blob: 99cf39e10051d3fcd1ae1998ac6c9505cb23684a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package fuzz provides common fuzzing functionality for tests built with
// "go test" and for programs that use fuzzing functionality in the testing
// package.
package fuzz
import (
// CoordinateFuzzingOpts is a set of arguments for CoordinateFuzzing.
// The zero value is valid for each field unless specified otherwise.
type CoordinateFuzzingOpts struct {
// Log is a writer for logging progress messages and warnings.
// If nil, io.Discard will be used instead.
Log io.Writer
// Timeout is the amount of wall clock time to spend fuzzing after the corpus
// has loaded. If zero, there will be no time limit.
Timeout time.Duration
// Limit is the number of random values to generate and test. If zero,
// there will be no limit on the number of generated values.
Limit int64
// MinimizeTimeout is the amount of wall clock time to spend minimizing
// after discovering a crasher. If zero, there will be no time limit. If
// MinimizeTimeout and MinimizeLimit are both zero, then minimization will
// be disabled.
MinimizeTimeout time.Duration
// MinimizeLimit is the maximum number of calls to the fuzz function to be
// made while minimizing after finding a crash. If zero, there will be no
// limit. Calls to the fuzz function made when minimizing also count toward
// Limit. If MinimizeTimeout and MinimizeLimit are both zero, then
// minimization will be disabled.
MinimizeLimit int64
// parallel is the number of worker processes to run in parallel. If zero,
// CoordinateFuzzing will run GOMAXPROCS workers.
Parallel int
// Seed is a list of seed values added by the fuzz target with testing.F.Add
// and in testdata.
Seed []CorpusEntry
// Types is the list of types which make up a corpus entry.
// Types must be set and must match values in Seed.
Types []reflect.Type
// CorpusDir is a directory where files containing values that crash the
// code being tested may be written. CorpusDir must be set.
CorpusDir string
// CacheDir is a directory containing additional "interesting" values.
// The fuzzer may derive new values from these, and may write new values here.
CacheDir string
// CoordinateFuzzing creates several worker processes and communicates with
// them to test random inputs that could trigger crashes and expose bugs.
// The worker processes run the same binary in the same directory with the
// same environment variables as the coordinator process. Workers also run
// with the same arguments as the coordinator, except with the -test.fuzzworker
// flag prepended to the argument list.
// If a crash occurs, the function will return an error containing information
// about the crash, which can be reported to the user.
func CoordinateFuzzing(ctx context.Context, opts CoordinateFuzzingOpts) (err error) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if opts.Log == nil {
opts.Log = io.Discard
if opts.Parallel == 0 {
opts.Parallel = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
if opts.Limit > 0 && int64(opts.Parallel) > opts.Limit {
// Don't start more workers than we need.
opts.Parallel = int(opts.Limit)
c, err := newCoordinator(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if opts.Timeout > 0 {
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, opts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
// fuzzCtx is used to stop workers, for example, after finding a crasher.
fuzzCtx, cancelWorkers := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelWorkers()
doneC := ctx.Done()
// stop is called when a worker encounters a fatal error.
var fuzzErr error
stopping := false
stop := func(err error) {
if err == fuzzCtx.Err() || isInterruptError(err) {
// Suppress cancellation errors and terminations due to SIGINT.
// The messages are not helpful since either the user triggered the error
// (with ^C) or another more helpful message will be printed (a crasher).
err = nil
if err != nil && (fuzzErr == nil || fuzzErr == ctx.Err()) {
fuzzErr = err
if stopping {
stopping = true
doneC = nil
// Ensure that any crash we find is written to the corpus, even if an error
// or interruption occurs while minimizing it.
var crashMinimizing *fuzzResult
crashWritten := false
defer func() {
if crashMinimizing == nil || crashWritten {
fileName, werr := writeToCorpus(crashMinimizing.entry.Data, opts.CorpusDir)
if werr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%w\n%v", err, werr)
if err == nil {
err = &crashError{
name: filepath.Base(fileName),
err: errors.New(crashMinimizing.crasherMsg),
// Start workers.
