blob: 3a1b0bdeaa0db92ae998a807c40e1e99ab59f567 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
func initFuzzFlags() {
matchFuzz = flag.String("test.fuzz", "", "run the fuzz target matching `regexp`")
flag.Var(&fuzzDuration, "test.fuzztime", "time to spend fuzzing; default is to run indefinitely")
flag.Var(&minimizeDuration, "test.fuzzminimizetime", "time to spend minimizing a value after finding a crash")
fuzzCacheDir = flag.String("test.fuzzcachedir", "", "directory where interesting fuzzing inputs are stored")
isFuzzWorker = flag.Bool("test.fuzzworker", false, "coordinate with the parent process to fuzz random values")
var (
matchFuzz *string
fuzzDuration durationOrCountFlag
minimizeDuration = durationOrCountFlag{d: 60 * time.Second, allowZero: true}
fuzzCacheDir *string
isFuzzWorker *bool
// corpusDir is the parent directory of the target's seed corpus within
// the package.
corpusDir = "testdata/fuzz"
// fuzzWorkerExitCode is used as an exit code by fuzz worker processes after an internal error.
// This distinguishes internal errors from uncontrolled panics and other crashes.
// Keep in sync with internal/fuzz.workerExitCode.
const fuzzWorkerExitCode = 70
// InternalFuzzTarget is an internal type but exported because it is cross-package;
// it is part of the implementation of the "go test" command.
type InternalFuzzTarget struct {
Name string
Fn func(f *F)
// F is a type passed to fuzz targets.
// A fuzz target may add seed corpus entries using F.Add or by storing files in
// the testdata/fuzz/<FuzzTargetName> directory. The fuzz target must then
// call F.Fuzz once to provide a fuzz function. See the testing package
// documentation for an example, and see the F.Fuzz and F.Add method
// documentation for details.
type F struct {
fuzzContext *fuzzContext
testContext *testContext
// inFuzzFn is true when the fuzz function is running. Most F methods cannot
// be called when inFuzzFn is true.
inFuzzFn bool
// corpus is a set of seed corpus entries, added with F.Add and loaded
// from testdata.
corpus []corpusEntry
result FuzzResult
fuzzCalled bool
var _ TB = (*F)(nil)
// corpusEntry is an alias to the same type as internal/fuzz.CorpusEntry.
// We use a type alias because we don't want to export this type, and we can't
// import internal/fuzz from testing.
type corpusEntry = struct {
Parent string
Name string
Data []byte
Values []interface{}
Generation int
IsSeed bool
// Cleanup registers a function to be called after the fuzz function has been
// called on all seed corpus entries, and after fuzzing completes (if enabled).
// Cleanup functions will be called in last added, first called order.
func (f *F) Cleanup(fn func()) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Cleanup was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Cleanup instead")
// Error is equivalent to Log followed by Fail.
func (f *F) Error(args ...interface{}) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Error was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Error instead")
// Errorf is equivalent to Logf followed by Fail.
func (f *F) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Errorf was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Errorf instead")
f.common.Errorf(format, args...)
// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
func (f *F) Fail() {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Fail was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Fail instead")
// FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its execution
// by calling runtime.Goexit (which then runs all deferred calls in the
// current goroutine).
// Execution will continue at the next test, benchmark, or fuzz function.
// FailNow must be called from the goroutine running the
// fuzz target, not from other goroutines
// created during the test. Calling FailNow does not stop
// those other goroutines.
func (f *F) FailNow() {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.FailNow was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.FailNow instead")
// Fatal is equivalent to Log followed by FailNow.
func (f *F) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Fatal was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Fatal instead")
// Fatalf is equivalent to Logf followed by FailNow.
func (f *F) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Fatalf was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Fatalf instead")
f.common.Fatalf(format, args...)
// Helper marks the calling function as a test helper function.
// When printing file and line information, that function will be skipped.
// Helper may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
func (f *F) Helper() {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Helper was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Helper instead")
// common.Helper is inlined here.
// If we called it, it would mark F.Helper as the helper
// instead of the caller.
if f.helperPCs == nil {
f.helperPCs = make(map[uintptr]struct{})
// repeating code from callerName here to save walking a stack frame
var pc [1]uintptr
n := runtime.Callers(2, pc[:]) // skip runtime.Callers + Helper
if n == 0 {
panic("testing: zero callers found")
if _, found := f.helperPCs[pc[0]]; !found {
f.helperPCs[pc[0]] = struct{}{}
f.helperNames = nil // map will be recreated next time it is needed
// Setenv calls os.Setenv(key, value) and uses Cleanup to restore the
// environment variable to its original value after the test.
