| // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "go_asm.h" |
| #include "go_tls.h" |
| #include "tls_arm64.h" |
| #include "funcdata.h" |
| #include "textflag.h" |
| |
| TEXT runtime·rt0_go(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 |
| // SP = stack; R0 = argc; R1 = argv |
| |
| SUB $32, RSP |
| MOVW R0, 8(RSP) // argc |
| MOVD R1, 16(RSP) // argv |
| |
| // create istack out of the given (operating system) stack. |
| // _cgo_init may update stackguard. |
| MOVD $runtime·g0(SB), g |
| MOVD RSP, R7 |
| MOVD $(-64*1024)(R7), R0 |
| MOVD R0, g_stackguard0(g) |
| MOVD R0, g_stackguard1(g) |
| MOVD R0, (g_stack+stack_lo)(g) |
| MOVD R7, (g_stack+stack_hi)(g) |
| |
| // if there is a _cgo_init, call it using the gcc ABI. |
| MOVD _cgo_init(SB), R12 |
| CMP $0, R12 |
| BEQ nocgo |
| |
| MRS_TPIDR_R0 // load TLS base pointer |
| MOVD R0, R3 // arg 3: TLS base pointer |
| MOVD $runtime·tls_g(SB), R2 // arg 2: &tls_g |
| #else |
| MOVD $0, R2 // arg 2: not used when using platform's TLS |
| #endif |
| MOVD $setg_gcc<>(SB), R1 // arg 1: setg |
| MOVD g, R0 // arg 0: G |
| BL (R12) |
| MOVD _cgo_init(SB), R12 |
| CMP $0, R12 |
| BEQ nocgo |
| |
| nocgo: |
| // update stackguard after _cgo_init |
| MOVD (g_stack+stack_lo)(g), R0 |
| ADD $const__StackGuard, R0 |
| MOVD R0, g_stackguard0(g) |
| MOVD R0, g_stackguard1(g) |
| |
| // set the per-goroutine and per-mach "registers" |
| MOVD $runtime·m0(SB), R0 |
| |
| // save m->g0 = g0 |
| MOVD g, m_g0(R0) |
| // save m0 to g0->m |
| MOVD R0, g_m(g) |
| |
| BL runtime·check(SB) |
| |
| MOVW 8(RSP), R0 // copy argc |
| MOVW R0, -8(RSP) |
| MOVD 16(RSP), R0 // copy argv |
| MOVD R0, 0(RSP) |
| BL runtime·args(SB) |
| BL runtime·osinit(SB) |
| BL runtime·schedinit(SB) |
| |
| // create a new goroutine to start program |
| MOVD $runtime·mainPC(SB), R0 // entry |
| MOVD RSP, R7 |
| MOVD.W $0, -8(R7) |
| MOVD.W R0, -8(R7) |
| MOVD.W $0, -8(R7) |
| MOVD.W $0, -8(R7) |
| MOVD R7, RSP |
| BL runtime·newproc(SB) |
| ADD $32, RSP |
| |
| // start this M |
| BL runtime·mstart(SB) |
| |
| MOVD $0, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (R0) // boom |
| |
| DATA runtime·mainPC+0(SB)/8,$runtime·main(SB) |
| GLOBL runtime·mainPC(SB),RODATA,$8 |
| |
| TEXT runtime·breakpoint(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| BRK |
| RET |
| |
| TEXT runtime·asminit(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| RET |
| |
| /* |
| * go-routine |
| */ |
| |
| // void gosave(Gobuf*) |
| // save state in Gobuf; setjmp |
| TEXT runtime·gosave(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-8 |
| MOVD buf+0(FP), R3 |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, gobuf_sp(R3) |
| MOVD LR, gobuf_pc(R3) |
| MOVD g, gobuf_g(R3) |
| MOVD ZR, gobuf_lr(R3) |
| MOVD ZR, gobuf_ret(R3) |
| // Assert ctxt is zero. See func save. |
| MOVD gobuf_ctxt(R3), R0 |
| CMP $0, R0 |
| BEQ 2(PC) |
| CALL runtime·badctxt(SB) |
| RET |
| |
| // void gogo(Gobuf*) |
| // restore state from Gobuf; longjmp |
| TEXT runtime·gogo(SB), NOSPLIT, $24-8 |
| MOVD buf+0(FP), R5 |
| MOVD gobuf_g(R5), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| |
| MOVD 0(g), R4 // make sure g is not nil |
| MOVD gobuf_sp(R5), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| MOVD gobuf_lr(R5), LR |
| MOVD gobuf_ret(R5), R0 |
| MOVD gobuf_ctxt(R5), R26 |
| MOVD $0, gobuf_sp(R5) |
| MOVD $0, gobuf_ret(R5) |
| MOVD $0, gobuf_lr(R5) |
| MOVD $0, gobuf_ctxt(R5) |
| CMP ZR, ZR // set condition codes for == test, needed by stack split |
| MOVD gobuf_pc(R5), R6 |
| B (R6) |
| |
| // void mcall(fn func(*g)) |
| // Switch to m->g0's stack, call fn(g). |
| // Fn must never return. It should gogo(&g->sched) |
| // to keep running g. |
| TEXT runtime·mcall(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-8 |
| // Save caller state in g->sched |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| MOVD LR, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g) |
| MOVD $0, (g_sched+gobuf_lr)(g) |
| MOVD g, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(g) |
| |