// TODO(jayconrod): do we want to support fuzzing different binaries?
dir := "" // same as self
binPath := os.Args[0]
args := append([]string{"-test.fuzzworker"}, os.Args[1:]...)
env := os.Environ() // same as self
errC := make(chan error)
workers := make([]*worker, opts.Parallel)
for i := range workers {
var err error
workers[i], err = newWorker(c, dir, binPath, args, env)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range workers {
w := workers[i]
go func() {
err := w.coordinate(fuzzCtx)
if fuzzCtx.Err() != nil || isInterruptError(err) {
err = nil
cleanErr := w.cleanup()
if err == nil {
err = cleanErr
errC <- err
// Main event loop.
// Do not return until all workers have terminated. We avoid a deadlock by
// receiving messages from workers even after ctx is cancelled.
activeWorkers := len(workers)
statTicker := time.NewTicker(3 * time.Second)
defer statTicker.Stop()
defer c.logStats()
for {
var inputC chan fuzzInput
input, ok := c.peekInput()
if ok && crashMinimizing == nil && !stopping {
inputC = c.inputC
var minimizeC chan fuzzMinimizeInput
minimizeInput, ok := c.peekMinimizeInput()
if ok && !stopping {
minimizeC = c.minimizeC
select {
case <-doneC:
// Interrupted, cancelled, or timed out.
// stop sets doneC to nil so we don't busy wait here.
case err := <-errC:
// A worker terminated, possibly after encountering a fatal error.
if activeWorkers == 0 {
return fuzzErr
case result := <-c.resultC:
// Received response from worker.
if stopping {
if c.opts.Limit > 0 && c.count >= c.opts.Limit {
if result.crasherMsg != "" {
if c.warmupRun() && result.entry.IsSeed {
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "found a crash while testing seed corpus entry: %q\n", result.entry.Parent)
if c.canMinimize() && !result.minimizeAttempted {
if crashMinimizing != nil {
// This crash is not minimized, and another crash is being minimized.
// Ignore this one and wait for the other one to finish.
// Found a crasher but haven't yet attempted to minimize it.
// Send it back to a worker for minimization. Disable inputC so
// other workers don't continue fuzzing.
crashMinimizing = &result
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "fuzz: found a %d-byte crash input; minimizing...\n", len(result.entry.Data))
c.queueForMinimization(result, nil)
} else if !crashWritten {
// Found a crasher that's either minimized or not minimizable.
// Write to corpus and stop.
fileName, err := writeToCorpus(result.entry.Data, opts.CorpusDir)
if err == nil {
crashWritten = true
err = &crashError{
name: filepath.Base(fileName),
err: errors.New(result.crasherMsg),
if printDebugInfo() {
"DEBUG new crasher, elapsed: %s, id: %s, parent: %s, gen: %d, size: %d, exec time: %s\n",
} else if result.coverageData != nil {
if c.warmupRun() {
if printDebugInfo() {
"DEBUG processed an initial input, elapsed: %s, id: %s, new bits: %d, size: %d, exec time: %s\n",
countBits(diffCoverage(c.coverageMask, result.coverageData)),
if printDebugInfo() && c.warmupInputCount == 0 {
"DEBUG finished processing input corpus, elapsed: %s, entries: %d, initial coverage bits: %d\n",
} else if keepCoverage := diffCoverage(c.coverageMask, result.coverageData); keepCoverage != nil {
// Found a value that expanded coverage.
// It's not a crasher, but we may want to add it to the on-disk
// corpus and prioritize it for future fuzzing.
// TODO(jayconrod, katiehockman): Prioritize fuzzing these
// values which expanded coverage, perhaps based on the
// number of new edges that this result expanded.
