blob: 64513f32adc8eaa9f91742752e211d4c86b526f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// Declaration stack & operations
var externdcl []*Node
var blockgen int32 // max block number
var block int32 // current block number
// dclstack maintains a stack of shadowed symbol declarations so that
// popdcl can restore their declarations when a block scope ends.
// The stack is maintained as a linked list, using Sym's Link field.
// In practice, the "stack" actually ends up forming a tree: goto and label
// statements record the current state of dclstack so that checkgoto can
// validate that a goto statement does not jump over any declarations or
// into a new block scope.
// Finally, the Syms in this list are not "real" Syms as they don't actually
// represent object names. Sym is just a convenient type for saving shadowed
// Sym definitions, and only a subset of its fields are actually used.
var dclstack *Sym
func dcopy(a, b *Sym) {
a.Pkg = b.Pkg
a.Name = b.Name
a.Def = b.Def
a.Block = b.Block
a.Lastlineno = b.Lastlineno
func push() *Sym {
d := new(Sym)
d.Lastlineno = lineno
d.Link = dclstack
dclstack = d
return d
// pushdcl pushes the current declaration for symbol s (if any) so that
// it can be shadowed by a new declaration within a nested block scope.
func pushdcl(s *Sym) *Sym {
d := push()
dcopy(d, s)
return d
// popdcl pops the innermost block scope and restores all symbol declarations
// to their previous state.
func popdcl() {
d := dclstack
for ; d != nil && d.Name != ""; d = d.Link {
s := Pkglookup(d.Name, d.Pkg)
lno := s.Lastlineno
dcopy(s, d)
d.Lastlineno = lno
if d == nil {
Fatalf("popdcl: no mark")
dclstack = d.Link // pop mark
block = d.Block
// markdcl records the start of a new block scope for declarations.
func markdcl() {
d := push()
d.Name = "" // used as a mark in fifo
d.Block = block
block = blockgen
// keep around for debugging
func dumpdclstack() {
i := 0
for d := dclstack; d != nil; d = d.Link {
fmt.Printf("%6d %p", i, d)
if d.Name != "" {
fmt.Printf(" '%s' %v\n", d.Name, Pkglookup(d.Name, d.Pkg))
} else {
fmt.Printf(" ---\n")
func testdclstack() {
for d := dclstack; d != nil; d = d.Link {
if d.Name == "" {
if nerrors != 0 {
yyerror("mark left on the stack")
// redeclare emits a diagnostic about symbol s being redeclared somewhere.
func redeclare(s *Sym, where string) {
if s.Lastlineno == 0 {
var tmp string
if s.Origpkg != nil {
tmp = s.Origpkg.Path
} else {
tmp = s.Pkg.Path
pkgstr := tmp
yyerror("%v redeclared %s\n"+
"\tprevious declaration during import %q", s, where, pkgstr)
} else {
line1 := lineno
line2 := s.Lastlineno
// When an import and a declaration collide in separate files,
// present the import as the "redeclared", because the declaration
// is visible where the import is, but not vice versa.
// See issue 4510.
if s.Def == nil {
line2 = line1
line1 = s.Lastlineno
yyerrorl(line1, "%v redeclared %s\n"+
"\tprevious declaration at %v", s, where, linestr(line2))
var vargen int
// declare individual names - var, typ, const
var declare_typegen int
// declare records that Node n declares symbol n.Sym in the specified
// declaration context.
func declare(n *Node, ctxt Class) {
if ctxt == PDISCARD {
if isblank(n) {
if n.Name == nil {
// named OLITERAL needs Name; most OLITERALs don't.
n.Name = new(Name)
n.Lineno = lineno
s := n.Sym
// kludgy: typecheckok means we're past parsing. Eg genwrapper may declare out of package names later.
