blob: a5a772b49179e4b5b934a4842cb88d2d1243af6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ppc64
import (
func zerorange(pp *gc.Progs, p *obj.Prog, off, cnt int64, _ *uint32) *obj.Prog {
if cnt == 0 {
return p
if cnt < int64(4*gc.Widthptr) {
for i := int64(0); i < cnt; i += int64(gc.Widthptr) {
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AMOVD, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGZERO, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, ppc64.REGSP, gc.Ctxt.FixedFrameSize()+off+i)
} else if cnt <= int64(128*gc.Widthptr) {
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AADD, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, gc.Ctxt.FixedFrameSize()+off-8, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGRT1, 0)
p.Reg = ppc64.REGSP
p = pp.Appendpp(p, obj.ADUFFZERO, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, 0, 0)
p.To.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
p.To.Sym = gc.Duffzero
p.To.Offset = 4 * (128 - cnt/int64(gc.Widthptr))
} else {
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AMOVD, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, gc.Ctxt.FixedFrameSize()+off-8, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGTMP, 0)
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AADD, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGTMP, 0, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGRT1, 0)
p.Reg = ppc64.REGSP
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AMOVD, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, cnt, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGTMP, 0)
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AADD, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGTMP, 0, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGRT2, 0)
p.Reg = ppc64.REGRT1
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.AMOVDU, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGZERO, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, ppc64.REGRT1, int64(gc.Widthptr))
p1 := p
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.ACMP, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGRT1, 0, obj.TYPE_REG, ppc64.REGRT2, 0)
p = pp.Appendpp(p, ppc64.ABNE, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_BRANCH, 0, 0)
gc.Patch(p, p1)
return p
func ginsnop(pp *gc.Progs) *obj.Prog {
p := pp.Prog(ppc64.AOR)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = ppc64.REG_R0
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = ppc64.REG_R0
return p
func ginsnopdefer(pp *gc.Progs) *obj.Prog {
// On PPC64 two nops are required in the defer case.
// (see gc/cgen.go, gc/plive.go -- copy of comment below)
// On ppc64, when compiling Go into position
// independent code on ppc64le we insert an
// instruction to reload the TOC pointer from the
// stack as well. See the long comment near
// jmpdefer in runtime/asm_ppc64.s for why.
// If the MOVD is not needed, insert a hardware NOP
// so that the same number of instructions are used
// on ppc64 in both shared and non-shared modes.
if gc.Ctxt.Flag_shared {
p := pp.Prog(ppc64.AMOVD)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.From.Offset = 24
p.From.Reg = ppc64.REGSP
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = ppc64.REG_R2
return p
return ginsnop(pp)