| // Switch to m->g0 & its stack, call fn. |
| MOVD g, R3 |
| MOVD g_m(g), R8 |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| CMP g, R3 |
| BNE 2(PC) |
| B runtime·badmcall(SB) |
| MOVD fn+0(FP), R26 // context |
| MOVD 0(R26), R4 // code pointer |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP // sp = m->g0->sched.sp |
| MOVD R3, -8(RSP) |
| MOVD $0, -16(RSP) |
| SUB $16, RSP |
| BL (R4) |
| B runtime·badmcall2(SB) |
| |
| // systemstack_switch is a dummy routine that systemstack leaves at the bottom |
| // of the G stack. We need to distinguish the routine that |
| // lives at the bottom of the G stack from the one that lives |
| // at the top of the system stack because the one at the top of |
| // the system stack terminates the stack walk (see topofstack()). |
| TEXT runtime·systemstack_switch(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0 |
| BL (LR) // make sure this function is not leaf |
| RET |
| |
| // func systemstack(fn func()) |
| TEXT runtime·systemstack(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8 |
| MOVD fn+0(FP), R3 // R3 = fn |
| MOVD R3, R26 // context |
| MOVD g_m(g), R4 // R4 = m |
| |
| MOVD m_gsignal(R4), R5 // R5 = gsignal |
| CMP g, R5 |
| BEQ noswitch |
| |
| MOVD m_g0(R4), R5 // R5 = g0 |
| CMP g, R5 |
| BEQ noswitch |
| |
| MOVD m_curg(R4), R6 |
| CMP g, R6 |
| BEQ switch |
| |
| // Bad: g is not gsignal, not g0, not curg. What is it? |
| // Hide call from linker nosplit analysis. |
| MOVD $runtime·badsystemstack(SB), R3 |
| BL (R3) |
| |
| switch: |
| // save our state in g->sched. Pretend to |
| // be systemstack_switch if the G stack is scanned. |
| MOVD $runtime·systemstack_switch(SB), R6 |
| ADD $8, R6 // get past prologue |
| MOVD R6, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g) |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| MOVD $0, (g_sched+gobuf_lr)(g) |
| MOVD g, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(g) |
| |
| // switch to g0 |
| MOVD R5, g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R3 |
| // make it look like mstart called systemstack on g0, to stop traceback |
| SUB $16, R3 |
| AND $~15, R3 |
| MOVD $runtime·mstart(SB), R4 |
| MOVD R4, 0(R3) |
| MOVD R3, RSP |
| |
| // call target function |
| MOVD 0(R26), R3 // code pointer |
| BL (R3) |
| |
| // switch back to g |
| MOVD g_m(g), R3 |
| MOVD m_curg(R3), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| MOVD $0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| RET |
| |
| noswitch: |
| // already on m stack, just call directly |
| // Using a tail call here cleans up tracebacks since we won't stop |
| // at an intermediate systemstack. |
| MOVD 0(R26), R3 // code pointer |
| MOVD.P 16(RSP), R30 // restore LR |
| B (R3) |
| |
| /* |
| * support for morestack |
| */ |
| |
| // Called during function prolog when more stack is needed. |
| // Caller has already loaded: |
| // R3 prolog's LR (R30) |
| // |
| // The traceback routines see morestack on a g0 as being |
| // the top of a stack (for example, morestack calling newstack |
| // calling the scheduler calling newm calling gc), so we must |
| // record an argument size. For that purpose, it has no arguments. |
| TEXT runtime·morestack(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| // Cannot grow scheduler stack (m->g0). |
| MOVD g_m(g), R8 |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), R4 |
| CMP g, R4 |
| BNE 3(PC) |
| BL runtime·badmorestackg0(SB) |
| B runtime·abort(SB) |
| |
| // Cannot grow signal stack (m->gsignal). |
| MOVD m_gsignal(R8), R4 |
| CMP g, R4 |
| BNE 3(PC) |
| BL runtime·badmorestackgsignal(SB) |
| B runtime·abort(SB) |
| |
| // Called from f. |
| // Set g->sched to context in f |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| MOVD LR, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g) |
| MOVD R3, (g_sched+gobuf_lr)(g) |
| MOVD R26, (g_sched+gobuf_ctxt)(g) |
| |
| // Called from f. |
| // Set m->morebuf to f's callers. |
| MOVD R3, (m_morebuf+gobuf_pc)(R8) // f's caller's PC |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (m_morebuf+gobuf_sp)(R8) // f's caller's RSP |