if importpkg == nil && !typecheckok && s.Pkg != localpkg {
yyerror("cannot declare name %v", s)
if ctxt == PEXTERN && s.Name == "init" {
yyerror("cannot declare init - must be func")
gen := 0
if ctxt == PEXTERN {
externdcl = append(externdcl, n)
} else {
if Curfn == nil && ctxt == PAUTO {
Fatalf("automatic outside function")
if Curfn != nil {
Curfn.Func.Dcl = append(Curfn.Func.Dcl, n)
if n.Op == OTYPE {
gen = declare_typegen
} else if n.Op == ONAME && ctxt == PAUTO && !strings.Contains(s.Name, "·") {
gen = vargen
n.Name.Curfn = Curfn
if ctxt == PAUTO {
n.Xoffset = 0
if s.Block == block {
// functype will print errors about duplicate function arguments.
// Don't repeat the error here.
if ctxt != PPARAM && ctxt != PPARAMOUT {
redeclare(s, "in this block")
s.Block = block
s.Lastlineno = lineno
s.Def = n
n.Name.Vargen = int32(gen)
n.Name.Funcdepth = funcdepth
n.Class = ctxt
autoexport(n, ctxt)
func addvar(n *Node, t *Type, ctxt Class) {
if n == nil || n.Sym == nil || (n.Op != ONAME && n.Op != ONONAME) || t == nil {
Fatalf("addvar: n=%v t=%v nil", n, t)
n.Op = ONAME
declare(n, ctxt)
n.Type = t
// declare variables from grammar
// new_name_list (type | [type] = expr_list)
func variter(vl []*Node, t *Node, el []*Node) []*Node {
var init []*Node
doexpr := len(el) > 0
if len(el) == 1 && len(vl) > 1 {
e := el[0]
as2 := Nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
for _, v := range vl {
v.Op = ONAME
declare(v, dclcontext)
v.Name.Param.Ntype = t
v.Name.Defn = as2
if funcdepth > 0 {
init = append(init, Nod(ODCL, v, nil))
return append(init, as2)
for _, v := range vl {
var e *Node
if doexpr {
if len(el) == 0 {
yyerror("missing expression in var declaration")
e = el[0]
el = el[1:]
v.Op = ONAME
declare(v, dclcontext)
v.Name.Param.Ntype = t
if e != nil || funcdepth > 0 || isblank(v) {
if funcdepth > 0 {
init = append(init, Nod(ODCL, v, nil))
e = Nod(OAS, v, e)
init = append(init, e)
if e.Right != nil {
v.Name.Defn = e
if len(el) != 0 {
yyerror("extra expression in var declaration")
return init
// declare constants from grammar
// new_name_list [[type] = expr_list]
func constiter(vl []*Node, t *Node, cl []*Node) []*Node {
lno := int32(0) // default is to leave line number alone in listtreecopy
if len(cl) == 0 {
if t != nil {
yyerror("const declaration cannot have type without expression")
cl = lastconst
t = lasttype
lno = vl[0].Lineno
} else {
lastconst = cl
lasttype = t
clcopy := listtreecopy(cl, lno)
var vv []*Node
for _, v := range vl {
if len(clcopy) == 0 {
yyerror("missing value in const declaration")
c := clcopy[0]
clcopy = clcopy[1:]
declare(v, dclcontext)
v.Name.Param.Ntype = t
v.Name.Defn = c
vv = append(vv, Nod(ODCLCONST, v, nil))
if len(clcopy) != 0 {
yyerror("extra expression in const declaration")
iota_ += 1
return vv
// newname returns a new ONAME Node associated with symbol s.
func newname(s *Sym) *Node {
if s == nil {
Fatalf("newname nil")
n := Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
n.Sym = s
n.Type = nil
n.Addable = true
n.Ullman = 1
n.Xoffset = 0
return n
// newfuncname generates a new name node for a function or method.
