blob: 770f280607f61fc967cfb805a30d113ba0d06f55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package traceparser parses the trace files produced by runtime.StartTrace
package traceparser
import (
// Parsed is the result of parsing a trace file
type Parsed struct {
// Set by New
Name string // File's name
Size int64 // File's size
Count int64 // approximate number of all events
MaxTs int64 // range of all events, in nanoseconds
Strings map[uint64]string
Stacks map[uint32][]*Frame
Version int // version of the trace file from header
TicksPerSec int64 // from EvFrequency in trailer
minticks, maxticks int64 // from Init
r filebuf.Buf // implements io.Seek and io.Read
batches []batch // location of each Batch and time of start
timerGoids map[uint64]bool
// the following are per Parse
MinWant, MaxWant int64 // range wanted, from the arguments to Parse()
Err error // set by internal functions to stop further processing
Events []*Event // after Parse, the events from MinWant to MaxWant
Preflen int // how long a prefix we added
Ignored int // how many events we elided
Added int // how many events we added, not including the prefix
// internal processing variables
seenArgs map[uint64]*[]uint64
byproc map[int][]*Event
lastGs map[int]uint64
lastG uint64
lastP int
lastTs int64
func (p *Parsed) String() string {
ans := []string{}
ans = append(ans, fmt.Sprintf("%s Sz:%d Count:%d MaxTs:%d #strs:%d #stks:%d",
p.Name, p.Size, p.Count, p.MaxTs, len(p.Strings), len(p.Stacks)))
ans = append(ans, fmt.Sprintf("%d clock:%d ticks:(%d,%d) #b:%d",
p.Version, p.TicksPerSec, p.minticks, p.maxticks, len(p.batches)))
return strings.Join(ans, "\n\t")
// clean up after previous call to Parse
func (p *Parsed) clean() {
// some of these are redundant
p.Err = nil
p.Events = nil
p.Preflen = 0
p.Ignored = 0
p.Added = 0
p.seenArgs = nil // redundant, but safe
p.byproc = nil
p.lastGs = nil
p.lastG = 0
p.lastTs = 0
// Frame is a frame in a stack traces
type Frame struct {
PC uint64
Fn string
File string
Line int
// An Event is the parsed form of a single trace event
type Event struct {
Type byte
P int32
Ts int64
G uint64
StkID uint32 // key to Parsed.Stacks
Args [3]uint64
SArgs []string // EvUserLog has 2. Others are 1 or none
Link *Event
// Batch remembers the EvBatch events. PJW: keep an index of User events?
type batch struct {
Off int
P int64
Cycles int64 // as read from EvBatch
Nano int64 // start time of batch, set in commonInit()
raws []rawEvent // filled in during Parse() for those batches that overlap the desired interval
// rawEvent is a raw event parsed from batches that overlap the time interval
type rawEvent struct { // about 75 bytes
// the choice of what to share (args) and what to make unique per rawEvent
// (arg0, sarg) was done by measuring the space impact of various choices.
off uint32 // offset in batch (at batch.Off + off in file)
typ byte
arg0 uint64
args *[]uint64 // remainder of the args (frequently nil), shared
sarg string
func (r rawEvent) String() string {
if r.args != nil && len(*r.args) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s %d %v %s]", evname(r.typ), r.arg0, *r.args, r.sarg)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s, %d, [], %s]", evname(r.typ), r.arg0, r.sarg)
// New scans the trace file, finding the number of events, the earliest and latest
// timestamps, and the stacks and strings referenced in the file.
func New(fname string) (*Parsed, error) {
fd, err := filebuf.New(fname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return commonInit(fd, fname)
// ParseError may be returned by New() or ParseBuffer() to make available
// some information in the case that the raw trace file seems to contain
// negative time stamps. (In P, Name, Size, count, Strings, Stacks, Versions are valid,
// and MaxTs or TicksPerSec is negative.)
type ParseError struct {
P *Parsed
Err error
func (pe ParseError) Error() string {
return pe.Err.Error()
func commonInit(fd filebuf.Buf, fname string) (*Parsed, error) {
ans := &Parsed{Name: fname, minticks: 1 << 62} // minticks can only decrease
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
fd.Close() // try to clean up after error
ans.Size = fd.Size()
ans.r = fd
// parseRaw here for header, trailer: clock, stacks, strings,
if err = ans.parseHeader(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = ans.scanFile(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// done with seenArgs
ans.seenArgs = nil
// convert the clicks in batches to nanoseconds
if ans.MaxTs <= 0 || ans.TicksPerSec <= 0 {
err := ParseError{
P: ans,
Err: fmt.Errorf("corrupt trace file: negative time: (max TS=%d, ticks per sec=%d",
ans.MaxTs, ans.TicksPerSec),
return nil, err
return ans, nil
// Parse parses the events in the interval: start <= ts <= start+length.