| MOVD g, (m_morebuf+gobuf_g)(R8) |
| |
| // Call newstack on m->g0's stack. |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| MOVD.W $0, -16(RSP) // create a call frame on g0 (saved LR; keep 16-aligned) |
| BL runtime·newstack(SB) |
| |
| // Not reached, but make sure the return PC from the call to newstack |
| // is still in this function, and not the beginning of the next. |
| |
| TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| MOVW $0, R26 |
| B runtime·morestack(SB) |
| |
| // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list |
| // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). |
| // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number |
| // of constant-sized-frame functions to encode a few bits of size in the pc. |
| // Caution: ugly multiline assembly macros in your future! |
| |
| MOVD $MAXSIZE, R27; \ |
| CMP R27, R16; \ |
| BGT 3(PC); \ |
| MOVD $NAME(SB), R27; \ |
| B (R27) |
| // Note: can't just "B NAME(SB)" - bad inlining results. |
| |
| TEXT reflect·call(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0 |
| B ·reflectcall(SB) |
| |
| TEXT ·reflectcall(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-32 |
| MOVWU argsize+24(FP), R16 |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call32, 32) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call64, 64) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call128, 128) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call256, 256) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call512, 512) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call1024, 1024) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call2048, 2048) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call4096, 4096) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call8192, 8192) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call16384, 16384) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call32768, 32768) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call65536, 65536) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call131072, 131072) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call262144, 262144) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call524288, 524288) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call1048576, 1048576) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call2097152, 2097152) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call4194304, 4194304) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call8388608, 8388608) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call16777216, 16777216) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call33554432, 33554432) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call67108864, 67108864) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call134217728, 134217728) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call268435456, 268435456) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call536870912, 536870912) |
| DISPATCH(runtime·call1073741824, 1073741824) |
| MOVD $runtime·badreflectcall(SB), R0 |
| B (R0) |
| |
| #define CALLFN(NAME,MAXSIZE) \ |
| /* copy arguments to stack */ \ |
| MOVD arg+16(FP), R3; \ |
| MOVWU argsize+24(FP), R4; \ |
| ADD $8, RSP, R5; \ |
| BIC $0xf, R4, R6; \ |
| CBZ R6, 6(PC); \ |
| /* if R6=(argsize&~15) != 0 */ \ |
| ADD R6, R5, R6; \ |
| /* copy 16 bytes a time */ \ |
| LDP.P 16(R3), (R7, R8); \ |
| STP.P (R7, R8), 16(R5); \ |
| CMP R5, R6; \ |
| BNE -3(PC); \ |
| AND $0xf, R4, R6; \ |
| CBZ R6, 6(PC); \ |
| /* if R6=(argsize&15) != 0 */ \ |
| ADD R6, R5, R6; \ |
| /* copy 1 byte a time for the rest */ \ |
| MOVBU.P 1(R3), R7; \ |
| MOVBU.P R7, 1(R5); \ |
| CMP R5, R6; \ |
| BNE -3(PC); \ |
| /* call function */ \ |
| MOVD f+8(FP), R26; \ |
| MOVD (R26), R0; \ |
| PCDATA $PCDATA_StackMapIndex, $0; \ |
| BL (R0); \ |
| /* copy return values back */ \ |
| MOVD argtype+0(FP), R7; \ |
| MOVD arg+16(FP), R3; \ |
| MOVWU n+24(FP), R4; \ |
| MOVWU retoffset+28(FP), R6; \ |