// TODO(rsc): Use an ODCLFUNC node instead. See comment in CL 7360.
func newfuncname(s *Sym) *Node {
n := newname(s)
n.Func = new(Func)
n.Func.FCurfn = Curfn
return n
// this generates a new name node for a name
// being declared.
func dclname(s *Sym) *Node {
n := newname(s)
n.Op = ONONAME // caller will correct it
return n
func typenod(t *Type) *Node {
// if we copied another type with *t = *u
// then t->nod might be out of date, so
// check t->nod->type too
if t.Nod == nil || t.Nod.Type != t {
t.Nod = Nod(OTYPE, nil, nil)
t.Nod.Type = t
t.Nod.Sym = t.Sym
return t.Nod
// oldname returns the Node that declares symbol s in the current scope.
// If no such Node currently exists, an ONONAME Node is returned instead.
func oldname(s *Sym) *Node {
n := s.Def
if n == nil {
// Maybe a top-level declaration will come along later to
// define s. resolve will check s.Def again once all input
// source has been processed.
n = newname(s)
n.Name.Iota = iota_ // save current iota value in const declarations
return n
if Curfn != nil && n.Op == ONAME && n.Name.Funcdepth > 0 && n.Name.Funcdepth != funcdepth {
// Inner func is referring to var in outer func.
// TODO(rsc): If there is an outer variable x and we
// are parsing x := 5 inside the closure, until we get to
// the := it looks like a reference to the outer x so we'll
// make x a closure variable unnecessarily.
c := n.Name.Param.Innermost
if c == nil || c.Name.Funcdepth != funcdepth {
// Do not have a closure var for the active closure yet; make one.
c = Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
c.Sym = s
c.Isddd = n.Isddd
c.Name.Defn = n
c.Addable = false
c.Ullman = 2
c.Name.Funcdepth = funcdepth
// Link into list of active closure variables.
// Popped from list in func closurebody.
c.Name.Param.Outer = n.Name.Param.Innermost
n.Name.Param.Innermost = c
c.Xoffset = 0
// return ref to closure var, not original
return c
return n
// := declarations
func colasname(n *Node) bool {
switch n.Op {
case ONAME,
return n.Sym != nil
return false
func colasdefn(left []*Node, defn *Node) {
for _, n := range left {
if n.Sym != nil {
n.Sym.Flags |= SymUniq
var nnew, nerr int
for i, n := range left {
if isblank(n) {
if !colasname(n) {
yyerrorl(defn.Lineno, "non-name %v on left side of :=", n)
if n.Sym.Flags&SymUniq == 0 {
yyerrorl(defn.Lineno, "%v repeated on left side of :=", n.Sym)
n.Sym.Flags &^= SymUniq
if n.Sym.Block == block {
n = newname(n.Sym)
declare(n, dclcontext)
n.Name.Defn = defn
defn.Ninit.Append(Nod(ODCL, n, nil))
left[i] = n
if nnew == 0 && nerr == 0 {
yyerrorl(defn.Lineno, "no new variables on left side of :=")
func colas(left, right []*Node, lno int32) *Node {
n := Nod(OAS, nil, nil) // assume common case
n.Colas = true
n.Lineno = lno // set before calling colasdefn for correct error line
colasdefn(left, n) // modifies left, call before using left[0] in common case
if len(left) == 1 && len(right) == 1 {
// common case
n.Left = left[0]
n.Right = right[0]
} else {
n.Op = OAS2
return n
// declare the arguments in an
// interface field declaration.
func ifacedcl(n *Node) {
if n.Op != ODCLFIELD || n.Right == nil {
if isblank(n.Left) {
yyerror("methods must have a unique non-blank name")
n.Func = new(Func)
n.Func.FCurfn = Curfn
dclcontext = PPARAM
// funcbody is normally called after the parser has
// seen the body of a function but since an interface
// field declaration does not have a body, we must
// call it now to pop the current declaration context.
dclcontext = PAUTO
// declare the function proper
// and declare the arguments.