// When fuzzing is enabled, the fuzzing engine spawns worker processes running
// the test binary. Each worker process inherits the environment of the parent
// process, including environment variables set with F.Setenv.
func (f *F) Setenv(key, value string) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Setenv was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Setenv instead")
f.common.Setenv(key, value)
// Skip is equivalent to Log followed by SkipNow.
func (f *F) Skip(args ...interface{}) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Skip was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Skip instead")
// SkipNow marks the test as having been skipped and stops its execution
// by calling runtime.Goexit.
// If a test fails (see Error, Errorf, Fail) and is then skipped,
// it is still considered to have failed.
// Execution will continue at the next test or benchmark. See also FailNow.
// SkipNow must be called from the goroutine running the test, not from
// other goroutines created during the test. Calling SkipNow does not stop
// those other goroutines.
func (f *F) SkipNow() {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.SkipNow was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.SkipNow instead")
// Skipf is equivalent to Logf followed by SkipNow.
func (f *F) Skipf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.Skipf was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.Skipf instead")
f.common.Skipf(format, args...)
// TempDir returns a temporary directory for the test to use.
// The directory is automatically removed by Cleanup when the test and
// all its subtests complete.
// Each subsequent call to t.TempDir returns a unique directory;
// if the directory creation fails, TempDir terminates the test by calling Fatal.
func (f *F) TempDir() string {
if f.inFuzzFn {
panic("testing: f.TempDir was called inside the f.Fuzz function, use t.TempDir instead")
return f.common.TempDir()
// Add will add the arguments to the seed corpus for the fuzz target. This will
// be a no-op if called after or within the Fuzz function. The args must match
// or be convertible to those in the Fuzz function.
func (f *F) Add(args ...interface{}) {
var values []interface{}
for i := range args {
if t := reflect.TypeOf(args[i]); !supportedTypes[t] {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("testing: unsupported type to Add %v", t))
values = append(values, args[i])
f.corpus = append(f.corpus, corpusEntry{Values: values, IsSeed: true, Name: fmt.Sprintf("seed#%d", len(f.corpus))})
// supportedTypes represents all of the supported types which can be fuzzed.
var supportedTypes = map[reflect.Type]bool{
reflect.TypeOf(([]byte)("")): true,
reflect.TypeOf((string)("")): true,
reflect.TypeOf((bool)(false)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((byte)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((rune)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((float32)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((float64)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((int)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((int8)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((int16)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((int32)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((int64)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((uint)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((uint8)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((uint16)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((uint32)(0)): true,
reflect.TypeOf((uint64)(0)): true,
// Fuzz runs the fuzz function, ff, for fuzz testing. If ff fails for a set of
// arguments, those arguments will be added to the seed corpus.
// ff must be a function with no return value whose first argument is *T and
// whose remaining arguments are the types to be fuzzed.
// For example:
// f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, b []byte, i int) { ... })
// This function should be fast, deterministic, and stateless.
// None of the pointers to any input data should be retained between executions.
// This is a terminal function which will terminate the currently running fuzz
// target by calling runtime.Goexit.
// To run any code after fuzzing stops, use (*F).Cleanup.
func (f *F) Fuzz(ff interface{}) {
if f.fuzzCalled {
panic("testing: F.Fuzz called more than once")
f.fuzzCalled = true
if f.failed {
// ff should be in the form func(*testing.T, ...interface{})
fn := reflect.ValueOf(ff)
fnType := fn.Type()
if fnType.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("testing: F.Fuzz must receive a function")
if fnType.NumIn() < 2 || fnType.In(0) != reflect.TypeOf((*T)(nil)) {
panic("testing: F.Fuzz function must receive at least two arguments, where the first argument is a *T")
// Save the types of the function to compare against the corpus.
var types []reflect.Type
for i := 1; i < fnType.NumIn(); i++ {
t := fnType.In(i)
if !supportedTypes[t] {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("testing: unsupported type for fuzzing %v", t))
types = append(types, t)
// Load the testdata seed corpus. Check types of entries in the testdata
// corpus and entries declared with F.Add.