| ADD $8, RSP, R5; \ |
| ADD R6, R5; \ |
| ADD R6, R3; \ |
| SUB R6, R4; \ |
| BL callRet<>(SB); \ |
| RET |
| |
| // callRet copies return values back at the end of call*. This is a |
| // separate function so it can allocate stack space for the arguments |
| // to reflectcallmove. It does not follow the Go ABI; it expects its |
| // arguments in registers. |
| TEXT callRet<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $40-0 |
| MOVD R7, 8(RSP) |
| MOVD R3, 16(RSP) |
| MOVD R5, 24(RSP) |
| MOVD R4, 32(RSP) |
| BL runtime·reflectcallmove(SB) |
| RET |
| |
| // These have 8 added to make the overall frame size a multiple of 16, |
| // as required by the ABI. (There is another +8 for the saved LR.) |
| CALLFN(·call32, 40 ) |
| CALLFN(·call64, 72 ) |
| CALLFN(·call128, 136 ) |
| CALLFN(·call256, 264 ) |
| CALLFN(·call512, 520 ) |
| CALLFN(·call1024, 1032 ) |
| CALLFN(·call2048, 2056 ) |
| CALLFN(·call4096, 4104 ) |
| CALLFN(·call8192, 8200 ) |
| CALLFN(·call16384, 16392 ) |
| CALLFN(·call32768, 32776 ) |
| CALLFN(·call65536, 65544 ) |
| CALLFN(·call131072, 131080 ) |
| CALLFN(·call262144, 262152 ) |
| CALLFN(·call524288, 524296 ) |
| CALLFN(·call1048576, 1048584 ) |
| CALLFN(·call2097152, 2097160 ) |
| CALLFN(·call4194304, 4194312 ) |
| CALLFN(·call8388608, 8388616 ) |
| CALLFN(·call16777216, 16777224 ) |
| CALLFN(·call33554432, 33554440 ) |
| CALLFN(·call67108864, 67108872 ) |
| CALLFN(·call134217728, 134217736 ) |
| CALLFN(·call268435456, 268435464 ) |
| CALLFN(·call536870912, 536870920 ) |
| CALLFN(·call1073741824, 1073741832 ) |
| |
| // AES hashing not implemented for ARM64, issue #10109. |
| TEXT runtime·aeshash(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| MOVW $0, R0 |
| MOVW (R0), R1 |
| TEXT runtime·aeshash32(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| MOVW $0, R0 |
| MOVW (R0), R1 |
| TEXT runtime·aeshash64(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| MOVW $0, R0 |
| MOVW (R0), R1 |
| TEXT runtime·aeshashstr(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| MOVW $0, R0 |
| MOVW (R0), R1 |
| |
| TEXT runtime·procyield(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 |
| MOVWU cycles+0(FP), R0 |
| again: |
| SUBW $1, R0 |
| CBNZ R0, again |
| RET |
| |
| // void jmpdefer(fv, sp); |
| // called from deferreturn. |
| // 1. grab stored LR for caller |
| // 2. sub 4 bytes to get back to BL deferreturn |
| // 3. BR to fn |
| TEXT runtime·jmpdefer(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-16 |
| MOVD 0(RSP), R0 |
| SUB $4, R0 |
| MOVD R0, LR |
| |
| MOVD fv+0(FP), R26 |
| MOVD argp+8(FP), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| SUB $8, RSP |
| MOVD 0(R26), R3 |
| B (R3) |
| |
| // Save state of caller into g->sched. Smashes R0. |
| TEXT gosave<>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0 |
| MOVD LR, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g) |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| MOVD $0, (g_sched+gobuf_lr)(g) |
| MOVD $0, (g_sched+gobuf_ret)(g) |
| // Assert ctxt is zero. See func save. |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_ctxt)(g), R0 |
| CMP $0, R0 |
| BEQ 2(PC) |
| CALL runtime·badctxt(SB) |
| RET |
| |
| // func asmcgocall(fn, arg unsafe.Pointer) int32 |
| // Call fn(arg) on the scheduler stack, |
| // aligned appropriately for the gcc ABI. |
| // See cgocall.go for more details. |
| TEXT ·asmcgocall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-20 |
| MOVD fn+0(FP), R1 |
| MOVD arg+8(FP), R0 |
| |
| MOVD RSP, R2 // save original stack pointer |
| MOVD g, R4 |
| |
| // Figure out if we need to switch to m->g0 stack. |
| // We get called to create new OS threads too, and those |
| // come in on the m->g0 stack already. |
| MOVD g_m(g), R8 |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), R3 |
| CMP R3, g |
| BEQ g0 |
| MOVD R0, R9 // gosave<> and save_g might clobber R0 |
| BL gosave<>(SB) |
| MOVD R3, g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| MOVD R9, R0 |
| |
| // Now on a scheduling stack (a pthread-created stack). |
| g0: |