// called in extern-declaration context
// returns in auto-declaration context.
func funchdr(n *Node) {
// change the declaration context from extern to auto
if funcdepth == 0 && dclcontext != PEXTERN {
Fatalf("funchdr: dclcontext = %d", dclcontext)
if importpkg == nil && n.Func.Nname != nil {
dclcontext = PAUTO
if n.Func.Nname != nil {
} else if n.Func.Ntype != nil {
} else {
func funcargs(nt *Node) {
if nt.Op != OTFUNC {
Fatalf("funcargs %v", nt.Op)
// re-start the variable generation number
// we want to use small numbers for the return variables,
// so let them have the chunk starting at 1.
vargen = nt.Rlist.Len()
// declare the receiver and in arguments.
// no n->defn because type checking of func header
// will not fill in the types until later
if nt.Left != nil {
n := nt.Left
if n.Op != ODCLFIELD {
Fatalf("funcargs receiver %v", n.Op)
if n.Left != nil {
n.Left.Op = ONAME
n.Left.Name.Param.Ntype = n.Right
declare(n.Left, PPARAM)
if dclcontext == PAUTO {
n.Left.Name.Vargen = int32(vargen)
for _, n := range nt.List.Slice() {
if n.Op != ODCLFIELD {
Fatalf("funcargs in %v", n.Op)
if n.Left != nil {
n.Left.Op = ONAME
n.Left.Name.Param.Ntype = n.Right
declare(n.Left, PPARAM)
if dclcontext == PAUTO {
n.Left.Name.Vargen = int32(vargen)
// declare the out arguments.
gen := nt.List.Len()
var i int = 0
for _, n := range nt.Rlist.Slice() {
if n.Op != ODCLFIELD {
Fatalf("funcargs out %v", n.Op)
if n.Left == nil {
// Name so that escape analysis can track it. ~r stands for 'result'.
n.Left = newname(lookupN("~r", gen))
// TODO: n->left->missing = 1;
n.Left.Op = ONAME
if isblank(n.Left) {
// Give it a name so we can assign to it during return. ~b stands for 'blank'.
// The name must be different from ~r above because if you have
// func f() (_ int)
// func g() int
// f is allowed to use a plain 'return' with no arguments, while g is not.
// So the two cases must be distinguished.
// We do not record a pointer to the original node (n->orig).
// Having multiple names causes too much confusion in later passes.
nn := *n.Left
nn.Orig = &nn
nn.Sym = lookupN("~b", gen)
n.Left = &nn
n.Left.Name.Param.Ntype = n.Right
declare(n.Left, PPARAMOUT)
if dclcontext == PAUTO {
n.Left.Name.Vargen = int32(i)
// Same as funcargs, except run over an already constructed TFUNC.
// This happens during import, where the hidden_fndcl rule has
// used functype directly to parse the function's type.
func funcargs2(t *Type) {
if t.Etype != TFUNC {
Fatalf("funcargs2 %v", t)
for _, ft := range t.Recvs().Fields().Slice() {
if ft.Nname == nil || ft.Nname.Sym == nil {
n := ft.Nname // no need for newname(ft->nname->sym)
n.Type = ft.Type
declare(n, PPARAM)
for _, ft := range t.Params().Fields().Slice() {
if ft.Nname == nil || ft.Nname.Sym == nil {
n := ft.Nname
n.Type = ft.Type
declare(n, PPARAM)
for _, ft := range t.Results().Fields().Slice() {
if ft.Nname == nil || ft.Nname.Sym == nil {
n := ft.Nname
n.Type = ft.Type
declare(n, PPARAMOUT)
var funcstack []*Node // stack of previous values of Curfn
var funcdepth int32 // len(funcstack) during parsing, but then forced to be the same later during compilation
// start the function.
// called before funcargs; undone at end of funcbody.
func funcstart(n *Node) {
funcstack = append(funcstack, Curfn)
Curfn = n
// finish the body.
// called in auto-declaration context.