// Don't load the seed corpus if this is a worker process; we won't use it.
if f.fuzzContext.mode != fuzzWorker {
for _, c := range f.corpus {
if err := f.fuzzContext.deps.CheckCorpus(c.Values, types); err != nil {
// TODO(#48302): Report the source location of the F.Add call.
// Load seed corpus
c, err := f.fuzzContext.deps.ReadCorpus(filepath.Join(corpusDir,, types)
if err != nil {
for i := range c {
c[i].IsSeed = true // these are all seed corpus values
if f.fuzzContext.mode == fuzzCoordinator {
// If this is the coordinator process, zero the values, since we don't need
// to hold onto them.
c[i].Values = nil
f.corpus = append(f.corpus, c...)
// run calls fn on a given input, as a subtest with its own T.
// run is analogous to T.Run. The test filtering and cleanup works similarly.
// fn is called in its own goroutine.
run := func(e corpusEntry) error {
if e.Values == nil {
// Every code path should have already unmarshaled Data into Values.
// It's our fault if it didn't.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("corpus file %q was not unmarshaled", e.Name))
if shouldFailFast() {
return nil
testName :=
if e.Name != "" {
testName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", testName, e.Name)
// Record the stack trace at the point of this call so that if the subtest
// function - which runs in a separate stack - is marked as a helper, we can
// continue walking the stack into the parent test.
var pc [maxStackLen]uintptr
n := runtime.Callers(2, pc[:])
t := &T{
common: common{
barrier: make(chan bool),
signal: make(chan bool),
name: testName,
parent: &f.common,
level: f.level + 1,
creator: pc[:n],
chatty: f.chatty,
fuzzing: true,
context: f.testContext,
t.w = indenter{&t.common}
if t.chatty != nil {
// TODO(#48132): adjust this to work with test2json.
t.chatty.Updatef(, "=== RUN %s\n",
f.inFuzzFn = true
go tRunner(t, func(t *T) {
args := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(t)}
for _, v := range e.Values {
args = append(args, reflect.ValueOf(v))
// Before reseting the current coverage, defer the snapshot so that we
// make sure it is called right before the tRunner function exits,
// regardless of whether it was executed cleanly, panicked, or if the
// fuzzFn called t.Fatal.
defer f.fuzzContext.deps.SnapshotCoverage()
f.inFuzzFn = false
if t.Failed() {
return errors.New(string(f.output))
return nil
switch f.fuzzContext.mode {
case fuzzCoordinator:
// Fuzzing is enabled, and this is the test process started by 'go test'.
// Act as the coordinator process, and coordinate workers to perform the
// actual fuzzing.
corpusTargetDir := filepath.Join(corpusDir,
cacheTargetDir := filepath.Join(*fuzzCacheDir,
err := f.fuzzContext.deps.CoordinateFuzzing(
if err != nil {
f.result = FuzzResult{Error: err}
fmt.Fprintf(f.w, "%v\n", err)
if crashErr, ok := err.(fuzzCrashError); ok {
crashName := crashErr.CrashName()
fmt.Fprintf(f.w, "Crash written to %s\n", filepath.Join(corpusDir,, crashName))
fmt.Fprintf(f.w, "To re-run:\ngo test %s -run=%s/%s\n", f.fuzzContext.deps.ImportPath(),, crashName)
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): Aggregate statistics across workers
// and add to FuzzResult (ie. time taken, num iterations)
case fuzzWorker:
// Fuzzing is enabled, and this is a worker process. Follow instructions
// from the coordinator.
if err := f.fuzzContext.deps.RunFuzzWorker(run); err != nil {
// Internal errors are marked with f.Fail; user code may call this too, before F.Fuzz.
// The worker will exit with fuzzWorkerExitCode, indicating this is a failure
// (and 'go test' should exit non-zero) but a crasher should not be recorded.
f.Errorf("communicating with fuzzing coordinator: %v", err)
// Fuzzing is not enabled, or will be done later. Only run the seed
// corpus now.
for _, e := range f.corpus {
// Record that the fuzz function (or coordinateFuzzing or runFuzzWorker)
// returned normally. This is used to distinguish runtime.Goexit below
// from panic(nil).
f.finished = true
// Terminate the goroutine. F.Fuzz should not return.
