blob: 121392f2968a7e1bdb89203d24c77b0a8b701fe5 [file] [log] [blame]
[short] skip
env GO111MODULE=on
# A binary built without -trimpath should contain the current workspace
# and GOROOT for debugging and stack traces.
cd a
go build -o $WORK/paths-a.exe paths.go
exec $WORK/paths-a.exe $WORK/paths-a.exe
stdout 'binary contains GOPATH: true'
stdout 'binary contains GOROOT: true'
# A binary built with -trimpath should not contain the current workspace
# or GOROOT.
go build -trimpath -o $WORK/paths-a.exe paths.go
exec $WORK/paths-a.exe $WORK/paths-a.exe
stdout 'binary contains GOPATH: false'
stdout 'binary contains GOROOT: false'
# A binary from an external module built with -trimpath should not contain
# the current workspace or GOROOT.
cd $WORK
go get -trimpath
exec $WORK/paths-a.exe $GOPATH/bin/fortune$GOEXE
stdout 'binary contains GOPATH: false'
stdout 'binary contains GOROOT: false'
# Two binaries built from identical packages in different directories
# should be identical.
# TODO( at the moment, they are not.
#mkdir $GOPATH/src/b
#cp $GOPATH/src/a/go.mod $GOPATH/src/b/go.mod
#cp $GOPATH/src/a/paths.go $GOPATH/src/b/paths.go
#cd $GOPATH/src/b
#go build -trimpath -o $WORK/paths-b.exe .
#cmp -q $WORK/paths-a.exe $WORK/paths-b.exe
[!exec:gccgo] stop
# A binary built with gccgo without -trimpath should contain the current
env GO111MODULE=off # The current released gccgo does not support builds in module mode.
cd $GOPATH/src/a
go build -compiler=gccgo -o $WORK/gccgo-paths-a.exe .
exec $WORK/gccgo-paths-a.exe $WORK/gccgo-paths-a.exe
stdout 'binary contains GOPATH: true'
stdout 'binary contains GOROOT: false' # gccgo doesn't load std from GOROOT.
# A binary built with gccgo with -trimpath should not contain GOPATH or GOROOT.
go build -compiler=gccgo -trimpath -o $WORK/gccgo-paths-b.exe .
exec $WORK/gccgo-paths-a.exe $WORK/gccgo-paths-b.exe
stdout 'binary contains GOPATH: false'
stdout 'binary contains GOROOT: false'
# Two binaries built from identical packages in different directories
# should be identical.
# TODO( at the moment, they are not.
#cd ../b
#go build -compiler=gccgo -trimpath -o $WORK/gccgo-paths-b.exe .
#cmp -q $WORK/gccgo-paths-a.exe $WORK/gccgo-paths-b.exe
-- $GOPATH/src/a/paths.go --
package main
import (
func main() {
exe := os.Args[1]
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(exe)
if err != nil {
gopath := []byte(filepath.ToSlash(os.Getenv("GOPATH")))
if len(gopath) == 0 {
log.Fatal("GOPATH not set")
fmt.Printf("binary contains GOPATH: %v\n", bytes.Contains(data, gopath))
goroot := []byte(filepath.ToSlash(os.Getenv("GOROOT")))
if len(goroot) == 0 {
log.Fatal("GOROOT not set")
fmt.Printf("binary contains GOROOT: %v\n", bytes.Contains(data, goroot))
-- $GOPATH/src/a/go.mod --