// TODO(jayconrod, katiehockman): Don't write a value that's already
// in the corpus.
if !result.minimizeAttempted && crashMinimizing == nil && c.canMinimize() {
// Send back to workers to find a smaller value that preserves
// at least one new coverage bit.
c.queueForMinimization(result, keepCoverage)
} else {
// Update the coordinator's coverage mask and save the value.
inputSize := len(result.entry.Data)
if opts.CacheDir != "" {
filename, err := writeToCorpus(result.entry.Data, opts.CacheDir)
if err != nil {
result.entry.Data = nil
result.entry.Name = filename
c.corpus.entries = append(c.corpus.entries, result.entry)
if printDebugInfo() {
"DEBUG new interesting input, elapsed: %s, id: %s, parent: %s, gen: %d, new bits: %d, total bits: %d, size: %d, exec time: %s\n",
} else {
if printDebugInfo() {
"DEBUG worker reported interesting input that doesn't expand coverage, elapsed: %s, id: %s, parent: %s, minimized: %t\n",
} else if c.warmupRun() {
// No error or coverage data was reported for this input during
// warmup, so continue processing results.
if printDebugInfo() && c.warmupInputCount == 0 {
"DEBUG finished testing-only phase, elapsed: %s, entries: %d\n",
case inputC <- input:
// Sent the next input to a worker.
case minimizeC <- minimizeInput:
// Sent the next input for minimization to a worker.
case <-statTicker.C:
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): if a crasher can't be written to the corpus,
// write to the cache instead.
// crashError wraps a crasher written to the seed corpus. It saves the name
// of the file where the input causing the crasher was saved. The testing
// framework uses this to report a command to re-run that specific input.
type crashError struct {
name string
err error
func (e *crashError) Error() string {
return e.err.Error()
func (e *crashError) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
func (e *crashError) CrashName() string {
type corpus struct {
entries []CorpusEntry
// CorpusEntry represents an individual input for fuzzing.
// We must use an equivalent type in the testing and testing/internal/testdeps
// packages, but testing can't import this package directly, and we don't want
// to export this type from testing. Instead, we use the same struct type and
// use a type alias (not a defined type) for convenience.
type CorpusEntry = struct {
Parent string
// Name is the name of the corpus file, if the entry was loaded from the
// seed corpus. It can be used with -run. For entries added with f.Add and
// entries generated by the mutator, Name is empty and Data is populated.
Name string
// Data is the raw input data. Data should only be populated for initial
// seed values added with f.Add. For on-disk corpus files, Data will
// be nil.
Data []byte
// Values is the unmarshaled values from a corpus file.
Values []interface{}
Generation int
// IsSeed indicates whether this entry is part of the seed corpus.
IsSeed bool
// Data returns the raw input bytes, either from the data struct field,
// or from disk.
func CorpusEntryData(ce CorpusEntry) ([]byte, error) {
if ce.Data != nil {
return ce.Data, nil
return os.ReadFile(ce.Name)
type fuzzInput struct {
// entry is the value to test initially. The worker will randomly mutate
// values from this starting point.
entry CorpusEntry
// timeout is the time to spend fuzzing variations of this input,
// not including starting or cleaning up.
timeout time.Duration
// limit is the maximum number of calls to the fuzz function the worker may
// make. The worker may make fewer calls, for example, if it finds an
// error early. If limit is zero, there is no limit on calls to the
// fuzz function.
limit int64
// warmup indicates whether this is a warmup input before fuzzing begins. If
// true, the input should not be fuzzed.
warmup bool
// coverageData reflects the coordinator's current coverageMask.
coverageData []byte
type fuzzResult struct {
// entry is an interesting value or a crasher.
entry CorpusEntry
// crasherMsg is an error message from a crash. It's "" if no crash was found.
crasherMsg string
// minimizeAttempted is true if the worker attempted to minimize this input.
