| // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| package regexp_test |
| |
| import ( |
| "fmt" |
| "regexp" |
| "strings" |
| ) |
| |
| func Example() { |
| // Compile the expression once, usually at init time. |
| // Use raw strings to avoid having to quote the backslashes. |
| var validID = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z]+\[[0-9]+\]$`) |
| |
| fmt.Println(validID.MatchString("adam[23]")) |
| fmt.Println(validID.MatchString("eve[7]")) |
| fmt.Println(validID.MatchString("Job[48]")) |
| fmt.Println(validID.MatchString("snakey")) |
| // Output: |
| // true |
| // true |
| // false |
| // false |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleMatch() { |
| matched, err := regexp.Match(`foo.*`, []byte(`seafood`)) |
| fmt.Println(matched, err) |
| matched, err = regexp.Match(`bar.*`, []byte(`seafood`)) |
| fmt.Println(matched, err) |
| matched, err = regexp.Match(`a(b`, []byte(`seafood`)) |
| fmt.Println(matched, err) |
| |
| // Output: |
| // true <nil> |
| // false <nil> |
| // false error parsing regexp: missing closing ): `a(b` |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleMatchString() { |
| matched, err := regexp.MatchString(`foo.*`, "seafood") |
| fmt.Println(matched, err) |
| matched, err = regexp.MatchString(`bar.*`, "seafood") |
| fmt.Println(matched, err) |
| matched, err = regexp.MatchString(`a(b`, "seafood") |
| fmt.Println(matched, err) |
| // Output: |
| // true <nil> |
| // false <nil> |
| // false error parsing regexp: missing closing ): `a(b` |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleQuoteMeta() { |
| fmt.Println(regexp.QuoteMeta(`Escaping symbols like: .+*?()|[]{}^$`)) |
| // Output: |
| // Escaping symbols like: \.\+\*\?\(\)\|\[\]\{\}\^\$ |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_Find() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo.?`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.Find([]byte(`seafood fool`))) |
| |
| // Output: |
| // "food" |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAll() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo.?`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindAll([]byte(`seafood fool`), -1)) |
| |
| // Output: |
| // ["food" "fool"] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAllSubmatch() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo(.?)`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindAllSubmatch([]byte(`seafood fool`), -1)) |
| |
| // Output: |
| // [["food" "d"] ["fool" "l"]] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindSubmatch() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo(.?)`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindSubmatch([]byte(`seafood fool`))) |
| |
| // Output: |
| // ["food" "d"] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_Match() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo.?`) |
| fmt.Println(re.Match([]byte(`seafood fool`))) |
| fmt.Println(re.Match([]byte(`something else`))) |
| |
| // Output: |
| // true |
| // false |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindString() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo.?`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindString("seafood fool")) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindString("meat")) |
| // Output: |
| // "food" |
| // "" |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindStringIndex() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`ab?`) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindStringIndex("tablett")) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindStringIndex("foo") == nil) |
| // Output: |
| // [1 3] |
| // true |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindStringSubmatch() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b(y|z)c`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindStringSubmatch("-axxxbyc-")) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindStringSubmatch("-abzc-")) |
| // Output: |
| // ["axxxbyc" "xxx" "y"] |
| // ["abzc" "" "z"] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAllString() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a.`) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllString("paranormal", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllString("paranormal", 2)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllString("graal", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllString("none", -1)) |
| // Output: |
| // [ar an al] |
| // [ar an] |
| // [aa] |