// f, if not nil, will be called at various stages of the parse, each identified by the string
// argument. It could report on elapsed time, or memory usage, or whatever the user wants.
// The number of times it is called and the contents of the string argument are both
// changeable details of the implementation. Parse is not safe for concurrent use.
func (p *Parsed) Parse(start, length int64, f func(string)) error {
if f == nil {
f = func(string) {} // avoid any further testing for nil
p.MinWant = start
p.MaxWant = start + length
// arrange the slice of batches by P
byp := map[int64][]*batch{}
// PJW: keep track of the order the Ps occur and use that for batchify
for i, b := range p.batches {
byp[b.P] = append(byp[b.P], &p.batches[i])
p.batches[i].raws = nil // reset from last call to Parse
// batchify the ones that overlap the time range
for _, v := range byp {
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
b := v[i]
var bnext *batch
if i < len(v)-1 {
bnext = v[i+1]
if b.Nano >= p.MaxWant {
// starts too late
} else if b.Nano <= p.MinWant && (bnext != nil && bnext.Nano <= p.MinWant) {
// entirely too early
err := p.batchify(b)
if err != nil {
return err
f("batchify done")
return p.createEvents(f)
// ParseBuffer treats its argument as a trace file, and returns the
// result of parsing it
func ParseBuffer(rd io.Reader) (*Parsed, error) {
pr, err := filebuf.FromReader(rd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := commonInit(pr, "<buf>")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// need the version and the initial scan
err = p.Parse(0, 1<<62, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// called from commonInit to compute the nanosecond when batches start
func (p *Parsed) toNanoseconds() {
minCycles := p.minticks
freq := 1e9 / float64(p.TicksPerSec)
// Batches, and more to come. Don't call this twice!
for i, ex := range p.batches {
p.batches[i].Nano = int64(float64(ex.Cycles-minCycles) * freq)
p.MaxTs = int64(float64(p.maxticks-minCycles) * freq)
// argsAt returns the args of an event in the file and the offset for the next event.
// For EvString it returns off, nil, nil, and
// for EvUserLog it ignores the string argument, which must be read by the
// caller.
func (p *Parsed) argsAt(off int, check byte) (int, []uint64, error) {
off0 := off
r := p.r
loc, err := r.Seek(int64(off), 0)
if err != nil {
var buf [1]byte
n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
if err != nil || n != 1 {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("read failed at 0x%x, %d %v, loc=%d",
off, n, err, loc)
off += n
typ := buf[0] << 2 >> 2
narg := buf[0]>>6 + 1
inlineArgs := byte(4)
if typ == EvNone || typ >= EvCount ||
EventDescriptions[typ].MinVersion > p.Version {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("unk type %v at offset 0x%x", typ, off0)
if typ == EvString { // skip, wihtout error checking
_, off, err = readVal(r, off)
var ln uint64
ln, off, err = readVal(r, off)
off += int(ln)
return off, nil, nil
args := []uint64{}
if narg < inlineArgs {
for i := 0; i < int(narg); i++ {
var v uint64
v, off, err = readVal(r, off)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to read event %v argument at offset %v (%v)", typ, off, err)
return 0, nil, err
args = append(args, v)
} else {
// More than inlineArgs args, the first value is length of the event in bytes.
var v uint64
v, off, err = readVal(r, off)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to read event %v argument at offset %v (%v)", typ, off, err)
return 0, nil, err
evLen := v
off1 := off
for evLen > uint64(off-off1) {
v, off, err = readVal(r, off)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to read event %v argument at offset %v (%v)", typ, off, err)
return 0, nil, err
args = append(args, v)
if evLen != uint64(off-off1) {
err = fmt.Errorf("event has wrong length at offset 0x%x: want %v, got %v", off0, evLen, off-off1)
return 0, nil, err
// This routine does not read the string argument. Callers must tread EvUserLog specially.
return off, args, nil
// read a string from r
func readStr(r io.Reader, off0 int) (s string, off int, err error) {
var sz uint64
sz, off, err = readVal(r, off0)
if err != nil || sz == 0 {
return "", off, err
if sz > 1e6 {
return "", off, fmt.Errorf("string at offset %d is too large (len=%d)", off, sz)
buf := make([]byte, sz)
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf)
if err != nil || sz != uint64(n) {
return "", off + n, fmt.Errorf("failed to read trace at offset %d: read %v, want %v, error %v", off, n, sz, err)
return string(buf), off + n, nil
// readVal reads unsigned base-128 value from r.