// returns in extern-declaration context.
func funcbody(n *Node) {
// change the declaration context from auto to extern
if dclcontext != PAUTO {
Fatalf("funcbody: unexpected dclcontext %d", dclcontext)
funcstack, Curfn = funcstack[:len(funcstack)-1], funcstack[len(funcstack)-1]
if funcdepth == 0 {
dclcontext = PEXTERN
// new type being defined with name s.
func typedcl0(s *Sym) *Node {
n := newname(s)
n.Op = OTYPE
declare(n, dclcontext)
return n
// node n, which was returned by typedcl0
// is being declared to have uncompiled type t.
// return the ODCLTYPE node to use.
func typedcl1(n *Node, t *Node, local bool) *Node {
n.Name.Param.Ntype = t
n.Local = local
return Nod(ODCLTYPE, n, nil)
// structs, functions, and methods.
// they don't belong here, but where do they belong?
func checkembeddedtype(t *Type) {
if t == nil {
if t.Sym == nil && t.IsPtr() {
t = t.Elem()
if t.IsInterface() {
yyerror("embedded type cannot be a pointer to interface")
if t.IsPtr() || t.IsUnsafePtr() {
yyerror("embedded type cannot be a pointer")
} else if t.Etype == TFORW && t.ForwardType().Embedlineno == 0 {
t.ForwardType().Embedlineno = lineno
func structfield(n *Node) *Field {
lno := lineno
lineno = n.Lineno
if n.Op != ODCLFIELD {
Fatalf("structfield: oops %v\n", n)
f := newField()
f.Isddd = n.Isddd
if n.Right != nil {
n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, Etype)
n.Type = n.Right.Type
if n.Left != nil {
n.Left.Type = n.Type
if n.Embedded != 0 {
n.Right = nil
f.Type = n.Type
if f.Type == nil {
f.Broke = true
switch u := n.Val().U.(type) {
case string:
f.Note = u
yyerror("field annotation must be string")
case nil:
// noop
if n.Left != nil && n.Left.Op == ONAME {
f.Nname = n.Left
f.Embedded = n.Embedded
f.Sym = f.Nname.Sym
lineno = lno
return f
// checkdupfields emits errors for duplicately named fields or methods in
// a list of struct or interface types.
func checkdupfields(what string, ts ...*Type) {
lno := lineno
seen := make(map[*Sym]bool)
for _, t := range ts {
for _, f := range t.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Sym == nil || f.Nname == nil || isblank(f.Nname) {
if seen[f.Sym] {
lineno = f.Nname.Lineno
yyerror("duplicate %s %s", what, f.Sym.Name)
seen[f.Sym] = true
lineno = lno
// convert a parsed id/type list into
// a type for struct/interface/arglist
func tostruct(l []*Node) *Type {
t := typ(TSTRUCT)
tostruct0(t, l)
return t
func tostruct0(t *Type, l []*Node) {
if t == nil || !t.IsStruct() {
Fatalf("struct expected")
fields := make([]*Field, len(l))
for i, n := range l {
f := structfield(n)
if f.Broke {
t.Broke = true
fields[i] = f
checkdupfields("field", t)
if !t.Broke {
func tofunargs(l []*Node, funarg Funarg) *Type {
t := typ(TSTRUCT)
t.StructType().Funarg = funarg
fields := make([]*Field, len(l))
for i, n := range l {
f := structfield(n)
f.Funarg = funarg
// esc.go needs to find f given a PPARAM to add the tag.
if n.Left != nil && n.Left.Class == PPARAM {
n.Left.Name.Param.Field = f
if f.Broke {
t.Broke = true
fields[i] = f
return t
func interfacefield(n *Node) *Field {
lno := lineno
lineno = n.Lineno
if n.Op != ODCLFIELD {
Fatalf("interfacefield: oops %v\n", n)
if n.Val().Ctype() != CTxxx {
yyerror("interface method cannot have annotation")
f := newField()
f.Isddd = n.Isddd
if n.Right != nil {
if n.Left != nil {
// queue resolution of method type for later.
