blob: 32d5a92c5b1676f91cf28d9b0ae2ad2133337592 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package filebuf implements io.SeekReader for os files.
// This is useful only for very large files with lots of
// seeking. (otherwise use ioutil.ReadFile or bufio)
package filebuf
import (
// Buf is the implemented interface
type Buf interface {
Size() int64
Stats() Stat
// Buflen is the size of the internal buffer.
// The code is designed to never need to reread unnecessarily
const Buflen = 1 << 20
// fbuf is a buffered file with seeking.
// fixed is an internal buffer. buf is the slice fixed[:fixedLen]. bufloc is the file
// location of the beginning of fixed (and buf). The seek pointer is at bufloc+bufpos,
// so the file's contents there start with buf[bufpos:]
type fbuf struct {
Name string
fd *os.File
size int64 // file size
bufloc int64 // file loc of beginning of fixed
bufpos int32 // seekptr is at bufloc+bufpos. bufpos <= Buflen, fixedLen
fixed [Buflen]byte // backing store for buf
fixedlen int // how much of fixed is valid file contents
buf []byte // buf is fixed[0:fixedlen]
// statistics
seeks int // number of calls to fd.Seek
reads int // number of calls to fd.Read
bytes int64 // number of bytes read by fd.Read
// Stat returns the number of underlying seeks and reads, and bytes read
type Stat struct {
Seeks int
Reads int
Bytes int64
// Stats returns the stats so far
func (fb *fbuf) Stats() Stat {
return Stat{fb.seeks, fb.reads, fb.bytes}
// Size returns the file size
func (fb *fbuf) Size() int64 {
return fb.size
// New returns an initialized *fbuf or an error
func New(fname string) (Buf, error) {
fd, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fi, err := fd.Stat()
if err != nil || fi.Mode().IsDir() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not readable: %s", fname)
return &fbuf{Name: fname, fd: fd, size: fi.Size()}, nil
// Read implements io.Reader. It may return a positive
// number of bytes read with io.EOF
func (fb *fbuf) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
// If there are enough valid bytes remaining in buf, just use them
if len(fb.buf[fb.bufpos:]) >= len(p) {
copy(p, fb.buf[fb.bufpos:])
fb.bufpos += int32(len(p))
return len(p), nil
done := 0 // done counts how many bytes have been transferred
// If there are any valid bytes left in buf, use them first
if len(fb.buf[fb.bufpos:]) > 0 {
m := copy(p, fb.buf[fb.bufpos:])
done = m
fb.bufpos += int32(done) // at end of the valid bytes in buf
// used up buffered data. logical seek pointer is at bufloc+bufpos.
// loop until p has been filled up or EOF
for done < len(p) {
loc, err := fb.fd.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent) // make sure of the os's file location
if loc != fb.bufloc+int64(fb.bufpos) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v loc=%d bufloc=%d bufpos=%d", err, loc,
fb.bufloc, fb.bufpos))
fb.seeks++ // did a file system seek
if loc >= fb.size {
// at EOF
fb.bufpos = int32(len(fb.buf))
fb.bufloc = loc - int64(fb.fixedlen)
return done, io.EOF
n, err := fb.fd.Read(fb.fixed[:])
if n != 0 {
fb.fixedlen = n
fb.reads++ // did a file system read
m := copy(p[done:], fb.fixed[:n])
done += m
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
fb.bufpos = int32(len(fb.buf))
fb.bufloc = loc - int64(fb.fixedlen)
return done, io.EOF
return 0, err
fb.bytes += int64(n)
fb.bufpos = int32(m) // used m byes of the buffer
fb.bufloc = loc
fb.buf = fb.fixed[:n]
return len(p), nil
// Seek implements io.Seeker. (<unchanged>, io.EOF) is returned for seeks off the end.
func (fb *fbuf) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
seekpos := offset
switch whence {
case io.SeekCurrent:
seekpos += fb.bufloc + int64(fb.bufpos)
case io.SeekEnd:
seekpos += fb.size
if seekpos < 0 || seekpos > fb.size {
return fb.bufloc + int64(fb.bufpos), io.EOF
// if seekpos is inside fixed, just adjust buf and bufpos
if seekpos >= fb.bufloc && seekpos <= int64(fb.fixedlen)+fb.bufloc {
fb.bufpos = int32(seekpos - fb.bufloc)
return seekpos, nil
// need to refresh the internal buffer. Seek does no reading, mark buf
// as empty, set bufpos and bufloc.
fb.buf, fb.bufpos, fb.bufloc = nil, 0, seekpos
n, err := fb.fd.Seek(seekpos, io.SeekStart)
if n != seekpos || err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("seek failed (%d!= %d) %v", n, seekpos, err)
return seekpos, nil
// Close closes the underlying file
func (fb *fbuf) Close() error {
if fb.fd != nil {
return fb.fd.Close()
return nil