// The worker may or may not have succeeded.
minimizeAttempted bool
// coverageData is set if the worker found new coverage.
coverageData []byte
// limit is the number of values the coordinator asked the worker
// to test. 0 if there was no limit.
limit int64
// count is the number of values the worker actually tested.
count int64
// totalDuration is the time the worker spent testing inputs.
totalDuration time.Duration
// entryDuration is the time the worker spent execution an interesting result
entryDuration time.Duration
type fuzzMinimizeInput struct {
// entry is an interesting value or crasher to minimize.
entry CorpusEntry
// crasherMsg is an error message from a crash. It's "" if no crash was found.
// If set, the worker will attempt to find a smaller input that also produces
// an error, though not necessarily the same error.
crasherMsg string
// limit is the maximum number of calls to the fuzz function the worker may
// make. The worker may make fewer calls, for example, if it can't reproduce
// an error. If limit is zero, there is no limit on calls to the fuzz function.
limit int64
// timeout is the time to spend minimizing this input.
// A zero timeout means no limit.
timeout time.Duration
// keepCoverage is a set of coverage bits that entry found that were not in
// the coordinator's combined set. When minimizing, the worker should find an
// input that preserves at least one of these bits. keepCoverage is nil for
// crashing inputs.
keepCoverage []byte
// coordinator holds channels that workers can use to communicate with
// the coordinator.
type coordinator struct {
opts CoordinateFuzzingOpts
// startTime is the time we started the workers after loading the corpus.
// Used for logging.
startTime time.Time
// inputC is sent values to fuzz by the coordinator. Any worker may receive
// values from this channel. Workers send results to resultC.
inputC chan fuzzInput
// minimizeC is sent values to minimize by the coordinator. Any worker may
// receive values from this channel. Workers send results to resultC.
minimizeC chan fuzzMinimizeInput
// resultC is sent results of fuzzing by workers. The coordinator
// receives these. Multiple types of messages are allowed.
resultC chan fuzzResult
// count is the number of values fuzzed so far.
count int64
// interestingCount is the number of unique interesting values which have
// been found this execution.
interestingCount int64
// warmupInputCount is the number of entries in the corpus which still need
// to be received from workers to run once during warmup, but not fuzz. This
// could be for coverage data, or only for the purposes of verifying that
// the seed corpus doesn't have any crashers. See warmupRun.
warmupInputCount int
// duration is the time spent fuzzing inside workers, not counting time
// starting up or tearing down.
duration time.Duration
// countWaiting is the number of fuzzing executions the coordinator is
// waiting on workers to complete.
countWaiting int64
// corpus is a set of interesting values, including the seed corpus and
// generated values that workers reported as interesting.
corpus corpus
// minimizationAllowed is true if one or more of the types of fuzz
// function's parameters can be minimized, and either the limit or duration
// for minimization is non-zero.
minimizationAllowed bool
// inputQueue is a queue of inputs that workers should try fuzzing. This is
// initially populated from the seed corpus and cached inputs. More inputs
// may be added as new coverage is discovered.
inputQueue queue
// minimizeQueue is a queue of inputs that caused errors or exposed new
// coverage. Workers should attempt to find smaller inputs that do the
// same thing.
minimizeQueue queue
// coverageMask aggregates coverage that was found for all inputs in the
// corpus. Each byte represents a single basic execution block. Each set bit
// within the byte indicates that an input has triggered that block at least
// 1 << n times, where n is the position of the bit in the byte. For example, a
// value of 12 indicates that separate inputs have triggered this block
// between 4-7 times and 8-15 times.
coverageMask []byte
func newCoordinator(opts CoordinateFuzzingOpts) (*coordinator, error) {
// Make sure all of the seed corpus given by f.Add has marshalled data.
for i := range opts.Seed {
if opts.Seed[i].Data == nil && opts.Seed[i].Values != nil {
opts.Seed[i].Data = marshalCorpusFile(opts.Seed[i].Values...)