// right now all we need is the name list.
// avoids cycles for recursive interface types.
n.Type = typ(TINTERMETH)
n.Left.Type = n.Type
if n.Left.Op == ONAME {
f.Nname = n.Left
f.Embedded = n.Embedded
f.Sym = f.Nname.Sym
} else {
n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, Etype)
n.Type = n.Right.Type
if n.Embedded != 0 {
if n.Type != nil {
switch n.Type.Etype {
case TINTER:
case TFORW:
yyerror("interface type loop involving %v", n.Type)
f.Broke = true
yyerror("interface contains embedded non-interface %v", n.Type)
f.Broke = true
n.Right = nil
f.Type = n.Type
if f.Type == nil {
f.Broke = true
lineno = lno
return f
func tointerface(l []*Node) *Type {
t := typ(TINTER)
tointerface0(t, l)
return t
func tointerface0(t *Type, l []*Node) *Type {
if t == nil || !t.IsInterface() {
Fatalf("interface expected")
var fields []*Field
for _, n := range l {
f := interfacefield(n)
if n.Left == nil && f.Type.IsInterface() {
// embedded interface, inline methods
for _, t1 := range f.Type.Fields().Slice() {
f = newField()
f.Type = t1.Type
f.Broke = t1.Broke
f.Sym = t1.Sym
if f.Sym != nil {
f.Nname = newname(f.Sym)
fields = append(fields, f)
} else {
fields = append(fields, f)
if f.Broke {
t.Broke = true
checkdupfields("method", t)
return t
func embedded(s *Sym, pkg *Pkg) *Node {
const (
CenterDot = 0xB7
// Names sometimes have disambiguation junk
// appended after a center dot. Discard it when
// making the name for the embedded struct field.
name := s.Name
if i := strings.Index(s.Name, string(CenterDot)); i >= 0 {
name = s.Name[:i]
var n *Node
if exportname(name) {
n = newname(lookup(name))
} else if s.Pkg == builtinpkg {
// The name of embedded builtins belongs to pkg.
n = newname(Pkglookup(name, pkg))
} else {
n = newname(Pkglookup(name, s.Pkg))
n = Nod(ODCLFIELD, n, oldname(s))
n.Embedded = 1
return n
func fakethis() *Node {
n := Nod(ODCLFIELD, nil, typenod(ptrto(typ(TSTRUCT))))
return n
// Is this field a method on an interface?
// Those methods have an anonymous *struct{} as the receiver.
// (See fakethis above.)
func isifacemethod(f *Type) bool {
rcvr := f.Recv()
if rcvr.Sym != nil {
return false
t := rcvr.Type
if !t.IsPtr() {
return false
t = t.Elem()
if t.Sym != nil || !t.IsStruct() || t.NumFields() != 0 {
return false
return true
// turn a parsed function declaration into a type
func functype(this *Node, in, out []*Node) *Type {
t := typ(TFUNC)
functype0(t, this, in, out)
return t
func functype0(t *Type, this *Node, in, out []*Node) {
if t == nil || t.Etype != TFUNC {
Fatalf("function type expected")
var rcvr []*Node
if this != nil {
rcvr = []*Node{this}
t.FuncType().Receiver = tofunargs(rcvr, FunargRcvr)
t.FuncType().Results = tofunargs(out, FunargResults)
t.FuncType().Params = tofunargs(in, FunargParams)
checkdupfields("argument", t.Recvs(), t.Results(), t.Params())
if t.Recvs().Broke || t.Results().Broke || t.Params().Broke {
t.Broke = true
t.FuncType().Outnamed = false
if len(out) > 0 && out[0].Left != nil && out[0].Left.Orig != nil {
s := out[0].Left.Orig.Sym
if s != nil && (s.Name[0] != '~' || s.Name[1] != 'r') { // ~r%d is the name invented for an unnamed result
t.FuncType().Outnamed = true
var methodsym_toppkg *Pkg
func methodsym(nsym *Sym, t0 *Type, iface int) *Sym {
var s *Sym
var p string
var suffix string
var spkg *Pkg
t := t0
if t == nil {
goto bad
s = t.Sym
if s == nil && t.IsPtr() {
t = t.Elem()
if t == nil {
goto bad
s = t.Sym
spkg = nil
if s != nil {
spkg = s.Pkg
// if t0 == *t and t0 has a sym,
// we want to see *t, not t0, in the method name.