| // Save room for two of our pointers /*, plus 32 bytes of callee |
| // save area that lives on the caller stack. */ |
| MOVD RSP, R13 |
| SUB $16, R13 |
| MOVD R13, RSP |
| MOVD R4, 0(RSP) // save old g on stack |
| MOVD (g_stack+stack_hi)(R4), R4 |
| SUB R2, R4 |
| MOVD R4, 8(RSP) // save depth in old g stack (can't just save SP, as stack might be copied during a callback) |
| BL (R1) |
| MOVD R0, R9 |
| |
| // Restore g, stack pointer. R0 is errno, so don't touch it |
| MOVD 0(RSP), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_stack+stack_hi)(g), R5 |
| MOVD 8(RSP), R6 |
| SUB R6, R5 |
| MOVD R9, R0 |
| MOVD R5, RSP |
| |
| MOVW R0, ret+16(FP) |
| RET |
| |
| // cgocallback(void (*fn)(void*), void *frame, uintptr framesize, uintptr ctxt) |
| // Turn the fn into a Go func (by taking its address) and call |
| // cgocallback_gofunc. |
| TEXT runtime·cgocallback(SB),NOSPLIT,$40-32 |
| MOVD $fn+0(FP), R0 |
| MOVD R0, 8(RSP) |
| MOVD frame+8(FP), R0 |
| MOVD R0, 16(RSP) |
| MOVD framesize+16(FP), R0 |
| MOVD R0, 24(RSP) |
| MOVD ctxt+24(FP), R0 |
| MOVD R0, 32(RSP) |
| MOVD $runtime·cgocallback_gofunc(SB), R0 |
| BL (R0) |
| RET |
| |
| // cgocallback_gofunc(FuncVal*, void *frame, uintptr framesize, uintptr ctxt) |
| // See cgocall.go for more details. |
| TEXT ·cgocallback_gofunc(SB),NOSPLIT,$24-32 |
| |
| // Load g from thread-local storage. |
| MOVB runtime·iscgo(SB), R3 |
| CMP $0, R3 |
| BEQ nocgo |
| BL runtime·load_g(SB) |
| nocgo: |
| |
| // If g is nil, Go did not create the current thread. |
| // Call needm to obtain one for temporary use. |
| // In this case, we're running on the thread stack, so there's |
| // lots of space, but the linker doesn't know. Hide the call from |
| // the linker analysis by using an indirect call. |
| CMP $0, g |
| BEQ needm |
| |
| MOVD g_m(g), R8 |
| MOVD R8, savedm-8(SP) |
| B havem |
| |
| needm: |
| MOVD g, savedm-8(SP) // g is zero, so is m. |
| MOVD $runtime·needm(SB), R0 |
| BL (R0) |
| |
| // Set m->sched.sp = SP, so that if a panic happens |
| // during the function we are about to execute, it will |
| // have a valid SP to run on the g0 stack. |
| // The next few lines (after the havem label) |
| // will save this SP onto the stack and then write |
| // the same SP back to m->sched.sp. That seems redundant, |
| // but if an unrecovered panic happens, unwindm will |
| // restore the g->sched.sp from the stack location |
| // and then systemstack will try to use it. If we don't set it here, |
| // that restored SP will be uninitialized (typically 0) and |
| // will not be usable. |
| MOVD g_m(g), R8 |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), R3 |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R3) |
| |
| havem: |
| // Now there's a valid m, and we're running on its m->g0. |
| // Save current m->g0->sched.sp on stack and then set it to SP. |
| // Save current sp in m->g0->sched.sp in preparation for |
| // switch back to m->curg stack. |
| // NOTE: unwindm knows that the saved g->sched.sp is at 16(RSP) aka savedsp-16(SP). |
| // Beware that the frame size is actually 32. |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), R3 |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R3), R4 |
| MOVD R4, savedsp-16(SP) |
| MOVD RSP, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R3) |
| |
| // Switch to m->curg stack and call runtime.cgocallbackg. |
| // Because we are taking over the execution of m->curg |
| // but *not* resuming what had been running, we need to |
| // save that information (m->curg->sched) so we can restore it. |
| // We can restore m->curg->sched.sp easily, because calling |
| // runtime.cgocallbackg leaves SP unchanged upon return. |
| // To save m->curg->sched.pc, we push it onto the stack. |
| // This has the added benefit that it looks to the traceback |
| // routine like cgocallbackg is going to return to that |
| // PC (because the frame we allocate below has the same |
| // size as cgocallback_gofunc's frame declared above) |
| // so that the traceback will seamlessly trace back into |