// We cannot call runtime.Goexit from a deferred function: if there is a
// panic, that would replace the panic value with nil.
func (f *F) report() {
if *isFuzzWorker || f.parent == nil {
dstr := fmtDuration(f.duration)
format := "--- %s: %s (%s)\n"
if f.Failed() {
f.flushToParent(, format, "FAIL",, dstr)
} else if f.chatty != nil {
if f.Skipped() {
f.flushToParent(, format, "SKIP",, dstr)
} else {
f.flushToParent(, format, "PASS",, dstr)
// FuzzResult contains the results of a fuzz run.
type FuzzResult struct {
N int // The number of iterations.
T time.Duration // The total time taken.
Error error // Error is the error from the crash
func (r FuzzResult) String() string {
s := ""
if r.Error == nil {
return s
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s", r.Error.Error())
return s
// fuzzCrashError is satisfied by a crash detected within the fuzz function.
// These errors are written to the seed corpus and can be re-run with 'go test'.
// Errors within the fuzzing framework (like I/O errors between coordinator
// and worker processes) don't satisfy this interface.
type fuzzCrashError interface {
Unwrap() error
// CrashName returns the name of the subtest that corresponds to the saved
// crash input file in the seed corpus. The test can be re-run with
// go test $pkg -run=$target/$name where $pkg is the package's import path,
// $target is the fuzz target name, and $name is the string returned here.
CrashName() string
// fuzzContext holds fields common to all fuzz targets.
type fuzzContext struct {
deps testDeps
mode fuzzMode
type fuzzMode uint8
const (
seedCorpusOnly fuzzMode = iota
// runFuzzTargets runs the fuzz targets matching the pattern for -run. This will
// only run the f.Fuzz function for each seed corpus without using the fuzzing
// engine to generate or mutate inputs.
func runFuzzTargets(deps testDeps, fuzzTargets []InternalFuzzTarget, deadline time.Time) (ran, ok bool) {
ok = true
if len(fuzzTargets) == 0 || *isFuzzWorker {
return ran, ok
m := newMatcher(deps.MatchString, *match, "")
tctx := newTestContext(*parallel, m)
tctx.deadline = deadline
var mFuzz *matcher
if *matchFuzz != "" {
mFuzz = newMatcher(deps.MatchString, *matchFuzz, "-test.fuzz")
fctx := &fuzzContext{deps: deps, mode: seedCorpusOnly}
root := common{w: os.Stdout} // gather output in one place
if Verbose() {
root.chatty = newChattyPrinter(root.w)
for _, ft := range fuzzTargets {
if shouldFailFast() {
testName, matched, _ := tctx.match.fullName(nil, ft.Name)
if !matched {
if mFuzz != nil {
if _, fuzzMatched, _ := mFuzz.fullName(nil, ft.Name); fuzzMatched {
// If this target will be fuzzed, then don't run the seed corpus
// right now. That will happen later.
f := &F{
common: common{
signal: make(chan bool),
barrier: make(chan bool),
name: testName,
parent: &root,
level: root.level + 1,
chatty: root.chatty,
testContext: tctx,
fuzzContext: fctx,
f.w = indenter{&f.common}
if f.chatty != nil {
// TODO(#48132): adjust this to work with test2json.
f.chatty.Updatef(, "=== RUN %s\n",
go fRunner(f, ft.Fn)
return root.ran, !root.Failed()
// runFuzzing runs the fuzz target matching the pattern for -fuzz. Only one such
// fuzz target must match. This will run the fuzzing engine to generate and
// mutate new inputs against the f.Fuzz function.
// If fuzzing is disabled (-test.fuzz is not set), runFuzzing
// returns immediately.
func runFuzzing(deps testDeps, fuzzTargets []InternalFuzzTarget) (ok bool) {
// TODO(katiehockman,jayconrod): Should we do something special to make sure
// we don't print f.Log statements again with runFuzzing, since we already
// would have printed them when we ran runFuzzTargets (ie. seed corpus run)?