if t != t0 && t0.Sym != nil {
t0 = ptrto(t)
suffix = ""
if iface != 0 {
if t0.Width < Types[Tptr].Width {
suffix = "·i"
if (spkg == nil || nsym.Pkg != spkg) && !exportname(nsym.Name) {
if t0.Sym == nil && t0.IsPtr() {
p = fmt.Sprintf("(%-S).%s.%s%s", t0, nsym.Pkg.Prefix, nsym.Name, suffix)
} else {
p = fmt.Sprintf("%-S.%s.%s%s", t0, nsym.Pkg.Prefix, nsym.Name, suffix)
} else {
if t0.Sym == nil && t0.IsPtr() {
p = fmt.Sprintf("(%-S).%s%s", t0, nsym.Name, suffix)
} else {
p = fmt.Sprintf("%-S.%s%s", t0, nsym.Name, suffix)
if spkg == nil {
if methodsym_toppkg == nil {
methodsym_toppkg = mkpkg("go")
spkg = methodsym_toppkg
s = Pkglookup(p, spkg)
return s
yyerror("illegal receiver type: %v", t0)
return nil
func methodname(n *Node, t *Node) *Node {
star := ""
if t.Op == OIND {
star = "*"
t = t.Left
if t.Sym == nil || isblank(n) {
return newfuncname(n.Sym)
var p string
if star != "" {
p = fmt.Sprintf("(%s%v).%v", star, t.Sym, n.Sym)
} else {
p = fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", t.Sym, n.Sym)
if exportname(t.Sym.Name) {
n = newfuncname(lookup(p))
} else {
n = newfuncname(Pkglookup(p, t.Sym.Pkg))
return n
// Add a method, declared as a function.
// - msym is the method symbol
// - t is function type (with receiver)
func addmethod(msym *Sym, t *Type, local, nointerface bool) {
// get field sym
if msym == nil {
Fatalf("no method symbol")
// get parent type sym
rf := t.Recv() // ptr to this structure
if rf == nil {
yyerror("missing receiver")
mt := methtype(rf.Type)
if mt == nil || mt.Sym == nil {
pa := rf.Type
t := pa
if t != nil && t.IsPtr() {
if t.Sym != nil {
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%v is a pointer type)", pa, t)
t = t.Elem()
switch {
case t == nil || t.Broke:
// rely on typecheck having complained before
case t.Sym == nil:
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%v is an unnamed type)", pa, t)
case t.IsPtr():
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%v is a pointer type)", pa, t)
case t.IsInterface():
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%v is an interface type)", pa, t)
// Should have picked off all the reasons above,
// but just in case, fall back to generic error.
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%L / %L)", pa, pa, t)
if local && !mt.Local {
yyerror("cannot define new methods on non-local type %v", mt)
if isblanksym(msym) {
if mt.IsStruct() {
for _, f := range mt.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Sym == msym {
yyerror("type %v has both field and method named %v", mt, msym)
n := Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(msym), nil)
n.Type = t
for _, f := range mt.Methods().Slice() {
if msym.Name != f.Sym.Name {
// eqtype only checks that incoming and result parameters match,
// so explicitly check that the receiver parameters match too.