| // the earlier calls. |
| // |
| // In the new goroutine, -8(SP) is unused (where SP refers to |
| // m->curg's SP while we're setting it up, before we've adjusted it). |
| MOVD m_curg(R8), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R4 // prepare stack as R4 |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g), R5 |
| MOVD R5, -(24+8)(R4) |
| MOVD ctxt+24(FP), R0 |
| MOVD R0, -(16+8)(R4) |
| MOVD $-(24+8)(R4), R0 // maintain 16-byte SP alignment |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| BL runtime·cgocallbackg(SB) |
| |
| // Restore g->sched (== m->curg->sched) from saved values. |
| MOVD 0(RSP), R5 |
| MOVD R5, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g) |
| MOVD RSP, R4 |
| ADD $(24+8), R4, R4 |
| MOVD R4, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| |
| // Switch back to m->g0's stack and restore m->g0->sched.sp. |
| // (Unlike m->curg, the g0 goroutine never uses sched.pc, |
| // so we do not have to restore it.) |
| MOVD g_m(g), R8 |
| MOVD m_g0(R8), g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), R0 |
| MOVD R0, RSP |
| MOVD savedsp-16(SP), R4 |
| MOVD R4, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g) |
| |
| // If the m on entry was nil, we called needm above to borrow an m |
| // for the duration of the call. Since the call is over, return it with dropm. |
| MOVD savedm-8(SP), R6 |
| CMP $0, R6 |
| BNE droppedm |
| MOVD $runtime·dropm(SB), R0 |
| BL (R0) |
| droppedm: |
| |
| // Done! |
| RET |
| |
| // Called from cgo wrappers, this function returns g->m->curg.stack.hi. |
| // Must obey the gcc calling convention. |
| TEXT _cgo_topofstack(SB),NOSPLIT,$24 |
| // g (R28) and REGTMP (R27) might be clobbered by load_g. They |
| // are callee-save in the gcc calling convention, so save them. |
| MOVD R27, savedR27-8(SP) |
| MOVD g, saveG-16(SP) |
| |
| BL runtime·load_g(SB) |
| MOVD g_m(g), R0 |
| MOVD m_curg(R0), R0 |
| MOVD (g_stack+stack_hi)(R0), R0 |
| |
| MOVD saveG-16(SP), g |
| MOVD savedR28-8(SP), R27 |
| RET |
| |
| // void setg(G*); set g. for use by needm. |
| TEXT runtime·setg(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8 |
| MOVD gg+0(FP), g |
| // This only happens if iscgo, so jump straight to save_g |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| RET |
| |
| // void setg_gcc(G*); set g called from gcc |
| TEXT setg_gcc<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$8 |
| MOVD R0, g |
| MOVD R27, savedR27-8(SP) |
| BL runtime·save_g(SB) |
| MOVD savedR27-8(SP), R27 |
| RET |
| |
| TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-8 |
| MOVD 0(RSP), R0 // LR saved by caller |
| MOVD R0, ret+0(FP) |
| RET |
| |
| TEXT runtime·abort(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| B (ZR) |
| |
| // memequal(a, b unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) bool |
| TEXT runtime·memequal(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-25 |
| MOVD size+16(FP), R1 |
| // short path to handle 0-byte case |
| CBZ R1, equal |
| MOVD a+0(FP), R0 |
| MOVD b+8(FP), R2 |
| MOVD $ret+24(FP), R8 |
| B runtime·memeqbody<>(SB) |
| equal: |
| MOVD $1, R0 |
| MOVB R0, ret+24(FP) |
| RET |
| |
| // memequal_varlen(a, b unsafe.Pointer) bool |
| TEXT runtime·memequal_varlen(SB),NOSPLIT,$40-17 |
| MOVD a+0(FP), R3 |
| MOVD b+8(FP), R4 |
| CMP R3, R4 |
| BEQ eq |
| MOVD 8(R26), R5 // compiler stores size at offset 8 in the closure |
| MOVD R3, 8(RSP) |
| MOVD R4, 16(RSP) |
| MOVD R5, 24(RSP) |
| BL runtime·memequal(SB) |
| MOVBU 32(RSP), R3 |
| MOVB R3, ret+16(FP) |
| RET |
| eq: |
| MOVD $1, R3 |
| MOVB R3, ret+16(FP) |
| RET |
| |
| TEXT runtime·cmpstring(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-40 |
| MOVD s1_base+0(FP), R2 |
| MOVD s1_len+8(FP), R0 |
| MOVD s2_base+16(FP), R3 |
| MOVD s2_len+24(FP), R1 |
| ADD $40, RSP, R7 |
| B runtime·cmpbody<>(SB) |
| |
| TEXT bytes·Compare(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-56 |
| MOVD s1+0(FP), R2 |
| MOVD s1+8(FP), R0 |
| MOVD s2+24(FP), R3 |
| MOVD s2+32(FP), R1 |
| ADD $56, RSP, R7 |
| B runtime·cmpbody<>(SB) |