| // [] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAllStringSubmatch() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b`) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindAllStringSubmatch("-ab-", -1)) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindAllStringSubmatch("-axxb-", -1)) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindAllStringSubmatch("-ab-axb-", -1)) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.FindAllStringSubmatch("-axxb-ab-", -1)) |
| // Output: |
| // [["ab" ""]] |
| // [["axxb" "xx"]] |
| // [["ab" ""] ["axb" "x"]] |
| // [["axxb" "xx"] ["ab" ""]] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAllStringSubmatchIndex() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b`) |
| // Indices: |
| // 01234567 012345678 |
| // -ab-axb- -axxb-ab- |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex("-ab-", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex("-axxb-", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex("-ab-axb-", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex("-axxb-ab-", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex("-foo-", -1)) |
| // Output: |
| // [[1 3 2 2]] |
| // [[1 5 2 4]] |
| // [[1 3 2 2] [4 7 5 6]] |
| // [[1 5 2 4] [6 8 7 7]] |
| // [] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindSubmatchIndex() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b`) |
| // Indices: |
| // 01234567 012345678 |
| // -ab-axb- -axxb-ab- |
| fmt.Println(re.FindSubmatchIndex([]byte("-ab-"))) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindSubmatchIndex([]byte("-axxb-"))) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindSubmatchIndex([]byte("-ab-axb-"))) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindSubmatchIndex([]byte("-axxb-ab-"))) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindSubmatchIndex([]byte("-foo-"))) |
| // Output: |
| // [1 3 2 2] |
| // [1 5 2 4] |
| // [1 3 2 2] |
| // [1 5 2 4] |
| // [] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_Longest() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(|b)`) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindString("ab")) |
| re.Longest() |
| fmt.Println(re.FindString("ab")) |
| // Output: |
| // a |
| // ab |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_MatchString() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`(gopher){2}`) |
| fmt.Println(re.MatchString("gopher")) |
| fmt.Println(re.MatchString("gophergopher")) |
| fmt.Println(re.MatchString("gophergophergopher")) |
| // Output: |
| // false |
| // true |
| // true |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_NumSubexp() { |
| re0 := regexp.MustCompile(`a.`) |
| fmt.Printf("%d\n", re0.NumSubexp()) |
| |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*)((a)b)(.*)a`) |
| fmt.Println(re.NumSubexp()) |
| // Output: |
| // 0 |
| // 4 |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_ReplaceAll() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b`) |
| fmt.Printf("%s\n", re.ReplaceAll([]byte("-ab-axxb-"), []byte("T"))) |
| fmt.Printf("%s\n", re.ReplaceAll([]byte("-ab-axxb-"), []byte("$1"))) |
| fmt.Printf("%s\n", re.ReplaceAll([]byte("-ab-axxb-"), []byte("$1W"))) |
| fmt.Printf("%s\n", re.ReplaceAll([]byte("-ab-axxb-"), []byte("${1}W"))) |
| // Output: |
| // -T-T- |
| // --xx- |
| // --- |
| // -W-xxW- |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_ReplaceAllLiteralString() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b`) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllLiteralString("-ab-axxb-", "T")) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllLiteralString("-ab-axxb-", "$1")) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllLiteralString("-ab-axxb-", "${1}")) |
| // Output: |
| // -T-T- |
| // -$1-$1- |
| // -${1}-${1}- |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_ReplaceAllString() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`a(x*)b`) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllString("-ab-axxb-", "T")) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllString("-ab-axxb-", "$1")) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllString("-ab-axxb-", "$1W")) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllString("-ab-axxb-", "${1}W")) |
| // Output: |
| // -T-T- |
| // --xx- |
| // --- |
| // -W-xxW- |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_ReplaceAllStringFunc() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`[^aeiou]`) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllStringFunc("seafood fool", strings.ToUpper)) |
| // Output: |
| // SeaFooD FooL |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_SubexpNames() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<first>[a-zA-Z]+) (?P<last>[a-zA-Z]+)`) |
| fmt.Println(re.MatchString("Alan Turing")) |
| fmt.Printf("%q\n", re.SubexpNames()) |
| reversed := fmt.Sprintf("${%s} ${%s}", re.SubexpNames()[2], re.SubexpNames()[1]) |
| fmt.Println(reversed) |
| fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllString("Alan Turing", reversed)) |
| // Output: |
| // true |
| // ["" "first" "last"] |
| // ${last} ${first} |
| // Turing Alan |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_SubexpIndex() { |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<first>[a-zA-Z]+) (?P<last>[a-zA-Z]+)`) |
| fmt.Println(re.MatchString("Alan Turing")) |
| matches := re.FindStringSubmatch("Alan Turing") |
| lastIndex := re.SubexpIndex("last") |
| fmt.Printf("last => %d\n", lastIndex) |
| fmt.Println(matches[lastIndex]) |
| // Output: |
| // true |
| // last => 2 |
| // Turing |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_Split() { |
| a := regexp.MustCompile(`a`) |
| fmt.Println(a.Split("banana", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(a.Split("banana", 0)) |
| fmt.Println(a.Split("banana", 1)) |
| fmt.Println(a.Split("banana", 2)) |
| zp := regexp.MustCompile(`z+`) |
| fmt.Println(zp.Split("pizza", -1)) |
| fmt.Println(zp.Split("pizza", 0)) |
| fmt.Println(zp.Split("pizza", 1)) |
| fmt.Println(zp.Split("pizza", 2)) |
| // Output: |
| // [b n n ] |
| // [] |
| // [banana] |
| // [b nana] |
| // [pi a] |
| // [] |
| // [pizza] |
| // [pi a] |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_Expand() { |
| content := []byte(` |
| # comment line |
| option1: value1 |
| option2: value2 |
| |
| # another comment line |
| option3: value3 |
| `) |
| |
| // Regex pattern captures "key: value" pair from the content. |
| pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(?P<key>\w+):\s+(?P<value>\w+)$`) |
| |
| // Template to convert "key: value" to "key=value" by |
| // referencing the values captured by the regex pattern. |
| template := []byte("$key=$value\n") |
| |
| result := []byte{} |
| |
| // For each match of the regex in the content. |
| for _, submatches := range pattern.FindAllSubmatchIndex(content, -1) { |
| // Apply the captured submatches to the template and append the output |
| // to the result. |
| result = pattern.Expand(result, template, content, submatches) |
| } |
| fmt.Println(string(result)) |
| // Output: |
| // option1=value1 |
| // option2=value2 |
| // option3=value3 |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_ExpandString() { |
| content := ` |
| # comment line |
| option1: value1 |
| option2: value2 |
| |
| # another comment line |
| option3: value3 |
| ` |
| |
| // Regex pattern captures "key: value" pair from the content. |
| pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(?P<key>\w+):\s+(?P<value>\w+)$`) |
| |
| // Template to convert "key: value" to "key=value" by |
| // referencing the values captured by the regex pattern. |
| template := "$key=$value\n" |
| |
| result := []byte{} |
| |
| // For each match of the regex in the content. |
| for _, submatches := range pattern.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(content, -1) { |
| // Apply the captured submatches to the template and append the output |
| // to the result. |
| result = pattern.ExpandString(result, template, content, submatches) |
| } |
| fmt.Println(string(result)) |
| // Output: |
| // option1=value1 |
| // option2=value2 |
| // option3=value3 |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindIndex() { |
| content := []byte(` |
| # comment line |
| option1: value1 |
| option2: value2 |
| `) |
| // Regex pattern captures "key: value" pair from the content. |
| pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(?P<key>\w+):\s+(?P<value>\w+)$`) |
| |
| loc := pattern.FindIndex(content) |
| fmt.Println(loc) |
| fmt.Println(string(content[loc[0]:loc[1]])) |
| // Output: |
| // [18 33] |
| // option1: value1 |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAllSubmatchIndex() { |
| content := []byte(` |
| # comment line |
| option1: value1 |
| option2: value2 |
| `) |
| // Regex pattern captures "key: value" pair from the content. |
| pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(?P<key>\w+):\s+(?P<value>\w+)$`) |
| allIndexes := pattern.FindAllSubmatchIndex(content, -1) |
| for _, loc := range allIndexes { |
| fmt.Println(loc) |
| fmt.Println(string(content[loc[0]:loc[1]])) |
| fmt.Println(string(content[loc[2]:loc[3]])) |
| fmt.Println(string(content[loc[4]:loc[5]])) |
| } |
| // Output: |
| // [18 33 18 25 27 33] |
| // option1: value1 |
| // option1 |
| // value1 |
| // [35 50 35 42 44 50] |
| // option2: value2 |
| // option2 |
| // value2 |
| } |
| |
| func ExampleRegexp_FindAllIndex() { |
| content := []byte("London") |
| re := regexp.MustCompile(`o.`) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllIndex(content, 1)) |
| fmt.Println(re.FindAllIndex(content, -1)) |
| // Output: |
| // [[1 3]] |
| // [[1 3] [4 6]] |
| } |