corpus, err := readCache(opts.Seed, opts.Types, opts.CacheDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &coordinator{
opts: opts,
startTime: time.Now(),
inputC: make(chan fuzzInput),
minimizeC: make(chan fuzzMinimizeInput),
resultC: make(chan fuzzResult),
corpus: corpus,
if opts.MinimizeLimit > 0 || opts.MinimizeTimeout > 0 {
for _, t := range opts.Types {
if isMinimizable(t) {
c.minimizationAllowed = true
covSize := len(coverage())
if covSize == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "warning: the test binary was not built with coverage instrumentation, so fuzzing will run without coverage guidance and may be inefficient\n")
// Even though a coverage-only run won't occur, we should still run all
// of the seed corpus to make sure there are no existing failures before
// we start fuzzing.
c.warmupInputCount = len(c.opts.Seed)
for _, e := range c.opts.Seed {
} else {
c.warmupInputCount = len(c.corpus.entries)
for _, e := range c.corpus.entries {
// Set c.coverageMask to a clean []byte full of zeros.
c.coverageMask = make([]byte, covSize)
if len(c.corpus.entries) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "warning: starting with empty corpus\n")
var vals []interface{}
for _, t := range opts.Types {
vals = append(vals, zeroValue(t))
data := marshalCorpusFile(vals...)
h := sha256.Sum256(data)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h[:4])
c.corpus.entries = append(c.corpus.entries, CorpusEntry{Name: name, Data: data})
return c, nil
func (c *coordinator) updateStats(result fuzzResult) {
c.count += result.count
c.countWaiting -= result.limit
c.duration += result.totalDuration
func (c *coordinator) logStats() {
elapsed := c.elapsed()
if c.warmupRun() {
if coverageEnabled {
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "gathering baseline coverage, elapsed: %s, workers: %d, left: %d\n", elapsed, c.opts.Parallel, c.warmupInputCount)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "testing seed corpus, elapsed: %s, workers: %d, left: %d\n", elapsed, c.opts.Parallel, c.warmupInputCount)
} else {
rate := float64(c.count) / time.Since(c.startTime).Seconds() // be more precise here
fmt.Fprintf(c.opts.Log, "fuzz: elapsed: %s, execs: %d (%.0f/sec), workers: %d, interesting: %d\n", elapsed, c.count, rate, c.opts.Parallel, c.interestingCount)
// peekInput returns the next value that should be sent to workers.
// If the number of executions is limited, the returned value includes
// a limit for one worker. If there are no executions left, peekInput returns
// a zero value and false.
// peekInput doesn't actually remove the input from the queue. The caller
// must call sentInput after sending the input.
// If the input queue is empty and the coverage/testing-only run has completed,
// queue refills it from the corpus.
func (c *coordinator) peekInput() (fuzzInput, bool) {
if c.opts.Limit > 0 && c.count+c.countWaiting >= c.opts.Limit {
// Already making the maximum number of calls to the fuzz function.
// Don't send more inputs right now.
return fuzzInput{}, false
if c.inputQueue.len == 0 {
if c.warmupInputCount > 0 {
// Wait for coverage/testing-only run to finish before sending more
// inputs.
return fuzzInput{}, false
entry, ok := c.inputQueue.peek()
if !ok {
panic("input queue empty after refill")
input := fuzzInput{
entry: entry.(CorpusEntry),
timeout: workerFuzzDuration,
warmup: c.warmupRun(),
if c.coverageMask != nil {
input.coverageData = make([]byte, len(c.coverageMask))
copy(input.coverageData, c.coverageMask)
if input.warmup {
// No fuzzing will occur, but it should count toward the limit set by
// -fuzztime.
input.limit = 1
return input, true
if c.opts.Limit > 0 {
input.limit = c.opts.Limit / int64(c.opts.Parallel)
if c.opts.Limit%int64(c.opts.Parallel) > 0 {
remaining := c.opts.Limit - c.count - c.countWaiting
if input.limit > remaining {
input.limit = remaining
return input, true
// sentInput updates internal counters after an input is sent to c.inputC.
func (c *coordinator) sentInput(input fuzzInput) {
c.countWaiting += input.limit
// refillInputQueue refills the input queue from the corpus after it becomes
// empty.