| |
| // On entry: |
| // R0 is the length of s1 |
| // R1 is the length of s2 |
| // R2 points to the start of s1 |
| // R3 points to the start of s2 |
| // R7 points to return value (-1/0/1 will be written here) |
| // |
| // On exit: |
| // R4, R5, and R6 are clobbered |
| TEXT runtime·cmpbody<>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| CMP R2, R3 |
| BEQ samebytes // same starting pointers; compare lengths |
| CMP R0, R1 |
| CSEL LT, R1, R0, R6 // R6 is min(R0, R1) |
| |
| ADD R2, R6 // R2 is current byte in s1, R6 is last byte in s1 to compare |
| loop: |
| CMP R2, R6 |
| BEQ samebytes // all compared bytes were the same; compare lengths |
| MOVBU.P 1(R2), R4 |
| MOVBU.P 1(R3), R5 |
| CMP R4, R5 |
| BEQ loop |
| // bytes differed |
| MOVD $1, R4 |
| CSNEG LT, R4, R4, R4 |
| MOVD R4, (R7) |
| RET |
| samebytes: |
| MOVD $1, R4 |
| CMP R0, R1 |
| CSNEG LT, R4, R4, R4 |
| CSEL EQ, ZR, R4, R4 |
| MOVD R4, (R7) |
| RET |
| |
| // |
| // functions for other packages |
| // |
| TEXT bytes·IndexByte(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 |
| MOVD b+0(FP), R0 |
| MOVD b_len+8(FP), R2 |
| MOVBU c+24(FP), R1 |
| MOVD $ret+32(FP), R8 |
| B runtime·indexbytebody<>(SB) |
| |
| TEXT strings·IndexByte(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-32 |
| MOVD s+0(FP), R0 |
| MOVD s_len+8(FP), R2 |
| MOVBU c+16(FP), R1 |
| MOVD $ret+24(FP), R8 |
| B runtime·indexbytebody<>(SB) |
| |
| // input: |
| // R0: data |
| // R1: byte to search |
| // R2: data len |
| // R8: address to put result |
| TEXT runtime·indexbytebody<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 |
| // Core algorithm: |
| // For each 32-byte chunk we calculate a 64-bit syndrome value, |
| // with two bits per byte. For each tuple, bit 0 is set if the |
| // relevant byte matched the requested character and bit 1 is |
| // not used (faster than using a 32bit syndrome). Since the bits |
| // in the syndrome reflect exactly the order in which things occur |
| // in the original string, counting trailing zeros allows to |
| // identify exactly which byte has matched. |
| |
| CBZ R2, fail |
| MOVD R0, R11 |
| // Magic constant 0x40100401 allows us to identify |
| // which lane matches the requested byte. |
| // 0x40100401 = ((1<<0) + (4<<8) + (16<<16) + (64<<24)) |
| // Different bytes have different bit masks (i.e: 1, 4, 16, 64) |
| MOVD $0x40100401, R5 |
| VMOV R1, V0.B16 |
| // Work with aligned 32-byte chunks |
| BIC $0x1f, R0, R3 |
| VMOV R5, V5.S4 |
| ANDS $0x1f, R0, R9 |
| AND $0x1f, R2, R10 |
| BEQ loop |
| |
| // Input string is not 32-byte aligned. We calculate the |
| // syndrome value for the aligned 32 bytes block containing |
| // the first bytes and mask off the irrelevant part. |
| VLD1.P (R3), [V1.B16, V2.B16] |
| SUB $0x20, R9, R4 |
| ADDS R4, R2, R2 |
| VCMEQ V0.B16, V1.B16, V3.B16 |
| VCMEQ V0.B16, V2.B16, V4.B16 |
| VAND V5.B16, V3.B16, V3.B16 |
| VAND V5.B16, V4.B16, V4.B16 |
| VADDP V4.B16, V3.B16, V6.B16 // 256->128 |
| VADDP V6.B16, V6.B16, V6.B16 // 128->64 |
| VMOV V6.D[0], R6 |
| // Clear the irrelevant lower bits |
| LSL $1, R9, R4 |
| LSR R4, R6, R6 |
| LSL R4, R6, R6 |
| // The first block can also be the last |
| BLS masklast |
| // Have we found something already? |
| CBNZ R6, tail |
| |
| loop: |
| VLD1.P (R3), [V1.B16, V2.B16] |
| SUBS $0x20, R2, R2 |
| VCMEQ V0.B16, V1.B16, V3.B16 |
| VCMEQ V0.B16, V2.B16, V4.B16 |
| // If we're out of data we finish regardless of the result |
| BLS end |
| // Use a fast check for the termination condition |
| VORR V4.B16, V3.B16, V6.B16 |
| VADDP V6.D2, V6.D2, V6.D2 |
| VMOV V6.D[0], R6 |
| // We're not out of data, loop if we haven't found the character |
| CBZ R6, loop |
| |
| end: |
| // Termination condition found, let's calculate the syndrome value |
| VAND V5.B16, V3.B16, V3.B16 |
| VAND V5.B16, V4.B16, V4.B16 |
| VADDP V4.B16, V3.B16, V6.B16 |
| VADDP V6.B16, V6.B16, V6.B16 |
| VMOV V6.D[0], R6 |
| // Only do the clear for the last possible block with less than 32 bytes |
| // Condition flags come from SUBS in the loop |
