blob: 3320e76bda883b28b64e1ea615f9b46352c6ffe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// IP-level socket options for Windows
package net
import (
func ipv4MulticastInterface(fd *netFD) (*Interface, error) {
// TODO: Implement this
return nil, syscall.EWINDOWS
func setIPv4MulticastInterface(fd *netFD, ifi *Interface) error {
// TODO: Implement this
return syscall.EWINDOWS
func ipv4MulticastTTL(fd *netFD) (int, error) {
// TODO: Implement this
return -1, syscall.EWINDOWS
func setIPv4MulticastTTL(fd *netFD, v int) error {
// TODO: Implement this
return syscall.EWINDOWS
func ipv4MulticastLoopback(fd *netFD) (bool, error) {
// TODO: Implement this
return false, syscall.EWINDOWS
func setIPv4MulticastLoopback(fd *netFD, v bool) error {
// TODO: Implement this
return syscall.EWINDOWS
func ipv4ReceiveInterface(fd *netFD) (bool, error) {
// TODO: Implement this
return false, syscall.EWINDOWS
func setIPv4ReceiveInterface(fd *netFD, v bool) error {
// TODO: Implement this
return syscall.EWINDOWS
func ipv6TrafficClass(fd *netFD) (int, error) {
// TODO: Implement this
return 0, syscall.EWINDOWS
func setIPv6TrafficClass(fd *netFD, v int) error {
// TODO: Implement this
return syscall.EWINDOWS