func (c *coordinator) refillInputQueue() {
for _, e := range c.corpus.entries {
// queueForMinimization creates a fuzzMinimizeInput from result and adds it
// to the minimization queue to be sent to workers.
func (c *coordinator) queueForMinimization(result fuzzResult, keepCoverage []byte) {
if result.crasherMsg != "" {
input := fuzzMinimizeInput{
entry: result.entry,
crasherMsg: result.crasherMsg,
keepCoverage: keepCoverage,
// peekMinimizeInput returns the next input that should be sent to workers for
// minimization.
func (c *coordinator) peekMinimizeInput() (fuzzMinimizeInput, bool) {
if !c.canMinimize() {
// Already making the maximum number of calls to the fuzz function.
// Don't send more inputs right now.
return fuzzMinimizeInput{}, false
v, ok := c.minimizeQueue.peek()
if !ok {
return fuzzMinimizeInput{}, false
input := v.(fuzzMinimizeInput)
if c.opts.MinimizeTimeout > 0 {
input.timeout = c.opts.MinimizeTimeout
if c.opts.MinimizeLimit > 0 {
input.limit = c.opts.MinimizeLimit
} else if c.opts.Limit > 0 {
if input.crasherMsg != "" {
input.limit = c.opts.Limit
} else {
input.limit = c.opts.Limit / int64(c.opts.Parallel)
if c.opts.Limit%int64(c.opts.Parallel) > 0 {
remaining := c.opts.Limit - c.count - c.countWaiting
if input.limit > remaining {
input.limit = remaining
return input, true
// sentMinimizeInput removes an input from the minimization queue after it's
// sent to minimizeC.
func (c *coordinator) sentMinimizeInput(input fuzzMinimizeInput) {
c.countWaiting += input.limit
// warmupRun returns true while the coordinator is running inputs without
// mutating them as a warmup before fuzzing. This could be to gather baseline
// coverage data for entries in the corpus, or to test all of the seed corpus
// for errors before fuzzing begins.
// The coordinator doesn't store coverage data in the cache with each input
// because that data would be invalid when counter offsets in the test binary
// change.
// When gathering coverage, the coordinator sends each entry to a worker to
// gather coverage for that entry only, without fuzzing or minimizing. This
// phase ends when all workers have finished, and the coordinator has a combined
// coverage map.
func (c *coordinator) warmupRun() bool {
return c.warmupInputCount > 0
// updateCoverage sets bits in c.coverageMask that are set in newCoverage.
// updateCoverage returns the number of newly set bits. See the comment on
// coverageMask for the format.
func (c *coordinator) updateCoverage(newCoverage []byte) int {
if len(newCoverage) != len(c.coverageMask) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("number of coverage counters changed at runtime: %d, expected %d", len(newCoverage), len(c.coverageMask)))
newBitCount := 0
for i := range newCoverage {
diff := newCoverage[i] &^ c.coverageMask[i]
newBitCount += bits.OnesCount8(diff)
c.coverageMask[i] |= newCoverage[i]
return newBitCount
// canMinimize returns whether the coordinator should attempt to find smaller
// inputs that reproduce a crash or new coverage. It shouldn't do this if it
// is in the warmup phase.
func (c *coordinator) canMinimize() bool {
return c.minimizationAllowed &&
(c.opts.Limit == 0 || c.count+c.countWaiting < c.opts.Limit) &&
func (c *coordinator) elapsed() time.Duration {
return time.Since(c.startTime).Round(1 * time.Second)
// readCache creates a combined corpus from seed values and values in the cache
// (in GOCACHE/fuzz).