| BHS tail |
| |
| masklast: |
| // Clear the irrelevant upper bits |
| ADD R9, R10, R4 |
| AND $0x1f, R4, R4 |
| SUB $0x20, R4, R4 |
| NEG R4<<1, R4 |
| LSL R4, R6, R6 |
| LSR R4, R6, R6 |
| |
| tail: |
| // Check that we have found a character |
| CBZ R6, fail |
| // Count the trailing zeros using bit reversing |
| RBIT R6, R6 |
| // Compensate the last post-increment |
| SUB $0x20, R3, R3 |
| // And count the leading zeros |
| CLZ R6, R6 |
| // R6 is twice the offset into the fragment |
| ADD R6>>1, R3, R0 |
| // Compute the offset result |
| SUB R11, R0, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (R8) |
| RET |
| |
| fail: |
| MOVD $-1, R0 |
| MOVD R0, (R8) |
| RET |
| |
| // Equal(a, b []byte) bool |
| TEXT bytes·Equal(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-49 |
| MOVD a_len+8(FP), R1 |
| MOVD b_len+32(FP), R3 |
| CMP R1, R3 |
| // unequal lengths are not equal |
| BNE not_equal |
| // short path to handle 0-byte case |
| CBZ R1, equal |
| MOVD a+0(FP), R0 |
| MOVD b+24(FP), R2 |
| MOVD $ret+48(FP), R8 |
| B runtime·memeqbody<>(SB) |
| equal: |
| MOVD $1, R0 |
| MOVB R0, ret+48(FP) |
| RET |
| not_equal: |
| MOVB ZR, ret+48(FP) |
| RET |
| |
| // input: |
| // R0: pointer a |
| // R1: data len |
| // R2: pointer b |
| // R8: address to put result |
| TEXT runtime·memeqbody<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 |
| CMP $1, R1 |
| // handle 1-byte special case for better performance |
| BEQ one |
| CMP $16, R1 |
| // handle specially if length < 16 |
| BLO tail |
| BIC $0x3f, R1, R3 |
| CBZ R3, chunk16 |
| // work with 64-byte chunks |
| ADD R3, R0, R6 // end of chunks |
| chunk64_loop: |
| VLD1.P (R0), [V0.D2, V1.D2, V2.D2, V3.D2] |
| VLD1.P (R2), [V4.D2, V5.D2, V6.D2, V7.D2] |
| VCMEQ V0.D2, V4.D2, V8.D2 |
| VCMEQ V1.D2, V5.D2, V9.D2 |
| VCMEQ V2.D2, V6.D2, V10.D2 |
| VCMEQ V3.D2, V7.D2, V11.D2 |
| VAND V8.B16, V9.B16, V8.B16 |
| VAND V8.B16, V10.B16, V8.B16 |
| VAND V8.B16, V11.B16, V8.B16 |
| CMP R0, R6 |
| VMOV V8.D[0], R4 |
| VMOV V8.D[1], R5 |
| CBZ R4, not_equal |
| CBZ R5, not_equal |
| BNE chunk64_loop |
| AND $0x3f, R1, R1 |
| CBZ R1, equal |
| chunk16: |
| // work with 16-byte chunks |
| BIC $0xf, R1, R3 |
| CBZ R3, tail |
| ADD R3, R0, R6 // end of chunks |
| chunk16_loop: |
| VLD1.P (R0), [V0.D2] |
| VLD1.P (R2), [V1.D2] |
| VCMEQ V0.D2, V1.D2, V2.D2 |
| CMP R0, R6 |
| VMOV V2.D[0], R4 |
| VMOV V2.D[1], R5 |
| CBZ R4, not_equal |
| CBZ R5, not_equal |
| BNE chunk16_loop |
| AND $0xf, R1, R1 |
| CBZ R1, equal |
| tail: |
| // special compare of tail with length < 16 |
| TBZ $3, R1, lt_8 |
| MOVD.P 8(R0), R4 |
| MOVD.P 8(R2), R5 |
| CMP R4, R5 |
| BNE not_equal |
| lt_8: |
| TBZ $2, R1, lt_4 |
| MOVWU.P 4(R0), R4 |
| MOVWU.P 4(R2), R5 |
| CMP R4, R5 |
| BNE not_equal |
| lt_4: |
| TBZ $1, R1, lt_2 |
| MOVHU.P 2(R0), R4 |
| MOVHU.P 2(R2), R5 |
| CMP R4, R5 |
| BNE not_equal |
| lt_2: |
| TBZ $0, R1, equal |
| one: |
| MOVBU (R0), R4 |
| MOVBU (R2), R5 |
| CMP R4, R5 |
| BNE not_equal |
| equal: |
| MOVD $1, R0 |
| MOVB R0, (R8) |
| RET |
| not_equal: |
| MOVB ZR, (R8) |
| RET |
| |
| TEXT runtime·return0(SB), NOSPLIT, $0 |
| MOVW $0, R0 |
| RET |
| |
| // The top-most function running on a goroutine |
| // returns to goexit+PCQuantum. |
| TEXT runtime·goexit(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 |
| MOVD R0, R0 // NOP |
| BL runtime·goexit1(SB) // does not return |
| |
| TEXT runtime·sigreturn(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 |
| RET |
| |
| // This is called from .init_array and follows the platform, not Go, ABI. |
| TEXT runtime·addmoduledata(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 |
| SUB $0x10, RSP |
| MOVD R27, 8(RSP) // The access to global variables below implicitly uses R27, which is callee-save |
| MOVD runtime·lastmoduledatap(SB), R1 |
| MOVD R0, moduledata_next(R1) |
| MOVD R0, runtime·lastmoduledatap(SB) |
| MOVD 8(RSP), R27 |
| ADD $0x10, RSP |
| RET |
| |
| TEXT ·checkASM(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-1 |
| MOVW $1, R3 |
| MOVB R3, ret+0(FP) |
| RET |