if !eqtype(t, f.Type) || !eqtype(t.Recv().Type, f.Type.Recv().Type) {
yyerror("method redeclared: %v.%v\n\t%v\n\t%v", mt, msym, f.Type, t)
f := structfield(n)
f.Nointerface = nointerface
func funccompile(n *Node) {
Stksize = BADWIDTH
Maxarg = 0
if n.Type == nil {
if nerrors == 0 {
Fatalf("funccompile missing type")
// assign parameter offsets
if Curfn != nil {
Fatalf("funccompile %v inside %v", n.Func.Nname.Sym, Curfn.Func.Nname.Sym)
Stksize = 0
dclcontext = PAUTO
funcdepth = n.Func.Depth + 1
Curfn = nil
Pc = nil
continpc = nil
breakpc = nil
funcdepth = 0
dclcontext = PEXTERN
if nerrors != 0 {
// If we have compile errors, ignore any assembler/linker errors.
Ctxt.DiagFunc = func(string, ...interface{}) {}
obj.Flushplist(Ctxt) // convert from Prog list to machine code
func funcsym(s *Sym) *Sym {
if s.Fsym != nil {
return s.Fsym
s1 := Pkglookup(s.Name+"·f", s.Pkg)
s.Fsym = s1
return s1
func makefuncsym(s *Sym) {
if isblanksym(s) {
if compiling_runtime && s.Name == "getg" {
// runtime.getg() is not a real function and so does
// not get a funcsym.
s1 := funcsym(s)
s1.Def = newfuncname(s1)
s1.Def.Func.Shortname = newname(s)
funcsyms = append(funcsyms, s1.Def)
type nowritebarrierrecChecker struct {
curfn *Node
stable bool
// best maps from the ODCLFUNC of each visited function that
// recursively invokes a write barrier to the called function
// on the shortest path to a write barrier.
best map[*Node]nowritebarrierrecCall
type nowritebarrierrecCall struct {
target *Node
depth int
lineno int32
func checknowritebarrierrec() {
c := nowritebarrierrecChecker{
best: make(map[*Node]nowritebarrierrecCall),
visitBottomUp(xtop, func(list []*Node, recursive bool) {
// Functions with write barriers have depth 0.
for _, n := range list {
if n.Func.WBLineno != 0 {[n] = nowritebarrierrecCall{target: nil, depth: 0, lineno: n.Func.WBLineno}
// Propagate write barrier depth up from callees. In
// the recursive case, we have to update this at most
// len(list) times and can stop when we an iteration
// that doesn't change anything.
for _ = range list {
c.stable = false
for _, n := range list {
if n.Func.WBLineno == 0 {
c.curfn = n
if c.stable {
// Check nowritebarrierrec functions.
for _, n := range list {
if n.Func.Pragma&Nowritebarrierrec == 0 {
call, hasWB :=[n]
if !hasWB {
// Build the error message in reverse.
err := ""
for != nil {
err = fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%v: called by %v%s", linestr(call.lineno), n.Func.Nname, err)
n =
call =[n]
err = fmt.Sprintf("write barrier prohibited by caller; %v%s", n.Func.Nname, err)
yyerrorl(n.Func.WBLineno, err)
func (c *nowritebarrierrecChecker) visitcodelist(l Nodes) {
for _, n := range l.Slice() {
func (c *nowritebarrierrecChecker) visitcode(n *Node) {
if n == nil {
if n.Op == OCALLFUNC || n.Op == OCALLMETH {
func (c *nowritebarrierrecChecker) visitcall(n *Node) {
fn := n.Left
if n.Op == OCALLMETH {
fn = n.Left.Sym.Def
if fn == nil || fn.Op != ONAME || fn.Class != PFUNC || fn.Name.Defn == nil {
if (compiling_runtime || fn.Sym.Pkg == Runtimepkg) && fn.Sym.Name == "allocm" {
defn := fn.Name.Defn
fnbest, ok :=[defn]
if !ok {
best, ok :=[c.curfn]
if ok && fnbest.depth+1 >= best.depth {
}[c.curfn] = nowritebarrierrecCall{target: defn, depth: fnbest.depth + 1, lineno: n.Lineno}
c.stable = false