// TODO(fuzzing): need a mechanism that can remove values that
// aren't useful anymore, for example, because they have the wrong type.
func readCache(seed []CorpusEntry, types []reflect.Type, cacheDir string) (corpus, error) {
var c corpus
c.entries = append(c.entries, seed...)
entries, err := ReadCorpus(cacheDir, types)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*MalformedCorpusError); !ok {
// It's okay if some files in the cache directory are malformed and
// are not included in the corpus, but fail if it's an I/O error.
return corpus{}, err
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): consider printing some kind of warning
// indicating the number of files which were skipped because they are
// malformed.
c.entries = append(c.entries, entries...)
return c, nil
// MalformedCorpusError is an error found while reading the corpus from the
// filesystem. All of the errors are stored in the errs list. The testing
// framework uses this to report malformed files in testdata.
type MalformedCorpusError struct {
errs []error
func (e *MalformedCorpusError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, s := range e.errs {
msgs = append(msgs, s.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "\n")
// ReadCorpus reads the corpus from the provided dir. The returned corpus
// entries are guaranteed to match the given types. Any malformed files will
// be saved in a MalformedCorpusError and returned, along with the most recent
// error.
func ReadCorpus(dir string, types []reflect.Type) ([]CorpusEntry, error) {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil // No corpus to read
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading seed corpus from testdata: %v", err)
var corpus []CorpusEntry
var errs []error
for _, file := range files {
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): determine when a file is a fuzzing input
// based on its name. We should only read files created by writeToCorpus.
// If we read ALL files, we won't be able to change the file format by
// changing the extension. We also won't be able to add files like
// README.txt explaining why the directory exists.
if file.IsDir() {
filename := filepath.Join(dir, file.Name())
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read corpus file: %v", err)
var vals []interface{}
vals, err = readCorpusData(data, types)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("%q: %v", filename, err))
corpus = append(corpus, CorpusEntry{Name: filename, Values: vals})
if len(errs) > 0 {
return corpus, &MalformedCorpusError{errs: errs}
return corpus, nil
func readCorpusData(data []byte, types []reflect.Type) ([]interface{}, error) {
vals, err := unmarshalCorpusFile(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshal: %v", err)
if err = CheckCorpus(vals, types); err != nil {
return nil, err
return vals, nil
// CheckCorpus verifies that the types in vals match the expected types
// provided. If not, attempt to convert them. If that's not possible, return an
// error.
func CheckCorpus(vals []interface{}, types []reflect.Type) error {
if len(vals) != len(types) {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong number of values in corpus file: %d, want %d", len(vals), len(types))
for i := range types {
orig := reflect.ValueOf(vals[i])
origType := orig.Type()
wantType := types[i]
if origType == wantType {
continue // already the same type
// Attempt to convert the corpus value to the expected type
if !origType.ConvertibleTo(wantType) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to %v", origType, wantType)
convertedVal, ok := convertToType(orig, wantType)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting %v to %v", origType, wantType)
// TODO: Check that the value didn't change.
// e.g. val went from int64(-1) -> uint(0) -> int64(0) which should fail
// Updates vals to use the newly converted value of the expected type.
vals[i] = convertedVal.Interface()
return nil
func convertToType(orig reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) (converted reflect.Value, ok bool) {
// Convert might panic even if ConvertibleTo returns true, so catch
// that panic and return false.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ok = false
return orig.Convert(t), true
// writeToCorpus atomically writes the given bytes to a new file in testdata.
// If the directory does not exist, it will create one. If the file already
// exists, writeToCorpus will not rewrite it. writeToCorpus returns the
// file's name, or an error if it failed.
func writeToCorpus(b []byte, dir string) (name string, err error) {
sum := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256(b))
name = filepath.Join(dir, sum)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, b, 0666); err != nil {
os.Remove(name) // remove partially written file
return "", err
return name, nil
func zeroValue(t reflect.Type) interface{} {
for _, v := range zeroVals {
if reflect.TypeOf(v) == t {
return v
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported type: %v", t))
var zeroVals []interface{} = []interface{}{
var (
debugInfo bool
debugInfoOnce sync.Once
func printDebugInfo() bool {
debugInfoOnce.Do(func() {
debug := strings.Split(os.Getenv("GODEBUG"), ",")
for _, f := range debug {
if f == "fuzzdebug=1" {
debugInfo = true
return debugInfo