func readVal(r io.Reader, off0 int) (v uint64, off int, err error) {
off = off0
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var buf [1]byte
var n int
n, err = r.Read(buf[:])
if err != nil || n != 1 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to read trace at offset %d: read %v, error %v", off0, n, err)
v |= uint64(buf[0]&0x7f) << (uint(i) * 7)
if buf[0]&0x80 == 0 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("bad value at offset 0x%x", off0)
// OSStats reports on the underlying i/o. If p was created by New,
// the fields report filesystem activity. If p was created by ParseBuffer,
// only Size is set.
func (p *Parsed) OSStats() filebuf.Stat {
return p.r.Stats()
func (ev *Event) String() string {
var tslink int64
if ev.Link != nil {
tslink = ev.Link.Ts
return fmt.Sprintf("[g:%d p:%d %s/%d %v %v %x ->%x]",
ev.G, ev.P, evname(ev.Type), ev.Type,
ev.Args, ev.SArgs, ev.Ts, tslink)
func evname(t byte) string {
if t >= EvCount || t < 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("typ%d?", t)
return EventDescriptions[t].Name
// Close the underlying file.
func (p *Parsed) Close() error {
return p.r.Close()
// Event types in the trace.
// Verbatim copy from src/runtime/trace.go with the "trace" prefix removed.
const (
EvNone = 0 // unused
EvBatch = 1 // start of per-P batch of events [pid, timestamp]
EvFrequency = 2 // contains tracer timer frequency [frequency (ticks per second)]
EvStack = 3 // stack [stack id, number of PCs, array of {PC, func string ID, file string ID, line}]
EvGomaxprocs = 4 // current value of GOMAXPROCS [timestamp, GOMAXPROCS, stack id]
EvProcStart = 5 // start of P [timestamp, thread id]
EvProcStop = 6 // stop of P [timestamp]
EvGCStart = 7 // GC start [timestamp, seq, stack id]
EvGCDone = 8 // GC done [timestamp]
EvGCSTWStart = 9 // GC mark termination start [timestamp, kind]
EvGCSTWDone = 10 // GC mark termination done [timestamp]
EvGCSweepStart = 11 // GC sweep start [timestamp, stack id]
EvGCSweepDone = 12 // GC sweep done [timestamp, swept, reclaimed]
EvGoCreate = 13 // goroutine creation [timestamp, new goroutine id, new stack id, stack id]
EvGoStart = 14 // goroutine starts running [timestamp, goroutine id, seq]
EvGoEnd = 15 // goroutine ends [timestamp]
EvGoStop = 16 // goroutine stops (like in select{}) [timestamp, stack]
EvGoSched = 17 // goroutine calls Gosched [timestamp, stack]
EvGoPreempt = 18 // goroutine is preempted [timestamp, stack]
EvGoSleep = 19 // goroutine calls Sleep [timestamp, stack]
EvGoBlock = 20 // goroutine blocks [timestamp, stack]
EvGoUnblock = 21 // goroutine is unblocked [timestamp, goroutine id, seq, stack]
EvGoBlockSend = 22 // goroutine blocks on chan send [timestamp, stack]
EvGoBlockRecv = 23 // goroutine blocks on chan recv [timestamp, stack]
EvGoBlockSelect = 24 // goroutine blocks on select [timestamp, stack]
EvGoBlockSync = 25 // goroutine blocks on Mutex/RWMutex [timestamp, stack]
EvGoBlockCond = 26 // goroutine blocks on Cond [timestamp, stack]
EvGoBlockNet = 27 // goroutine blocks on network [timestamp, stack]
EvGoSysCall = 28 // syscall enter [timestamp, stack]
EvGoSysExit = 29 // syscall exit [timestamp, goroutine id, seq, real timestamp]
EvGoSysBlock = 30 // syscall blocks [timestamp]
EvGoWaiting = 31 // denotes that goroutine is blocked when tracing starts [timestamp, goroutine id]
EvGoInSyscall = 32 // denotes that goroutine is in syscall when tracing starts [timestamp, goroutine id]
EvHeapAlloc = 33 // memstats.heap_live change [timestamp, heap_alloc]
EvNextGC = 34 // memstats.next_gc change [timestamp, next_gc]
EvTimerGoroutine = 35 // denotes timer goroutine [timer goroutine id]
EvFutileWakeup = 36 // denotes that the previous wakeup of this goroutine was futile [timestamp]
EvString = 37 // string dictionary entry [ID, length, string]
EvGoStartLocal = 38 // goroutine starts running on the same P as the last event [timestamp, goroutine id]
EvGoUnblockLocal = 39 // goroutine is unblocked on the same P as the last event [timestamp, goroutine id, stack]
EvGoSysExitLocal = 40 // syscall exit on the same P as the last event [timestamp, goroutine id, real timestamp]
EvGoStartLabel = 41 // goroutine starts running with label [timestamp, goroutine id, seq, label string id]
EvGoBlockGC = 42 // goroutine blocks on GC assist [timestamp, stack]
EvGCMarkAssistStart = 43 // GC mark assist start [timestamp, stack]
EvGCMarkAssistDone = 44 // GC mark assist done [timestamp]
EvUserTaskCreate = 45 // trace.NewContext [timestamp, internal task id, internal parent id, stack, name string]
