blob: 3f3b96431e70140c477caca8ac40a0735306b971 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// EAX mode, not a NIST standard (yet).
// EAX provides encryption and authentication.
// EAX targets the same uses as NIST's CCM mode,
// but EAX adds the ability to run in streaming mode.
// See
// What those papers call OMAC is now called CMAC.
package block
import (
// An EAXTagError is returned when the message has failed to authenticate,
// because the tag at the end of the message stream (Read) does not match
// the tag computed from the message itself (Computed).
type EAXTagError struct {
Read []byte
Computed []byte
func (e *EAXTagError) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("crypto/block: EAX tag mismatch: read %x but computed %x", e.Read, e.Computed)
func setupEAX(c Cipher, iv, hdr []byte, tagBytes int) (ctrIV, tag []byte, cmac hash.Hash) {
n := len(iv)
if n != c.BlockSize() {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("crypto/block: EAX: iv length", n, "!=", c.BlockSize()))
buf := make([]byte, n) // zeroed
// tag = CMAC(0 + iv) ^ CMAC(1 + hdr) ^ CMAC(2 + data)
cmac = NewCMAC(c)
cmac.Write(buf) // 0
sum := cmac.Sum()
ctrIV = dup(sum)
tag = dup(sum[0:tagBytes])
buf[n-1] = 1
cmac.Write(buf) // 1
sum = cmac.Sum()
for i := 0; i < tagBytes; i++ {
tag[i] ^= sum[i]
buf[n-1] = 2 // 2
func finishEAX(tag []byte, cmac hash.Hash) {
// Finish CMAC #2 and xor into tag.
sum := cmac.Sum()
for i := range tag {
tag[i] ^= sum[i]
// Writer adapter. Tees writes into both w and cmac.
// Knows that cmac never returns write errors.
type cmacWriter struct {
w io.Writer
cmac hash.Hash
func (cw *cmacWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
n, err = cw.w.Write(p)
// An eaxEncrypter implements the EAX encryption mode.
type eaxEncrypter struct {
ctr io.Writer // CTR encrypter
cw cmacWriter // CTR's output stream
tag []byte
// NewEAXEncrypter creates and returns a new EAX encrypter
// using the given cipher c, initialization vector iv, associated data hdr,
// and tag length tagBytes. The encrypter's Write method encrypts
// the data it receives and writes that data to w.
// The encrypter's Close method writes a final authenticating tag to w.
func NewEAXEncrypter(c Cipher, iv []byte, hdr []byte, tagBytes int, w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
x := new(eaxEncrypter)
// Create new CTR instance writing to both
// w for encrypted output and cmac for digesting. = w
var ctrIV []byte
ctrIV, x.tag, = setupEAX(c, iv, hdr, tagBytes)
x.ctr = NewCTRWriter(c, ctrIV, &
return x
func (x *eaxEncrypter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
return x.ctr.Write(p)
func (x *eaxEncrypter) Close() os.Error {
x.ctr = nil // crash if Write is called again
// Write tag.
n, err :=
if n != len(x.tag) && err == nil {
err = io.ErrShortWrite
return err
// Reader adapter. Returns data read from r but hangs
// on to the last len(tag) bytes for itself (returns EOF len(tag)
// bytes early). Also tees all data returned from Read into
// the cmac digest. The "don't return the last t bytes"
// and the "tee into digest" functionality could be separated,
// but the latter half is trivial.
type cmacReader struct {
r io.Reader
cmac hash.Hash
tag []byte
tmp []byte
func (cr *cmacReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
// TODO(rsc): Maybe fall back to simpler code if
// we recognize the underlying r as a ByteBuffer
// or ByteReader. Then we can just take the last piece
// off at the start.
// First, read a tag-sized chunk.
// It's probably not the tag (unless there's no data).
tag := cr.tag
if len(tag) < cap(tag) {
nt := len(tag)
nn, err1 := io.ReadFull(cr.r, tag[nt:cap(tag)])
tag = tag[0 : nt+nn]
cr.tag = tag
if err1 != nil {
return 0, err1
tagBytes := len(tag)
if len(p) > 4*tagBytes {
// If p is big, try to read directly into p to avoid a copy.
n, err = cr.r.Read(p[tagBytes:])
if n == 0 {
goto out
// copy old tag into p
for i := 0; i < tagBytes; i++ {
p[i] = tag[i]
// copy new tag out of p
for i := 0; i < tagBytes; i++ {
tag[i] = p[n+i]
goto out
// Otherwise, read into p and then slide data
n, err = cr.r.Read(p)
if n == 0 {
goto out
// copy tag+p into p+tmp and then swap tmp, tag
tmp := cr.tmp
for i := n + tagBytes - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
var c byte
if i < tagBytes {
c = tag[i]
} else {
c = p[i-tagBytes]
if i < n {
p[i] = c
} else {
tmp[i] = c
cr.tmp, cr.tag = tag, tmp
type eaxDecrypter struct {
ctr io.Reader
cr cmacReader
tag []byte
// NewEAXDecrypter creates and returns a new EAX decrypter
// using the given cipher c, initialization vector iv, associated data hdr,
// and tag length tagBytes. The encrypter's Read method decrypts and
// returns data read from r. At r's EOF, the encrypter checks the final
// authenticating tag and returns an EAXTagError if the tag is invalid.
// In that case, the message should be discarded.
// Note that the data stream returned from Read cannot be
// assumed to be valid, authenticated data until Read returns
// 0, nil to signal the end of the data.
func NewEAXDecrypter(c Cipher, iv []byte, hdr []byte, tagBytes int, r io.Reader) io.Reader {
x := new(eaxDecrypter) = r = make([]byte, 0, tagBytes) = make([]byte, 0, tagBytes)
var ctrIV []byte
ctrIV, x.tag, = setupEAX(c, iv, hdr, tagBytes)
x.ctr = NewCTRReader(c, ctrIV, &
return x
func (x *eaxDecrypter) checkTag() os.Error {
x.ctr = nil // crash if Read is called again
if !same(x.tag, {
e := new(EAXTagError)
e.Computed = dup(x.tag)
e.Read = dup(
return e
return nil
func (x *eaxDecrypter) Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
n, err = x.ctr.Read(p)
if n == 0 && err == nil {
err = x.checkTag()
return n, err