if len(fuzzTargets) == 0 || *matchFuzz == "" {
return true
m := newMatcher(deps.MatchString, *matchFuzz, "-test.fuzz")
tctx := newTestContext(1, m)
fctx := &fuzzContext{
deps: deps,
root := common{w: os.Stdout}
if *isFuzzWorker {
root.w = io.Discard
fctx.mode = fuzzWorker
} else {
fctx.mode = fuzzCoordinator
if Verbose() && !*isFuzzWorker {
root.chatty = newChattyPrinter(root.w)
var target *InternalFuzzTarget
var targetName string
var matched []string
for i := range fuzzTargets {
name, ok, _ := tctx.match.fullName(nil, fuzzTargets[i].Name)
if !ok {
matched = append(matched, name)
target = &fuzzTargets[i]
targetName = name
if len(matched) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "testing: warning: no targets to fuzz")
return true
if len(matched) > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: will not fuzz, -fuzz matches more than one target: %v\n", matched)
return false
f := &F{
common: common{
signal: make(chan bool),
barrier: nil, // T.Parallel has no effect when fuzzing.
name: targetName,
parent: &root,
level: root.level + 1,
chatty: root.chatty,
fuzzContext: fctx,
testContext: tctx,
f.w = indenter{&f.common}
if f.chatty != nil {
// TODO(#48132): adjust this to work with test2json.
f.chatty.Updatef(, "=== FUZZ %s\n",
go fRunner(f, target.Fn)
return !f.failed
// fRunner wraps a call to a fuzz target and ensures that cleanup functions are
// called and status flags are set. fRunner should be called in its own
// goroutine. To wait for its completion, receive from f.signal.
// fRunner is analogous to tRunner, which wraps subtests started with T.Run.
// Tests and fuzz targets work a little differently, so for now, these functions
// aren't consolidated. In particular, because there are no F.Run and F.Parallel
// methods, i.e., no fuzz sub-targets or parallel fuzz targets, a few
// simplifications are made. We also require that F.Fuzz, F.Skip, or F.Fail is
// called.
func fRunner(f *F, fn func(*F)) {
// When this goroutine is done, either because runtime.Goexit was called,
// a panic started, or fn returned normally, record the duration and send
// t.signal, indicating the fuzz target is done.
defer func() {
// Detect whether the fuzz target panicked or called runtime.Goexit without
// calling F.Fuzz, F.Fail, or F.Skip. If it did, panic (possibly replacing a
// nil panic value). Nothing should recover after fRunner unwinds, so this
// should crash the process and print stack. Unfortunately, recovering here
// adds stack frames, but the location of the original panic should still be
// clear.
if f.Failed() {
atomic.AddUint32(&numFailed, 1)
err := recover()
ok := f.skipped || f.failed || (f.fuzzCalled && f.finished)
if err == nil && !ok {
err = errNilPanicOrGoexit
// Use a deferred call to ensure that we report that the test is
// complete even if a cleanup function calls t.FailNow. See issue 41355.
didPanic := false
defer func() {
if didPanic {
if err != nil {
// Only report that the test is complete if it doesn't panic,
// as otherwise the test binary can exit before the panic is
// reported to the user. See issue 41479.
f.signal <- true
// If we recovered a panic or inappropriate runtime.Goexit, fail the test,
// flush the output log up to the root, then panic.
doPanic := func(err interface{}) {
if r := f.runCleanup(recoverAndReturnPanic); r != nil {
f.Logf("cleanup panicked with %v", r)
for root := &f.common; root.parent != nil; root = root.parent {
root.duration += time.Since(root.start)
d := root.duration
root.flushToParent(, "--- FAIL: %s (%s)\n",, fmtDuration(d))
didPanic = true
if err != nil {
// No panic or inappropriate Goexit.
f.duration += time.Since(f.start)
if len(f.sub) > 0 {
// Unblock inputs that called T.Parallel while running the seed corpus.
// T.Parallel has no effect while fuzzing, so this only affects fuzz
// targets run as normal tests.
// Wait for the subtests to complete.
for _, sub := range f.sub {
cleanupStart := time.Now()
err := f.runCleanup(recoverAndReturnPanic)
f.duration += time.Since(cleanupStart)
if err != nil {
// Report after all subtests have finished.
f.done = true
defer func() {
if len(f.sub) == 0 {
f.start = time.Now()
// Code beyond this point is only executed if fn returned normally.
// That means fn did not call F.Fuzz or F.Skip. It should have called F.Fail.
if !f.failed {
panic( + " returned without calling F.Fuzz, F.Fail, or F.Skip")