EvUserTaskEnd = 46 // end of task [timestamp, internal task id, stack]
EvUserRegion = 47 // trace.WithSpan [timestamp, internal task id, mode(0:start, 1:end), stack, name string]
EvUserLog = 48 // trace.Log [timestamp, internal id, key string id, stack, value string]
EvCount = 49
// EventDescriptions describe the Events
var EventDescriptions = [EvCount]struct {
Name string
MinVersion int
Stack bool
Args []string
SArgs []string // string arguments
EvNone: {"None", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvBatch: {"Batch", 1005, false, []string{"p", "ticks"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"p", "seq", "ticks"}
EvFrequency: {"Frequency", 1005, false, []string{"freq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"freq", "unused"}
EvStack: {"Stack", 1005, false, []string{"id", "siz"}, nil},
EvGomaxprocs: {"Gomaxprocs", 1005, true, []string{"procs"}, nil},
EvProcStart: {"ProcStart", 1005, false, []string{"thread"}, nil},
EvProcStop: {"ProcStop", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvGCStart: {"GCStart", 1005, true, []string{"seq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {}
EvGCDone: {"GCDone", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvGCSTWStart: {"GCSTWStart", 1005, false, []string{"kindid"}, []string{"kind"}}, // <= 1.9, args was {} (implicitly {0})
EvGCSTWDone: {"GCSTWDone", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvGCSweepStart: {"GCSweepStart", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGCSweepDone: {"GCSweepDone", 1005, false, []string{"swept", "reclaimed"}, nil}, // before 1.9, format was {}
EvGoCreate: {"GoCreate", 1005, true, []string{"g", "stack"}, nil},
EvGoStart: {"GoStart", 1005, false, []string{"g", "seq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"g"}
EvGoEnd: {"GoEnd", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvGoStop: {"GoStop", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoSched: {"GoSched", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoPreempt: {"GoPreempt", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoSleep: {"GoSleep", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoBlock: {"GoBlock", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoUnblock: {"GoUnblock", 1005, true, []string{"g", "seq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"g"}
EvGoBlockSend: {"GoBlockSend", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoBlockRecv: {"GoBlockRecv", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoBlockSelect: {"GoBlockSelect", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoBlockSync: {"GoBlockSync", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoBlockCond: {"GoBlockCond", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoBlockNet: {"GoBlockNet", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoSysCall: {"GoSysCall", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGoSysExit: {"GoSysExit", 1005, false, []string{"g", "seq", "ts"}, nil},
EvGoSysBlock: {"GoSysBlock", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvGoWaiting: {"GoWaiting", 1005, false, []string{"g"}, nil},
EvGoInSyscall: {"GoInSyscall", 1005, false, []string{"g"}, nil},
EvHeapAlloc: {"HeapAlloc", 1005, false, []string{"mem"}, nil},
EvNextGC: {"NextGC", 1005, false, []string{"mem"}, nil},
EvTimerGoroutine: {"TimerGoroutine", 1005, false, []string{"g"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"g", "unused"}
EvFutileWakeup: {"FutileWakeup", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
EvString: {"String", 1007, false, []string{}, nil},
EvGoStartLocal: {"GoStartLocal", 1007, false, []string{"g"}, nil},
EvGoUnblockLocal: {"GoUnblockLocal", 1007, true, []string{"g"}, nil},
EvGoSysExitLocal: {"GoSysExitLocal", 1007, false, []string{"g", "ts"}, nil},
EvGoStartLabel: {"GoStartLabel", 1008, false, []string{"g", "seq", "labelid"}, []string{"label"}},
EvGoBlockGC: {"GoBlockGC", 1008, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGCMarkAssistStart: {"GCMarkAssistStart", 1009, true, []string{}, nil},
EvGCMarkAssistDone: {"GCMarkAssistDone", 1009, false, []string{}, nil},
EvUserTaskCreate: {"UserTaskCreate", 1011, true, []string{"taskid", "pid", "typeid"}, []string{"name"}},
EvUserTaskEnd: {"UserTaskEnd", 1011, true, []string{"taskid"}, nil},
EvUserRegion: {"UserRegion", 1011, true, []string{"taskid", "mode", "typeid"}, []string{"name"}},
EvUserLog: {"UserLog", 1011, true, []string{"id", "keyid"}, []string{"category", "message"}},