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(w []uint32) {
_ = w[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
w[1] = 0
w[0] = 0
pos: []string{"MOVD\tZR"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(b []byte) {
_ = b[15] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
b[0] = 0
b[1] = 0
b[2] = 0
b[3] = 0
b[4] = 0
b[5] = 0
b[6] = 0
b[7] = 0
b[8] = 0
b[9] = 0
b[10] = 0
b[11] = 0
b[12] = 0
b[13] = 0
b[15] = 0
b[14] = 0
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(h []uint16) {
_ = h[7] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
h[0] = 0
h[1] = 0
h[2] = 0
h[3] = 0
h[4] = 0
h[5] = 0
h[6] = 0
h[7] = 0
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(w []uint32) {
_ = w[3] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
w[0] = 0
w[1] = 0
w[2] = 0
w[3] = 0
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(w []uint32) {
_ = w[3] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
w[1] = 0
w[0] = 0
w[3] = 0
w[2] = 0
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(d []uint64) {
_ = d[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
d[0] = 0
d[1] = 0
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(d []uint64) {
_ = d[1] // early bounds check to guarantee safety of writes below
d[1] = 0
d[0] = 0
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH"},
fn: `
func $(a *[39]byte) {
*a = [39]byte{}
pos: []string{"MOVD"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
fn: `
func $(a *[30]byte) {
*a = [30]byte{}
pos: []string{"STP"},
neg: []string{"MOVB", "MOVH", "MOVW"},
var linuxMIPSTests = []*asmTest{
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]-4-4"},
var linuxMIPS64Tests = []*asmTest{
// check that we don't emit comparisons for constant shift
fn: `
func $(x int) int {
return x << 17
pos: []string{"SLLV\t\\$17"},
neg: []string{"SGT"},
var linuxPPC64LETests = []*asmTest{
// check that stack store is optimized away
fn: `
func $() int {
var x int
return *(&x)
pos: []string{"TEXT\t.*, [$]0-8"},
var plan9AMD64Tests = []*asmTest{
// We should make sure that the compiler doesn't generate floating point
// instructions for non-float operations on Plan 9, because floating point
// operations are not allowed in the note handler.
// Array zeroing.
fn: `
func $() [16]byte {
var a [16]byte
return a
pos: []string{"\tMOVQ\t\\$0, \"\""},
// Array copy.
fn: `
func $(a [16]byte) (b [16]byte) {
b = a
pos: []string{"\tMOVQ\t\"\"\\.a\\+[0-9]+\\(SP\\), (AX|CX)", "\tMOVQ\t(AX|CX), \"\"\\.b\\+[0-9]+\\(SP\\)"},
// TestLineNumber checks to make sure the generated assembly has line numbers
// see issue #16214
func TestLineNumber(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestLineNumber")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not create directory: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
src := filepath.Join(dir, "x.go")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(src, []byte(issue16214src), 0644)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not write file: %v", err)
cmd := exec.Command(testenv.GoToolPath(t), "tool", "compile", "-S", "-o", filepath.Join(dir, "out.o"), src)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("fail to run go tool compile: %v", err)
if strings.Contains(string(out), "unknown line number") {
t.Errorf("line number missing in assembly:\n%s", out)
var issue16214src = `
package main
func Mod32(x uint32) uint32 {
return x % 3 // frontend rewrites it as HMUL with 2863311531, the LITERAL node has unknown Pos